Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
How nice of you to take the time to make undeveloped responses, out of context, and BTW, there is unlimited edit time, double posting isn't appropriate or sanctioned. Good of you to join the community
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
I pointed out that persons ignorance because he said there are no dragons beyond the bone dragons in Kryta, and that they were a long dead race. Really, anyone who hasn't bothered to play through or study the game has no place making speculations about what does and doesn't belong, since they don't know enough to comment. The point I defended is that Dragons are in GW already, and there where not only living Dragons in Tyria, but there were future offspring, readily noticable when you meet glint for the first time. A PERFECT set up for future involvement with dragons.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
Crowding is a very weak difficulty, truely, there are not enough people to make a decent party in current chapters for most areas, the only place you see alot of people is in bonified cities, and retro chapters get even less action, crowding is an extreme mute point, on top of which preperation can be made in the event of such addition. As you might know, there are multiple storage agents in populated areas to make more room for players to access NPCs in town, furthermore, better access can be invented to avoid this problem altogether, this has next to nothing to do with whether dragons are an enjoyable or acceptable character option, only pointless and easily remedied difficulties.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
The size I had in mind is about the size of a Wallow, maybe a slight bit bigger, smaller than something like a Yak. Size and blocking is a useful tactic to add to the game, as even Warriors "tank" possition really only helps them survive, and makes them key units to send in first. A character class which causes extra blocking is in a possition to provide better defense via blocking to his allies. But if I didn't make it clear enough, the option to fly over other characters allows Dragons to remove character blocking from the equation, in their favor of course.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
I never said there was no way to "humanize" dragons either, I said that anything short of a Dragon is weak, and going for second and third attractions is a mistake. I already mentioned that a good way to make Dragons more functional in town is to have Human counterparts, or avatars which roam about wile they are in town. Note Glints "projection" in Droknars forge, Dragons could make an astral image to help them navigate peaceful areas.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
People brought up the idea that it would be easier to have a human which turned into a dragon when they left town, well that comes second to a dragon who can turn into a human to enter town, working up to dragon is never as good as working down from it, being the dragon is impressive because you actually are a dragon, not a human imitating one. And to update that issue, Dervish can turn into avatars of the Gods, Why would someone practice the art of turning into something less than the most powerful beings in exsistance? Imitating a dragon comes second to imitating a god, but being a dragon is just as good.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
And obviously you are another brief skimmer and don't bother to even capture the founding plot of the idea, a Dragon "Character" is different than other Profession based classes because it cannot combine with other Professions for alternate capabilities, the basis of this idea is introducing creatures as playable characters, which arn't just different looking humanoids with the same pool of classes to draw from, but unique Creature classes which have Singular class attributes and functions, without the combination of other profession based classes at their disposal, Dragon was just my primary aim for this idea, good of you to recognize it.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
Thank you for restating all of the above with nothing new to add to the conversation except that there are even more lazy, and brief (and likely less capable than I will bother to describe) People out there to prejudge an idea, instead of taking the time to consider the idea or learn what has been developed from the begining and thus far.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
P.S. closer inspection will show that many of the people who think the idea doesn't even work still like dragons and think it would be cool, they just don't think it will work, I am not the only person who has an interest in the most impressive creature in fantasy....