I've noticed that a lot of the players in THK look like this:
W/Mo, lvl 20, 170 attributes, uninfused, tank with selfheals, full armourset, useless sundring sword of whatever, useless shield.
should be:
W/*, lvl 20, 200 attributes, infused, damagewar/tank with maybe 1 selfheal, 1 piece of knights/ascalon armour+rest full plate or gladiators or a mix, max damage +15% elemental/vampiric/furious/zealous axe or sword of fortitude/defense, collectors crimson carapace.
There is no excuse not to have 200 attribute points, no excuse to not be infused, selfheals are crap because you'll do less damage or your tanking will be less effective and you'll have monks to heal you.
There is no excuse not to have a max damage sword or axe with 15%^50 or in stance/enchanted. You can buy this weapon for 5k + some materials at the trader in droknars forge.
There is no excuse to not have a max armour shield with -2 damage absorb and +45 health in a stance. This shield is much more useful than your tall shield with -1 damage absorb (chance 3%). You can buy a shield with -2 damage absorb and +45 health in stance for 2k or for 2 bleached shells.
Perfect equipment is cheap. Using pretty things that don't do damage will piss off the monks.
Either be a tank or a damage war. Ask your team what they need. If you want to tank, remember this: wild blow is used by jade armours and it will cancel your stance, mending is an enchantment and will be stripped. Choose wisely.
If you want to be a damagewar (every noob will tell you to be tank and that in pve a warrior is supposed to be a tank). Try to bring stuff that does good damage. Swordwarriors with bleeding aren't very useful here because jade armours don't bleed. The deep wound of an axe is better here. Bring an interrupt skill. If you don't have these skills, go back and do the smaller quests or buy the skills. You're useless in fire islands if you only have sever artery and gash.
If you want to use axe, I believe there is a boss in THK who has cleave, it's an elite
If you're a damagewar, you can get away with bringing only 1 defensive skill. Bring something that lets you evade hits or something like that (look into War/mesmer, War/Ranger and War/Elementalist profession combos for this).
Bring balanced stance to not get knocked down when you're busy chopping the enemies into pieces. Knockdown makes you lose time that is better spent on doing damage.
However, if your team is halfway decent, all you need to do is stop enemies from reaching your backline (where the monks and eles and others should be). It's very common to see a full enemy group go down before the warrior even gets close enough to start slashing away at it. This means you might be better off as a tank..; it's a dilemma
If your equipment sucks, your build sucks and your attitude sucks, the monks won't like you.
I type too much.
R/*, lvl 20, 170 attributes, useless equipment...
Should be:
R/*, lvl 20, 200 attributes, useful equipment, useful build.
Same as with warrior. Upgrade your equipment. Using ugly weapons that are good is better than using cool weapons that are crap. If you really really like using fancy shmancy weapons, use them in a different mission, NOT THK.
Ask what the plan is and bring the right skills. High marksmanship is good to kill the boss. (everyone wants to kill the normal monsters first, you can kill the boss in the keep first and the monsters later. Of you do it this way, you won't get trapped between a shitload of monsters near the throne area.)
You should be able to snipe the boss with ranged weapons, warriors should use their own ranged weapons too.
If you don't snipe the boss but instead, you rush in, together with everyone else, and get degen on your butt... then the monks won't like it.
Eles, necros, mesmers
I used to play a smiting wammo in THK before the aoe update.
I don't anymore.
But eles do.
Aoe makes monsters run away, when they run away, some of the more stupid warriors will follow the monsters. They will then aggro everything, they will die, the monsters will target the casters, everyone is dead, monk has to heal like crazy, gets yelled at...
They don't like that.
It's fun to see the entire team trying to res you but it doesn't really help...
It gives other monks a bad name and they won't like that.
I hope this answers your question as to why there aren't that many monks in THK =D
One thing I am sure of is that most pugs in thk don't do enough damage.
If you don't kill something before it kills you,... logic...
you're dead.
How to do more damage? Better equipment, better strategy. Groupbuild!
edit: I said selfheals are crap. I meant selfheals like healingbreeze and selfheals you don't really need. Healing sig is a good selfheal but you'll take more damage if you use it. Warriors should work on damage prevention and not on outhealing the damage they take. That's why equipment matters....