What is your favorite Prof*
2 good 4 you
I was just asked a ? from my bro "What is your favorite profetion" Well my response was why dont we ask on the forums. So if you could reply it would be most kind. lol

Silent Kitty
I hate hack and slash, so I play anything but that. Nuff said.
For me, it would probably be student. So easy!
For me, it would probably be student. So easy!
King's Spectre
Love the much maligned warriors.
B Ephekt
Necro or Mesmer, hands down.
Toss up between necro and Ranger. I've even thought of combining the two but I have yet to figure out a really good way to do it.
I like them all in their own way but my favorite would have to be monk or mesmer.
Ranger, fo'sho. I love the versatility and don't forget the pets. Pets FTW.
Mesmer or... ele.
Monk and Eles
Its all about monking mostly
Its all about monking mostly
I love them all but let's see favorite.Hmmm, I guess Necro or ele for me. After Factions though, it might change

ALICE WInterLand
MESMER is the fun way to do it
I tend to prefer my ranger, but the only profession I haven't really liked much is warrior.
Warrior is my favourite.. Ranger is quickly becoming my favourite secondary.
I like them all except necro. For some reason, I just can't get into playing a necro.
I was partial to my ranger, but then I got saw a friends MM and now I really like my Necro MM with a good curese build back up.
It really depends on you presonality. I have a warrior, she is my go to girl, when I need to get that body part for the collector item I cal on her. Now that I have the good running skills she may soon be my money maker.
These are mine. What you like to play is different. What kind of perssonality do you have.
Are you the "GOGOGO, KILL, KILL!!!" type of person (granted no one likes this type) or the type that wants to be in the think of things, then a warrior is for your.
Ragers are the jack-of-all trades they are the sniper type, they can trap, they can do little tanking, got some good running, these are the don't take the game to seriuoisly type.
Ele, can be somed up by an ele comment "lets just knock that pionty head down with meteor" I'm kind of partial to lighting, a good example of a good ele is the Kryta Bomber vid. althought eles acn do more Nuker is the preferred style.
I only like mesmers when the they ar eon my side, a good shut down mesmer can take out anyone, there have been times where the mmes has taken out every attack I made, then smacked the degens on me. I made a nice corpse that day.
Then there are the necros, ypou got the minion, curses, blood ruituals to help out, it is just ccol to see a minion swarm.
Monks are the most under apreicated charcter available right now, a good nay never be noticed, a bad monk right away. These really have to be the most skilled players. Monks also need to have the thickest skin, even the best monks can't save a bad team but they still will get the blame.
It really depends on you presonality. I have a warrior, she is my go to girl, when I need to get that body part for the collector item I cal on her. Now that I have the good running skills she may soon be my money maker.
These are mine. What you like to play is different. What kind of perssonality do you have.
Are you the "GOGOGO, KILL, KILL!!!" type of person (granted no one likes this type) or the type that wants to be in the think of things, then a warrior is for your.
Ragers are the jack-of-all trades they are the sniper type, they can trap, they can do little tanking, got some good running, these are the don't take the game to seriuoisly type.
Ele, can be somed up by an ele comment "lets just knock that pionty head down with meteor" I'm kind of partial to lighting, a good example of a good ele is the Kryta Bomber vid. althought eles acn do more Nuker is the preferred style.
I only like mesmers when the they ar eon my side, a good shut down mesmer can take out anyone, there have been times where the mmes has taken out every attack I made, then smacked the degens on me. I made a nice corpse that day.
Then there are the necros, ypou got the minion, curses, blood ruituals to help out, it is just ccol to see a minion swarm.
Monks are the most under apreicated charcter available right now, a good nay never be noticed, a bad monk right away. These really have to be the most skilled players. Monks also need to have the thickest skin, even the best monks can't save a bad team but they still will get the blame.
Rayne Nightfyre
Mesmer, of course.

Lets Get to Healing
My necro is my first character ever, and I'm still quite fond of her... but I absolutely love my monk. Got a new ele, which is fun too...
I miss my FPE Assassin most of all, though. I think she'd have to be my favorite.
I miss my FPE Assassin most of all, though. I think she'd have to be my favorite.
Count to Potato
Ele, too much flexibility
Ele > Ranger > Mesmer > Warrior > Monk > Necro
1. Monk
2. Mesmer
3. Necro
4. Ranger
5. Elementalist
6. Ritualist
7. Assassin
8. Warrior
2. Mesmer
3. Necro
4. Ranger
5. Elementalist
6. Ritualist
7. Assassin
8. Warrior
I like MONKS eventhough i havent played mine for long
Necromancer, definitely. There's so much versatility in what you can do -- team support (Battery, Orders), Offensive (SS, FoC, Chilblains / Plague Sending, and other Curses builds, and now I'm toying with WotP and WoS), leading and maintaining armies (MM), degen / anticaster (MoS, Rend Enchants; especially works well as N/Me), poison / epidemicist (probably my next "project," unless Factions detours me with something else). If I want it to be, it's a new game every time I play -- or at least in terms of play style.
Perhaps the other professions have this versatility too, and it's simply the Necro that I've managed to delve into. Certainly, I enjoy Mesmer to soem extent, but with not near enough possible combinations. Ranger is tempting, now that I've been "awakened" to trapper and spirit builds and my next dedicated slot will probably be for a Monk, but so far this one has proven the most interesting to explore, for me.
Perhaps the other professions have this versatility too, and it's simply the Necro that I've managed to delve into. Certainly, I enjoy Mesmer to soem extent, but with not near enough possible combinations. Ranger is tempting, now that I've been "awakened" to trapper and spirit builds and my next dedicated slot will probably be for a Monk, but so far this one has proven the most interesting to explore, for me.
My order of preference follows the order of creation.
1. Ranger. So many different builds!
2. Mesmer. <3 the tricks.
3. Elementalist. I love Earth Magic.
4. Necro. Honestly, i'm a noob there. Still have to learn more about it to appreciate it.
1. Ranger. So many different builds!
2. Mesmer. <3 the tricks.
3. Elementalist. I love Earth Magic.
4. Necro. Honestly, i'm a noob there. Still have to learn more about it to appreciate it.
I like to play my monk in PvE, but thats because i solo and dont have to deal with duma$$ people, but my favorite PvP is necro or mesmer
My favorite is necro.
my favorite char is the MONK. u will rarely see me play mele chars. i am also fond of my necro but i rarely use it these days.
Originally Posted by ALICE WInterLand
MESMER is the fun way to do it

Lord Iowerth
1. Ranger - second best AL in the game, ranged attacks, conditions, spirits, stances, traps, EXPERTISE is possibly the best primary attribute ever ... so versatile. what more could you ask?
2. Necromancer - there's something satisfying about controlling an undead army ... call it my dark side if you want
3. Mesmer - "Why are you hitting yourself? Huh? Huh? Why are you hitting yourself?"
4. Monk - a definite challenge, and makes you feel good to play.
5. Warrior - as much as people like to flame W's, they have their good points.
6. Elementalist - well ... erm, they can do tons of damage! Earth-line wards/armoring is by far my favorite.
2. Necromancer - there's something satisfying about controlling an undead army ... call it my dark side if you want

3. Mesmer - "Why are you hitting yourself? Huh? Huh? Why are you hitting yourself?"
4. Monk - a definite challenge, and makes you feel good to play.
5. Warrior - as much as people like to flame W's, they have their good points.
6. Elementalist - well ... erm, they can do tons of damage! Earth-line wards/armoring is by far my favorite.
Is this PVP or PVE? I'll do my order of preference for PVP first.
**This means its my opinion that I'm not forcing onto anyone ever. Not saying this to anyone in particular. ^^
**This means its my opinion that I'm not forcing onto anyone ever. Not saying this to anyone in particular. ^^
Ele (moved down for emphasis)
Ele (moved down for emphasis)
Jas D
Mine's necromancer.. but mesmer coming very very close.
1) Monk - so rewarding.
2) Mesmer - so devious and others don't expect such great disruption. Anti warrior and anti caster.
3) Necro - Minions! blood support and mega life stealing. Also the anti-PvE...SS.
4) Ele - high dmg and anti-warrior skills.
5) Ranger - versatile but dmg isn't great. Not much fun.
6) Warrior - not much brains involved - simple hack n slash. Too overpowered - got to Hell's Precipice in a weekend O_o.
2) Mesmer - so devious and others don't expect such great disruption. Anti warrior and anti caster.
3) Necro - Minions! blood support and mega life stealing. Also the anti-PvE...SS.
4) Ele - high dmg and anti-warrior skills.
5) Ranger - versatile but dmg isn't great. Not much fun.
6) Warrior - not much brains involved - simple hack n slash. Too overpowered - got to Hell's Precipice in a weekend O_o.
Necro and Ranger, I love curses and Pets!
Kool Pajamas
1. Ranger
2. Necro
3. Ele
4. Mesmer
5. War
6. Monk
1. Necro
2. Ele
3. Ranger
4. War
5. Mesmer
6. Monk
I'm not a big fan of healing as you can see. I dont hate playing any profession, just some are a tad more fun than others most of the time. Mesmer I just dont have much experience with besides random arena.
1. Ranger
2. Necro
3. Ele
4. Mesmer
5. War
6. Monk
1. Necro
2. Ele
3. Ranger
4. War
5. Mesmer
6. Monk
I'm not a big fan of healing as you can see. I dont hate playing any profession, just some are a tad more fun than others most of the time. Mesmer I just dont have much experience with besides random arena.
Francis Demeules
Mesmer and Ranger.I can't debate them for my favorite
When Factions comes out: Ritualist, Assassins, Mesmer and Ranger.
When Factions comes out: Ritualist, Assassins, Mesmer and Ranger.
Rangers FTW