Confused... Warrior with Droks armor



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Infinite Monkeys [TYPE]


um, just to follow up on the echo mending thing, you could be a wa/me and use arcane thievery to steal mending from another pc/npc, but since you have 0 healing prayers, it wouldn't be very good (probably only +1 hp regen).




hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


Because once in a while, every warrior should stop body blocking and fighting long enough to cast arcane thievery.... *cries*


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Tools

Originally Posted by tuf pepper
evry healing skill uses 10+ energy so lets say I have 45 energy thats only 4 ppl I can heal unless I have word of healing witch I always have on since it only needs 5 energy to use and its a life saver when evry thing hits the fan and all the casters
Im speechless.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by shadowfell
I would imagine this was all jokes in the name of sarcasm, which in that case, hah funny, but making fun of whammos, etc is no real way to help someone who was asking for help because he felt he was doing something wrong...

If this was not jokes.. and you were dead serious about echoing mending, it's impossible to do on a warrior primary, because echo is a mesmer skill and mending, is a monk skill.

Either way, jeers.
Its a Guild Wars Guru specific joke. Sorry if it was sort of an inside joke.

There are a couple screen shots and posts around about it here. A lot of the people who post on these forums daily know about it/see the humor in it. "echo mending ftw" is meant to sound/be retardedly n00bish.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by tuf pepper
hi lol

my skill bar changes almost on evry battle I go in but some skills stay the same the only two 10 energy skills i always bring is breeze and heal other
the rest depends on what i plain on fighting and doing...

ok for the rest of you all...I KNOW what to do and what to bring this thread was started by some one who was NEW to the game am i not wrong?? if so and he was just new to that char well sry for speking up for the bloddy monk.... was explainign or trying to explain the basic monk skills a new monk has to use untill he gets new skills to use so when ever your in ascolan or around kryta your still going to meet NEW people to the game and also NEW ppl to the monk build and hasnt really had enough experience in it yet and is still basicly working on the same high energy skill's....

ok enough said... if you havent seen how i played and wht i do dont just say holy crap hes a bad monk all i can do is laough at how stupid they sound to me and yes in typing evry thing i said probly sounded stupid but in all it is what a new monk has to work with untill farther in the game they get and sry i didnt really say for new monsk and you all decided to jump on my back and talk all the crap ..... well if any of you still want to talk about thsi go ahead I'm done talking about it

only the first half was to you (Beat_Go_Stick) not the rest of it

I have to agree this is a Very Inefficient method of monking

Sig Of Devotion
Word Of Healing {E}
Mantra Of Inscriptions

I cannot (PVE) Think of any reason at all why any (Healing) monk should be without these skills, these 3 skills alone are enough to heal a good sized group, and you still have 5 slots for Rez, condition removal, heal party (mass degen counter) and hex removal

@ original poster

Im sure its been mention, but i cba to skim

1: make sure your not aggroing too large a group, try to lure as few as possible towards you (use a longbow, even if you have no points in it, you only want to draw them, then go back to axe/sword)

2ack a few defensive stances, remember, 75% of blows evaded means you are taking 75% less damage from melee, giving your monks some time

3: if you've got aggro focused on you, DONT MOVE!!!! if the monks are being harrased, then they're going to have a hard time healing you



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

Everyone forgets to mention (or doesn't realise) that it is not the warrior's sole job to keep aggro in check. Kite around the damn warrior if you're being attacked. Don't stand there and hope to kill it before you die. Don't run away from the team. Don't run around like a headless chicken.

Noone realises that and it makes me rage because it's such a bloody easy concept to understand, yet I have met noone who does this or takes my advice when I rage at them. Goddamn imbeciles.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Diary of a Madman [SiKK]

@OP: If this is a troll... shame on you.
Else, just ask your party members why you are dying so much, it could be because the monk is pissed at you for agroing too much and just don't bother to heal you since its a waste of energy anyway.

I think many people need to learn what is meant by 'pulling', its not just argro the enemy, its to draw the enemy away from the mob of 20 behind it. Take a couple steps back to avoid surround, it also bunches the group up nicely for your SS necro. Since you are a Wammo, purge conditions, will releave some stress from the monks. Although later on, it shouldn't be a problem, heck as a monk, I use mend condition as a healing tool.

EDIT: squishes/anybody not pulling should be outside agro range of the guy pulling

@tuf pepper:
HB is really annoying when cast later on in the game, normally instead of healing, it is actually ~ -105health because the damn mesners WILL immeadiatly shatter it. (computer cheats -_-)

Condition and hex removal are very important for energy, since the less degen/damage experianced, the less healing needed. Heck mend condition is a favourite method of healing sometimes, highly spammable and decent heal.

The only 2 10e skills are Heal Other/Infuse (as other people have said, in emergencies) and Prot Spirit. You should learn to use protection skills a little, the old addage goes, an ounce of prevention goes further than a pound of cure.

In general spike heal > enchant heals. Although vig spirit is nice and spammable also.

aron searle

aron searle

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Im sure all this talk of healing is usefull to the OP :P

Ill throw in my suggestions for warriors who are still learning (this is beginners advice so dont rubbish it for not being the best)

Rule 1
Defence is more important than damage in PVE. / This is not just your armour and shield but your skills, bring a few skills that will buff your defence (a skill like "watch yourself" will also buff your partys defence not just yours).
Rule 2
Dont wander too far away from your monk, its not a race. / as a monk i do not heal anyone who insists on making me chase them, alot of monks simply wont chase you to heal you, (or just cant keep up) i am not benny hill and i wont do benny hill impressions.
Rule 3
Dont run towards your monk if you are being attacked. / In other words dont agrro some monsters then lead them to the squishee members.
Rule 4
TAKE YOUR TIME. / Dont rush into everybattle, but at the same time as a warrior you will normally need to attack first.
Rule 5
Think about your skills. You only have 20ish energy, to start of with bring adrenaline based attackes, and leave your energy for self healing skills, or buff skills. Once you are more familiar with the game, you will change this alot.
Last rule
Bring a re-usable res skill always. Yes in a good team you can get away with this, but countless times i have been the last alive as a warrior, and have ressed the team. And countless times i have seen a warrior to be the last alive only to say "i only have signet and ive used it".


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Diary of a Madman [SiKK]

I think its very useful for a warrior to know how a monk works. Since they are almost directly linked to your well being, buffing healing you, and if you over-stretch a situation, your death is your fault and your fault only.

I agree 100% with the "Take your time". Assess the number of Necro/Mes monsters since these do a ton of armour ignore damage.

Just another thing I want to add, (I know I am guilty of this sometimes) a lot of warriors have a tendancy of running past the war classes and going for the squishies in the back line.

This is bad 2 fold:
You do no body block or control the enemy warriors, which in turn go munch your squishies.
The poor monk actually have to go within melee range of the enemy warriors and casting range of enemy mes and necros. That is if they want to keep you alive of course.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by aron searle
Im sure all this talk of healing is usefull to the OP :P

Ill throw in my suggestions for warriors who are still learning (this is beginners advice so dont rubbish it for not being the best)

Rule 1
Defence is more important than damage in PVE. / This is not just your armour and shield but your skills, bring a few skills that will buff your defence (a skill like "watch yourself" will also buff your partys defence not just yours).
Rule 2
Dont wander too far away from your monk, its not a race. / as a monk i do not heal anyone who insists on making me chase them, alot of monks simply wont chase you to heal you, (or just cant keep up) i am not benny hill and i wont do benny hill impressions.
Rule 3
Dont run towards your monk if you are being attacked. / In other words dont agrro some monsters then lead them to the squishee members.
Rule 4
TAKE YOUR TIME. / Dont rush into everybattle, but at the same time as a warrior you will normally need to attack first.
Rule 5
Think about your skills. You only have 20ish energy, to start of with bring adrenaline based attackes, and leave your energy for self healing skills, or buff skills. Once you are more familiar with the game, you will change this alot.
Last rule
Bring a re-usable res skill always. Yes in a good team you can get away with this, but countless times i have been the last alive as a warrior, and have ressed the team. And countless times i have seen a warrior to be the last alive only to say "i only have signet and ive used it".

Thank you everyone for the info... I really did need it... no I am not the newbie who runs with yelling help or etc... I played D2, EQ, and WOW so I know what you mean. That was why I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. The reason I came here is the groups (pick up) I had were not talking or not suggesting much... I know pick up groups is one reason why...
I need to revisit my skills and I had already started bringing a reuse Rez because I had to help res people in a few groups when I was the last one.

I have made it to 20 and I have ascended... and Now I am in Droks Legit with the Ice Caves in my sights.

I like Mending but will most future mob's remove it from me? what about Healing Breeze? etc.

Thanks for the help,



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by NathanS
Thank you everyone for the info... I really did need it... no I am not the newbie who runs with yelling help or etc... I played D2, EQ, and WOW so I know what you mean. That was why I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. The reason I came here is the groups (pick up) I had were not talking or not suggesting much... I know pick up groups is one reason why...
I need to revisit my skills and I had already started bringing a reuse Rez because I had to help res people in a few groups when I was the last one.

I have made it to 20 and I have ascended... and Now I am in Droks Legit with the Ice Caves in my sights.

I like Mending but will most future mob's remove it from me? what about Healing Breeze? etc.

Thanks for the help,
Mending is probably the most commonly used Wa/Mo skill in this game, but realize that it's not enough to counter any serious tanking damage. If you are planning to hold aggro, it really has been proven that increasing your armor is a much better source of damage control than self healing...especially when (if you tank properly and your team knows how to let you do so) your monk can easing heal as much as 20 seconds of Mending in a 5 energy, 1 second standard healing spell.

My suggestions are these:

Watch Yourself - gives +20 AR to you and nearby allies. This skill is spammable and will help you AND anyone near you take less damage. It's a nice one, give it a try and notice how much less damage you take.

Defensive Stances - they allow you to block & evade, thus avoiding damage alltogether and making the life of your healer easier. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a region with a build that can basically solo the area only to have the Monk thank me for making his/her life easy.

Damage - is something you still need to be able to do a lot of. I would say start out allowing yourself 3-4 skills for damage, 3-4 skills for damage control, and a Rez.

Ressurection - is something I still find it hard to believe people don't bring. Is there a better skill in the game than one that bring another player to life? I dont think so. Anyone who has 'Monk' as one of their classes should bring Rebirth when playing against the game. If you have it, just pretend you have a skill bar that has 7 skills and Rebirth.

Stats - get familliar with optimizing your attribute points. Your weapon should ALWAYS have at least 12-14 in it so you will be effective in combat (16 is preferred but you might not have a superior rune to make it so). The innate ability of Strength is overrated. Only put extra points into this unless you need to boost abilities you have that are based on this attribute. Look around the warrior board a little for some good builds and try them out.

More important that anything else (as others have said) is the understanding of the "brain" behind the enemies you face. Knowing the enemy AI is key to playing a good team oriented warrior. You make it sound like it's all falling into place. Keep it up



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

I actually wonder if I should bother with res as a Warrior. If I'm in a good team, while I don't play a tank, I still make sure that for those enemies to get from where they are to the squishies behind me, they'd have to go through me. Literally.

If they get past me (usually I bring another warrior with me to bodyblock as it's nigh impossible as yourself), it means I am lying on the floor dead because I either stupidly frenzied when sprint was still recharging, leaving me horridly vunerable, or my monks have made a mistake or are incompetent and have failed me and the team (due to me dying, they now how to deal with that group, which usually results in running around like headless chickens).

If someone is to die, it is always me or the other warrior first. And the second one of us is sure to follow soon after if one of us goes down. Which means it's useless I carry one.

Unfortunately, I'm never always in a decent group. Neither will anyone here be always in decent groups. Which means that res there is required as for some strange reason, the casters at the back have died. Well, it's not that strange. I mentioned it a few posts back onto it being their own fault and why.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


Originally Posted by Sekkira
I actually wonder if I should bother with res as a Warrior.
YES!!! *Everyone* should have rez on their skillbar, either a spell or the signet. When my warrior did Hell's Precipice, we were right at the end when everyone but me, another warrior, and one monk were wiped out. The other warrior had used his signet, the monk, unbelievably, didn't have rez at all, so there was just me. I had my signet, and luckily I hadn't used it. I rezzed the other monk, he rezzed everyone else, and we went on to finish the mission. If I hadn't had my signet, that would have been it.

And then yesterday I was out with a group, and again, all wiped out except a necro and something else. Guess what? Neither one had a rez signet. Mission failed. As well, my R/Mo was out quite a lot this weekend, and at least twice, she was the only one left standing and had to rebirth everyone, and then we went on and completed our goal.

So yes, bring a spell if you're /Mo, or bring your signet. Never leave home without it. Even in good groups, a mistake can be made and some people will die. As long as someone has rez and can get a monk up, you can recover and go on to finish.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Forsaken Sanctuary


something tells me the op has frenzy on all the time and the monks got fed up with healing him.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

Originally Posted by felinette
YES!!! *Everyone* should have rez on their skillbar, either a spell or the signet. When my warrior did Hell's Precipice, we were right at the end when everyone but me, another warrior, and one monk were wiped out. The other warrior had used his signet, the monk, unbelievably, didn't have rez at all, so there was just me. I had my signet, and luckily I hadn't used it. I rezzed the other monk, he rezzed everyone else, and we went on to finish the mission. If I hadn't had my signet, that would have been it.

And then yesterday I was out with a group, and again, all wiped out except a necro and something else. Guess what? Neither one had a rez signet. Mission failed. As well, my R/Mo was out quite a lot this weekend, and at least twice, she was the only one left standing and had to rebirth everyone, and then we went on and completed our goal.

So yes, bring a spell if you're /Mo, or bring your signet. Never leave home without it. Even in good groups, a mistake can be made and some people will die. As long as someone has rez and can get a monk up, you can recover and go on to finish.
You didn't read my post did you? To sum it up, it stated that when I get in a decent group, I don't need a res. Due to me being the first to die if anyone is going to die. We don't always get decent groups though.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


Originally Posted by Sekkira
You didn't read my post did you? To sum it up, it stated that when I get in a decent group, I don't need a res. Due to me being the first to die if anyone is going to die. We don't always get decent groups though.
Yes, I did read it. Even if you're in a decent group, you should have rez with you. You can't tell up front how things will turn out.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


let me give you my build

1. adrenaline-sever artery
2. energy-seeking blade
3. energy-savage slash
4. energy-warrior's endurance {e}
5. adrenaline-watch yourself-spamable always use it
6. energy-spint
7. energy-heal sig-only use when sheilds up is going
8. energy-rebirth

Gladiators with knights boots, vigor on the chest and absorbtion on the boots.

shield-desert collector +45 health -2 damage in stance

swords- fellblade +13 while in stance, icey desert collecter +15 damage while in stance, fiery dragon sword (they might as well make it standard equipment), a shocking spathula.

This build has kept me and my teams alive with rarely a fail.



Hall Hero

Join Date: Jul 2005

California Canada/BC

STG Administrator


Originally Posted by NathanS
Thank you everyone for the info... I really did need it... no I am not the newbie who runs with yelling help or etc... I played D2, EQ, and WOW so I know what you mean. That was why I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. The reason I came here is the groups (pick up) I had were not talking or not suggesting much... I know pick up groups is one reason why...
I need to revisit my skills and I had already started bringing a reuse Rez because I had to help res people in a few groups when I was the last one.

I have made it to 20 and I have ascended... and Now I am in Droks Legit with the Ice Caves in my sights.

I like Mending but will most future mob's remove it from me? what about Healing Breeze? etc.

Thanks for the help,
When in a group most won't give you advice unless it is a fellow guildie or friend.I would suggest if you are going to use mending and breeze which won't heal you as well as Monk the Monk won't concentrate on you.I tend not to heal warriors or any other class useing mending or breeze.This maybe one of your problems and in most missions there is not that many strip enchanters unless you are around the StoneSummit.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


Originally Posted by sno0zer
Well, that sounds good on paper, but me beeing a noob I feel that it's totally impossible to experience the single player game in the same way that others did when the game was new.
All my money, weapons and experience can't buy me the simple joy and excitement of being a noob.. Anyone got one of those Men in Black flashey things?

Originally Posted by Markaedw
5. adrenaline-sheilds up-spamable always use it
*Watch Yourself



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Haggard

*Watch Yourself
That what I meant, I should have waited until I got home and not from work, memory can get tricky