You can find the link to this topic here (He is searching for pre-Searing runes):
First of all, I would like allow the staff of GWG for supplying us such a great medium to express our opinions, and share our knowledge. Second, I would like to apologize for my initial comments being posted the wrong one of such mediums.
nova-exarch, I meant no offense to you in the thread, I was simply stating my basic knowledge of GW (not to say that you needed it) and basic economy.
One last addendum, before we get started. This is a "guide" for those who have characters that are intended to stay in pre-Searing. And I would much appreciate me, or anyone who posts here, to not be bashed for our choice to make a pre-Character. The bottom line is, I play this game for fun, and I think pre-Searing is fun.
Anyway, on with the goods. I have a few retorts to some very valid points made by nova-exarch, and to make those understandable, I will quote the key peices from his thread.
But first of all, let me explain something. There is an entire economy in pre-Searing. Some people are far too aware of this, and others are completely oblivious. If I use the word "ignorant", please do not take it offensively. I use it as it is meant to be used. If someone is ignorant on a matter it simply means that they do not know about it. So yes, so people are very ignorant to the existance of certain things in pre-searing. I am making an attempted to enlighten them. Here are a few of those things, that I know for a fact to be true.
1) There is an economy there, just as there is in the rest of the world
2) It is possible to achieve lvel 20 in pre-Searing. Still.
3) There ARE max weapons, green/gold items, and runus in pre, just to name a few
4) Some people do have characters (myself included) that intend to keep their charcter in pre for the entire duration of it's existance
5) It is *IMPOSSIBLE* to salvage runes/upgrades from normal salvage kits
6) It IS possible to tame a bear as a pet
7) It is possible to have a level 20 pet with a much lower level character
8) Black dye are NOT worth as much as they are in post-Searing
I'm sure I'll add to this list, just as soon as I get yelled at my players for something new.
Okay, I'm sure that was a bore..But It couldn't be avoided.
I had to save the thread from the hundreds of "YOU CANT DO THIS" or "YOU CANT DO THAT" posts..
If you have a question as to how the these cames to be, feel free to ask, but please do not make a blatant deny of the things I've posted without suitable evidence. And believe me, I've spent quite a deal of time in pre, so I know what i'm talking about. Please don't take me as arrogant, I really do enjoy helping out players, and if there is some questions that you need assistance with, do feel free to contact me in-game.
But now, I will give you the basic run down of the economy in pre, AS PER MY EXPERIENCE.
Pre is potenetially more profitable than post, if you have the right items, or know the right people. EX: I often get offered triple the value of my pre black dye/gold for post items/gold
As for normal items, they aren't worth squat. You cant find them everything in pre. Items that are harder to find, BUT YOU'R STILL ABLE TO FIND are worth much more to you in pre.
Now for the good stuff. Let me take a while to explain this, as it seems that most people are unaware of these events.
Last April, there was a "glitch" that allowed a character in pre-Searing gain access to battle spectation (you can still do this). If that character was in a Guild, with a Guild Hall, they could then travel from the battle isles to their Guild Hall. Making sense yet? Gah.. Okay..
Once at the Hall, you could get your guild-mates to open trade with you, and stock you full of items from post (max weapons, sup runes, sup salvage kits, etc). Then you could simply return to pre-Searing.
Since this time, the glitch that allowed this exploit has been patched. As for the items, aNet has made no attempt to recover or delete the ones that came from post. That means that a few players still have these items. As there has been a certain increase of players wanting to gain a high level in pre, the items are selling very fast.
I compiled some forumlae to calculate the amount of profit you could net from an expert/superior salvage kit in pre, which are very valuable equations for those interested in buying one in pre:
Originally Posted by TheRizzler
All of the runes you can find in salvage armors, in pre, are minor runes.
Once salvaged, those runes go for 12k, or 2 black dye each (pre currency, of course). A superior salvage kit has 100 uses. Given room for bogus salvages (e.g. Iron Ingots instead of Minor Rune of Vigor), I estimate that you will get ¾ uses of the kit (which is a liberal estimate, btw). Using these statistics, we can find the BASE ammount of profit that a superior/expert salvage kit can net you if you use it entirely to salvage runes and sell them. a = d*(.75u) for the value in dye d) cost of the rune, in black dye (2 as of right now) u) Total number of uses on the kit left (100 on a full superior, 25 on full expert) a) Total value of the kit, in black dye b = g*(.75u) for the value in gold g) cost of the rune, in gold (12k as of now) u) total number of uses on the kit left (100 on a full superior, 25 on a full expert) b) total value of the kit, in gold For those that don't want to do the math, here are those basline prices for superior/expert salvage kits. BLACK DYE PRICES X = 2(25 x .75) S = 2(100 x .75) X (Expert Kit) = 37.5 total black dye (18.75 runes harvested) S (Superior Kit) = 150 total black dye (75 runes harvested) GOLD PRICES X = (1.2 x (10^(+4))x(25 x .75)) S = (1.2 x (10^(+4))x(100 x .75)) X (Expert Kit) = 225,000g (18.75 runes harvested) S (Superior Kit) = 900,000g (75 runes harvested) Remember, these figures are based on the EXTREMELY LIBERAL estimate that 1/4th of your salvages will not yeild a rune (In reality, it will probably be a lot less). But those forumlae will basically tell you how much someone would make from a kit in pre, if they choose to salvage runes and sell them. So to purchase one, you would have to come up to close to the ammount of it's salvaging potential, unless you're getting it from a friend or guildie. As for the superior runes.. As I mentioned earlier, they cannot be salvaged in pre, due to the fact that they cannot be found in pre. The only major/superior runes that exist in pre are the ones brought from post along with the kits. You're going to have a much harder time finding those, much less purchasing them. |
I'm sorry for the forumulae are a bit hard to read, but I allowed room for you to calculate in the uses that are left on the kit, the viariable (u), and the current value of the runes, the variable (g) for gold. Also, I flunked out of algebra in high school lol. If those forumulae are incorrect, please someone tell me.
Ans as for your response to that, nova-exarch
Originally Posted by nova-exarch
Nice formulas...
Originally Posted by nova-exarch
Only troubles I see are:
Originally Posted by nova-exarch
- There is no "set" value for anything in pre (or in post searing if it doesn't come from a vendor). It's completely a supply/demand kind of thing. Just because X price is what you saw and that is acceptable to you and I does not mean it will be acceptable to anyone else. All the formulas in the world will not change that.
Originally Posted by nova-exarch
- The demand for stuff in pre is always going to be relatively small because of it's nature. The majority of players are going to get bored with pre and never make 12k, let alone the "crazy" amounts your formulas turn up.
It's a small, tightknit group, and we all either know each other, or our friends know each other. For the most part, it's a fairly good group of friends. With a few exceptions.
Originally Posted by nova-exarch
- Even if you consider trading post-searing gold for a kit in pre-searing, I can't think of too many people willing to trade anything close to 750k or even 500k in post-searing for a kit that "might" make them back close to 1,000k in pre-searing but will likely take months and months to do so. That is going to keep the demand really darned low.
I hope this clears some things up, if you have any questions, or just want to call me a jerk :P
Please just respond