Certain bosses doing 2x damage in factions
While walking around Cantha I've noticed that several bosses have been doing double the damage with a single attack. For example one mesmer boss used Cry of Frustration for 88 damage. Now at 16 domination the max damage is 44. Another example occured as you killed an afflicted boss his death aura did over 200 damage. Has anyone else run into this?
Stop using Frenzy!
Whats your AL? if you have lower armor (say 40 from seitung harbor) the you'll take double damage from attacks.
And heal sig!
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
Stop using Frenzy!
60 al mesmer
Mandy Memory
The op is right. Besides, using frenzy, healsig, or bad armor would up damage from everything...not just bosses.
the 200+ damage spirit rifts hurt.
the 200+ damage spirit rifts hurt.
Yes bosses now do double damage. It's not a bug it's an in game mechanic. Makes it a little more difficult on you.
I've noticed this too. Monk boss in the 15 attribute quest used balthazars aura and kirins wrath (factions version of holy wrath) they both did double damage. I had 70al armor when that happened and my guildie saw it too. :<
Originally Posted by Str0b0
Yes bosses now do double damage. It's not a bug it's an in game mechanic. Makes it a little more difficult on you.
Okay that makes sense then, 150 point Signet of Judgement caught me offguard.
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
bosses should be strong...
Originally Posted by Sleepl3ss
I've noticed this too. Monk boss in the 15 attribute quest used balthazars aura and kirins wrath (factions version of holy wrath) they both did double damage. I had 70al armor when that happened and my guildie saw it too. :<
Arkyn sei
Me and my friend calculated the boss in the second to last mission has 30 Fire magic
as he does insane damage with his Star burst spell. He's still EXTREMELY easy

There's a dredge fire elementalist boss in Ferndale that's simply retarded. I was unfortunate enough to run into him with most henches at around 30DP and having 5 of them drop, including both tanks, from tenai's heat (~110 damage per hit) followed by fireball (380 damage) was NOT pretty.
Needless to say I walked around him next time and not planning to touch him without prot spirit again.
Needless to say I walked around him next time and not planning to touch him without prot spirit again.
now i understand why i almost got my arse fried, trying to get this damn old chest in the middle of the nagas .. 200 dmg from spirit rift dammit 
is this applied to all factions bosses? specific ones? quest bosses only? or all bosses even in Tyria

is this applied to all factions bosses? specific ones? quest bosses only? or all bosses even in Tyria
I dislike this intensely. I always liked the fact that in Guild Wars, the bosses tended to fight at your level - the player and the bosses were on a similar playing field.
All bosses do double damage from what I understand.
i like the idea but not the way i discovered this
Lord Iowerth
Originally Posted by CyberNigma
If I recall Holy Damage ignores armor (true HD, not Judge's Insight), and does double damage to undead. Maybe you are truly a vampire and we must watch out for your likes in the future.

I wonder if this is retroactive, has anyone tried to kill glint since this?

Glint's 200-someodd damage is now 400-someodd
"Alesia, could you scrape me off the floor? Kthx."
On the up side, hexes now last the correct length on bosses, unlike back in Tyria.
Also, bosses activate skills a bit faster than normal.
Ok people debating if this is true apparently haven't been paying attention.
Bosses do upwards to 3x damage.
I've seen 360 damage Aftershocks on lvl 28 ele bosses (no i wasent using TEH FRENZIE or healing signet, I had no hexes or anything) pretty must instant kills your hencies if they have some DP.
I notice mostly elementalist do retarded damage.
Bosses do upwards to 3x damage.
I've seen 360 damage Aftershocks on lvl 28 ele bosses (no i wasent using TEH FRENZIE or healing signet, I had no hexes or anything) pretty must instant kills your hencies if they have some DP.
I notice mostly elementalist do retarded damage.
All bosses now deal double damage, and cast twice as fast.
Due to how spell damage scales, level 28 bosses deal a bit better than triple damage with their spells.
I heartily approve of changes that make bosses more challenging, but 430 damage Infernos are a *bit* much.
Due to how spell damage scales, level 28 bosses deal a bit better than triple damage with their spells.
I heartily approve of changes that make bosses more challenging, but 430 damage Infernos are a *bit* much.
Yeah but you can always echo mending with your wammo and pwn them all. LoL
Some of this is good. For some of the elementalists though, hitting an AoE for 400+ damage is...well...a wee bit daunting.
I think interrupt mesmers/rangers will be in fashion soon :P
I think interrupt mesmers/rangers will be in fashion soon :P
Having bosses do 2x damge does up the difficultly a little bit. Bosses without a mob are not a problem but when you get them in a mob... Ouch it hurts!
I'll support anything that keeps Factions PvE away from the mind numbing easiness/boringness of Prophecies PvE.
I don't think there's a specific formula for boss damages, but every Canthan boss is buffed. And all do cast faster as well.
Makes a good interupter much more valuable.
Makes a good interupter much more valuable.
My necro took 238 damage from a hammer boss in the arborstone mission I think the skill was called "Forceful blow" may have been an elite.. but anyway, he took me out twice, those damned warrior bosses move so quick and change targets so as soon as I came up from rez... bam bam.
Gandalf The Monk
thats why the boss i tried to cap glass arrows from was doign 200+ with zojuns shot and splinter shot >_<
Tobias Funke
Originally Posted by Mako
My necro took 238 damage from a hammer boss in the arborstone mission I think the skill was called "Forceful blow" may have been an elite.. but anyway, he took me out twice, those damned warrior bosses move so quick and change targets so as soon as I came up from rez... bam bam.
Originally Posted by Ensign
All bosses now deal double damage, and cast twice as fast.
Peace, -CxE |
They also no longer have their 1/2 duration condition/hexes resist, balancing these bosses against factions somewhat. It also makes hexing characters that much more useful - Willa the Unpleasant wouldn't last anywhere near as long with full backfires on him.
As a result, the Cantha bosses are more of glass cannons than their Tyrian counterparts, and are somewhat higher in the targetting list for me.
Danica Kalmar
I openly hate that fact. I hated that tyria Bosses had a half-hex-duration build-in skill and that cantha bosses are casting spells with twice or more attribute-ranks than i can ever achieve.
Yeah, they are bosses and should be difficult, they are already, they have a higher lvl, resulting in more health and better attributes than any player can achieve. When they are around a mob, what the usual circumstance is, they are more difficult than the standard mob.
On the other hand, I'm a Choosen Hero, I'm a boss on my own. Why don't I have that nice goodies.
it's simply unfair that bosses are buffed up, if A.Net wants to make it more difficult, give them a greater mob, but don't favor them with unfair advantages.
Yeah, they are bosses and should be difficult, they are already, they have a higher lvl, resulting in more health and better attributes than any player can achieve. When they are around a mob, what the usual circumstance is, they are more difficult than the standard mob.
On the other hand, I'm a Choosen Hero, I'm a boss on my own. Why don't I have that nice goodies.
it's simply unfair that bosses are buffed up, if A.Net wants to make it more difficult, give them a greater mob, but don't favor them with unfair advantages.
Originally Posted by Avarre
As a result, the Cantha bosses are more of glass cannons than their Tyrian counterparts, and are somewhat higher in the targetting list for me.
Me: Spot boss. Randomly scream, "OMFG BOSS!! Kill the Boss. Kill the friggin' Boss!!"
A Boss using Double Dragon is pretty much a 100% chance of K.O. if you're a melee, it upgrades to an orgi of death if you use henchies because they just can't help themselves and get close to the action.
Moa Bird Cultist
Lvl 24 afflicted boss spamming lightning orb = insta K.O for anyone with less than 400 health, as I found out yesterday, much to my annoyance, especially since i was trying to get past him and was ultimately going the wrong way...

Lord Sojar
Originally Posted by lg5000
On the up side, hexes now last the correct length on bosses, unlike back in Tyria.
Yes kiddies, if you use wastel's worry on bosses in tyria, because of the short hex durations on bosses, wastel's worry will trigger almost within 1 sec, and that my friends, is 64dmg/sec. I killed Glint with my mesmer in under 1 mins with two monks healing me and a ranger interrupting her. Twas fuN!
On a lighter note: I almost pissed myself yesterday in Kurzick territory, when I ran into an Oni assassin boss that teleported ontop of me, and then used shadow wtf ever its called and scorpion's wire or w/e its called also. Yeah, there was a nice girly scream as I was turned into monk soup by that boss.
Originally Posted by Eden2k5
Ok people debating if this is true apparently haven't been paying attention.
Bosses do upwards to 3x damage. I've seen 360 damage Aftershocks on lvl 28 ele bosses (no i wasent using TEH FRENZIE or healing signet, I had no hexes or anything) pretty must instant kills your hencies if they have some DP. I notice mostly elementalist do retarded damage. |
Sure it was Aftershock? There's a new (Earth-) Elite called Shockwave that applies 3 Waves to adjacent foes. That could Damage could eventually reach 360 if doubled.
Former Ruling
You know those Dragon Lillies on the island? They use Overload?
I was on a ritualist, and one was attacking me, and I used Vengeful Weapon (1/4 sec cast also), and It Hit me with the +dmg Overload. I was like ouch, he is lucky.
3 secs later I casted vengeful again when it recharged, and the OTHER Dragon Lilly that was attacking my warrior henchie before this, apparently had time to swith targets to me, and use Overload on me AGAIN before Vengeful Weapon was done casting.
>_< Their magic.
And yes, I got WTFRAPED by a few bosses, because I didnt expect huge dmg Spirit Rifts, and ele spells (respectively).
I was on a ritualist, and one was attacking me, and I used Vengeful Weapon (1/4 sec cast also), and It Hit me with the +dmg Overload. I was like ouch, he is lucky.
3 secs later I casted vengeful again when it recharged, and the OTHER Dragon Lilly that was attacking my warrior henchie before this, apparently had time to swith targets to me, and use Overload on me AGAIN before Vengeful Weapon was done casting.
>_< Their magic.
And yes, I got WTFRAPED by a few bosses, because I didnt expect huge dmg Spirit Rifts, and ele spells (respectively).
Originally Posted by Rahja the Thief
That isn't actually good, at least from a thing I figured out. I hereby name what I have figured out, the WASTEL'S CANNON OF DOMINATION PAIN!
Yes kiddies, if you use wastel's worry on bosses in tyria, because of the short hex durations on bosses, wastel's worry will trigger almost within 1 sec, and that my friends, is 64dmg/sec. I killed Glint with my mesmer in under 1 mins with two monks healing me and a ranger interrupting her. Twas fuN! On a lighter note: I almost pissed myself yesterday in Kurzick territory, when I ran into an Oni assassin boss that teleported ontop of me, and then used shadow wtf ever its called and scorpion's wire or w/e its called also. Yeah, there was a nice girly scream as I was turned into monk soup by that boss. |
ah...i was wondering why Wing was doing 150dmg with Triple Chop on my glads-clad warrior... 
heck, with Dolyak and Watch Yourself on, he was still doing at or around 100dmg...

heck, with Dolyak and Watch Yourself on, he was still doing at or around 100dmg...