First, I am going to address the topic of scamming within the Droknar's Forge rushing industry. I say industry because it is a very viable way for people to make money. I know this because I have 1300k sitting in my storage and RP characters from my Forge Rushing enterprise. It also presents many opportunities for would-be scammers to make a fast buck as well, which is unfortunate, but completely avoidable through rational thinking and this guide. To spot and stop a scammer, follow the following guide.
1. How to spot a Droknar's Forge Rush Scammer
A scammer who wants to make a quick buck at Beacon's Perch only has to meet one requirement, and that is to have a Warrior on level 20. They don't have to have the know how or even the skills. All they have to do is take your money up front and run. For example, here's an advertisement from a known scammer. Smell fishy? It sure does. Let's look at why.
Running to Camp Rankor to Droknar's Forge for 3k now -> 2k later - 30 minutes or money back [Whisper Me]
To spot a scammer ask the following questions:
- Are they charging up front? First requirement of being a scam.
- How long do they take for the run? If they don't know how long it takes or it takes more than 30 minutes, find another rusher.
- Do they know what the zones are between Beacon's Perch and Droknar's Forge? Hint: Answer is Lornar's Pass, Dreadnought's Drift, Snake Dance, Camp Rankor [Outpost], and Talus Chute. If they don't know anything about it, they're scamming.
- Do people start scream out "PERSON X IS SCAMMING!!" whenever that person advertises?
- Ask them what level their tactics are on. If they don't have anything in tactics, ask them how they prevent knockdown. No answer? Move on, this one's a scammer.
- Are they having difficulty with the run? If they are, they may just be new to rushing, or they may just be bad because they're only there to scam you.
- Do they know what the zones are called? If not, they probably are scamming you.
- Do they act like they know about what parts are difficult and what parts are easy? If they don't know what makes Snake Dance difficult, for instance (knockdown), they are probably scamming you.
2. For the question as to WHY some people want to be rushed to the forge, there are many reasons.
- To get the Droknar's Forge armor early in the game. This is done for multiple reasons
- To not have to waste money on multiple sets of armor while you are leveling up naturally through missions, quests, and killing mobs.
- To have the best armor in the game (armor level wise) early on in the game to level up faster
- To capture skills beyond Droknar's Forge. There are multiple professions that most skills for a given attribute line are not available for a player until much later in the game. They may not want to waste skill points or questing time on an attribute line that they don't like playing. Or, what's even more common, is capturing skills for PvP play.
- To level up quickly while leaving missions and quests available for "Free XP/Skill Points." A lot of players don't want to waste all of their quest XP on the low levels because they get more XP from killing mobs on lower levels. That's why it's advantageous not to ascend until level 20. Say you have to kill 2000 of Monster X to get from level 15 to level 20, which will net you 50,000 XP. Or you could simply ascend at level 15 and get 50,000 XP that way. But, when you kill those 2000 Monster X's, you may only get 30,000 XP (not exact numbers obviously, but you get my point). The same thing holds true for quests and missions. You would get an entire extra skill point by simply holding off on missions until you reach level 20 because of the extra mobs you would kill pre level 20. Now, you may be asking, how does getting rushed to Droknar's forge let a level 5 level up quickly? Simple. You can team up with henchmen and level up outside of Droknar's Forge/Port Sledge. It's very easy XP, and you can even browse forums while the henchmen kill stuff for you.
- To watch! If you have never seen a Droknar's Forge rush before, it is something to behold. I instruct all of my customers to simply die and watch me run when I'm starting my journey, because I know that it's great fun to watch someone run. I enjoyed it thoroughly the first time I ran, and I know everyone who watches me enjoys the show.
In the future, I will be updating my guide with how to report scammers. I will also be compiling a list of players who I know to be reputable rushers. Also, I have a list of players who I know to have scammed in the past; just PM me on the forums and I will forward the list to you. I hope that this guide has helped you.