It really should not come as a surprise by now. It seems to have happened in all major online RPGs, and in most large games anyway. I have been long enough scouting messege boards to see the equal tendency that sweeps forums.
There is a business ideology about consumer reactions and how they deal with them. A saying more specificly. It goes like this; "It takes 10 positive customer opinions to make up for one negative opinion". In that sense, a single individuel can cause much damage control upon bad mouthing a specific product.
This is an exciting time for Guild Wars. Factions is right now on top of the charts in both Europe and the United States. The game is swirming in with new players and every single day, Guild Wars has reached a new peak mile stone in the amount of people who are playing at the same time.
In the mean time, the fan forums that was supposed to be about fans discussing their favorite game, had turned into an overly massive convention for pessimists which sole objective seem to spread the word that the new campaign(In this case Guild Wars Factions) is the main horror from hell itself. The drama prevails and overflods. Massive amounts of people stand up to scream at ArenaNet, the company who probably was surprised at fans reactions after the great sales and intial reviews and good consumer opinions from the beta event.
This is all in the past. "You suck Anet", "You decieved us", "It's not stand alone!", "It's a hugh dissapointment", "im moving on", "this is like the worst game ever", "Factions was rushed out the door", "Gailie lied to us all", "GW is dead!!!" and the list outragous statements and unconstructive arguments go on.
Again, as a fan of video games for many years now I really should not be surprised. There usually is a large pack of people like this. You would always find a hugh group at people screaming very loud at the Half-Life 2, Halo 2 or Metal Gear Solid 2 boards, about what great failures these very anticipated sequels were when compared to their former legendary titles, which stand in the golden video game halls of Valhalla. Long Essays are written about the developers failures and about how everyone who even remotely enjoys the game should not. Statements and links are being made explaining that other games are coming that will not dissapoint.
In my opinion, Guild Wars is a strange postition and so, the consumers harsh reaction to the new product really cut me off guard. Im of the opinion that life is better when being an optimist, so that is what I try to be as often as I can, however im not blind to constructive claims and problems that these(and other games for that matter) may have.
But when looking at the reactions for Factions I feel like I have to step in and give my opinion on this hole matter.
Turtles used to be awesome. Everyone loved Ninja Turtles. But then came Factions. And now everyone hates Turtles. Infact Turtle in ancient Luxon means "emo turd". True story.
I have never in my life played an online RPG sequel/expansion or thingy that has been so consumer friendly as Factions has been to me. And im saying this in the generel sense that ArenaNet kept their word, on what they promised many years ago.
That they would never force any people to buy more of their products, and they promised that no players would ever feel unable to competitive in the games end game.
While Factions has gotten new skills and new features and new classes, the game really has not screwed over people who simply wished not to buy factions. There has not been included any over-powerful weapons that makes the best ones in the old Game, useless. Same with Armor.
There has not been added any uber skills or actually pretty much anything that destroys Core Guild Wars players from having fun with their 50 bucks they used on Guild Wars over a year ago.
This is something I think is amazing, because almost all these games that gets expansions, addons or some sort of promotional enhancement, the publishers are making sure that the players will need to buy these new products to maintain effeciency. A good example of this is World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade were the level cap will be raised 10 levels, and 10 more levels of powerful weapons and armor will be added, which pretty much means that any players who should not feel like buying this new expansion would be forced out of the sheer concept of being made useless by the new exclusive content only made possibly by buying the new game edition. These is a core philosophy that has been shared through pretty much almost any online RPG I have personally played.
It's things like this that I as a fan of this game does not understand. I simply fail to understand why would players would rather compliment on "quitting", "changing game" or making overly harsh statements about how the game suddenly became "broken" because of a certain expansion or patch and simply focusing on the games faults instead of it's achivements that have been seen and recognized throughout the entire video gaming industry as a product that dares to be different in a genre that long ago became stale and repeititve.
Another thing on this is, the chosen places to complain. While we all know that no humans are perfect, and while we all most likely know that million dollar big budget games like Guild Wars which have over hundreds of people actively working on them in development alone, might have changes planned, or problems arisen, we seem to ignore these to instead reign and hail flames and negative feedback over the newly released game, which was supposed to be a celebration to the fans of the first game, more of the same in a good way.
And after having read many of the "hate threads" about how much GWF fails, I sometimes notice fair arguments of complaining. Like certain issues with the Alliance Battles, player communication, grouping or trading.
But strangely I never here about some of the obviously improved things that which actually(in my opinion) has added allot to the game like oer 300 new skills, new entire looks for all the core classes, titles, pets, equipment and so on.
Simply it is being argumented that GWF sucks because it was shorter and apparently, when a game is shorter than it's prequel/big sister, it is not stand alone, it is actually an expansion, even though it is totally independent of the core game.
The question in my mind that comes off, often focus on peoples mentallity to this. That maybe people just want to whine for the sake of whining, in these extreme ways.
Simply now Factions is not only shorter and less worth for the money, simply everything is simply also worse than in the original. The AI henchmen is worse, the music is worse, the writing is worse, the cutscenes are worse, the story is worse, the area designs are worse, the quests are worse. Everything is simply worse and we are led to belive that Tyria and Cantha is falling apart, and that the game screams more of bargin bin quality than E.T for Atari or Daikatana.
Is it a nostalgic feeling? That simply people remembered Guild Wars as a superior game because the mechanics and game design was new to them a year ago?
Kinda like you hear old gamers rambling about Movies, music and games all used to be better in the 70s and 80s, and that these days it's all useless and commercial crap that the public will eat up.
As a gamer and fan of Guild Wars.
As a person who followed this game for a long time and was so enthralled by Jeff Strains vision the first time I heard him talk about the game at e3 many years ago now, im so happy and thankful that I have gotten so much over the last year.
I was truly surprised at the amount of hate and judgemental flamebait that has been circkling in the fanbase. My mother always told me, that If I didnt had anything good or constructive to say, I shouldnt say it.
So while the game has not been out for a month, the hatred has already risen.
And as a fan I truly feel sorry for all these new gamers who experience Factions for the first time - And love it! And come to these forums to meet and talk to other people who enjoy Guild Wars to see the forums in flames, full of people who are pessimistic and who would rather repeat over and over again how sad they were that they bought Factions and how much they wished that they had never played Guild Wars to begin with, instead of getting the best out of it, giving ArenaNet decent constructive readable feedback instead "OMFG teh GuildwÆrz is teh sux0r00rz lolz. D2->GW ROFLcopter!!!1111".
Guild Wars Factions was confirmed to have had started development after Factions release, so in the end it would most likely have gotten one year worth of development, minus the shipping out to retailers period. I think most game developers would say that, that is incredible, incredible short time for any game to be developed. Let alone an RPG, and let alone again an Online RPG which are notorious for taking many years due to the amazing complexity of writing code on persistent servers and netcode. Perhaps with that in mind, more reasonable expectations should have been set by the community?
When I look at Factions I think I see a game that defintely is not perfect. I think there is still some very essential problems with the core mechanics of Guild Wars, in some ways, like the social systems like grouping/trading/communication/interacting and perhaps aswell as introduction to the PvP.
But at the same time im also very intrigued by what Factions have to offer that truly sets it apart. To me it looks like that the team at ArenaNet listened to allot of complaints about the first core game. For example Factions has much bigger areas. It feels much less on rails and allow you to much more move freely, which in my mind gives a consistent cohesive feel.
I feel the new music score by Jeremy Soule and leaps and bounds above his Scores for both Guild Wars, aswell as some of his other score productions like Oblivion, IceWind Dale, Knights of the Old Republic, Morrowind and Neverwinter Nights, to name a few.
I feel the new Art Design, the new characters and the new world adds allot to the core world. Im so grateful as a player that it is not more of the same. Im intrigued and happy that faction has a bigger part. Im happy that the gameplay has been redesigned to be open ended in the sense that you now have choices between factions which gives less predictable and repeittive gameplay.
I feel intrigued on the new quest design which has more empathy on fun than slow lvling and time wasting grind.
After all this game was designed to not be a grind. As far as I can understand It was designed for people to have fun in PvP or PvE when you really made an uniqe build or got a new skill, as opposed to character advancement which had a hugh factor in games like Diablo and World of Warcraft.
Also I feel like as a player of this community, that many players complain about Guild Wars and try to make it something it's not.
Even though Guild Wars has the deepest, most complex pvp system and skill system I have seen in my entire life in an RPG, and even though I have never seen such free dedication in terms of service, patching and content updating aswell as keeping the community alive with a community manager which keeps the community up to date daily, guild versus guild blogs posted on the official site, and anual world championships, It still is amazing to see how much people can bad mouth GW for the things it IS, instead of appreciating the things for what it ISN'T.
At any rate, im just surprised and sort of dissapointed that this community does not(at least from my eyes, as of right now) does not seem mature enough or fair enough to give the company some time.
Perhaps some people here think and feel that if they complain allot and try to scare new potential buyers away with "Factions is crap" threads, that ArenaNet will suddenly get really depressed, eat allot of cheesecake, hire 10,000 new programmers and artists and make all your dreams and wildest ideas come true within days, but I seriously doubt that it works that way.
Perhaps there are some people here who are not trolls. Who are not out to tell everyone how mad they are at god, their family, us, themselfs, Arenanet and everyone else for their purchase of Factions. But honestly in my opinion, hype and expectation is an evil thing.
I also belive having realistic expectations from a consumer stand point can be incredible hard, because consumers rarely have any insight into how much it actually cost to develop games or how much time it takes.
A hot topic on the bashing on Guild Wars is of course the fact that the "expansion" cost 50 Dollars and that it simply is not worth does money. Of course that again is a very subjective opinion what is worth and what is not worth someone elses money.
I buy games fairely regularly. Both on consoles and on my PC, and I can say that by far the most games I buy today for 50 Dollars, last me 7 hours maxed. Sometimes this does not really matter though, because Im a firm beliver that quality by far exceeds Quantity.
The Max Payne games are nice examples of ultra short games, that had a very high entertainment value and solid production values.
Now I know for a fact that everything in Factions when taking the side missions, alliance missions, elite missions(which many people has not even tried) takes much more time than most game.
I belive that because the first guild wars was longer or took longer time to reach the cap of lvl 20, it did not mean that the game itself was superior. It would not be any different than saying that the first Guild Wars was vastly inferior to Factions because it didnt contained some of the suff that is new to factions.
Right now a player can go down and buy factions and be happy about the game, complete it and then go down and buy the first one because he liked factions and then became insanely mad and furious by the fact that he can't choose between a faction with uniqe missions like he could in Factions.
It's simply not a fair comparrison, in my mind.
Even if Guild Wars deserves to be called a 50 Dollar Expansion pack, I can say that in my time I have seen many SEQUELS in my life that doesn't had half the new amount of content, and mechanics that Factions has introduced.
I also have a hard time thinking of a game that appeals to so many different kind of people, weather if your a fan of hardcore pvp, casual monster killing, skill collecting or what have you.
But this was what I love so much about this game. You don't have to buy these editions. Now you can at least say - Oh factions was not really me! I better skip Chapter 3! Maybe things will appeal more to me when Faction 4 or 5 gets released. And furthermore I belive Guild Wars got tons and tons of competent fixes and additions.
Even new technology in forms of DX9 support, and the observer mode aswell as tons of item balancing, the PvP isle, the much improved skill balancing, the many improved aspects of the game.
Thats another thing. It feels like everyone thought they were pointed with a gun to their face, and threatned to buy Factions.
Most people wait for the proffesional reviews, as posted by sites like Gamespy and Gamespot, and then assume if the purchase was a worthy buy.
And I have seen many of the "end-of-Guild Wars threads". The long posts that tells you about how much ArenaNet failed and tells you about that the true creators of Diablo, the guys at Flagship Studio and their Hellgate London or Obsidian's Neverwinter Nights 2 will "kill Guild Wars", and will reign supreme with much better PvP and wild roses. I have seen many posts that try to argue for the sake that everything else is/was better. "If WoW did had an monthly fee I would totally play it", "Diablo 2 was much better". Honestly I have no idea if many of these ideas, comparrisions or analogies between other games and companies have any valid argument here, but I do think that there is allot of "The grass is always greener on the other side" mentallity. Perhaps even in the sense with GW vs Factions.
And It's so funny because suddenly everyone knows better than the GW Lead Designers and programmers. "No no no!!! They ruined the entire game", "GG... Nice way to screw over your Playerbase Anet. I hope u like our money cuz its the last you will ever see!!!" and so on. The Alliance grind discussion is a good example.
Tons of player shows their disgust, hailing Gailie as a liar and yelling about how it is wrong and hurts and offends them on so many levels.
It's funny to think about because before there were a hugh group of people who complained in the original game about the lack of diversity and the lack of being able to look truly uniqe, so even though stuff like this was wanted, and while it may be true that the way to get it is flawed by dynamic and concept, I still have hard to see how it goes against ideologies of free will to do it.
It would perhaps be like saying; "15K armor should be removed because I have to grind to get it. It has nothing to do with my skill. Its fact that I need to grind monsters to get endless sums of gold to get this armor. This is wrong because I say it. Rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!" .
So what's the point with this long post? To convert people to suddenly like Factions? Nope. To enlighten people who have not bought it yet? Nope. I think it's merely my way of seeing things as I seem to not share the generel philosophy. Im simply not a guy who likes to jump on the "let's flame this game bandwagon!".
I belive Factions is a game, and that ArenaNet is a company that excists of people who try to do something new that has never been done in the industry before. I belive they are very brave and hopefully will be a visionary as the pioneers of these CORPG games that will hopefully evolve in the future.
I don't think the game is perfect, but I also think it's wrong to change it into something it's not.
Sigh, but this is most likely not the last time that this will happen. Perhaps people just enjoy screaming doomsday, or like to feel cool when being negative about something.
After all it's not unsual to get flamed for liking a certain type of music, movies or games on the internet.
Many hates everything everyone likes... Even on forums like these, which were supposed to be for fans. Oh well. What comes around, goes around I guess.
regards, Lawnmower,
Mowing lawns in Cantha since 1502.