Originally Posted by Sphinx2k
You know i rly hate all these people who respond to ppl with a non top-of-the-line PC with get a new one or else u r f***** and should be punished not every one has thousands of dollars to run out and buy a new computer to play there favorute game properly.
Well here's the thing, I RLY HATE all those people who quit from parties the moment things look like they are going south.
Originally Posted by Sphinx2k
So let me get this stright u want to punish ppl for things that r out of there hands like an err=07/power surge/real like emergancy like say your kid/parent/somone close to u fell down the stairs and need medical assistance are you gonna continue playing til u finished your mission well they lay there at the bottem of the stairs? cuz from the way your attitude is you are probably somone who would do just that.
You got it spot on.
Yes, you SHOULD have a strike mark added to your account each time *gasp* you have a power failure/you mum dies/your dad dies/you grandma dies/your granddad dies/your pet dies/your ISP drops out/whole myraid of issues.
To put it into perspective, there are currently 6 billion human beings on this planet, since the average life expectancy of a human is 75 years it goes to follow that in 75 years 6 billion people would have died. If you are to actually work that out, it comes up to almost 220 thousand deaths a day. Now, I don't care if you join my party and died in the middle of the game for one thing, but if it is a crucial mission like "The Deep", that is 2 hours of my life wasted because of your death.
You can certainly see where we are coming from here.
Grenth still has to make up his 220K daily figure somehow, too bad if it is you! But if you are such a huge risk factor, yes, you do deserve the quitter title very much. So stop trying to hide behind "real life" issues and face the fact. That each quitter has a negative impact on the team, and yes, people don't "play" solely for the sake of playing, people play to get somewhere in the game, not to waste time.
However if you read my implementation suggestion, people are only considered for Quitter titles when their quit PERCENTAGE is significantly above norms. What does that mean?
For one even if you have an insane string of deaths in your family, such that you rack up a ratio of 70% quits in the most recent
n parties you join, well sorry to be you man, people die, get over it. However it is only fair that your potential party members know that you are a risk factor to take in their groups.
Alternatively you can also use henchmen and work off some of the bad ratio yourself!
I still don't see what's the issue here. Besides if so many people die in your family you really have bigger fish to fry than not being able to join a PUG in a wannabe MMO game called Guild Wars.