Lock the inventory window closed when in PvP
Guys I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not but uh PvE characters already have an advantage over PvP characters--they can, you know, PvE.
Originally Posted by Charqus
/not signed.
Pve chars lvl 20= worked for it pvp chars lvl 20= 30 secs of char creation |
Originally Posted by Tarun
Exactly, and well said in a short summary. The way GW has it is not real PvP. Try other real games like SWG, UO and many others. Even WoW got it right.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Your character does BOTH PvE and PvP. You fight to earn your levels, equipment, skills and more.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Don't bother trying that "Boo hoo, I have a life." excuse.
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
If you have a life why are you sitting in front of a computer for hours on end playing a game?
Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
If people who actually know what a real MMORPG with PvE and PvP want to play a game, grinds for levels and do so much more, then so it. Stop crying like babies about imbalance and your precious "life" and let the game improve.
Originally Posted by Phades
Unstructured pvp is getting it wrong in the easiest of terms. Having more levels than your opponent or better basic equipment guarenting victory does not take skill and is not real pvp. *IF* you want to talk about real pvp, you can point to FPS games for a better comparison, pure strategy games, fighting games, racing games, etc.
Originally Posted by Tarun
Exactly, and well said in a short summary. The way GW has it is not real PvP. Try other real games like SWG, UO and many others. Even WoW got it right. Your character does BOTH PvE and PvP. You fight to earn your levels, equipment, skills and more. This is what makes true PvP, not being given an instant Godly char with perfect gear. You fight to get your gear, to level up and become stronger and better than the other person. Don't bother trying that "Boo hoo, I have a life." excuse. If you have a life why are you sitting in front of a computer for hours on end playing a game? If people who actually know what a real MMORPG with PvE and PvP want to play a game, grinds for levels and do so much more, then so it. Stop crying like babies about imbalance and your precious "life" and let the game improve.
some other crap?
let the game improve |
This is basically what you think: grind is what makes people good players.
Even though the whole point of Guild Wars is skill, not doing long, boring things just to not be at a disdvantage to others. Read the game box, buddy.
Even WoW got it right |
People have different opinions, so just because you, Tarun the all-knowing demigod have an opinion, all games should be how you think they should?
Originally Posted by Tarun
Ever played any of those games I mentioned? Or any game with real PvP? If you have, then have you ever beaten someone who was a higher level than you despite you having bad gear, etc. That is what takes real skill.
not signed
if you want the (small) advantages pve characters have, get one yourself. What, you don't like pve ? well, then you'll just have to do it anyway to deserve those small advantages.
if you want the (small) advantages pve characters have, get one yourself. What, you don't like pve ? well, then you'll just have to do it anyway to deserve those small advantages.
Here is the thing. I'm NOT not signing it because I think PvEs deserve an advantage. I'm not signing it because the small portion of the community who this would help (the extremely upper class PvP people who even know about armor switching as a tactic) is far less then the huge portion of the community (newer or more casual players) that will be ticked off by this change.
How many people do you actually think change armor during a PvP match? Give me a percentage here of people who PvP in HA or GvG who switch armor. I would guess it at less then 1% (people on community fan forums are way more hardcore and are not an acurate representation of the game community). Frankly, it is over kill to do this. With new Canthan armor with FoW type skin, you won't even be able to notice if somebody changes armor types anymore, none the less the runes. A.Net did this deliberately. I think it is a sign that they don't want you to know what somebody is running with there different armor.
Just look at the language of Master_of_Puppets. Calling people who are not signing this "freaks" and those who are signing it people who "can actually read, and have sufficient IQ" There is a lot of flamebaiting going on on either side of the issue and I would like everybody to just calm down.
How many people do you actually think change armor during a PvP match? Give me a percentage here of people who PvP in HA or GvG who switch armor. I would guess it at less then 1% (people on community fan forums are way more hardcore and are not an acurate representation of the game community). Frankly, it is over kill to do this. With new Canthan armor with FoW type skin, you won't even be able to notice if somebody changes armor types anymore, none the less the runes. A.Net did this deliberately. I think it is a sign that they don't want you to know what somebody is running with there different armor.
Just look at the language of Master_of_Puppets. Calling people who are not signing this "freaks" and those who are signing it people who "can actually read, and have sufficient IQ" There is a lot of flamebaiting going on on either side of the issue and I would like everybody to just calm down.
Da Cebuano
/not signed
it seems like there is always something to complain about by the pvp folks. Pvp creation char is a utility, game was based of pve and pvp in the same game, so having done both sides of the spectrum, there should be something different about the 2. Being a PVP only char means that you gain access only to the pvp aspect out of things, meaning the basics. A Pve char should have access to what they went through, its stupid how these hardcore pvpers always cry foul whenever something is slighly not in their favor. How many times has anet catered to you guys and screwed pve player? I don't have enough fingers to count. Seems like you guys are always unsatisfiable, always asking for more, next thing you know, you'll want pvp armors to look like 15k and better weapon skins, oh wait! why stop there? how about you get to unlock everything for free w/ factions you get just from playing pvp and have the ability to create perfect weapons/armors stats and the ability to create perfect pvp ready chars w/ access to all unlocked skills w/o having to grind for anything.......... oh yeah, you already have that.
No one is expecting you to grind through the game, so don't expect advantages the people who do get. Seems like the whole mentality is "gimme everything for free" You guys have to realize that some things have to be obtained, justifying it cause you don't want to and cause its not how you play.. too bad, go cry a river you baby.
Oh and i find it hilarious how pvp only players seem to make it sound like they are oh so intelligent and wise and playing the game how it should be played and that all else is dumb and too much time and don't know crap. Seriously, you think people who are successful @ pvp and pve are less than you? when they have done so much more in the same amount of time you have played? think about that. The best guilds out there have pve chars w/ 15k armors and crap thats prestige in pve, and they're @ the top of the pvp ladder... Yeah, I bet they grind alot too... bet they dont understand the game and such... bleh, too much BS spewn around here, if you're really good at the game, you'd not that much to complain about, especially about things such as these.
it seems like there is always something to complain about by the pvp folks. Pvp creation char is a utility, game was based of pve and pvp in the same game, so having done both sides of the spectrum, there should be something different about the 2. Being a PVP only char means that you gain access only to the pvp aspect out of things, meaning the basics. A Pve char should have access to what they went through, its stupid how these hardcore pvpers always cry foul whenever something is slighly not in their favor. How many times has anet catered to you guys and screwed pve player? I don't have enough fingers to count. Seems like you guys are always unsatisfiable, always asking for more, next thing you know, you'll want pvp armors to look like 15k and better weapon skins, oh wait! why stop there? how about you get to unlock everything for free w/ factions you get just from playing pvp and have the ability to create perfect weapons/armors stats and the ability to create perfect pvp ready chars w/ access to all unlocked skills w/o having to grind for anything.......... oh yeah, you already have that.
No one is expecting you to grind through the game, so don't expect advantages the people who do get. Seems like the whole mentality is "gimme everything for free" You guys have to realize that some things have to be obtained, justifying it cause you don't want to and cause its not how you play.. too bad, go cry a river you baby.
Oh and i find it hilarious how pvp only players seem to make it sound like they are oh so intelligent and wise and playing the game how it should be played and that all else is dumb and too much time and don't know crap. Seriously, you think people who are successful @ pvp and pve are less than you? when they have done so much more in the same amount of time you have played? think about that. The best guilds out there have pve chars w/ 15k armors and crap thats prestige in pve, and they're @ the top of the pvp ladder... Yeah, I bet they grind alot too... bet they dont understand the game and such... bleh, too much BS spewn around here, if you're really good at the game, you'd not that much to complain about, especially about things such as these.
B Ephekt
Originally Posted by Tarun
Exactly, and well said in a short summary. The way GW has it is not real PvP. Try other real games like SWG, UO and many others. Even WoW got it right. Your character does BOTH PvE and PvP. You fight to earn your levels, equipment, skills and more. This is what makes true PvP, not being given an instant Godly char with perfect gear.
Originally Posted by master_of_puppets
OK Here's for all the people who play GW and are PVE freaks with six level PVE 20 characters with fow amor and 800k gold, have a lot of time to waste, and think that hours played is what makes you good and better than others
Second, I seriously doubt you will find many PVPers who didn't start with pve and don't have at least a few pve characters. You’re wasting just as much time playing HA and GvG as the pve people are, so stop making asinine “points.”
Personally, I have 5 pve chars and 1 dedicated pvp slot. 90% of my time online in GW is dedicated to pvp though, and I’d much rather use my pve characters in pvp than deal with rerolling and deleting a character every time I go to reroll. It's just more convenient.
And here is for all the people who play GW and are serious PVP players who can actually read, and have sufficient IQ and gaming knowledge to realize that Guild Wars is not about grind (unlike some other games), and wasting time shouldnt give u an advantage. |
If what you said were true, there would be nothing separating the guy who just installed Guild Wars and the guy who's been playing since beta, except skill and an understanding of skills and mechanics. But that's hardly true, now is it? The people who are UAX have spent 500+ hours getting there, so yes, grind IS a part of pvp currently, no matter how much you say it isn't. (Note that I'm not saying I support the grind, I'm just pointing out the flaws in your arguement.)
With that nonsense out of the way, how about we try to come up with an actual solution to the issue at hand?
What about this?
1) Pvp only characters can create 4 weapon sets at creation time.
2) Pvp only characters can craft multiple armor sets at creation time. (Fation could be used for additional armor sets)
4) Add profession trainers in pvp outposts.
5) Add rune/upgrade/weapon/armor crafters in outposts, and allow them to be equiped immediately.
That reduces all but the physical differences between pve and pvp characters. That is the way is should be. Let those of us with pve characters play pvp with them, but shorten the gap between the two.
I don't think weapon/armor swaps should be restricted at all, because it's a tactical decision. If players want to do that, it's fine by me.
Originally Posted by master_of_puppets
PVE requires no skill.
PVP does. PVE in GW is just time-consuming, nothing about it comes even remotely close to being hard or requiring plans/preparation. |
If all you think PvE is, is running templates to farm 24/7, then you are clearly misinformed.
If you want your opinion to carry some weight, and appear more than a fifth-grade arguement, try getting your facts straight and avoiding fallacies.
Originally Posted by B Ephekt
With that nonsense out of the way, how about we try to come up with an actual solution to the issue at hand?
What about this? 1) Pvp only characters can create 4 weapon sets at creation time. 2) Pvp only characters can craft multiple armor sets at creation time. (Fation could be used for additional armor sets) 3) UAX/UAS 4) Add profession trainers in pvp outposts. 5) Add rune/upgrade/weapon/armor crafters in outposts, and allow them to be equiped immediately. That reduces all but the physical differences between pve and pvp characters. That is the way is should be. Let those of us with pve characters play pvp with them, but shorten the gap between the two. I don't think weapon/armor swaps should be restricted at all, because it's a tactical decision. If players want to do that, it's fine by me. |
1) Pvp only characters can create 4 weapon sets at creation time. 2) Pvp only characters can craft multiple armor sets at creation time. (Fation could be used for additional armor sets) 3) UAX/UAS 4) Add profession trainers in pvp outposts. 5) Add rune/upgrade/weapon/armor crafters in outposts, and allow them to be equiped immediately. |
I'll delete a few of my posts in here since they seem to piss people off :P. But seriously though, name one thing hard in pve.
Originally Posted by B Ephekt
Mindlessly ganking lowbies and spamming spells isn't pvp; it's noobs running around clicking their mouse at stuff.

B Ephekt
Originally Posted by Tarun
Sounds like GW PVP to me and many others
![]() |
But if you really feel that way, why are you still playing Guild Wars? Moreover, why are you posting in a thread about pvp?
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by master_of_puppets
But seriously though, name one thing hard in pve.
Originally Posted by B Ephekt
1) How do you gank lowbies in Guild Wars when everyone is level 20? 2) If you really think pvp is about spamming spells I seriously doubt you've played anything other than Random Arena.
But if you really feel that way, why are you still playing Guild Wars? Moreover, why are you posting in a thread about pvp? |
It's already been summarized what PvP is, go read that post.
Originally Posted by Tarun
It's already been summarized what PvP is, go read that post.
This is such a simple fix to a longstanding problem. It has no bearing on PvE, it takes away the enormous grind required to be truly competitive. Why would anyone have anything against this ? I'd sign this a million times.
Kakumei made a brilliant point that I'm going to quote for emphasis.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
Guys I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not but uh PvE characters already have an advantage over PvP characters--they can, you know, PvE.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
What if you forget to equip the right weapon in your invintory slots before starting a PvP match?
lol I agree PvE takes no skill, just time.
Want proof? the completely stupid wammos run supreme.
Want proof? the completely stupid wammos run supreme.
Originally Posted by TadaceAce
lol I agree PvE takes no skill, just time.
Want proof? the completely stupid wammos run supreme. |

Armour switching being one main thing, weapons a close second (since you can get more weapons from storage, but if you customize them you have to keep your character). PvE PvPers have a big advantage that is completely unfair to PvP players.
The game is about skill, not hours spent. What you accomplish with a PvE character goes towards your PvP character, which is supposed to be the perfect conduit of your skill as a player.
Therefore, perfect the conduit, please.
Armour switching being one main thing, weapons a close second (since you can get more weapons from storage, but if you customize them you have to keep your character). PvE PvPers have a big advantage that is completely unfair to PvP players.
The game is about skill, not hours spent. What you accomplish with a PvE character goes towards your PvP character, which is supposed to be the perfect conduit of your skill as a player.
Therefore, perfect the conduit, please.
lol i love this thread, all the flame battles! w00t!
seriously though, you have PvE'ers saying PvE takes skill while the PvP'ers say it doesn't. Then you have the PvP'ers saying PvP takes skill while the PvE'ers say it doesn't.
you think i'm biased? no.. i'm just talkin for most of the hardcore PvE'ers. YOu say PvE takes no skill, and i Say PvP takes no skill.
imho, PvE and PvP should be seperate, but then we'll have people complaing about that.
i'm not even gonna bother replying to all those that quoted me, cause frankly all you see is PvP and think it's the most challenging thing ever and flame the PvE'ers. but when the PvE'ers flame the PvP'ers they get all butthurt.
seriously though, you have PvE'ers saying PvE takes skill while the PvP'ers say it doesn't. Then you have the PvP'ers saying PvP takes skill while the PvE'ers say it doesn't.
you think i'm biased? no.. i'm just talkin for most of the hardcore PvE'ers. YOu say PvE takes no skill, and i Say PvP takes no skill.
imho, PvE and PvP should be seperate, but then we'll have people complaing about that.
i'm not even gonna bother replying to all those that quoted me, cause frankly all you see is PvP and think it's the most challenging thing ever and flame the PvE'ers. but when the PvE'ers flame the PvP'ers they get all butthurt.
Originally Posted by Replicant
seriously though, you have PvE'ers saying PvE takes skill while the PvP'ers say it doesn't. Then you have the PvP'ers saying PvP takes skill while the PvE'ers say it doesn't.
you think i'm biased? no.. i'm just talkin for most of the hardcore PvE'ers. YOu say PvE takes no skill, and i Say PvP takes no skill. |
Originally Posted by Replicant
imho, PvE and PvP should be seperate, but then we'll have people complaing about that. |
Da Cebuano
The problem I have w/ this is that PvP player are branching out and reaching over something they should stick their nose out of. You don't like pve chars having advantage over your pvp only char? then cry to anet about your pvp char being sucky and leave the **** our pve chars alone while we smash your limited asses in. Life is not fair, a pve char is much more customized than a pvp char, so why not have all the advantages of building up that char? I mean heck, pvp chars have access to ALL things unlocked, that itself is a HUGE advatage, as pve chars will only have skill they require.
Still I'm loving reading all these simpletons w/ their very limited scope of view. Seems like everythings got to be handed to them on a silver platter or its unfair. LoL, keep em coming boys, I really doubt the majority of these pro PVPers are really that good anyway, not that I can comment much on such things, but its clear that they're very limited.
OH and the OP's post is to PUT PVE CHAR AND PVP CHAR ON THE SAME LEVEL, not separate them, ironically, you corrected someone being wrong yourself.
Still I'm loving reading all these simpletons w/ their very limited scope of view. Seems like everythings got to be handed to them on a silver platter or its unfair. LoL, keep em coming boys, I really doubt the majority of these pro PVPers are really that good anyway, not that I can comment much on such things, but its clear that they're very limited.
OH and the OP's post is to PUT PVE CHAR AND PVP CHAR ON THE SAME LEVEL, not separate them, ironically, you corrected someone being wrong yourself.
B Ephekt
Originally Posted by Tarun
What I do is my business, not yours, tyvm. :P
It's already been summarized what PvP is, go read that post. |
Originally Posted by Replicant
imho, PvE and PvP should be seperate, but then we'll have people complaing about that.
PVP characters are limited to 1 set of armor because its made in 3 seconds.
PVE characters are not limited however they pay for it.
If people are bitching so much about this, make an armor crafter in PVP arenas for PVP only characters and make it cost faction.
Instead of starting FLAME WARZ "no you suck i wnat more armor >=(" "stfu my FOW armor is leeter than jooz", think of some ideas, its like listening to frickin cave men argue in this thread.
PVE characters are not limited however they pay for it.
If people are bitching so much about this, make an armor crafter in PVP arenas for PVP only characters and make it cost faction.
Instead of starting FLAME WARZ "no you suck i wnat more armor >=(" "stfu my FOW armor is leeter than jooz", think of some ideas, its like listening to frickin cave men argue in this thread.
Originally Posted by Replicant
i'm not even gonna bother replying to all those that quoted me, cause frankly all you see is PvP and think it's the most challenging thing ever and flame the PvE'ers. but when the PvE'ers flame the PvP'ers they get all butthurt.
Originally Posted by TheLordOfBlah
If people are bitching so much about this, make an armor crafter in PVP arenas for PVP only characters and make it cost faction.
Well then use your other slots for PVP chars. Oh thats right you already have 3 PVE chars... use them then.
*Pant Pant* Sorry I'm late. I had work.
Okay, so... this thread... Quite a problematic thread. I've thought about deleting posts left and right but I'm starting to think this thread cannot be salvaged. bilateralrope, I am very sorry, but I'm going to be closing this. Personally, I like your suggestion (and I'm not a PvPer), but that's neither here nor there. You guys have turned this thing into a rediculous flame-fest.
Since the subject has come up, you can discuss PvP character benefits in this thread. Don't burn that one to the ground too.
Okay, so... this thread... Quite a problematic thread. I've thought about deleting posts left and right but I'm starting to think this thread cannot be salvaged. bilateralrope, I am very sorry, but I'm going to be closing this. Personally, I like your suggestion (and I'm not a PvPer), but that's neither here nor there. You guys have turned this thing into a rediculous flame-fest.
Since the subject has come up, you can discuss PvP character benefits in this thread. Don't burn that one to the ground too.