BRA giveaway "Bring teh Build!"
* sorry if this is the incorrect forums for this post but it seemed the most appropriate at the time *
Yes boys and girls it's that time again! BRA is having another giveaway on June 10th (this Saturday)! Since most of you are now seasoned veterans of the event we won't bore you with all the enticements we normally include in our posts to get ppl out (I mean you already know the prizes are fairly nice and the entertainment is worth a chuckle). BUT we will mention a few new things instituted just for this event.
This event is all about Jade Quarry. BRA wants to do everything we can to create some interest in this map and hopefully get it going similar to Aspenwood. So we've decided to hold the event in.... you guessed it... Jade Quarry (both Luxons AND Kurzick's side). We're also intending to run this event for as long as we possibly can (all day if it works out) from 10am pst until we run out of gifts & prizes.
Now there is a theme this time around - "bring teh build" and we hope to have several in-game events for the Jade Quarry mission. But in a nut shell, we want you to bring the absolute WORST build you can come up with. We're talking absolute garbage. We're talking Wammo's with Blessed signet & Unyielding Aura. We're talking Nec's with Awaken the blood and BiP. If it sucks - we want to see you running it in the Quarry. BRA members will enter in game looking for these superstar builds and award prizes for the most creative and crappy ones they find. There will also be other in-game events as well such as the most deaths by a base defender or trivia questions about the quarry etc. The event will also include some of the original favorites such as factions trivia, emotes/Simon says while including some of the newer events like tinsoldier racing and what's in your pants....err I mean inventory.
We're always intent on helping any of those that need it, so if you have questions about the Quarry map or its game play - by all means ask a BRA member and I'm sure they'll be more than willing to try and explain it to the best of their ability.
So to recap for those who find reading tedious:
What: BRA Giveaway - "Bring teh build!"
When: June 10th - starting @ 10am PST to ???
Where: Jade Quarry (both Luxons AND Kurzicks side)
Your goal: Bring the absolute worst build you can design/create
As with other events, donations are always welcome and credit will be given out to those who donate in the wrap up post following the event.
Please feel free to contact me (or any other BRA members) in-game with any questions you have about the event or post about them here. If you'd like to contribute items for the give away, please contact me via the following in-game names:
Gray Elk
The Gray Elk
The White Elk
Elk Grayhorn
Caribou Kid
Looking forward to seeing you all out on Saturday (Whoopee! The all day event is going to allow the EU players to participate!!!) and lets get Jade Quarry rockin like it was in the Beta events!
Yes boys and girls it's that time again! BRA is having another giveaway on June 10th (this Saturday)! Since most of you are now seasoned veterans of the event we won't bore you with all the enticements we normally include in our posts to get ppl out (I mean you already know the prizes are fairly nice and the entertainment is worth a chuckle). BUT we will mention a few new things instituted just for this event.
This event is all about Jade Quarry. BRA wants to do everything we can to create some interest in this map and hopefully get it going similar to Aspenwood. So we've decided to hold the event in.... you guessed it... Jade Quarry (both Luxons AND Kurzick's side). We're also intending to run this event for as long as we possibly can (all day if it works out) from 10am pst until we run out of gifts & prizes.
Now there is a theme this time around - "bring teh build" and we hope to have several in-game events for the Jade Quarry mission. But in a nut shell, we want you to bring the absolute WORST build you can come up with. We're talking absolute garbage. We're talking Wammo's with Blessed signet & Unyielding Aura. We're talking Nec's with Awaken the blood and BiP. If it sucks - we want to see you running it in the Quarry. BRA members will enter in game looking for these superstar builds and award prizes for the most creative and crappy ones they find. There will also be other in-game events as well such as the most deaths by a base defender or trivia questions about the quarry etc. The event will also include some of the original favorites such as factions trivia, emotes/Simon says while including some of the newer events like tinsoldier racing and what's in your pants....err I mean inventory.
We're always intent on helping any of those that need it, so if you have questions about the Quarry map or its game play - by all means ask a BRA member and I'm sure they'll be more than willing to try and explain it to the best of their ability.
So to recap for those who find reading tedious:
What: BRA Giveaway - "Bring teh build!"
When: June 10th - starting @ 10am PST to ???
Where: Jade Quarry (both Luxons AND Kurzicks side)
Your goal: Bring the absolute worst build you can design/create
As with other events, donations are always welcome and credit will be given out to those who donate in the wrap up post following the event.
Please feel free to contact me (or any other BRA members) in-game with any questions you have about the event or post about them here. If you'd like to contribute items for the give away, please contact me via the following in-game names:
Gray Elk
The Gray Elk
The White Elk
Elk Grayhorn
Caribou Kid
Looking forward to seeing you all out on Saturday (Whoopee! The all day event is going to allow the EU players to participate!!!) and lets get Jade Quarry rockin like it was in the Beta events!
Try bringing a 55 Mo/ who uses a certain skill (not protective spirit; I don't remember which one) that makes him lose 4 energy alot and have him be the tank (LOL)
W/E who brings Flare, Ice spike, pheonix, gale, obsidian flame, and meteor and constantly screams "I NEED ENERGY, ZOMG NECRO, RENEW ME"
Or a monk with all points into smiting and brings banish, bane sig and something useless, and uses necro abilitys to summon minions.
Orders Necro FTL
W/E who brings Flare, Ice spike, pheonix, gale, obsidian flame, and meteor and constantly screams "I NEED ENERGY, ZOMG NECRO, RENEW ME"
Or a monk with all points into smiting and brings banish, bane sig and something useless, and uses necro abilitys to summon minions.
Orders Necro FTL
Ira Blinks
Holy Wrath...
The worst build? The worst almost-looks-workable build or just a bad build. The latter is very easy.
Sounds like a great idea, bringing tons of people to the Jade Quarry!
The competitions is even more interesting, because its easy to put a bad build together. The challange appears to make one blatantly bad, and comical.
The competitions is even more interesting, because its easy to put a bad build together. The challange appears to make one blatantly bad, and comical.
this is going to be great
i shall win.
That's cool that you are generating interest for Jade Quarry, though if people go in with crap builds and lose a lot, it might have a detrimental effect on what you are trying to accomplish.
If I go, I will definetly bring Apply Poison to mass spam with Barrage.
If I go, I will definetly bring Apply Poison to mass spam with Barrage.

Bah going to New York that night.
Yuo Can Do It!
No skills at all. Would that count as a build? I'm guessing not, since anyone can do that.
w/e - skills that require over 20 energy without bringing glads armor.
w/e - skills that require over 20 energy without bringing glads armor.
Hahahaha, great stuff.
But I think they want the build to actually work, like a Warrior/Necromancer who trys using minions, curses and then uses Midnight Signet, and screams to their monk:
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
But I think they want the build to actually work, like a Warrior/Necromancer who trys using minions, curses and then uses Midnight Signet, and screams to their monk:
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
I have Blind on me!
A w/n who uses a mesmer elite ?
So I'm going to win the lot by bringing a touch ranger?
I think I have the worst possibly build ever. I'm going to run a aoe smiting monk that uses heal area and the healing circle spell as self heals. It would accomplish absolutely nothing. Or I could always run the 8 cap sigs, 8 hard rezes, a self enchant heavy build that relies on ether prodigy for energy management, or I could fall back on the good ol mending wammo. But then again seeing as I cant use pvp characters there, i cant run any of those. Looks like im going to be a wand weilding warrior.
8 Signets of Capture ftw!
I think my A/Mo is going to go with everyteleport skill possible, Or just a heft combo with no Lead attack.
Is this going to be in international districts, or confined to just american?
Is this going to be in international districts, or confined to just american?
Rook Dekai
Of Course I will be there
someone has to help hand out the stuff!
Aw nerf.. only 4 more Days to go? *Runs out to farm some goodies to give away*

Aw nerf.. only 4 more Days to go? *Runs out to farm some goodies to give away*
Great. btw, 10 PST = ? GMT
First time
I assume its Pacific Standard Time or sth like that. I'm in Eurozone. Thats going to be fun and thinking some pretty builds for my Mesmer/Necro
First time

I assume its Pacific Standard Time or sth like that. I'm in Eurozone. Thats going to be fun and thinking some pretty builds for my Mesmer/Necro
This sounds like fun
10:00am PST Pacific standard time
= 17:00 (5pm) GMT Greenwich mean time
= 18:00 (6pm) BST British summer time
I guess this will be held in International district 1? Can someone from BRA confirm that please?
This sounds like fun
10:00am PST Pacific standard time
= 17:00 (5pm) GMT Greenwich mean time
= 18:00 (6pm) BST British summer time
I guess this will be held in International district 1? Can someone from BRA confirm that please?
yes, this will take place in International District 1. That is something we forgot to clarify in the original post and thanks for pointing that out!
Ole Man Bourbon
Monk: "HEAL ME!!!!"
Cyan The Archer
Should enter with my standarg ranger build.. I would probably win :P
Ok im going W/E with glyphs and earthquake, also im going to include energy boon and aura of restoration....rofl
If you go to the "beat the doppleganger" thread, you will likely find some of the best terrible builds out there.
Big Tony
I'm glad someone took it upon themselves to populate jade quarry. I've only seen 1 or 2 people there at a time ever. I'm sure I'll stop in with my pet and a naked warrior.

Alathys Tylderaan
I'll be there! Just have to think up some useless build for a Rt/Me..
Sir Skullcrasher
I can think of a worst build for a W/E or wammo!
I'll try to be there on saturday!
I'll try to be there on saturday!
I only have my ele to the Jade Quarry, so I'll have to cook up a pretty bad build to out-do the wammos and w/x's! I'll hopefully be there on Saturday!
The truth itself
W/mo running mending.. oh wait..
Else, Mesmer/n with veratas aura, gaze, both echo spells, ect. and a starting hammer
Else, Mesmer/n with veratas aura, gaze, both echo spells, ect. and a starting hammer
eternal pho
lmao 8 sigs of capture, thats a leet build..=P
Lord Iowerth
Mo/Me Mending, echo, arcane echo = double echo'd mending with no points in healing, 16 smiting, 12 inspiration (and wasted points left over doing nothing) spamming distortion maintaining as many copies of +1 mending as I can with no energy management, signet of capture, leech signet (to use when someone is not casting anything), and TWO count them TWO resurrect spells (Rebirth and Restore life). Rebirth to be used mid-battle while under aggro, restore life is used when the corpse is in aggro range of NPC's I haven't aggroed yet so I can run into them.
Count me in!
55 hp Mesmar primary or secondary Using illusion of weakness.
Look at me kill myself build!
Look at me kill myself build!
I know i'll win with this build....
I'll bring an IWAY build. I'll be in full knights, have an FDS, and a pet called 'Ghostly Hero'
I'll bring an IWAY build. I'll be in full knights, have an FDS, and a pet called 'Ghostly Hero'

Sweet ideal! Anet needs to do stuff/promote areas like this to get people away from FF or farming.
i got one for my sin -) see you guys there
i got one for my sin -) see you guys there
W/E "..I'm casting Metero Shower..."
I"ll be there.....hopefully it isn't too lag.
I"ll be there.....hopefully it isn't too lag.
Digital Bath
Hmm, what about a Fast Casting Mesmer using all blood sac skills. Let's see who can kill themselves the fastest at their own hands.

nothing beats the super double echo mender rezer frenzy build
5 attunements, and three conjures on my Elementalist. Then wield a starter Truncheon...
Originally Posted by tuna-fish_sushi
nothing beats the super double echo mender rezer frenzy build