Originally Posted by Backwards Necro
--Warriors already have a no drawback rune all to themselves, and why?
{MERGED} New no-drawback runes for non warrior classes
Captain Krompdown
lol, Return isn't the only good teleport skill...... it is the only one I apprciate.
There are some other teleport skills that Assassins can use, I just don't like them and don't feel they are fair. Aura of Displacement is useful, I just don't think it is Elite enough, with that much cost. And Shadow of Haste is a functional in and out skill as well, I just don't like it.
As an Elite teleport I think being able to teleport to any enemy or allie for 10 energy every 10 or 15 seconds would be good. Aura of Displacement can be expensive enough with the maintenance alone, it could very well be cheaper, Recall should be cheaper, wile Deaths Charge and Heart of Shadow need about 1/3 the current recast time to be worth a skill slot.
The real point, relavent to the topic, is that teleports are skills used, skills which unfortunatly arn't even good enough to compensate for the differences in attack advantage or defense other classes have, the static effectiveness of Assassin (his weapons, armor, and runes) isn't any better, in truth worse than Warrior or Ranger, and trying to bring in the use of their skills to compete with Warrior and Ranger wile overlooking the equal use of skill slots by those classes and the fact that theirs are better is actually further proof that Assassin is lacking.
I think the true problem with Assassin is his teleport skills, not the use of runes. Evasion runes are a defensive improvement which will only work on physical attacks (Warriors, Rangers, Pets and other Assassins). Adding defensive runes to Assassin isn't what I have in mind, they arn't ment to be tanks, and evasion only helps them defend against Rangers and Warriors, and other Assassins. Assassins teleporting power overall is insufficient IMO, that can't be replaced by runes, and I hope they improve their skills, but as a class who is still "ment" to move into combat, deal "alot" of damage, and Move out again, I would perfer if they had an attack rune. Damage +1-3 to all attacks (actuall increase in damage not to attack figures), or increased Dual Attack rate by 5%-15%, or increased energy gained by critical +1 (not three teirs but one rune for only 1 point increase), or reduce duration of conditions and/or hexes 10%-30% (reducing the duration of hexes can also be determental so not a great idea), or reduce degen by 1-3
Because Assassins are much more skill based, I think high reductions in all conditions would be a great rune choice, giving Assassin higher defense over conditions rather than attacks, this is actually an opposite kind of defense compared to Warrior. Warrior is good at defending against damage, but is just as weak against degen and conditions, if Assassin had high defense against conditions they would be weaker against damage, but stronger vs ailments and some kinds of degen. This is also something I would like improved on Assassin armor in general, the slight reduction in certain conditions is nice, but because it only covers a few conditions it is just like the condtitional armor, a very slim chance of being effective. Unlike damage reduction (which isn't just in Warrior runes, but a mod is some warrior armor), and Physical damage reduction (which covers damage dealt by any kind of pysical attack), condition reductions are so narrow that they are likely to take no effect at all, the enemy may not even use conditions, and then if they do, there's only a chance it will be reduced by your armor. I think the Condition reduction on many Assassin armors should be universal, reducing all conditions by 10%, add on Runes of Resiliance for another 10%, 20% or 30% condition reduction, and you greatly reduce damage and "crippling" effects conditions have on Assassin, not only increasing their defense against a different but significant kind of damage, but reducing the need to bring condition removal skills, allowing for more room to bring the other skills Assassin will need to compensate for Defense. Warrior having High defense against damage and bringing Condition removal compared to Assassin having high defense against conditions and bringing skills to help avoid damage or heal themselves more, I think Assassin would break a fair possition in defensive effectiveness and non-penalty runes. That doesn't mean I would appreciate the crappy teleport recasts and costs, but it would help alot.
Again, I would certainly prefer redevelopement of teleport skills over giving Assassin some rune to compensate, a non-penalty rune is ment to be an improvement at best, not compensation for the classes defense and effectiveness in general, but since it is a melee class, I would still appreciate if they did have one.
I am Sorry this thread (partly due to my involvement) has focused clearly on whether or not Assassin deserves some non-penalty runes, I still think other classes could greatly benefit and that it would be acceptable if they had some sort of improving runes as well. Considering the attack rate and lack of damage modifiers on Ranger, having a rune which increased Rangers attack damage by +1-3 damage would be better than (more balanced than) giving it to Assassin. Ranger doesn't have 2 attributes to increase "their" attack damage, like Strength and Critical Strikes, and thier Bows have some of the slowest attacks in the game. This compliments the "piercing" damage a Bow should do, and because Bows are slow, it wouldn't have an extreme effect the way it would on a Dagger wielder (fastest strike rate). Also, in the advent of the Touch Ranger, I truely doubt the damage of the ranger would be severly improved. Alot of Rangers have taken advantage of Rangers "caster" oriented Primary, so having a rune which helped them improve in physical attacks would be incentive for them to focus on physcial rather than magical, not that I'm saying they should. This may still be too strong since..... Ranger can choose Assassin secondary and use daggers for that fast attack rate, the damage increase may be too much in that circumstance. So perhaps the rune can improve "ranged" attacks by +1-3 damage.
I think reducing some class specific difficulties on each class could greatly improve the gameplay for those classes, they may be more powerful, but I don't think it is any thing that would break the game, or at least it can be tempered enough so it wouldn't, and some classes are needing of some improvement, Warriors dilema of being a melee class and neccessity to overcome damage isn't any greater than Elementist dilema with Exhaustion, or Necromancers Dilema with Sacrifices. Improvements to skills which other classes have on only a few skills isn't going to make them more effective in every way (unlike defending better on a vast majority of damage), improvement on some of the unique difficulties on a few of their skills would improve the effectiveness of their attacks, energy management, or health management issues they have, making them more functional, they don't have to be so strong that they throw the balance of the game off, just a tiny improvement is a nice and enjoyable improvement to any classes gameplay.
There are some other teleport skills that Assassins can use, I just don't like them and don't feel they are fair. Aura of Displacement is useful, I just don't think it is Elite enough, with that much cost. And Shadow of Haste is a functional in and out skill as well, I just don't like it.
As an Elite teleport I think being able to teleport to any enemy or allie for 10 energy every 10 or 15 seconds would be good. Aura of Displacement can be expensive enough with the maintenance alone, it could very well be cheaper, Recall should be cheaper, wile Deaths Charge and Heart of Shadow need about 1/3 the current recast time to be worth a skill slot.
The real point, relavent to the topic, is that teleports are skills used, skills which unfortunatly arn't even good enough to compensate for the differences in attack advantage or defense other classes have, the static effectiveness of Assassin (his weapons, armor, and runes) isn't any better, in truth worse than Warrior or Ranger, and trying to bring in the use of their skills to compete with Warrior and Ranger wile overlooking the equal use of skill slots by those classes and the fact that theirs are better is actually further proof that Assassin is lacking.
I think the true problem with Assassin is his teleport skills, not the use of runes. Evasion runes are a defensive improvement which will only work on physical attacks (Warriors, Rangers, Pets and other Assassins). Adding defensive runes to Assassin isn't what I have in mind, they arn't ment to be tanks, and evasion only helps them defend against Rangers and Warriors, and other Assassins. Assassins teleporting power overall is insufficient IMO, that can't be replaced by runes, and I hope they improve their skills, but as a class who is still "ment" to move into combat, deal "alot" of damage, and Move out again, I would perfer if they had an attack rune. Damage +1-3 to all attacks (actuall increase in damage not to attack figures), or increased Dual Attack rate by 5%-15%, or increased energy gained by critical +1 (not three teirs but one rune for only 1 point increase), or reduce duration of conditions and/or hexes 10%-30% (reducing the duration of hexes can also be determental so not a great idea), or reduce degen by 1-3
Because Assassins are much more skill based, I think high reductions in all conditions would be a great rune choice, giving Assassin higher defense over conditions rather than attacks, this is actually an opposite kind of defense compared to Warrior. Warrior is good at defending against damage, but is just as weak against degen and conditions, if Assassin had high defense against conditions they would be weaker against damage, but stronger vs ailments and some kinds of degen. This is also something I would like improved on Assassin armor in general, the slight reduction in certain conditions is nice, but because it only covers a few conditions it is just like the condtitional armor, a very slim chance of being effective. Unlike damage reduction (which isn't just in Warrior runes, but a mod is some warrior armor), and Physical damage reduction (which covers damage dealt by any kind of pysical attack), condition reductions are so narrow that they are likely to take no effect at all, the enemy may not even use conditions, and then if they do, there's only a chance it will be reduced by your armor. I think the Condition reduction on many Assassin armors should be universal, reducing all conditions by 10%, add on Runes of Resiliance for another 10%, 20% or 30% condition reduction, and you greatly reduce damage and "crippling" effects conditions have on Assassin, not only increasing their defense against a different but significant kind of damage, but reducing the need to bring condition removal skills, allowing for more room to bring the other skills Assassin will need to compensate for Defense. Warrior having High defense against damage and bringing Condition removal compared to Assassin having high defense against conditions and bringing skills to help avoid damage or heal themselves more, I think Assassin would break a fair possition in defensive effectiveness and non-penalty runes. That doesn't mean I would appreciate the crappy teleport recasts and costs, but it would help alot.
Again, I would certainly prefer redevelopement of teleport skills over giving Assassin some rune to compensate, a non-penalty rune is ment to be an improvement at best, not compensation for the classes defense and effectiveness in general, but since it is a melee class, I would still appreciate if they did have one.
I am Sorry this thread (partly due to my involvement) has focused clearly on whether or not Assassin deserves some non-penalty runes, I still think other classes could greatly benefit and that it would be acceptable if they had some sort of improving runes as well. Considering the attack rate and lack of damage modifiers on Ranger, having a rune which increased Rangers attack damage by +1-3 damage would be better than (more balanced than) giving it to Assassin. Ranger doesn't have 2 attributes to increase "their" attack damage, like Strength and Critical Strikes, and thier Bows have some of the slowest attacks in the game. This compliments the "piercing" damage a Bow should do, and because Bows are slow, it wouldn't have an extreme effect the way it would on a Dagger wielder (fastest strike rate). Also, in the advent of the Touch Ranger, I truely doubt the damage of the ranger would be severly improved. Alot of Rangers have taken advantage of Rangers "caster" oriented Primary, so having a rune which helped them improve in physical attacks would be incentive for them to focus on physcial rather than magical, not that I'm saying they should. This may still be too strong since..... Ranger can choose Assassin secondary and use daggers for that fast attack rate, the damage increase may be too much in that circumstance. So perhaps the rune can improve "ranged" attacks by +1-3 damage.
I think reducing some class specific difficulties on each class could greatly improve the gameplay for those classes, they may be more powerful, but I don't think it is any thing that would break the game, or at least it can be tempered enough so it wouldn't, and some classes are needing of some improvement, Warriors dilema of being a melee class and neccessity to overcome damage isn't any greater than Elementist dilema with Exhaustion, or Necromancers Dilema with Sacrifices. Improvements to skills which other classes have on only a few skills isn't going to make them more effective in every way (unlike defending better on a vast majority of damage), improvement on some of the unique difficulties on a few of their skills would improve the effectiveness of their attacks, energy management, or health management issues they have, making them more functional, they don't have to be so strong that they throw the balance of the game off, just a tiny improvement is a nice and enjoyable improvement to any classes gameplay.
I'd like to point out that warriors are not balanced as you can see in many threads about pvp, most of the time pvp involves helping your warrior, or getting the enemy warrior off your back.
I'd like to see a additional rune set, but perhaps not per-profession but ones for casters (maybe extend casting range?) and another for rangers and assassins. I dont know how you would work it out, possibly make identical runes for each class.
I'd like to see a additional rune set, but perhaps not per-profession but ones for casters (maybe extend casting range?) and another for rangers and assassins. I dont know how you would work it out, possibly make identical runes for each class.
Originally Posted by samifly
I'd like to point out that warriors are not balanced as you can see in many threads about pvp, most of the time pvp involves helping your warrior, or getting the enemy warrior off your back.
I'd like to see a additional rune set, but perhaps not per-profession but ones for casters (maybe extend casting range?) and another for rangers and assassins. I dont know how you would work it out, possibly make identical runes for each class. |
Monk:Various protections, Guardian most likely
Ranger:Stances, Throw Dirt
Mesmer:Many blinding spells/Empathy
Elementalist:Blinding Flash/Blurred Vision
Necromancer:Spiteful Spirit+Reckless Haste
Ritualist:Shadowsong, Wanderlust, Displacement
Assassin:Temple Strike
Anyone who actually thinks warriors are overpowered for the conditions they must meet (Close range combat, low energy, etc...) is whining...
Chaco Nautzi
I dont know why you think warriors have too little armor, last I recall plat(in pve only) was 85 armor alone 15 above max necro armro, and glads has what? 75, (+20 vs Physical) whcih is the again type of damage assassin does....but assassins only have like 60 armor and most of the effect reduce conditions, not give bonuses for going into the frontlines o:
(This is all going off memory, I didnt actually look up the amount of armor)
(This is all going off memory, I didnt actually look up the amount of armor)
Priest Of Sin
look at it this way...
IF THEY STACK: Assassin+5 superior evasion runes= pain in the BUTT..
IF THEY STACK: Assassin+5 superior evasion runes= pain in the BUTT..
There are counters to everything in the game, and guess what, there are several things physical skills are not subject too, like interrupts in particular.
Bringing up only the Warrior counters and trying to point them out as reasons Warrior is dibilitated isn't even an arguement, your obviously overlooking the many counters other classes have, and specifically, the counters Warrior has for those classes, first and foremost being survival vs many damage types. Furthermore, nearly every Warrior counter can be countered in turn by simple status removal and hex removal, almost all of which come at a lower energy cost and have faster recast.
Arguements which only veiw difficulties for one class are totaly blind and neglagent, a good moderator would correct them and squelch such nonsense.
The fact that Rogmar actually listed low energy as one of Warriors weaknesses proves he has an utter lack of balanced persepctive, dual skill costs allows for Warrior to power his adrenaline based skills with adrenaline, wile using energy to power other skills. This is about the same as saying "I have less to eat because I only have one ear of corn and you have two", Wile clearly overlooking the fact that you have a peice of steak and corn, and I only have 2 ears of corn. I almost wish logic and reason were forced on the population, but then we wouldn't have cheap grunt labor.
Non Penalty runes don't stack either, just like every rune in the game, somebody get out the "Club of Logical Correction", I need to smash some ppl.
(two paragraphs of flaming that served no purpose)
I dont' want this to become flamefest, but moderators should remove totaly blind and ignorant statements from their threads..... these are just dumb.
I would read you some caster counters, but I don't have time to list half the skills in the mesmers library, almost every Domination Magic in particular, and several skills from every single class, because every class has several counters for several, if not all other classes.
Bringing up only the Warrior counters and trying to point them out as reasons Warrior is dibilitated isn't even an arguement, your obviously overlooking the many counters other classes have, and specifically, the counters Warrior has for those classes, first and foremost being survival vs many damage types. Furthermore, nearly every Warrior counter can be countered in turn by simple status removal and hex removal, almost all of which come at a lower energy cost and have faster recast.
Arguements which only veiw difficulties for one class are totaly blind and neglagent, a good moderator would correct them and squelch such nonsense.
The fact that Rogmar actually listed low energy as one of Warriors weaknesses proves he has an utter lack of balanced persepctive, dual skill costs allows for Warrior to power his adrenaline based skills with adrenaline, wile using energy to power other skills. This is about the same as saying "I have less to eat because I only have one ear of corn and you have two", Wile clearly overlooking the fact that you have a peice of steak and corn, and I only have 2 ears of corn. I almost wish logic and reason were forced on the population, but then we wouldn't have cheap grunt labor.
Non Penalty runes don't stack either, just like every rune in the game, somebody get out the "Club of Logical Correction", I need to smash some ppl.
(two paragraphs of flaming that served no purpose)
I dont' want this to become flamefest, but moderators should remove totaly blind and ignorant statements from their threads..... these are just dumb.
I would read you some caster counters, but I don't have time to list half the skills in the mesmers library, almost every Domination Magic in particular, and several skills from every single class, because every class has several counters for several, if not all other classes.
Backwards Necro
I dont think he was talking about the assassin sup runes being(stackable more than like 2 maybe) more than like....5% or maybe like 2-4-6(min-maj-sup) but anyway, assassin dont recieve damage from only other melee classes, they get hit by casters and even though ele damage is reduced some because of armor, it cant be evaded, the evasion rune is however to give assassins a power-up sort of thing.
I'm sorry if this has been said, its late, and some of these posts are way too long for me to read right now. If you take a look at warrior skills, they are the only class limited to using 3 of their attributes. Now I know some of you will say other classes will not use 4 atts, since that spreads things out, but a warrior takes his strength, tactics and weapon skills, and the other two are ignored (and no, taking hammer knockdown skills and switching to it to knock down on a regular basis is really not feasable (?)). And to some of the assasins in this thread, if your taking bucket loads of damage, then you need to take a look at your build again. I've seen assasins take down any and all classes (far out damaging anything a warrior could dream of doing) and port away before they could take too much damage. And no, I'm not saying assasins can kill everything and are overpowered. They have their strengths, and weaknesses. But the assasins class is not ment to take damage. Thats the warriors job. If you like taking damage in the bucket loads, play a warrior. If you like doing damage to casters but still want to be a melee fighter, play an assasin. Anywho, I've lost track of where this was going so I'll end it here.
Again, sorry if this makes no sense, or for the typing. Its too late and I need sleep.
Again, sorry if this makes no sense, or for the typing. Its too late and I need sleep.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
The fact that Rogmar actually listed low energy as one of Warriors weaknesses proves he has an utter lack of balanced persepctive, dual skill costs allows for Warrior to power his adrenaline based skills with adrenaline, wile using energy to power other skills. This is about the same as saying "I have less to eat because I only have one ear of corn and you have two", Wile clearly overlooking the fact that you have a peice of steak and corn, and I only have 2 ears of corn. I almost wish logic and reason were forced on the population, but then we wouldn't have cheap grunt labor.
I Don't remember where I saw it, but I like the idea of assassins having a rune that adds +3%-6%-9% run speed.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Does anyone still remembers that Warriors only have 2 pips of energy regeneration? Rangers have 3 pips, but they have Expertise to deal with that, and the rest have 4 pips.
I vote No for "New no-drawback runes for non warrior classes"
Absorbtion Runes' drawback is the fact that Warrior Armor does not provide any other additional pip of energy regeneration.
If non warrior class receive "new no-drawback runes", then Warriors must receive something new too to compensate.
I vote No for "New no-drawback runes for non warrior classes"
Absorbtion Runes' drawback is the fact that Warrior Armor does not provide any other additional pip of energy regeneration.
If non warrior class receive "new no-drawback runes", then Warriors must receive something new too to compensate.
Phoenix Arrows
If there are going to be no-drawback runes, then the effects of them should be passive (I think that's the right word). There shouldn't be any percentage things like the Evasion and Daze with some spells or anything. It should be like (for Mesmer) a loss of 1/3 of 1 energy on the foe. I'm not that creative but all I know is that the effect should happen all the time.
Chaco Nautzi
(sorry about trailing off, akward sentence structures and [also sorry for alot of stupid in this post]various misspellings ahead of time Im very tired for some reason and losing consciousness as I type)
I like the all-at-the-same-time effect idea...
But I dont think that assassins shoudl be able to stack like evasion runes(if they get them)
and Can we get a "At least read some of the previous posts before posting" rule to keep peopel such as Hturt from going in posting what everyone else has been saying....then having to counter that? Warrior isnt supposed to have a hell of a lot of energy in the first place....and they dont need any extra I dont like to see wars out there with already like 37 energy (glads and energy weap) able to cop off a few spells that, they quite frankly, shouldnt have(high energy ones).
My point is wars dont need compensation for this horrible assassin rune thats coming into play, when theyre really the ones who would need compensation for warriors being able to have an absorption rune. Assassins have to be up there with wars...they need something, running speeds might just increase runner delaying the inevitable during RA matches, and I think the non-stacking evasion rune is what would help. Also i think it's kind of concieted(sp?>.>) that you think that warriors having less energy is the drawback(drawbacks are -50, -75) and you think that warriors are so horrible that it would be incredibly unfair to level the playing field for assassins...
I like the all-at-the-same-time effect idea...
But I dont think that assassins shoudl be able to stack like evasion runes(if they get them)
and Can we get a "At least read some of the previous posts before posting" rule to keep peopel such as Hturt from going in posting what everyone else has been saying....then having to counter that? Warrior isnt supposed to have a hell of a lot of energy in the first place....and they dont need any extra I dont like to see wars out there with already like 37 energy (glads and energy weap) able to cop off a few spells that, they quite frankly, shouldnt have(high energy ones).
My point is wars dont need compensation for this horrible assassin rune thats coming into play, when theyre really the ones who would need compensation for warriors being able to have an absorption rune. Assassins have to be up there with wars...they need something, running speeds might just increase runner delaying the inevitable during RA matches, and I think the non-stacking evasion rune is what would help. Also i think it's kind of concieted(sp?>.>) that you think that warriors having less energy is the drawback(drawbacks are -50, -75) and you think that warriors are so horrible that it would be incredibly unfair to level the playing field for assassins...
Minus Sign
I like this idea and don't. While Warriors have Absorption runes all to themselves, they need the buff as they spend so much of their time in harms way. Factor in how rarely Warriors use their own Superior runes due to the health consequences and Absortion/Vigor are the most used runes on a Warriors armor.
Then again, tell that to an Assassin.
As more professions make their way into Guild Wars, Absorption will increasingly see play as a deciding factor between tanks and other characters in game.
/A conditional signed. This needs a lot more thought on which attributes need buffing and which should be avoided. Skills and conditions to focus on would probably be Exhaustion, hex uptime, attack power, mana gain per critical hit, skill reharge, spell recharge, sacrificing, arrow flight speed or firing speed, enchantment uptime, run buffs, etc.
The trick is to make these runes unique while still adding to the effectiveness of the proffession. We don't want Rangers wearing a Sundering mod on their feet or Monks dropping Diving Favor. These should be useful to the class without adding to/replacing things we already have.
Then again, tell that to an Assassin.
As more professions make their way into Guild Wars, Absorption will increasingly see play as a deciding factor between tanks and other characters in game.
/A conditional signed. This needs a lot more thought on which attributes need buffing and which should be avoided. Skills and conditions to focus on would probably be Exhaustion, hex uptime, attack power, mana gain per critical hit, skill reharge, spell recharge, sacrificing, arrow flight speed or firing speed, enchantment uptime, run buffs, etc.
The trick is to make these runes unique while still adding to the effectiveness of the proffession. We don't want Rangers wearing a Sundering mod on their feet or Monks dropping Diving Favor. These should be useful to the class without adding to/replacing things we already have.
Here's why I love the idea of assassins getting a passive run speed buff rune:
When they aren't using teleports (which they can't use all the time, and many builds don't even have room for one) They can rush in more easily, and they can rush back out again more easily. They can avoid fights altogether more easily, and the greatest reason of all; PERMANENT ASSASSIN SPRINT ANIMATION!!!
When they aren't using teleports (which they can't use all the time, and many builds don't even have room for one) They can rush in more easily, and they can rush back out again more easily. They can avoid fights altogether more easily, and the greatest reason of all; PERMANENT ASSASSIN SPRINT ANIMATION!!!
Originally Posted by Chaco Nautzi
and Can we get a "At least read some of the previous posts before posting" rule to keep peopel such as Hturt from going in posting what everyone else has been saying....then having to counter that? Warrior isnt supposed to have a hell of a lot of energy in the first place....and they dont need any extra I dont like to see wars out there with already like 37 energy (glads and energy weap) able to cop off a few spells that, they quite frankly, shouldnt have(high energy ones).
Like I said before, there's builds that are viable with lots of energy. Shock warriors for example, and even Tigers fury warriors, or warriors that use self enchants (no, not healing prayers)
If you don't want to see the low energy pool as a draw back, I suggest you look at their primary attribute, strength. Strength adds armor penetration only while using attack skills. This isn't even a 100% passive attribute. Most keep Strength around 10 or so to equip the shield, and for the ever favorite skill "Sprint". If sprint wasn't in Strength, no doubt Tactics would become the new Warrior primary. That's how bad Strength is.
Not only that, if you look at every class's Primaries, they are all some sort of direct/indirect energy management (save Ritualists which I can explain later)
Assassins = High Critical %, Critical = Energy
Monks = More heal from DF = Less Energy needed (usually)
Rangers = Expertise, enough said
Mesmer = This one's a little bit tricky, Their skills are full of energy management while their primary lets them cast faster, Ok their primary doesnt let them save energy, but they have an entire attribute to do it.
Necromancers = Soul Reaping + Minions = Super effectiveness, Even without minions they're sacrificing balances out with low energy costs, and soul reaping still works, just not as rapidly with minions.
Elementalists = Energy Storage (Need I say more?)
Now Ritualists...Spawning power lets their spirits that damage themselves (Not die after X amount of time, but -X life when Y happens) last longer. Because more health = more uses like Union for example.
Now you say, well Warriors don't need energy so why does it matter? Sure warriors don't need energy, but what about their other "skill management" adrenaline? Only few skills help gain adrenaline as well as the furious mod. Hitting foes is analagous to Energy regen, and Furious mod is analagous to Zealous. So really, warriors are being compensated for their lack of a decent primary attribute
For a one liner...-3 Damage doesn't barely helps...
As for Assassin's speed boost...No balance at all (I hope you can understand why it is...)
If everyone gets a special nice rune with no drawbacks, then the warrior primary needs to be reivisted, maybe 2% armor penetration again? and on all attacks as well?
Edit: Shoot someone beat me to the point that Strength is rather lacking....
Edit: Shoot someone beat me to the point that Strength is rather lacking....
Chaos Herald
Signed, but only for the ele rune, as there is currently no cure for exhaustion.
/signed I like new ideas
Originally Posted by Chaos Herald
Signed, but only for the ele rune, as there is currently no cure for exhaustion.
Exhaustion is to any class using elementist secondary no different than lack of armor is for any class using warrior secondary, something to keep other classes from excelling at those classes skills.
A warrior already has the highest armor, so he already has any other class attempting melee snubbed, he will do more damage, and he will take less, and to improve upon that, he also has (guess what?) absorbtion runes, to further improve his advantage at his realm of combat over anyone else trying to fake it.
Likewise, an Elementist has higher energy that way he can still cast spells with the energy left after using an exhaustion skill, an other class trying to use elementist skills with exhaustion will lose anywhere from 1/4, to 1/2 of their max energy for an extended period of time. But even with massive amounts of energy the elementist can shutdown his own energy supply with any fast recast exhaustion skill, elementist is ment to be able to function with these skills well, but even with massive amounts of energy (around 100), repeatative use of exhaustion skills takes a serious bite out of his energy pool, besides energy cost.
A rune to make Elementist better with his exhaustion skills is no different than a rune to give Warrior even higher defense when he already has the best, another boost at his primary role. An Elementists primary role is having alot of energy to keep casting, and the easiest way to improve that without giving him alot more energy to use any number of spells, or more energy regeneration to last longer, is to give him a little exhaustion management which will only improve his use with a few key elementist spells. Reducing Exhaustion by 1, 2, and 3 points only reduces the effect of exhaustion (exhaustion causes 10 energy loss), helping Elementist preserve a little more energy from his Exhausting skills, we arn't asking to remove it all together, just an extra advantage for elementist with his unique skill type.
The truth is, without even better exhaustion managment, Ranger blows Elementist out of the water for energy management, there is a significant reason why touch rangers are more common than touch elementist, because Expertise saves more energy and is a better energy management attribute for anything other than exhaustion skills, Elementist exhaustion managment needs an upgrade.
They could also introduce a single elementist rune which simply reduces exhaustion recovery time instead, increasing its recovery speed by 1 regen.
The other thing is, new class specific runes for other classes don't need to be penalty free. I know this is a "everyone deservese penalty free boosts" thread, but if it is a strong rune with a significantly improving effect, it could have a penalty just like other runes. Many Elementist builds would benifit more from an exhaustion reducing rune more than an elemental attribute boosting rune, and even if it has a health penalty, they may use that instead, or with other superior runes. Casters and ranged attackers are much less prone to need added health than Warrior and Assassin, making new class specific runes with penalties, ones which are focal on improving that classes specialties, is still a good option, they may be more valuable than the penalty runes we already have, or at least be worth the penalty for such an improvement. The only classes which need non-penalty runes are other melee classes like assassin, surely assassin is weak enough, whatever boost they can afford him doesn't need to come with a penalty.
Warrior has higher defense, much higher defense, and uses adrenaline as his primary skill cost source, this isn't a "Warrior has less and deserves more" analogy, it is a "I am overlooking the different advantages Warrior armor has compared to caster armor" perspective. The fact that Warrior has More armor instead of energy amount and regen is a straight trade, and when you include the fact that Warrior opperates primarily on adrenaline rather than energy, the whole "mages have more energy on their armor" isn't even an arguement. Warriors have a very reasonable alternative to energy, and their armor is equipted to save energy on healing since they take less damage, wile their primary skill cost runs on something else.
Since this was overlooked, I will repeat it. A class who can benifit from 2 skill cost sources isn't at some disadvantage to a class who has more energy, yet only has skills for that one kind of energy.
And the adrenaline other classes can get, but can't use, doesn't count as an energy source for them. The only class that has adrenaline skills is Warrior, and there are very few skills which will help a caster play better in the warrior skill list, the very few defensive skills are rarely effective enough on a caster to keep him alive, and using melee attacks with a caster only proves how much of an advantage Warriors armor gives them at their realm of combat.
I have an Assassin/Warrior, and unless they make some adrenaline based healing skills in tactics, that adrenaline isn't going anywhere, the fact that Assassin has to use Warrior (the least helpful survival secondary) in order to even use adrenaline skills, and woln't benifit nearly as much as warrior, isn't an argument that Warrior should have exclusive rights to non drawback runes. I know from experience that a A/W is realy poor, Assassin doesn't benifit enough from Warrior skills to make it effective, and his lack of defense compared to warrior almost demands that he take a secondary which provides him with some real healing skills.
The idea that Warriors are forced to use 3 attributes and other classes can use more is hogwash too, first of all, he can use any number of other attributes from other classes, W/Mo for example. And no different than warrior, if a caster splits his attribute points into more than 3 attributes, the skills become too weak to be effective, not every class is built like monk, some casters almost require max points in 2 attributes to deal good damage (which is where I get to elementist who needs max points in energy storage to overcome exhaustion).
A warrior already has the highest armor, so he already has any other class attempting melee snubbed, he will do more damage, and he will take less, and to improve upon that, he also has (guess what?) absorbtion runes, to further improve his advantage at his realm of combat over anyone else trying to fake it.
Likewise, an Elementist has higher energy that way he can still cast spells with the energy left after using an exhaustion skill, an other class trying to use elementist skills with exhaustion will lose anywhere from 1/4, to 1/2 of their max energy for an extended period of time. But even with massive amounts of energy the elementist can shutdown his own energy supply with any fast recast exhaustion skill, elementist is ment to be able to function with these skills well, but even with massive amounts of energy (around 100), repeatative use of exhaustion skills takes a serious bite out of his energy pool, besides energy cost.
A rune to make Elementist better with his exhaustion skills is no different than a rune to give Warrior even higher defense when he already has the best, another boost at his primary role. An Elementists primary role is having alot of energy to keep casting, and the easiest way to improve that without giving him alot more energy to use any number of spells, or more energy regeneration to last longer, is to give him a little exhaustion management which will only improve his use with a few key elementist spells. Reducing Exhaustion by 1, 2, and 3 points only reduces the effect of exhaustion (exhaustion causes 10 energy loss), helping Elementist preserve a little more energy from his Exhausting skills, we arn't asking to remove it all together, just an extra advantage for elementist with his unique skill type.
The truth is, without even better exhaustion managment, Ranger blows Elementist out of the water for energy management, there is a significant reason why touch rangers are more common than touch elementist, because Expertise saves more energy and is a better energy management attribute for anything other than exhaustion skills, Elementist exhaustion managment needs an upgrade.
They could also introduce a single elementist rune which simply reduces exhaustion recovery time instead, increasing its recovery speed by 1 regen.
The other thing is, new class specific runes for other classes don't need to be penalty free. I know this is a "everyone deservese penalty free boosts" thread, but if it is a strong rune with a significantly improving effect, it could have a penalty just like other runes. Many Elementist builds would benifit more from an exhaustion reducing rune more than an elemental attribute boosting rune, and even if it has a health penalty, they may use that instead, or with other superior runes. Casters and ranged attackers are much less prone to need added health than Warrior and Assassin, making new class specific runes with penalties, ones which are focal on improving that classes specialties, is still a good option, they may be more valuable than the penalty runes we already have, or at least be worth the penalty for such an improvement. The only classes which need non-penalty runes are other melee classes like assassin, surely assassin is weak enough, whatever boost they can afford him doesn't need to come with a penalty.
Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
Does anyone still remembers that Warriors only have 2 pips of energy regeneration? Rangers have 3 pips, but they have Expertise to deal with that, and the rest have 4 pips.
I vote No for "New no-drawback runes for non warrior classes" Absorbtion Runes' drawback is the fact that Warrior Armor does not provide any other additional pip of energy regeneration. If non warrior class receive "new no-drawback runes", then Warriors must receive something new too to compensate. |
Since this was overlooked, I will repeat it. A class who can benifit from 2 skill cost sources isn't at some disadvantage to a class who has more energy, yet only has skills for that one kind of energy.
And the adrenaline other classes can get, but can't use, doesn't count as an energy source for them. The only class that has adrenaline skills is Warrior, and there are very few skills which will help a caster play better in the warrior skill list, the very few defensive skills are rarely effective enough on a caster to keep him alive, and using melee attacks with a caster only proves how much of an advantage Warriors armor gives them at their realm of combat.
I have an Assassin/Warrior, and unless they make some adrenaline based healing skills in tactics, that adrenaline isn't going anywhere, the fact that Assassin has to use Warrior (the least helpful survival secondary) in order to even use adrenaline skills, and woln't benifit nearly as much as warrior, isn't an argument that Warrior should have exclusive rights to non drawback runes. I know from experience that a A/W is realy poor, Assassin doesn't benifit enough from Warrior skills to make it effective, and his lack of defense compared to warrior almost demands that he take a secondary which provides him with some real healing skills.
The idea that Warriors are forced to use 3 attributes and other classes can use more is hogwash too, first of all, he can use any number of other attributes from other classes, W/Mo for example. And no different than warrior, if a caster splits his attribute points into more than 3 attributes, the skills become too weak to be effective, not every class is built like monk, some casters almost require max points in 2 attributes to deal good damage (which is where I get to elementist who needs max points in energy storage to overcome exhaustion).
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
Most of you are ignoring the fact that it's only -3 damage...It doesn't factor at all in team strategy. If absorption runes were removed, the game would still be the same. Absorption simply doesn't affect the game by much...How can you honestly think that an extra -3 will make this Warrior much better. You must be overlooking the fact that in PvP warriors are ignored most of the time. If their high armor was such a threat, why don't you see necromancers carrying Weaken Armor? You say our primary role is carrying lots of armor?
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
A rune to make Elementist better with his exhaustion skills is no different than a rune to give Warrior even higher defense when he already has the best, another boost at his primary role.
Instead of Anet making warriors more flexible with other secondaries, they give us an absorption rune to make us more effective with our primary...
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
I have an Assassin/Warrior, and unless they make some adrenaline based healing skills in tactics, that adrenaline isn't going anywhere, the fact that Assassin has to use Warrior (the least helpful survival secondary) in order to even use adrenaline skills, and woln't benifit nearly as much as warrior, isn't an argument that Warrior should have exclusive rights to non drawback runes. I know from experience that a A/W is realy poor, Assassin doesn't benifit enough from Warrior skills to make it effective, and his lack of defense compared to warrior almost demands that he take a secondary which provides him with some real healing skills.
Watch Yourself was my first option for Assassin, and guess what, it doesn't do nearly enough to keep me well defended, 20 extra armor on a warrior may be invicibility, but on an assassin it is just enough to survive a nuke. A warriors -3 damage on top of the highest armor rating in the game is enough to ensure that normal attacks from most classes do nothing, and against an assassin, those 7-10 damage attacks get reduced to 4-7 damage attacks, that is alot of damage over time, as if they arn't more then defended enough as it is.
Assassin can't get jack from Warriors stances, if he used any of those IAS stances he would be a walking dead man, or his already retardedly low DoT would hit for no damage at all, and Warriors evasion vs melee and projectile attacks don't work regularly enough to keep an assassin alive, speaking from experience, it doesn't work. The fact that you think adding Warrior secondary to Assassin to compete with warriors capabilities when you could easily add anything to Warrior as a secondary and outmatch him is ridiculous, it is another weak attempt to stack chips in the oppositions favor to make it look balanced, if you add to one side then you add to both sides or it is unbalanced, and trying to compare Assassins capabilities with a Warrior secondary to make it look feasible on paper, when adding a caster secondary to Warrior is known for it's "indestructible" qualities, is just lame.
We already KNOW, Warrior is more effective and versitile as a Melee class, the damage taken on the front line of battle and at melee range is the highest, and Assassin hasn't been given the skills to avoid half as much damage as Warrior can brush off just because of his armor class, Assassin gets more energy but not the skills to compensate for his lack of defense, and Warrior uses adrenaline in his attacks so having less energy on his armor isn't even a loss, it is a very effective trade. My Assassin has just about the same survival chances as an elementist teleporting into battle an nuking the enemy, and I woln't even compare damage figures, Assassin has it worse than Warrior by a long shot, and trying to etch out a concept that Warrior deserves special runes more than Assassin in the mountain that says Assassin is weaker is a joke. Any good Assassin knows you either take Ranger secondary, or use teleports to outweigh the lack of armor Assassin has, but the teleports are too expensive, and have far to long a cast time, they may avoid a little damage, but Warriors just stand there and brush off the damage of the front line without bothering to retreat, without bothering to pause his onslaught, and hell, lets just shave 3 more points of damage off anything that hits him.
We could very well say that Warriors absorbtion runes should be taken away because they certainly don't need them, but having more options for each class is more fun then taking away what some have already had time to appreciate. Reducing the exhaustion on Elementist doesn't change his tactic in gameplay either, in fact, it doesn't increase his spike damage an ounce, the only thing it does is dampen his self inflicted energy shutdown. This gives Elementist an extra 3 or 4 casts of an exhaustion spell before going totaly broke with max +rune energy management, as if they don't have to manage energy as well, more importantly, it would require less energy storage to use exhaustion skills so they don't have to put max plus superior runes into it just to get along more then 5 or 6 uses of an exhaustion skill.
Absorbtion allows Warrior to shave off up to 3 damage on every incoming hit, his armor is already enough, but this is just another cornerstone to the fact that the warrior is the hardest enemy to take down. An elementist has the highest energy in the game, a reduce exhaustion rune will only improve his unique ability to function with exhaustion skills a little more, just like Warrior with damage. Warriors are ment to be defensive powerhouses, and they get a rune to boost that effect, Elementist is ment to be an exhaustion champion, a rune to improve this role would be exactly the same, an improvement to something that they are ment to be the best at, and something they could realy use because they can be extremely exhaustion intensive, the same as Warrior is defense intensive.
Assassin can't get jack from Warriors stances, if he used any of those IAS stances he would be a walking dead man, or his already retardedly low DoT would hit for no damage at all, and Warriors evasion vs melee and projectile attacks don't work regularly enough to keep an assassin alive, speaking from experience, it doesn't work. The fact that you think adding Warrior secondary to Assassin to compete with warriors capabilities when you could easily add anything to Warrior as a secondary and outmatch him is ridiculous, it is another weak attempt to stack chips in the oppositions favor to make it look balanced, if you add to one side then you add to both sides or it is unbalanced, and trying to compare Assassins capabilities with a Warrior secondary to make it look feasible on paper, when adding a caster secondary to Warrior is known for it's "indestructible" qualities, is just lame.
We already KNOW, Warrior is more effective and versitile as a Melee class, the damage taken on the front line of battle and at melee range is the highest, and Assassin hasn't been given the skills to avoid half as much damage as Warrior can brush off just because of his armor class, Assassin gets more energy but not the skills to compensate for his lack of defense, and Warrior uses adrenaline in his attacks so having less energy on his armor isn't even a loss, it is a very effective trade. My Assassin has just about the same survival chances as an elementist teleporting into battle an nuking the enemy, and I woln't even compare damage figures, Assassin has it worse than Warrior by a long shot, and trying to etch out a concept that Warrior deserves special runes more than Assassin in the mountain that says Assassin is weaker is a joke. Any good Assassin knows you either take Ranger secondary, or use teleports to outweigh the lack of armor Assassin has, but the teleports are too expensive, and have far to long a cast time, they may avoid a little damage, but Warriors just stand there and brush off the damage of the front line without bothering to retreat, without bothering to pause his onslaught, and hell, lets just shave 3 more points of damage off anything that hits him.
We could very well say that Warriors absorbtion runes should be taken away because they certainly don't need them, but having more options for each class is more fun then taking away what some have already had time to appreciate. Reducing the exhaustion on Elementist doesn't change his tactic in gameplay either, in fact, it doesn't increase his spike damage an ounce, the only thing it does is dampen his self inflicted energy shutdown. This gives Elementist an extra 3 or 4 casts of an exhaustion spell before going totaly broke with max +rune energy management, as if they don't have to manage energy as well, more importantly, it would require less energy storage to use exhaustion skills so they don't have to put max plus superior runes into it just to get along more then 5 or 6 uses of an exhaustion skill.
Absorbtion allows Warrior to shave off up to 3 damage on every incoming hit, his armor is already enough, but this is just another cornerstone to the fact that the warrior is the hardest enemy to take down. An elementist has the highest energy in the game, a reduce exhaustion rune will only improve his unique ability to function with exhaustion skills a little more, just like Warrior with damage. Warriors are ment to be defensive powerhouses, and they get a rune to boost that effect, Elementist is ment to be an exhaustion champion, a rune to improve this role would be exactly the same, an improvement to something that they are ment to be the best at, and something they could realy use because they can be extremely exhaustion intensive, the same as Warrior is defense intensive.
Backwards Necro
Awesome....so can anyone explain to me what rogmar and bahamut are arguing about...Im such a slow reader it woudl take me forever to finish that, adn I have to go soon --;
Chaco Nautzi
Since I agree with kaiser and he countered everything that you've said rogmar, I really dont knwo what there is to say
Having the 1-2-3 point exhaustion reduction runes would help a great deal while still not being over powered and the assassin could benefit from either higher armor or like a class specific rune for them o:
Having the 1-2-3 point exhaustion reduction runes would help a great deal while still not being over powered and the assassin could benefit from either higher armor or like a class specific rune for them o:
No thanks.
And, why only non-warrior classes..?
And, why only non-warrior classes..?
Because warriors already have them. And they're the only ones with them.
It's bad enouph they have nearly twice as many armor sets as every other class.
It's bad enouph they have nearly twice as many armor sets as every other class.
I'll sign this, cause increasing healing range sounds like a cool thing (monk rune)
What I'm afraid is, when these are first released, they will soon rise to 100k a rune.
What I'm afraid is, when these are first released, they will soon rise to 100k a rune.
Here's what I can think of
Elementalist: Spell Extention runes, spells have greater range/aoe
Mesmer: Spell Recharge runes, spells recharge faster
Monk: Judgement runes, attacks do +1/+2/+3 damage
Rit: Fast Spawning runes, spirits are summoned faster
All classes: Recharger runes, one use skills can be used 1-3 extra times
Elementalist: Spell Extention runes, spells have greater range/aoe
Mesmer: Spell Recharge runes, spells recharge faster
Monk: Judgement runes, attacks do +1/+2/+3 damage
Rit: Fast Spawning runes, spirits are summoned faster
All classes: Recharger runes, one use skills can be used 1-3 extra times
Originally Posted by Winterclaw
Here's what I can think of
Elementalist: Spell Extention runes, spells have greater range/aoe Mesmer: Spell Recharge runes, spells recharge faster Monk: Judgement runes, attacks do +1/+2/+3 damage Rit: Fast Spawning runes, spirits are summoned faster All classes: Recharger runes, one use skills can be used 1-3 extra times |
If warriors have lots of armor towards physical attacks, then use elemental and armor ignoring (chaos, holy, dark, etc) There's a reason why warriors get tons of armor towards physical, you aren't supposed to use physical vs warriors...
It's similar to expecting one warrior to solo a monk. The monk is going to out heal you and probably use guardian to evade you, so what do you do? You use mesmers. If everything were effective vs each other what is the point of different classes?
So if the Assassin doesn't work well with warrior secondaries, or doesnt work period...maybe it's the class that needs fixing, not the entire game...
I know every other class can do a good deal of damage to the warrior, so maybe you need to rethink your builds?
I've even seen assassins do their fair share of damage to warriors, the only problem is their low armor doesnt let them stay in that range
The only time absorption comes into play is when you dont use skills and you attack normally...
I'm going to say this one more time; Permanent -- Assassin -- Sprint animation!!!
YES!! Please give us +run speed runes for assassins.
Like I said, it only has to be like 3/6/9%.
Unbalancing? NO!
Rediculously cool and fun? HELL YES!
YES!! Please give us +run speed runes for assassins.
Like I said, it only has to be like 3/6/9%.
Unbalancing? NO!
Rediculously cool and fun? HELL YES!
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
Because warriors already have them. And they're the only ones with them.
It's bad enouph they have nearly twice as many armor sets as every other class. |
Originally Posted by Tuoba Hturt Eht
So its not bad enough that them warriors only have 2 pips of energy regeneration? Which is half of what everyone else have? (except Rangers, which have 3 pips of regeneration, but they have Expertise to make up for that)
I like Riki's idea... perm-sprint-animation FTW

Brother Gilburt
Brother Gilburt
I have to agree that Winter Claws recent suggestion is overpowered. About the only one which could be considered is recharge reduction, and that might be considerable if it was something like 1%, 3% and 5% recast reduction.
The end result is that some people will never see things beyond their scope of perception, even with the figures clearly laid in front of them. I am certain there are figures I have overlooked as well, I have done it in the past, but what is obvious is that Assassins are second choice to Warriors on a regular basis, and it is more than a rune will fix, so whether or not other classes get some specialized runes of their own doesn't make a whole lot of difference.
The only real point is that it would make players happy if they had something more, and as long as they can add some class specific runes, even if they include a penalty, without being unbalanced, than it is an improvement, because more people are happy. Whether these runes come in sets of 3, increasing in effectiveness, or certain class only has one, which is exactly how powerful the rune should be without being overpowered, or even if it still had a penalty for a unique addition, it would still be an improvement, because more people would be happy. Anet can make some sort of class specific runes for all other classes without being unbalanced, one way or another, whether or not they will accept the request is the bottom line.
The end result is that some people will never see things beyond their scope of perception, even with the figures clearly laid in front of them. I am certain there are figures I have overlooked as well, I have done it in the past, but what is obvious is that Assassins are second choice to Warriors on a regular basis, and it is more than a rune will fix, so whether or not other classes get some specialized runes of their own doesn't make a whole lot of difference.
The only real point is that it would make players happy if they had something more, and as long as they can add some class specific runes, even if they include a penalty, without being unbalanced, than it is an improvement, because more people are happy. Whether these runes come in sets of 3, increasing in effectiveness, or certain class only has one, which is exactly how powerful the rune should be without being overpowered, or even if it still had a penalty for a unique addition, it would still be an improvement, because more people would be happy. Anet can make some sort of class specific runes for all other classes without being unbalanced, one way or another, whether or not they will accept the request is the bottom line.
Chaco Nautzi
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
I'm going to say this one more time; Permanent -- Assassin -- Sprint animation!!!
YES!! Please give us +run speed runes for assassins. Like I said, it only has to be like 3/6/9%. |
Ok so what exactly is the point of this there would be no use for it in pvp...and pve would have a use...but it would be again pointless/stupid.
It isnt unbalancing, no. But why would you need it?
It gives you a small edge when chasing enemies or running away from them, or rushing in past archers/casters. And Assassins do more running away from or after people than any other class. Your usually fleeing because of the crappy defense, and you're usually chasing because of the great spike damage.
Chaco Nautzi
Fleeing isnt exactly the best thing to do in PvP anyway(well when necessary it is)...(such as someone constantly running prolonging a match much longer than necessary)
And I really think if damage is your problem we shoudl get the evasion rune, I think running away would piss too many people off D:
And I really think if damage is your problem we shoudl get the evasion rune, I think running away would piss too many people off D:
But with an evasion rune, you don't get the permanent sprint animation
I Mean comeon, how many people could be pissed while staring at the back of an animation as cool as that?

I Mean comeon, how many people could be pissed while staring at the back of an animation as cool as that?