So here it goes: after we were defeated on the 17th match, my team was transported to Team Arenas. One of my team members was a cookie-cutter SS Necro, and he was asking what build the other team members were using. The monk said "I am a Boon Protect", and the necro was cool with it (Boon Prot = Cookie Cutter). The Mesmer on my team said "I'm a Migraner" and the Necro was cool with it (Migrainer = Cookie Cutter). Then I said "I am a Poison/Bleeding warrior with a pet". When the Necro found out I did not use a cookie-cutter build, he went BESERK, he said "OMG u n00b u sux so so bad!!" and left the game. Well if my character build was so "noobish", why did we win 16 times in a row and why were my team members (including the necro himself) complementing me for my good degen damage? Notice he liked my build until he found out it was not cookie cutter.

I do not appreciate people who can *only* use builds that everybody else uses, such as that SS Necro. I bet all that Necro ever does is go into observer mode to look at other people's builds. He simply cannot design anything himself. My point is this: If you are somebody who cannot design builds for yourself, that is okay, but do not flame people who *do* design things for themselves. I always have faith in people who design their own builds, and I have been succesful in teams even when nobody uses cookie-cutter.
Please, learn something from this and do not be like that silly SS necro who goes nuts if people do not use a cookie-cutter build. Thank you