First off, I realise that some of the skills that I am going to list have already been mentioned... But I hate reading through 6 pages full of comments that really aren't specific or constructive, so I skipped to the end.
This is my own attempt to suggest a fix to all skill descriptions of every profession. Below I have listed the skills in which I believe need to be fixed for the Assassin Profession. I will be adding in more professions as time passes on, and they will be done in Alphabetical order. So the Elementalist will be done next^^.
All links that are provided will be redirected to I used this website to update all of the skills so that they accurately reflect those skills written withing GuildWars (don't worry, most of the changes that were made affected the quick skills reference, that was a little messy :P) Any skills that I list
describe the suggested description. The current descriptions can be found by following the links of each skill. Any comments I make will be
Critical Eye
*** Skill. For 10...30 seconds, you have an additional 1...6% chance to land a critical hit. You gain 1 Energy whenever you score a critical hit.
Removed the condition "when attacking". Landing a critical hit already implies that you have to attack.
Black Mantis Thrust
*** Lead Attack. If this attack hits, you strike for +8...18 damage. If struck foe is suffering from a Hex, that foe becomes Crippled for 3...13 seconds.
The previous description makes it entirely plausible to assume that the Hexed target can still become suspect to Cripple even if the skill misses. By using "struck" you link the second sentence back to the first. Also altered the use of language to reduce the repetativeness of the word "is"
Blades of Steel
*** Dual Attack. Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5...12 damage (maximum bonus 50) for each recharging dagger attack skill.
Added in "skill" at the end of the description
Desperate Strike
*** Lead Attack. If you have less than 50...74% Health, you deal +5...41 damage if it hits.
The original description does not state that it needed to "hit". The phrase "deal +5...41 damage" implies that the skill has to 'hit', but adding in one word makes the skill more definate.
Disrupting Stab -
Possible flaw: This skill fails to cause a blackout effect on targets casting spells while stanced with Mantra of Resolve. See: Psychic Distraction.
Exhausting Assault - This skill causes exhaustion on the target while the user is under the effects of "Blindness" (I haven't tried it while targets were under "block", "evade" or "miss"). This skill does not interrupt under "Blindness".
Exhausting Assault
***Dual Attack. Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, target foe's action is interrupted. If that action was casting a spell, target foe suffers from Exhaustion.
Added in the condition of 'hitting'
Flashing Blades
*** Elite Stance. For 5...17 seconds, you have a 50% chance to "block" incoming attacks while you are attacking.
Inserted quotes in "block" for consistency. Added in "while you are attacking" to make the skill clearer.
Golden Lotus Strike
*** Lead Attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5...17 damage. If you are under the effects of an Enchantment when you strike, you gain 3...9 Energy.
The original description can lead people to believe that you can still gain energy even if you miss, because the second clause does not state that the attack had to hit, and it can be said that there is no relation between either sentences. This had been changed to keep up with consistency. In instances where two effects can happen at once, see language variations in some skills: Twisting Fangs uses the conjunctive 'and'. Horns of the Ox uses "struck foe" that links it back to the first sentence. Jungle Strike also uses 'hit' in it's second sentence.
Jungle Strike
*** Off-Hand Attack. Must follow a lead attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +8...18 damage. If it hits a foe that is Crippled, it does an additional 1...25 damage.
Marked for consistency. Changed it from "it does +1...25 damage" giving the implication that Jungle strike has two separate attacks. By adding in the conditional "additional" and removing the "+", this skill becomes more descriptive. Reference: Swift Chop
Repeating Strike
*** Off-Hand Attack. Must follow an off-hand attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +5...17 damage. If it misses, Repeating Strike takes an additional 15 seconds to recharge.
This was a language change, it doesn't need to be considered, but saying "it" 3 times... just a pet peeve of mine^^
Temple Strike
*** Elite Off-Hand Attack. Must follow a lead attack. If this attack hits, target foe is Dazed and Blinded for 1...7 seconds. If target foe is casting a spell when you strike, that foe is interrupted.
This description had been re-worded during a hidden update (I think... well it was re-worded, that's the important part). I just changed the sentence and made it into two, to say "when you strike" instead of "and if target foe"
Wild Strike
*** Off-Hand Attack. Must follow a lead attack. If it hits, this attack strikes for +8...18 damage and any "Stance" being used by your target ends.
Followed the skill definition of Wild Blow. It seems more appropriate this way.
Enduring Toxin
*** Hex Spell. For 3 seconds, target foe suffers -1...-4 Health degeneration. If that foe is moving when Enduring Toxin ends, Enduring Toxin is reapplied instead.
It's been there for ages, but the original description (which I had to change back from GWiki) says "3 second". Also eliminated the conditional 'would', it's not needed and just confuses the skill. I replaced it with the word "instead"...errr... instead^^.
*** Hex Spell. For 20 seconds, the next time target foe is hit by a dual attack skill, that foe is struck for 10...58 earth damage.
Actually I'm not sure whether to suggest that this should be altered to include "skill" in it's description. I suppose it's not needed, but a Dual Attack is in fact a skill, not 'just' an attack. And this isn't the same to Hammer attack and Hammer attack skills, because you can perform a natural hammer attack, but you can't perform a natural dual attack (double striking is not the same thing)
Iron Palm
*** Skill. Target touched foe suffers 5...41 damage. If that foe is suffering from a Hex or Condition when Iron Palm strikes, that foe is knocked down. Iron Palm counts as a lead attack.
Otherwise, this skill should say "...suffers 5...41 damage, and if that foe is suffering..."
Signet of Shadows
*** Signet. Target foe takes 5...29 damage. If that target is suffering from Blindness, that foe suffers an additional 15...51 damage.
Is and was are two different things. GW rarely uses past tense phrases in skill descriptions...
Death's Charge
*** Spell. Shadow step to target foe. If that foe has more Health than you, you are healed for 40...112 Health.
Consistency, there are other skills that are like this, and they should be changed. Added in "Health" at the end of the skill description, you are healed, and though logic predicts that you are healed for Health (duh), you have to keep consistent with your skill descriptions. Heart of Shadow is a good example.
Way of Perfection
*** Enchantment Spell. For 10...30 seconds, whenever you successfully make a critical hit you gain 10...30 Health.
I almost forgot what it was I had changed about this skill^^. It's really small, but I just put "when" and "ever" together^^.
Aura of Displacement
*** Elite Enchantment Spell. Shadow Step to target foe. When Aura of Displacement ends, you return to the location where you activated this skill.
reference skills: Shadow of Haste and Recall
Mark of Instability
*** Hex Spell. For 20 seconds, the next time you hit target foe with a dual attack skill, that foe is knocked down.
Same as Impale. Added in the word "skill"
Note to self: Reference one link only. Takes friggin ages linking them individually^^. Second note: ANET!!! Add in skill re-wordings in your updates!!! omg I've only proof-read a couple of Gwiki skills, and I'll have to proof read the ones i've listed... and that's only one profession... I'm going to have a cry before I start the ele...
EDIT: I just noticed that someone had mentioned that Swift Chop is worded incorrectly. Ignore the reference I made...
EDIT: Altered suggestion for Black Mantis Thrust
EDIT: Exploit? What exploit? Of course I knew it was a game update... silly poster :P *shreads the last piece of information about Shroud of Silence and waves to Pyro*