Originally Posted by Priest Of Sin
2. Error 7 is on YOUR side. I have never had an Err7 that wasn't my fault.
Well, according to the posts above about ANet's explanation that it's partially Alter.Net's fault for packetloss, you must have titanium balls to just call ArenaNet liars outright.
BTW, one route through Alter.Net doesn't necessary equal ALL routes through Alter.net. It's kind of like saying I've never had Wing's Axe drop for me therefore nobody has unless they hacked it themselves :-) Just because a person doesn't witness something themselves doesn't mean others don't.. I've had some and I know that some were on my end, while some were probably on the other end (or in-between). I'm over 18 though and realize that I don't know everything, so I could be completely wrong on all accounts..
Error 7's can be really annoying at the wrong times, and I doubt that it will ever be completely resolved (I mean it IS the internet). The best remediation will be when they can add reconnects. Even then, some people will just have bad luck (half our team disconnected during the rush to hold the hill in Hall of Heroes - no reconnect will help that lol).
For what it's worth, just remember that it's not all ANet's fault (via their provider), and it's not all your fault (through your provider). Sometimes it just happens somewhere in between and go on with the game as best you can. Having guildies help out makes things a bit easier, but doesn't take away the pain of being disconnected in The Deep lol..