It has left me wondering, what is up w/ that? is there some kind of change people observed in drop rate assignment based on how long you've been away from the game or how much gold you've made? He plays moderately, he has 1300hrs in about 1 year(or close) while I have 1575hrs in 13 months(1yr 1mth). I have alot of characters I play and i always use to farm w/ my 55 monk, which I don't do anymore as of late.
I was away from the game for about 1 month before due to getting sick of it then coming back and I noticed no change in my drop rate when I got back, it was still below average

Although I would like to note that my drop quality in chest have been decent, like 1 out of every 25-30 gold chest produces sweet items(atleast at this point I call it decent). I would like to know if a test can be done about this. Like people staying away from the game for a certain time and come back to see what has improved.
Maybe people can help w/ this, try this: Farm a certain place and observe your drop quality or a place where you come across a boss and see if he drops something for you. Then try not playing for like a day or 2(which is convenient if you work weekends all day like me) and go again to see if there are improvements in game quality. This test is specifically for people w/ terrible luck, so F off to the people who get like 10 shards a spider run and gold items the moment they load on a map

This thread was made after a fried of mine w/ even more terrible luck than I went to clear the map w/ henchies and came across 8 chest, all were purple. This is also a guy who when we find a gold chest, gets only amber weapons while everyone else gets dragon schythes, gothic axe, defenders etc....(I get either amber staff or 1/20 chance to get the latter, although mostly staves