Some more tries...been working on redoing the shots for the characters on my GuildWiki User Page:
This was done in Seitung Harbor...away from the main portion of the town. I was just looking for something that was most definetly factions themed
This was done in Kodlonu Hamlet...I got exactly what I wanted...a peaceful serene scene. The sit emote for the female dervish lends itself extremely well to that type of scene. I love the way this one turned out.
I also wanted to get an action shot for my dervish as I love their fighting style...still working on it though as I'm not entirely satisfied with this one. This was done in the Isle of the Nameless in the Battle Isles while practicing on one of the dummies there.
As you can see from my user page I have a lot of characters to work on...I also have a couple of characters from my second account that I will be adding eventually...don't want to do it until I have good shots to go with the character's profile.
Another Ritualist...probably the most difficult erasing job for me...with the skill effect (created with Boon of Creation) it was difficult to reveal it without revealing too much...and some of the lighter lines I had to leave out because they didn't turn out quite right when I revealed them.
Bethany's Gallery and Image Workshop (56k beware)
X Silent Embrace X
First go after seeing the tutorial. Amazing work everyone.
I really like that second one Embrace...nice
few more of my characters...
my necro...this is a recreation of a signature image I used a while ago (not exact but from the same perspective and with the same character):
my warrior...again this is a recreation of a signature image I used a while ago (and again not exact):
The signature images aren't really special at all...they're just designed to show off my character...nothing special.
my monk...strangely enough she's a prophecies character...but has the face of a factions character...thus the setting.
still have a few more to create
few more of my characters...
my necro...this is a recreation of a signature image I used a while ago (not exact but from the same perspective and with the same character):
my warrior...again this is a recreation of a signature image I used a while ago (and again not exact):
The signature images aren't really special at all...they're just designed to show off my character...nothing special.
my monk...strangely enough she's a prophecies character...but has the face of a factions character...thus the setting.
still have a few more to create
whoaw from all those pictures ive seen I like this one best (exept for the original starters of this topic)
Francis Demeules
It's been awhile I havent posted a thread here... and trying to keep my skills with photoshop X(. I was very busy since I work but at least, I got some time to do 1 very quickly . Its not my best, but I like the picture mixed with the armor on my oldest character
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
My Favourite would have to be 2ndName's warrior. I like the way he got the skin so smooth.
freagin awesome man this one I love best!
freagin awesome man this one I love best!