Originally Posted by Jefe
ok, you are giving this character the range of a ranger, and the armor/fighting ability of a warrior... sure it lacks the energy to sustain itself, but that doesn't mean anything really... and bringing a gun into the game all be it well intentioned and thought out, I have an odd feeling that it will push guns into the game in general, and canons and such, perhaps that would fit in an ending situation when humans are finally taking it back from the grawl and charr but until then it wouldn't make too much sense, I mean this is fuedal japan, there were no guns then.
Also, if any new profession was to be introduced, it wouldn't be Cantha unless a future chapter returned to the continent - it would hail from a different part of the world.
And guns aren't going to grant humanity dominance in a generation. Historically, it took centuries for handguns to take over completely in warfare - with handguns appearing around the 15th century, polearms survived into the 17th century, and lancers into the Napoleanic Wars. As I went over in my previous post - it took a while before handguns were even clearly superior to mundane bows and crossbows, let alone melee combat or anything a Ranger can do with a bow in Guild Wars (or an Elementalist with no weapon at all...) Heck, some special forces units even use crossbows today, although that's purely for stealth.