Perhaps the reason this is not in the game yet is because of how complex players are suggesting it need be? Couldn't the vault simply be a place to unload your UNWANTED goods so that fellow guildmates who may have the benefit of using that Sword Pommel of Enchanting that you can't even sell to the merchant???
And speaking of merchants... what about some to put in guild hall that RETAINS items sold to them. This could be the best/easiest solution to storing materials while still protecting them
Ideally, it would be best if:
A) The storage be buyable/earnable for the guild so that fly-by-nighter Guild Leaders won't be as readily able to abuse the function.
B) The storage be upgradeable/customizeable to provide both low and high security storage.
C) Items inserted into guild storage become protected from abuse somehow (tagged/retrievable/undestroyable/undroppable/etc)
However if these complications are preventing what should be a relatively simple upgrade... then please, by all means...