Originally Posted by Navaros
It wouldn't kill the devs to post all the relevant information about titles on the official website at the same time titles are put into the game. That way at least people stop being misled by the enticement of what they think is a title they will be able to max. There is no valid reason for this tradition of leaving players in the dark about new titles --- which is ample reason for disgruntlement.
Well in general I don't even like titles, hardly if ever notice them on anyone else, but I am for information being up front. But do you still not find the 'charmed' title charming? /shrug.
Survivor - yeah I realized I couldnt get it on my original characters, but I suppose that makes sense. But there's an example where hey I might get the first one just for a little hardcore play, but do I need #2, #3? Eh. That could get mind-numbling boring. Like standing afk on a ticket/game of chance platform indefinately or drinking booze for HOURS.
But just because I focus on game mechanics over titles doesnt make it less important to others (even tho others may not get the importance of storage and character slots to me) and I agree, not only to lack of information but another country's site.
But they've done the same things with us about Factions information (think a Korean site got more details while we were still in the dark about some of the mission types), storage (this material tab is throwing us a bone but no real progess), trade improvements (from last gaile log it seems it hasn't even started), how many character slots we'd get on linking for quite awhile... it's not like this is something new for them to do.
I suppose I already gave up on titles with skills/elites - similiar thing. I went skill crazy with my ele - all elemental, all mesmer, and a LOT from 2ndaries but those that made sense, regular and elite. Am I close to even the first tier title? Nope - I'd need to cap almost (if not) every skill to get the 1st title, and I can't get the second. That taught me an important lesson - not to bother. If something sounds like a possibly interesting challenge/diversion (ie mapping %, survivor), maybe. But if it sounds like nothing but a waste of time and/or money (drinking, gambling, etc) I pass.
If I saw someone with maxed gambling should I be impressed, or more to the point - 'wow, you can really leave your PC and internet going and go AFK for long periods of time and stand on a platform as things happen - go you'? That's where I found this whole thing a let down, I thought titles were going to demonstrate some pve/pvp prowress. Instead I dont see much at all interesting or well-crafted challenges for pve, pvp is more eliteist and used to exclude (and as a comparably casual player not particularly achievable or desirable IMO where early ranks don't get anything), treasure hunters and wisdom seekers reward farmers/chest runners... shrug.
I guess in the end instead of playing with titles I'd rather see them improve a bunch of stuff that effects gameplay/enjoyment of the game first.
Titles in general IMO? No big deal.
But I understand for some it's Kind of a Big Deal.
So I feel your pain. But it's the same way everything else is treated, not just titles.
edit - lmao screenshot arguments, who first, ok for some I guess it really is a big deal :b