04 Jul 2006 at 22:50 - 130
Gaile Gray is a pleasant woman that most people have nothing but kind words to speak of when they meet her in person. (Outside of the game) I have never personally met Gaile, and I'm not one to bother with going to overcrowded districts to listen to her, but some of the people I know that have met her I am confident in their judgment of her.
As a person, there is not a thing wrong with her.
What people seem to disagree on is what her actual purpose is. But let's hold off that for the moment.
What I can tell you is that, "Don't shoot the messenger" more than applies in this case.
Now, despite that, I do NOT blame the community members that DO choose to shoot the messenger. I don't think they should, but I don't blame them for doing it.
What other means do we have of speaking with anyone from Anet other than through Gaile or hoping they happen to read our specific posts on various fan forums?
People that desperately want to be heard are frustrated to find only one apparent avenue of contacting ArenaNet through, and that person is Gaile. So who receives the flak? Gaile does.
Play NC support, while being quick to reply, do little more than reply cookie-cutter answers. Though I doubt they have the authority or the policy setup to do otherwise, the point remains that unless you have something to say that can be suitable answered by a cut+paste response, there's little help there.
ArenaNet has no official forums of its own. Everything you want to say has to be done through an unofficial fansite, and your comments may or may not be read, and may or may not be relayed.
So people see an apparent window of opportunity in Gaile, only... She's not a human filter. She's more like a player with an NDA that happens to be pal-sy with the dev's. <_< A player with more patience and thicker skin than most other players that happens to know a little more than everyone else, but can't say everything she knows, and doesn't have an incredibly in-depth understanding of the inner mechinations of the game.
The real question to ask, I suppose, is if having the avenues many other commercial MMORPG's have to communicate with the developers directly is really any better. From what I've seen of WoW and a few others (mainly foreign MMORPGS), people are just as desperate to get dev responses to all of their concerns (BLUE RESPONSE NAO!).
That Guild Wars community relations could be better goes without saying. All things Guild Wars, much like everything in the world, could be better.
But when you look at the industry standard, it is my opinion that Guild Wars is definitely no worse than any other commercial MMORPG out there, and probably a bit better than many.
At this point, I think the next promotional event should be another contest. "Be Gaile Gray For a Day." A single player could feel the joyous experience that is being Gaile, and, under a limited disclosure agreement, share the experience with the community. That, I believe, would foster quite a bit of understanding between the community and Arena Net.