Prizegrabbing Etiquette
How do you guys think about the fact many people either took 1 spot and considered it as theirs and others snatching prizes at other people's spots.
As I only managed to witness the "final event" twice, I both times took a spot near the armor guys (the 2 on the right).
Once I was grabbing a couple of prizes when someone came standing next to me grabbing them to. I considered it rude as there were still other spots. Also, I wasn't all that greedy. Some people actually do take an other spot, even when it has less prizes. So I saw someone standing not that far away from me at a singleprizedrop spot and I thought, lets be nice and give him my spot, as it was obvious he didn't want to steal someone's spot.
I saw quite a lot flaming about this, other people got very angry when others went standing next to them.
And for all the people going to say "its just a game" "lol, lame" etc, I think you should have some manners ingame too. I guess you dont like PUGS staying AFK making it hard for your group to get through a mission e.d.
As I only managed to witness the "final event" twice, I both times took a spot near the armor guys (the 2 on the right).
Once I was grabbing a couple of prizes when someone came standing next to me grabbing them to. I considered it rude as there were still other spots. Also, I wasn't all that greedy. Some people actually do take an other spot, even when it has less prizes. So I saw someone standing not that far away from me at a singleprizedrop spot and I thought, lets be nice and give him my spot, as it was obvious he didn't want to steal someone's spot.
I saw quite a lot flaming about this, other people got very angry when others went standing next to them.
And for all the people going to say "its just a game" "lol, lame" etc, I think you should have some manners ingame too. I guess you dont like PUGS staying AFK making it hard for your group to get through a mission e.d.
There were no claimed "spots", it was a free for all present grabbing contest. Anyone who felt they owned a spot simply because they were the first one there and thought other's should stay away and find a different spot is wrong.
It is indeed a game, and Anet did not put a special button that said "These pixels are mine, find your own pixels", so I assume they wanted everyone to participate by making it a challenge to get prizes rather than a few people collecting everything by camping a spawn point and being nasty to the people running around playing the game.
It is indeed a game, and Anet did not put a special button that said "These pixels are mine, find your own pixels", so I assume they wanted everyone to participate by making it a challenge to get prizes rather than a few people collecting everything by camping a spawn point and being nasty to the people running around playing the game.
it was fair enough... they have th eright to it just as much as you...
Silent Kitty
Only for that I am glad it's over. All those children screaming at each other that the spot is theirs. When someone comes to stand next to me, I move away. It is not that hard. Those people come stand next to you, because they think that you are more lucky than they are, so trying to steal your spot is like stealing you luck.
Glad that the prices don't drop anymore. It brings up the worst in people.
Glad that the prices don't drop anymore. It brings up the worst in people.
Amity and Truth
The problem about selfinflicted rules is, no one might know them. During the event all i did was speed loot the presents under the influence of Sugar. I got many flames for this as people thought standing at a certain spots make it theirs.
Sad truth is... nope. It's not yours, only because in your book of rules there is a paragraph stating that it is yours. And that's not rude either. The official rules for the game were, grab it as fast as you can.
Sad truth is... nope. It's not yours, only because in your book of rules there is a paragraph stating that it is yours. And that's not rude either. The official rules for the game were, grab it as fast as you can.
Hm, I did see this comming, but it's quite like what I hear about WoW campers I guess.
I just think it would be decent to get your own place, there were enough spots available, and not just to go stand where someone else stands.
I don't say the first one to come there owns the spot, but I think you can imagine how that guy/girl feels if other people go grab the presents at "your" spot.
There were no official rules imho amity, I just think people should make their own ettiquete.
It's not forbidden to go AFK in a group making it very hard for the group to do a mission, but it gives you a free ride.
I just think it would be decent to get your own place, there were enough spots available, and not just to go stand where someone else stands.
I don't say the first one to come there owns the spot, but I think you can imagine how that guy/girl feels if other people go grab the presents at "your" spot.
There were no official rules imho amity, I just think people should make their own ettiquete.
It's not forbidden to go AFK in a group making it very hard for the group to do a mission, but it gives you a free ride.
I'd have to agree with it bringing out the worst in people. It's a shame these events (which are supposed to be having some fun and an enjoyable time) are rapidly destroyed by immature brats who ALWAYS turn up and start swearing/shouting/making otherwise idiotic comments and behaving poorly... they must have really popular real life birthdays or something, not!
This time round I had Local Chat disabled for all of the duration of the Emperor events. Unfortunately that doesn't stop the chat popups from the morons being visible...
This time round I had Local Chat disabled for all of the duration of the Emperor events. Unfortunately that doesn't stop the chat popups from the morons being visible...
I felt bad about taking presents other people were going for. So I'm glad the presents dont drop any more. That being said, camping at "your" spot doesnt make the presents any more your property than a person who happens to be running by.
Finders Keepers + First Come First Serve.
Honestly, 'camping' one spawn point kinda felt cheap and almost exploitish. Surely that's not what the Devs intended us to do there, although I'm sure also that they saw it coming. That part of the ending ceremony was supposed to be a joyous "drink and be merry" kinda thing, not a "this is my spot, go stand over there - no no no! that was my prize! quit ganking!" kinda thing.
Of course we humans always know how to turn a good thing sour. Regardless, I was one of those campers, and because I kinda felt I was exploiting in a sense, I had no problem if someone got to that prize that just spawned at my feet before I even knew it was there. Big freakin deal. I say, more power to them... kudos!
Of course we humans always know how to turn a good thing sour. Regardless, I was one of those campers, and because I kinda felt I was exploiting in a sense, I had no problem if someone got to that prize that just spawned at my feet before I even knew it was there. Big freakin deal. I say, more power to them... kudos!
I did Ctrl+Shift+H when I was picking the presents, so if anyone was screaming at me, then I didn't hear it

Well, I would have liked random drops a lot more but GW is just too laggy atm to get your prizes then.
Also the celestial stuff dropped at predefined places, some even quite near the sorcerers and so it wasnt very hard to win.
Also the celestial stuff dropped at predefined places, some even quite near the sorcerers and so it wasnt very hard to win.
I had plenty of fun making people ragequit their spawns. Gg.
I dont see how anyone could feel that any spawn is there's or that they have some sort of 'right' to it more so than anyone else. That kind of attitude and selfishness I only perceive as a natural reaction to the fact that they can't pick any of the presents up.
I came almost every 2 hours for the festival prizes ~ I think I gathered about ~350 to 400 over the course of the day.
Good fun.
I dont see how anyone could feel that any spawn is there's or that they have some sort of 'right' to it more so than anyone else. That kind of attitude and selfishness I only perceive as a natural reaction to the fact that they can't pick any of the presents up.
I came almost every 2 hours for the festival prizes ~ I think I gathered about ~350 to 400 over the course of the day.
Good fun.
Well, YunSooJin, not everyone can get to the event that many times. That's another reason to get a safe spot for getting presents.
But lots of people did act friendly and sticked to an other spot when they saw someone camping at an other spot. And they respected eachother, and as I liked that, I gave away "my spot" (or should i say: the spot i was sitting at) so someone else could grab a nice amount of prizes.
Again I say, it's just like the thing about leavers and people being AFK in missions, at Aspen, at AB etc. Just try to be nice and respect eachother, also in simple things like this.
And no I'm not in for flaming people who get at "your spot"....
But lots of people did act friendly and sticked to an other spot when they saw someone camping at an other spot. And they respected eachother, and as I liked that, I gave away "my spot" (or should i say: the spot i was sitting at) so someone else could grab a nice amount of prizes.
Again I say, it's just like the thing about leavers and people being AFK in missions, at Aspen, at AB etc. Just try to be nice and respect eachother, also in simple things like this.
And no I'm not in for flaming people who get at "your spot"....
Greedy Gus
I thought forcing people away from you by getting close to them and beating them to all nearby prizes, thereby increasing the size of 'your' area was the only fun part of that game.
Similarly, I thought the only fun part of the 15 minute collection game was following grasps around and grabbing people's stuff when they dropped it to avoid getting killed and capping for myself. The game was childishly easy, gotta do something to spice it up.
Similarly, I thought the only fun part of the 15 minute collection game was following grasps around and grabbing people's stuff when they dropped it to avoid getting killed and capping for myself. The game was childishly easy, gotta do something to spice it up.
Why do people actually like upsetting/making angy other people in GW? Is it something they can't do IRL enough, do they really have to annoy others in a game? >.>
Trouble with that kind of selfish camping (and let's call it for what it is, selfish) is that it saps the fun out of it for others who tried to play fair i.e. run around and grab. I had some fun running around and grabbing some prizes, but then noticed more and more people standing in one place and grabbing them the second they spawned... after a few minutes of standing around watching the farming there were two choices: join the spawn campers, or go do something else. I went off to do something more interesting...
I hope for any future drop/gather events Anet adds some real randomisation
I hope for any future drop/gather events Anet adds some real randomisation

Greedy Gus
Originally Posted by Jazar
Why do people actually like upsetting/making angy other people in GW? Is it something they can't do IRL enough, do they really have to annoy others in a game? >.>
I agree with that Xenrath. I started running first too but it became too obvious that they weren't random so it wasn't very logical to keep running.
And yes, randomisation would have helped a lot.
@Greedy: ok, thats true. But as they didn't spwn randomly (only the time and amounts did) there wasnt much more competition then who laggs less/who clicks his mouse button first.
And yes, randomisation would have helped a lot.
@Greedy: ok, thats true. But as they didn't spwn randomly (only the time and amounts did) there wasnt much more competition then who laggs less/who clicks his mouse button first.
I dont understand what there is to be respectful about.
The presents appear on the ground, and everyone makes a mad dash for it. So what?
How is taking a present from the ground disrespectful to anyone else?
People attempt to complicate simple fun events like this with more made up BS. I enjoyed the event by getting as many presents I could. If someone was typing expletives at me I simply got to the present while they were typing their little hearts out.
I was not "unfriendly". I did not yell at people to get away from where I was grabbing prizes, I did not tell people to "plz go away". I don't see why I have to be friendly and sacrifice my own self enjoyment to please some other random person I couldn't give squat about. So you could say I was neutral. There is no way to be particularly malicious in a game like this, since the only thing that determines your relative success is how fast you click on that present.
There is nothing about this event that can make you disrespectful unless you start calling names. Don't bring in "niceness" and "respect" because all anyone wanted in here was to get as many prizes as they could. Not to let other people have them. If you ever felt that way it was your prerogative - not anyone elses.
The presents appear on the ground, and everyone makes a mad dash for it. So what?
How is taking a present from the ground disrespectful to anyone else?
People attempt to complicate simple fun events like this with more made up BS. I enjoyed the event by getting as many presents I could. If someone was typing expletives at me I simply got to the present while they were typing their little hearts out.
I was not "unfriendly". I did not yell at people to get away from where I was grabbing prizes, I did not tell people to "plz go away". I don't see why I have to be friendly and sacrifice my own self enjoyment to please some other random person I couldn't give squat about. So you could say I was neutral. There is no way to be particularly malicious in a game like this, since the only thing that determines your relative success is how fast you click on that present.
There is nothing about this event that can make you disrespectful unless you start calling names. Don't bring in "niceness" and "respect" because all anyone wanted in here was to get as many prizes as they could. Not to let other people have them. If you ever felt that way it was your prerogative - not anyone elses.
Zorian Direspell
I don't mind if someone within a radius of me grabs a gift... but when it's right by your feet and you're about to pick it up when someone zips out of the blue, that's a little frustrating. Of course, there is a solution. I found that if you followed people who did that around for a while and took their gifts, they would stop taking from you.
i was a camper, but i didn't mind if others decided to join me at the spot i was at, since i had no claim whatsoever to it, nor to the prizes that would drop there, as far as i'm concerned it was a free for all and naturally those with faster connections/computers/reflexes would get there first.
it was a nice change from the Wintersday version though, where they would always drop in the same spot and so only the same group of people standing tehre would get them.
it was a nice change from the Wintersday version though, where they would always drop in the same spot and so only the same group of people standing tehre would get them.
I don't think anyone could really lay claim to any spot. I'd have preferred something less like a pinata bonanza and more civilized but it was fine.
The only place where I thought etiquette should come in was when people would get downright nasty to each other over prizes and spots.
Of course, kids with a pinata bite, kick, hit and pull hair. I have no bruises from this so I'd say the online equivalent is a bit tamer, overall.
The only place where I thought etiquette should come in was when people would get downright nasty to each other over prizes and spots.
Of course, kids with a pinata bite, kick, hit and pull hair. I have no bruises from this so I'd say the online equivalent is a bit tamer, overall.
Nexus Icon
Heh, I had several people try to steal the drops near my camp site, but I was just too quick for them, and every one of them eventually got fed up and left.
I did give 5 prezzies to one guy who was camping near me, as I consistently got more than he did.
It was quite easy to get irritated about people invading "your space", but at the end of the day, you just had to be quicker.
Also, picking a quieter district made for less competition.
But if ANet really wanted it to be fair, they should have just added set amounts of prezzies to people's inventories.
I tried to follow my own rules and not invade the space of others, but I in no way expected the same behaviour from others.
I did give 5 prezzies to one guy who was camping near me, as I consistently got more than he did.
It was quite easy to get irritated about people invading "your space", but at the end of the day, you just had to be quicker.
Also, picking a quieter district made for less competition.
But if ANet really wanted it to be fair, they should have just added set amounts of prezzies to people's inventories.
I tried to follow my own rules and not invade the space of others, but I in no way expected the same behaviour from others.
If you don't understand why spawn camping is generally considered a negative thing try playing one of the various first person shooter games e.g. CSS, UT etc. If you're ever unlucky enough to end up in a game where you get spawn camped you will very quickly appreciate how it feels to be at the receiving end
Die. Spawn. Get killed before you go anywhere. Go back to step one. Try to imagine being in that situation, then apply it to the mentalities exhibited here it soon shows how messed up it is.
It's also why many games like that take steps to try to prevent spawn camping as much as possible e.g. invulnerability for a few seconds to give the players a chance. That or decently moderated games have the campers kicked. Fairness isn't a bad thing y'know
Bring on the randomisation lol

It's also why many games like that take steps to try to prevent spawn camping as much as possible e.g. invulnerability for a few seconds to give the players a chance. That or decently moderated games have the campers kicked. Fairness isn't a bad thing y'know

Greedy Gus
Originally Posted by Xenrath
If you don't understand why spawn camping is generally considered a negative thing try playing one of the various first person shooter games e.g. CSS, UT etc. If you're ever unlucky enough to end up in a game where you get spawn camped you will very quickly appreciate how it feels to be at the receiving end
![]() |
I didn't mean it literally - just a reference so folks can empathise with the feelings involved. The basic message being "because of some people being totally selfish, a number of others get no chance at all" From that perspective it's not so far off the mark is it.
Silent Kitty
Bottom line is that we all do our best to win within the rules. That is what happened, and that is what we wanted to do. The only rule brakers were those people flaming. I noticed that certain triangular spots were great for camping. That is what I did. Sue me

Greedy Gus
Originally Posted by Xenrath
I didn't mean it literally - just a reference so folks can empathise with the feelings involved. The basic message being "because of some people being totally selfish, a number of others get no chance at all" From that perspective it's not so far off the mark is it.

edit: I think I misinterpreted, and you're talking about people camping a spot for prizes, not people camping other people and getting their prizes. In that case, there's still 150-200 zones to find an area where you can collect prizes.
With a username like Greedy Gus, you really have to wonder which prize grabbing method ole Gus was using...hehehe
I just picked up a few hundred at the nine rings since loads dropped and everyone was afk.. whee 
Nobody has claim, people complaining over 'their' drop getting taken need to grow up. Unless it says 'reserved for X', then it's not yours till you grab it.

Nobody has claim, people complaining over 'their' drop getting taken need to grow up. Unless it says 'reserved for X', then it's not yours till you grab it.
First off, what I am about to say does not apply to Celestial Droppings, since they indeed had fixed spawn points.
Presents, on the other hand, did not have fixed spawn points -- they always spawned near a PC or an NPC.
Granted, since all the NPCs were stationary, this system made for some sweet spots, such as near the henchies or right up the Emperor (especially when he was duped).
But, in the end, somebody who came near you only increased the probability that one more present would be spawned in that general area. In other words, when somebody "camped" near you, they in fact contributed to increasing both their and your chances of having a present spawned nearby. In yet another words, everybody already had their own "spots" -- right beneath their feet. Camping near people only condensed these spots.
After that, only one question remained: who would react faster.
It was a fun event. I stole many presents right from under the nose of many a gallant adventurer. And when they could outmatch my reflexes, they did likewise -- almost from my fingertips. I laughed inwardly at myself and my fellow players -- we looked like headless chickens running around mindlessly trying to peck at the grains.
None of my "robbee"s insulted me and never did I insult them when they were faster than me. Those events were (at least to me) pure back-to-childhood selfish/greedy/competitive fun sessions. I read the flames and insults from other people scroll away in the local chat and I (almost, but not quite) could not understand what the big deal was.
Those aside, I think that a great deal of frustration (and the resultant quarrels) could be prevented simply by not assigning drops to NPCs or at least by having the NPCs try to collect nearby drops (now, that would both be fun, and would compel me to finally curse out loud : )
Edit: BTW, when did "presents" began to be called "prices"?
Edit: Oh, I get it. One-letter typo for "prizes". Nevermind then.
Presents, on the other hand, did not have fixed spawn points -- they always spawned near a PC or an NPC.
Granted, since all the NPCs were stationary, this system made for some sweet spots, such as near the henchies or right up the Emperor (especially when he was duped).
But, in the end, somebody who came near you only increased the probability that one more present would be spawned in that general area. In other words, when somebody "camped" near you, they in fact contributed to increasing both their and your chances of having a present spawned nearby. In yet another words, everybody already had their own "spots" -- right beneath their feet. Camping near people only condensed these spots.
After that, only one question remained: who would react faster.
It was a fun event. I stole many presents right from under the nose of many a gallant adventurer. And when they could outmatch my reflexes, they did likewise -- almost from my fingertips. I laughed inwardly at myself and my fellow players -- we looked like headless chickens running around mindlessly trying to peck at the grains.
None of my "robbee"s insulted me and never did I insult them when they were faster than me. Those events were (at least to me) pure back-to-childhood selfish/greedy/competitive fun sessions. I read the flames and insults from other people scroll away in the local chat and I (almost, but not quite) could not understand what the big deal was.
Those aside, I think that a great deal of frustration (and the resultant quarrels) could be prevented simply by not assigning drops to NPCs or at least by having the NPCs try to collect nearby drops (now, that would both be fun, and would compel me to finally curse out loud : )
Edit: BTW, when did "presents" began to be called "prices"?
Edit: Oh, I get it. One-letter typo for "prizes". Nevermind then.
[NRN] Kepa Nimo
Originally Posted by arcanemacabre
Honestly, 'camping' one spawn point kinda felt cheap and almost exploitish. Surely that's not what the Devs intended us to do there, although I'm sure also that they saw it coming. That part of the ending ceremony was supposed to be a joyous "drink and be merry" kinda thing, not a "this is my spot, go stand over there - no no no! that was my prize! quit ganking!" kinda thing.
Of course we humans always know how to turn a good thing sour. Regardless, I was one of those campers, and because I kinda felt I was exploiting in a sense, I had no problem if someone got to that prize that just spawned at my feet before I even knew it was there. Big freakin deal. I say, more power to them... kudos! |
This says it all for me, I emphasise with everything arcane is saying
I thought the present dropping was fun - I stood still to get them because I am horribly bad at accurate clicking :P
I had a few swiped but I laughed it off. But both the times I was around for it I was in a good natured area and most people were teasing each other about camping and swiping without getting genuinely irate. After all, it isn't as though they were top end greens!
I had a few swiped but I laughed it off. But both the times I was around for it I was in a good natured area and most people were teasing each other about camping and swiping without getting genuinely irate. After all, it isn't as though they were top end greens!
it was easy, just camp by the headmaster / NG / gate 
anyway, lotsa whiners with lotsa "lemme have some" "stay outta my zone" blahblahblah ...
u have eyes, a mouse and some hands(usually u have 2
).. anybody had its chance to get some... it's wasnt hard to get a dozen at least each time, and easily 30-40-ish
anyway, nothing really huge in those, but it's free dropping stuff hence the whining

anyway, lotsa whiners with lotsa "lemme have some" "stay outta my zone" blahblahblah ...
u have eyes, a mouse and some hands(usually u have 2

I camped by the armourers.. but there was one player in front of each and we had a really nice time, just chatting and picking them up when they fell. I never grabbed anything that didn't drop right in front of me. I guess it could be called selfish, but hey.. it was nice to have a civil conversation with a few people.
Good fun.
Good fun.

Talon one
if ppl spent more time pressing 'target nearest item' than spamming the local chat with complaints, they would get more presents 
there were a lot of cool spots, especially near afk farmers/mask campers. if too many ppl invaded my spot, i went on to the next.

there were a lot of cool spots, especially near afk farmers/mask campers. if too many ppl invaded my spot, i went on to the next.

I think it really doesnt matter where you stand you ll always get sum pressy s dropped at your feet, i do h8 people rushing to even steal these away. I stood 3 times at the guild guys(forgotten spot ,i think). Each time with 1 other (diffrent) person and we equally defidet the presents, no greed. 1 droppes at our feed and 2 drop at the guild people, each got 1 of these.
But i think its sad, that i see in chat. I got 45 this round and someone else said i got 8, not really fair
Mzzls $neekie
But i think its sad, that i see in chat. I got 45 this round and someone else said i got 8, not really fair
Mzzls $neekie
rofl @ pve e-drama
p.s. you dont have to click to pick up anything. everyone can be just as fast as the next person
p.s. you dont have to click to pick up anything. everyone can be just as fast as the next person
Meo Yeong
I think it is alright to stand in one spot and grab them. I think anyone that runs up to try and take them too when they see your camping that spot is just doing it to get a rise out of ya. I usually just leave and go to an empty district and get even more lol while they waste their time in the crowded zone fighting like a noob and stealing others.
And didnt you know this is greed wars, argument wars, special olympics wars not guild wars lol.
And didnt you know this is greed wars, argument wars, special olympics wars not guild wars lol.