Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]Would you prefer we have a single one-time-only finale? Or do you like the final day sort of ending?!
The Final day ending, without a doubt, Even though I got booted in game, WHILE ACTUALLY PLAYING, and wasn’t able to get back on, I’m not bitter.
Final day, because the midnight GMT, just doesn’t allow those that have to go to work, or school, or training, or whatever participate. Well, at least the ones that are responsible.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]Did you enjoy the games? Do you have suggestions for more?!
Dodgeball was beyond cool and the mini-games were alright. The money sink for the lucky/unlucky titles was done very well, probably the best money sink yet.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*]Were you able to complete the Captain missions?!
Not even close, total pwnage. I think my butt ‘ole is still bleeding, after the 1500 stitches it took to close the wound. The rewards were so weak for this type of difficulty that it wasn't in my interest to pursue them anymore. I couldn't afford the emergency room bill anymore. This one was botched.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*][*]Did you score a lot of loot from the present drops?
Average I guess. My problem with the presents being pre-determined was that people could tell which ones contained the 1k. The quests provided 240 orbs, enough to get the Dragon mask. I went outside and used /Boo followed by /Flex, and finished with /Taunt to get my remaining 10 orbs, so orbs being offered for the rewards for the presents and mini-games, not so good. Tickets or Wine/Cake instead would have been better. I have mixed feelings about including the Rice wine and Bean cakes on the venders. You get a YAY! and a BOO! for that.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
[*][*]What did you like best? Least?
The Least, by far is the 6098230947597034957823 million times that people asked "What are the orbs for...", "When is Kisu coming...", “How do I get a mask..”. This isn't a joke, review my chat logs. The BRIGHT GREEN link on the right hand side of the chat login screen wasn't in a large enough of a font to attract the attention of your masses. I think only 5 people actually read it, me being one of them.
I liked the system alerts that were implemented alerting me that Kisu would arrive in 15 minutes. This let me continue to play the game, rather than sit in town and have to deal with masses of stupidity we allow to exist in the world. Honestly, I can't believe stupidity hasn’t been eradicated yet, how hard is it to quarantine stupid people and torch them with Napalm? For that matter, why are the majority of these people on AOL, and why do we even allow AOL on the Internet.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Thanks for all your input!
Well, at least until you read mine…
My suggestions for improving the next event, you should seriously implement these.
For the next event, please omit the Perma-Ban grand finale SURPRISE!! that was included in this event. Focus on Perma-banning AOL chat room pedophiles (you know the caps lock types), the people under the age of 27 (history shows that the maturity level just isn’t there), the scammers, the people that harass other players, people using All chat to WTB, WTS, or WTT, etc. Yea, that’s right I said Perma-ban for using all chat for your merchanting. There is no argument that can be made otherwise, period, Perma-ban for this serious offence. SHH, I have spoken the truth, now you must just accept my infinite wisdom.
For next event, implement middle of the screen 28pt font lettering messages that explains the event. Repeat this message every 15 seconds, for a minimum of 72 hours, even if the event is only 24 hours long. Let this be by passed only by those that read the updates, circled every other letter on the webpage, called an automated 1-800 number and entered the 1600 digit number found hidden on the webpage (broken up and randomized, of course), and submitted no less then 120 posts in All Chat (with at least a 1 minute gap between posts, so as to not add to the spam already there), that information about the event can be found at
www.(GW FoTM website).com.
Tone down the difficulty just a tad, and increase the rewards, a tad. The biggest problem I have with this kind of difficulty is that only a couple of builds could do it. This shut out most of the other classes. Even though I have an Assassin (can you say re-roll?), and I say that 98.99% of all PUGS are 100% inferior to henchmen (this is not a request to nerf henchmen), I saw no love the Assassins in this event. Actually seems only B/P Rangers (WTG!! Rangers finally get tossed a bone, after getting beating down by every single nerf), monks (you know I noticed that monks have no problems getting into any group nerf the crap out of them, take away their heals), and MM (a little bit for the SS builds), got any love for these quests.
Force players to take an online exam on time zones. If you don’t pass you don’t get to play the event. Only 1 out every 4500 people knew what time zone they were in. I even say this question asked more than a dozen times.
“If I am in CST and the event stats at midnight GMT, and it is raining in Idaho, what time is it currently in CST?”
At first I thought these to be a joke, but they weren’t. Go look at a clock, you F**ing tard! I’ve come to realize that far too many parents are allowing their children to skip school, and they are not learning “Dumb stuff” like time zones. There could not possibly ANY FREAKING reason to ever know anything about time zones…. Sad very very sad. I cried my self to sleep.
This isn’t my first event, seen all of them. And I know this occurred with all of them.
Education is must; stupidity must be eradicated at all cost.
Yea, I know ya’ll love this post.