I was worried at first that this thread would be just another coprolite someone dug up, but I checked the first post and it said "yesterday". Of course, that's not actually better at all...
Originally Posted by majoho
It's the internet people ARE going to be assholes, it's a scientific fact
No, it's not a scientific fact. It's a scientific likelihood, but far from a fact. For example:
Some people are not assholes. Some people are not going to be assholes. Some people have never been assholes.
But how often do you notice them?
I can quietly enter a town, hit the merchant, hit the Xunlai, order up some Henchmen, and hit the road. That's fun, although not as much as working with other people. But when I do that, it's silent. If I do the same thing but pick up a group through Guild or Alliance chat, it's still silent to the town's population. Nobody will notice, nobody will care, and nobody will be improving their gaming experience anytime soon. It won't deteriorate, but it won't improve.
Originally Posted by Goonter
I was waiting for someone to post that.
While it is against the rules to "defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players", "use sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language", and equally to "organize nor be a member of any pledges or groups within Guild Wars that are based on or espouse any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or other hate mongering philosophies" the odds are that even if you do,
nothing will happen to you.
Without a consequence to actions both positive and negative, society cannot function. As a small-scale model an MMORPG functions the same way. If "good behavior" gains the End User nothing more than would asshatery and shitcockery of the highest degree, that little voice in the bowels of your cerebellum pipes up, "why not?" A cynic would say that it's inevitable.
Hurricane Katrina destroyed huge swaths of Louisiana. In the aftermath, New Orleans was, and in places still is, completely lawless. Littering, latering, loitering, and lootering as far as the eye can see. Why? Because the social order broke down. There were no consequences for "negative" actions.
The internet is the same way. There are no consequences. If there are, then they are few and far between. For better or for worse, that is how it stands as of now. There's no real reason it should be that way other than the fact that that is what happens when nothing happens.