the fix I want... which is impossible with GW but I want it anyway

World PVP!
The reason WoW doesn't have this kind of silliness (in many cases) is because you can easily arrange to have a person thumped and kept dead for a long period of time... and in WoW it's very annoying to die since you don't just res and run back to the fight, you have to go and find your body to fight. World PvP FTW!
Sadly... I had my account stolen... else I'd still be playing WoW. GW is a great game (I don't get all this GW vs. WoW mentality, they're both awesome) but this accountability problem can be pretty serious. It can potentially ruin the game for anyone who doesn't already have a group of regulars that they game with.
I can't think of any viable solutions... free servers would never be able to handle world PvP, and allowing free for all PvP in the cities and outposts would be complete chaos, just wouldn't work...
edit for Eviance: Yours is a brilliant solution, although it took the form of a comment rather than a solution. What goes around comes around. When I was regular in GW (many many moons ago) I would often give away cool items to low level players, especially as my monk (I like role playing to a degree) and I would always say "just remember to do the same when you're in the position to do so". I've had people do stuff like this for me also, as well as lots of free help with stuff like Galrath or Lornar's Pass which was a major goal for me long after I had ascended... not as a run but for the challenge of it, killing everything along the way. If you haven't fought your way through the pass I highly recommend it, unless they've nerfed it (which I doubt) it's VERY challenging and very exciting.