If you could own a house, where would you want it in?
Here's my favourite "Weekend Retreat", think its the same one Rahl mentioned earlier, although I have to keep kicking the damn squatters out

Rangers Rock
Hmmm I would buy a house for all of my chars.
Monk: Twin Coastal Towers in Kryta
Ranger: In UW makign traps and killing everything.
Warrior: Down by the Collosal Giant in the Desert hoping she could be scupled into a monument.
Iway Warrior: HoH having the gods giving him grapes
Elementalist: The Levitating Castle of some sort
Necro: In presearing picking on Gwen by killing her making minions out of her and then ressing her and then have minions kill her and etc...
Monk: Twin Coastal Towers in Kryta
Ranger: In UW makign traps and killing everything.
Warrior: Down by the Collosal Giant in the Desert hoping she could be scupled into a monument.
Iway Warrior: HoH having the gods giving him grapes
Elementalist: The Levitating Castle of some sort
Necro: In presearing picking on Gwen by killing her making minions out of her and then ressing her and then have minions kill her and etc...
Pre-searing, Shing Jea Island, or somewhere in Kryta. Regular skiing holidays in the Shiverpeaks...
I would have to say my home would be the UW Castle thats up the hill after you kill all the smites.
How about Stingray Stand. Its got tons of water front property to have your boat and waverunners on. Could become the new "party cove"

With all the people heading to Fisherman's, it might get kinda crowded. I'll take someplace like the island off the docks on Isle of Meditation. Or maybe Quarrel Falls, that place is always deserted.
I would have mine in HoH, I'll use Base Defense on the winning team and stealing their items.
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
Here's my favourite "Weekend Retreat", think its the same one Rahl mentioned earlier, although I have to keep kicking the damn squatters out
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My Passion
Kessex Peak (where you fight Galrath to complete The Villainy of Galrath) It would overlook Fishermans Haven. Picture Incoming......
I'd live on an Island of the ocean shown in the Character Selection screen.
Dr Strangelove
I'd live on the boat in Lion's Arch and run up the Jolly Roger. The life of a pirate for me!
Ariana Of Damia
My vote is for Somewhere on the D'Alessio Seaboard, near Lions Arch, on the Sea / Ocean

In LA's lighthouse. And an office in Drok's
I would live in the tower north of Lions Arch that is on an island and imposible to get to
I would like to have my house in the UNDERWORLD. I would like a merchant to be in my house with UNDERWORLD KEYS. Also would like my mom to be in it so she can tell me to quit playing guild wars because I've been playing for hours. Finally I would want lvl 20 ELITE HENCHMEN (Aidan, Devona,...) in it. ANET MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I WILL BUY MY HOUSE FOR 2000 ECTOS.
I'd put my house of love in pre-searing and get a date with gwe... errr

The slums of Kaineng city!
Just outside fisherman's haven, and let's hope the trout are biting.
Anywhere around Fisherman's Haven, Tears of the Fallen, Saltspray Beach, Southern Shiverpeaks, and the Crystal Desert.
I haven't been to Cantha yet, but if in Tyria, definately Kryta.
Pre-searing Ascalon, near where Aidan is, but back more towards the river in the forest.
I'd go for somewhere around Anvil Rock, or Iron Horse Mine. The first time I saw snow in Tyria was one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen in a game.
Algeron Zolo
I'd make my house way up near the giant sea in North Kryta. Has beaches, fishing, and some cool views.
Imperial Sanctum And split the rent with Ol' Shiro and Kuunvang, =D.
I can smell a sitcom..."Everybody Loves Shiro"
I can smell a sitcom..."Everybody Loves Shiro"
Ork Pride
In a cave in the middle of the shiverpeaks
Anywhere without Tengu.
Rurik's castle in pre
I'd live on the far western part of the Fire Islands, where you escort the ghost NPC in the bonus for Abaddon's Mouth. I've always loved that little patch of green and life there up on the hill. It reminds me of the island in FF6, where Celes and Cid are stranded in the World of Ruin (one of my favorite RPG moments of all time). I'd eat fish and spiders to survive, and would try to cultivate other parts of the islands. Also, only the bravest and most determined adventurers would visit me, cause that bonus is hard. Perfect spot for me

I would like nice water front proberty or by lake or on slight mountian with creek running behind it lots of trees to.
In the shiverpeaks, or in kryta. Those are my favorite places. Shiverpeaks are the best though. I just like snowy mountains
I'd like mine in glint's cave,it's nice and quite and comes with its own security guard
Sacred Temples. So I can laugh at the people who make it so far, and then lose! haha, *wipes tear from eye*
id take the light house at lions arch
The ruined cities in the background of the deserts
Somewhere in the Southern Shiverpeaks... I like the cold.

Donut Zeke
That huge tower thing outside of Beetletun on the waterfront. Or The Falls. Whichever.
Twin Serpent Lakes. when i was exploring it i saw some hut house things
Kai Nui
Under the iron forgeman. Of course I would utilize a magma water wheel to generate electricity and I'd give the giant spike ball a dog tag that said "Spike," naturally. Of course a white picket fence with a sign that says "Beware Of Dog!" After that I'd have a nice looking mail box supported by a pile of Rockmolders that were recently nerfed to kindom come. How come I haven't gotten any mail lately...?
Kessex's Peak, nice remote place.
Mister O