Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Rushers are basically preying upon the stupid, greedy and avaricious players who want to obtain something they cannot normally have access to.
After my first character, I had all my other characters I made afterwards rushed to Droknars. I played through the game once already, I can afford the armor, the materials, the runes, the dyes, the taxi fee, why NOT? And I got one rushed by a guy who was doing a FREE run. I still paid him 2k for the service (and a lot of other people in the group tipped him as well).
Now let's look at the Crystal Desert, where my Ranger is currently. I got rushed to Elona's for free. I tipped the lady 1k for the service. Why? I've been through that damned desert 3 times already. I know how to take down each and every mob. I've done the job change quests so many times I'm a pro now. If I'm too lazy to walk/fight my ass through the desert and someone is willing to run, hell yes I'll take it.
Originally Posted by Talesin Darkbriar
Are the rushers scamming these people?
Yes they are.
Some, maybe. I've never been scammed. Hell, while on my Necro-remake in the Crystal Desert, I paid this one guy for a round trip map rush (basically, unlocking many, many towns in the Crystal Desert). I paid him at mid way, then my comp froze up (my page file hard drive went south). He gave me a refund when I got back. Hell of a nice guy.
Don't make it out like all runners are scammers.
Originally Posted by Racthoh
What the hell is wrong with you people that want rushes? I can only imagine that amount of pain and agony you must go through when playing a console game that doesn't allow for this sort of thing, and you have you play through the entire game a second time.
I want better armor early on. I want better skills early on. If I can access them, then I will through being rushed. Improves the fun I have. No team I've been on has complained about "the guy who got rushed to Droknars". I'd prefer a team of Droknar-armor-wearing-asses-like-me in Ventari's than I would a regular team. Why? Because at least those kids have the sense to have gotten the best armor early on. Shows they know SOMETHING. Shows they've probably been through all this before and have an idea of what they're doing.
This discussion, the talk of Droknars altogether, needs to DIE. It's OLD. It's been beaten to death, brought back to life, and beaten back to death again.
If you would like to discuss Droknar Rushing, please see the following threads, I'm sure one of them is based on what kind of bitching you'd like to do: