Another first for GW and GWG...
If the Wedding isnt over I would love to attend it. It would be amazing to see a wedding in a game.
Kago Seirei
I'll be sure to drag Temp's butt to it. -_-' Considering now I play with her in Rose. XD
so they didnt just rob a bank and skip town on us?
I hope your children ascend safely

the wedding is still on go look at my Marriage Service thread for more details about it.
marriage service thread?
Natus just told me about this, can I tag along?

I didn't see any info concerning this wedding specifically, in the Marriage Services thread. Is there a time and/or date? Where and how are you doing the ceremony?
I might just have to actually come out of retirement after not playing for THIS long so far. @_@ I can of course offer my own video footage as well as editing and music for the entire time it is going on for. =)
I Wanna Go I'll Give U Guys A Gift I Have Gold Bow Very Nice
wow a GW marrage....i so gota be there! good luck you two!
Can I attend? I'll bring drinks!

drinks are provided. 2 ales to each guest for free. The number of guests coming is as many as can be put in 1 district at a guild hall (not sure of the number). Ending it would be great if you would do the video and editing it as I haven't found a camera dud yet for my service HINT HINT. The wedding will be held on August 14th. As for the time that has not been set yet. PM Hoodie if you would like to come. The location is at the Marriage Services Guild hall so to attend you will have to temporaraly (sp?) leave your guild. We provide complamentry guild holding services were one of our people holds your position in the guild and reinvites you after the wedding is over (So that whole guilds can attend, Only the leader is reinvited if the whole guild is coming he can deal with bringing your all back.)
Oh and if you misbehave at the wedding you will be booted (one of the reasons that it is in a guild hall). Hoodie and Sera may have the wedding in an international district but this is up to them so.
Oh and if you misbehave at the wedding you will be booted (one of the reasons that it is in a guild hall). Hoodie and Sera may have the wedding in an international district but this is up to them so.
i don't want to leave my guild and join bak it goin to suk man
get a better place and a guild hall it goin to be crowd man
get a better place and a guild hall it goin to be crowd man
Were you even invited? I'm compleatly serious. And if your guild won't reinvite you well then you prolly should leave it anyway.
Were you even invited? I'm compleatly serious. And if your guild won't reinvite you well then you prolly should leave it anyway.
did u ask them yet if it ok with it is i ask my leader about it and i go to the weddin i ask the couple first ehehehhe
I'd leave my guild at the drop of a hat. They're never on and we rarely ever do GvG these days.
hahah my guild is tight
Well you will be kicked from the Maggiage Service guild after the wedding Explosive. And Asian ask Hoodie if you can come and then ask your leader if Hoodie says yes. Just PM her saying that you want an invite.
Now as this wedding is compleatly free for Hoodie and Sera donations of Ale are excepted but even with no donations there will still be ale for all.
Now as this wedding is compleatly free for Hoodie and Sera donations of Ale are excepted but even with no donations there will still be ale for all.
Hahaha this is the coolest idea i ever heard (damn so late in the thread though)
may the couple earn money by me the chinese weedin way hahaha 1k for each anyways wat the time for the weddin
be at night time plz
ahhh can't it be torrorrow i gtg to my cuzin weddin on aug.14 maybe u guys can video the weddin so i can c i the married couple get married
Medical Mechanica1
agh u need to invite me into this wedding it sounds awesome serafita kayin and lady aine u guys are goin into the guild wars history books lol first formal wedding i would seriosuly enjoy being there and i would roleplay and take lotts of screen u guys rok!

ending is making a movie. now to attend you must do the following:
You will receive an invatation either here or ingame by the 10 of august and the invite will also have the wedding time in it.
You will receive an invatation either here or ingame by the 10 of august and the invite will also have the wedding time in it.
u know the time and can u make it on aug.13
...Wow bravo, bravo...
ecto bomb
I wish i could come......well i wish u both GL (and your kids lol XD)!
hahaa i wish i can come and all but i got a cuzin's weddin to go on that day
ecto bomb
oh Asian i wish ur cuzin good luck too for her/his wedding!
thx u tell them i give them somethin after the honeymoon and goodluck to the couples
DarkMoon Immortal
Please invite me. I want to see the first GW wedding. And I look stunning in my black dyed pyromancer granite citadel armor.

PM me if you still need a Reverend, I'm going to become one once I get enough money for a plot of land and to get a church built on it =D
Dante Elemak
Does anyone know the latest on this wedding??
Is it happening? When is it happening?
Is it happening? When is it happening?
on the 14 of Aug
Awww!! So lovely!! Is there any way we can link this to the RP petition board? As stated before, this is a very good example... and I so sorely want an RP district.
In game marraige has got to be... the most lame, moronic and idiotic thing you could possibly do online, ever.
Go to a freaking chat room, and quit wasting bandwith in my game with this shite.
Seriously, I understand the need to show affection, even digital affection, but that is ridiculous.
Go to a freaking chat room, and quit wasting bandwith in my game with this shite.
Seriously, I understand the need to show affection, even digital affection, but that is ridiculous.
The Ice Master
They must have alot of stamina! :P
to RMThompson:
1st off. you should really have ignored this thread in the 1st place, if you thought this was a waste of your time. so you "chose" to concern yourself with it. /live with it man.
2nd this is a game. /people do like to just have fun in it...again bcuz it's a game.
1st off. you should really have ignored this thread in the 1st place, if you thought this was a waste of your time. so you "chose" to concern yourself with it. /live with it man.

2nd this is a game. /people do like to just have fun in it...again bcuz it's a game.