Another first for GW and GWG...

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


I will assist in cleaning up an area for you... but you can only get 8 people to one... so that really doesn't work.

How about this:

Have all the participants join one of the guilds and hold it at the guild hall.

Cymboric Treewalker

Cymboric Treewalker

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Imperial Palace - Cantha

[SFK] Sacred Forge Knights (founder)


Originally Posted by RMThompson
In game marraige has got to be... the most lame, moronic and idiotic thing you could possibly do online, ever.

Go to a freaking chat room, and quit wasting bandwith in my game with this shite.

Seriously, I understand the need to show affection, even digital affection, but that is ridiculous. Not getting a girl to like your character is just killing ye, heh?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


So what's going on with this? I haven't gotten my invitation yet. ^.^



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005

The wedding ias being delayed a week because Hoodie is being lazy and hasn't sent me the guest list yet or anything so bug her not me.

Stampede Zero

Stampede Zero

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

Nine Mile Falls, Washington

KOTR ~ Knights of the old Repulbic


i wanna come

ecto bomb

ecto bomb

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

US, FL!!

Survivors of Rhydin (SoR) 8 Guild Alliance


Originally Posted by Asian4ever
may the couple earn money by me the chinese weedin way hahaha 1k for each anyways wat the time for the weddin u talk to much lol



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


curse of redeemer


i hate u man thats wat


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005

Oh, how beautiful. I'm going to have to miss it. I hope that we all get to see the movie afterwards. Us players that are tethered to our guilds will just have to congradulate you from afar.