Originally Posted by Kool Pajamas
What would be the use of that?
Walk Command
Slade xTekno
Ever been to Marhan's Grotto?
Originally Posted by Slade xTekno
Ever been to Marhan's Grotto?
My god, in other games I've played, running was limited to an energy amount, and when it ran out, it came back over time.
Now, in this game, you have an infinit (sp?) amount of running energy, now people are asking to walk?
I think ANet/NCSoft have better plans and time than to add walking into the game.
Now, in this game, you have an infinit (sp?) amount of running energy, now people are asking to walk?
I think ANet/NCSoft have better plans and time than to add walking into the game.

Why would you want to walk..... Seriously. I don't get it.
fewer critical hits?
I can see it now at Beacon's:
"Expert walker, from Beacon's to Droks... I can walk anywhere in Tyria whisp me!"
"Expert walker, from Beacon's to Droks... I can walk anywhere in Tyria whisp me!"
Walking is a RP [roleplaying] thing, like emotes. Remember that RPG, no matter what form, still have a role-playing factor. People may be literal minded and see no point in having useless features, but some people do.
Just equip a skill that causes you to be crippled. I prefer to run.
Sagius Truthbarron
Lol Noob Not Being In A Rush Is For U Cuz Ur A Noob

I don't see any use of it and it's a pain in the ass.
I truly hate Marhan's Grotto because of the ice on the floor, so I dislike the idea of walking.
I truly hate Marhan's Grotto because of the ice on the floor, so I dislike the idea of walking.
It would hurt anyone to have the option to walk, and the animations are there, so why not?
Pevil Lihatuh
I'd never use it, but why not indeed? For RP purposes. People try to RP, well if you're roleplaying a kind-hearted, well-mannered soul, you're not gonna run through ascalon city shouting "Just going to run to the merchant!". No one is asking for it to be forced upon you to only walk in cities or anything, but to have it so you can choose to. I NEVER use emotes but I don't see any problem with them being there.
Sagius Truthbarron
I mean, rolepalyers are a big forum. Alot of people just buy games to Roleplay. Right now Guild Wars has a very low roleplaying enviroment.
Of course, alot of young people seem to become infuriated at all forms of roleplaying. Appearently they think it "1s te gayz0rz".
And you can't use Illusion of Hast in towns.. Which makes you limp, not walk. Or Muddy Terrain.
Of course, alot of young people seem to become infuriated at all forms of roleplaying. Appearently they think it "1s te gayz0rz".

And you can't use Illusion of Hast in towns.. Which makes you limp, not walk. Or Muddy Terrain.
I hate accidently pressing the walk button, and then have figure out how to turn it off.
But, I don't see why it couldn't be done, unfortunately it should be at the bottom of the dev's 'to do' list.
But, I don't see why it couldn't be done, unfortunately it should be at the bottom of the dev's 'to do' list.
I swear there used to be a walk button in the beta, I used to remember making my mesmer walk in the beta (at least I think I did).
And in my opinion, there should be a walk button, the animation is already there for it, I have no idea why anet didn't at least make a toggleable button for it (and remember you could always remove the button from the options).
I think walking is cooler than running, I mean why is my hero always in such a rush?!?!
And in my opinion, there should be a walk button, the animation is already there for it, I have no idea why anet didn't at least make a toggleable button for it (and remember you could always remove the button from the options).
I think walking is cooler than running, I mean why is my hero always in such a rush?!?!
/not signed
GW isn't a game that is all about realism. It isn't a real roleplaying game trying to carefully simulate a fantasy envorinment. It is a lighthearted fantasy RPG with a focus on PvP. Walking is not an issue, imo. Not that I would mind it, but for me this has to be priority Z.
GW isn't a game that is all about realism. It isn't a real roleplaying game trying to carefully simulate a fantasy envorinment. It is a lighthearted fantasy RPG with a focus on PvP. Walking is not an issue, imo. Not that I would mind it, but for me this has to be priority Z.
I would much rather have a /shrug emote. I like to use the emotes when I can just to be funny (as in, during conversations and not mid-battle), and there have been so many times that I wished that I could have just shrugged.
Khadgar of Dalaran
what would be nice is if they made a /walk command and actually put it into a mission/quest (for those of us who have beatin the game), in which the mission/quest would require stealth and/or to look inconspicuous (ie something like the Slave quest for SF...i mean wouldn't u wonder why a slave was constantly running about? :P)
The Acolyte
hmmmm....what about "skip" while anet is working on the walk command... 
Acolyte Devathi

Acolyte Devathi
Kool Pajamas
Originally Posted by iotc247
What is the use of emotes? I see them in the game... (And before you even say it, you could easily just type it. No one cares to see you dance.)

munch the punani
Originally Posted by Ba Ne
It would also be great for at least one mission where you have to follow the Flame Keepers to their gate. Sprint - stop - Sprint - stop - Sprint - stop...
Most certainly not a priority, but it would be nice to see it one day.
Most certainly not a priority, but it would be nice to see it one day.
Fork in us
walking bakwerds while holding down z(look behind) makes you move slower
i don't see y anyone is agrueing against this i mean it wont effect you what so ever so y not
/signed a 999,999,999 times over!
Really want to see this implemented. I know this is a Fantasy MMORPG, but COME ON even the cheapest, newest, and most basic online games have a run/walk option which can be triggered to run or to walk. Also would like to see some more emotes...
Really want to see this implemented. I know this is a Fantasy MMORPG, but COME ON even the cheapest, newest, and most basic online games have a run/walk option which can be triggered to run or to walk. Also would like to see some more emotes...
Verlas Ho'Esta
I've been trying to make a cool .gif image of my character walking in slow motion, but I can't get the right screenshots to work from. This would rock. Especially having my entire guild [NSA] walk through town like a scene from one of those bad-ass crime movies, like Resevoir Dogs, Boondock Saints, Oceans Eleven (The original with Sinatra and the Rat Pack, not the remade POS). God, I wish we had shades in game. Maybe as a holiday item for spring break?
I've been trying to make a cool .gif image of my character walking in slow motion, but I can't get the right screenshots to work from. This would rock. Especially having my entire guild [NSA] walk through town like a scene from one of those bad-ass crime movies, like Resevoir Dogs, Boondock Saints, Oceans Eleven (The original with Sinatra and the Rat Pack, not the remade POS). God, I wish we had shades in game. Maybe as a holiday item for spring break?
Not as a /command but as a keyboard modifier and/or toggle. (By the way, I realize a modifier could be tricky since ctrl,alt and shift all have important functions)
Sometimes I want to parade down the street, sometimes I would like to slowly creep towards mobs.
Not as a /command but as a keyboard modifier and/or toggle. (By the way, I realize a modifier could be tricky since ctrl,alt and shift all have important functions)
Sometimes I want to parade down the street, sometimes I would like to slowly creep towards mobs.
I would love to see this implemented in the game.
I would love to see this implemented in the game.
Originally Posted by munch the punani
That would be the only reason that I can think of that would actually make some sence, but other then that... nop, not a good proposal I think
It would also be interesting if the walk skill also decreased your aggro circle, increased your defence, but also decreased your chance to evade projectile shots. In towns I've actually run past NPCs (yes i know that's stupid but I was running up to them and trying to click on them whilst doing so).
Plus if someone's advertising for a PUG and running around so ppl would see, it's harder to inv him as well.
Soul Shaker
There used to be a walk command, i swear it. You could hold down shift and click and you would walk. This was when i started playing in about june. They removed it in another secret update!!!
Useful for waiting for the crippled or slower to come up and join you or those who've fallen behind and you still need to advance rather than wait.
Useful for waiting for the crippled or slower to come up and join you or those who've fallen behind and you still need to advance rather than wait.

It'd make a better toggle, rather than a command, though.
It'd make a better toggle, rather than a command, though.
Soul Shaker
oh ya, /signed as well...
I would love to have this in the game. Sure, it doesn't affectb things in a big way, but it adds realism for those who want it. They can make it be a toggle for those who don't care for it.
I would love to have this in the game. Sure, it doesn't affectb things in a big way, but it adds realism for those who want it. They can make it be a toggle for those who don't care for it.
Quid Pro Quo
I'd love it. Why do games always forget it? (Accept for my favorite game Morrowind and when it comes out Oblivion.)
I'd love it. Why do games always forget it? (Accept for my favorite game Morrowind and when it comes out Oblivion.)

i want my walk command! >:O
i want my walk command! >:O
ya take away the running and no fatigue out, make it like in Diablo 2 LOD got to wait for your charcter to build up his stamina before he can run again.