Index Of Ideas - Read Here First
This is a thread deicated to you, the people who offer ideas to the big shots up stairs about what you would like to see in the game!
I will be taking threads that strike my fancey and add them to the ever growing list below.
What this will do is help cut down new threads from being created about the same ideas. (Anyone else see about a million threads about a Ninja / Spy kind of class?!?) This will also greatly help out those wonderful people from ANet when looking at what the public is interested in.
I will accept PM's of threads people would like added to this list, I will review it first then decide if we have a copy of it already, or if its unique enough to deserve its own line. I will give credit to the person who started the thread.
Looking forward to the ideas! Thanks to everyone!
After I reach 10 threads for one topic, I will not be adding anymore to that section of the index. I believe that 10 threads with that topic should be more then enough to cover the entire area of it.
PvP: Suggestions
General PvP
- Why isn't there a Priest of Balthazar in the PvP areas? Acheus Lokine
- Attrib refunds in PvP Thanas
- About 1 on 1 arena. Paine
Arena Suggestions
- What's your take if we added a random grouping button in HOH? Azreal911
- Fame in GvG ApOcAlYpSe
Auction House: Suggestions
- Detailed Proposal for an Auction House System Galatea
Guild Cape: Suggestions
Toggling On/Off
- Guild capes Rhombus
- Guild Cape toggle chowdah
- toggle guild cape DrSLUGFly
Skill: Suggestions
- GUI for Skillsets! Zraak
Cross Class Skills
- Twin-Class skills and items Winterclaw
Party: Suggestions
- Sorting allies in the party window Hibou
Friends List: Suggestions
- Adding Categories in the Friends Window? headachebr
Guild: Suggestions
- Suggestion for GW: Create way for small guilds to unite under an umbrella guild John TrickKnee
Classes And Me: Suggestions
- Some suggestions for Rangers blackbird71
- Some Yes, more Pet Suggestions... BigTru
- It is becoming very frustrating... Amnon
Character Model Suggestions
Full Character Model
- Character models that evolve slightly with level. Xue Yi Liang
Armor Model
- Fitting Room at the Armorer? (also, fun with dye previews) ducktape
Control The System: Suggestions
- Fitting Small Control Request (Mouse Button Blues) Charrbane
We Love 'Em... Henchmen: Suggestions
- Henchmen controls (consolidated)
Map / Area: Suggestions
- Explorability for new areas Chronos the Defiler
- Catacombs, dungeons, indoor areas. (Index.) Acan Vishnu
Control The HUD Suggestions
- Energy status bar. Thanas
- Guildwars In-Game Notepad Function Suggestion Sir Maddox
What About Me? Suggestions
- Walk Command Kaldor Meshekal
- What would make guild wars better willevans30345
- Use my printer! Utilize it even . . . :-) stingite
- Player Incentives [detailed post] Galatea
- Argued reason to why i need more character slots BrotherReins
I will be taking threads that strike my fancey and add them to the ever growing list below.
What this will do is help cut down new threads from being created about the same ideas. (Anyone else see about a million threads about a Ninja / Spy kind of class?!?) This will also greatly help out those wonderful people from ANet when looking at what the public is interested in.
I will accept PM's of threads people would like added to this list, I will review it first then decide if we have a copy of it already, or if its unique enough to deserve its own line. I will give credit to the person who started the thread.
Looking forward to the ideas! Thanks to everyone!
After I reach 10 threads for one topic, I will not be adding anymore to that section of the index. I believe that 10 threads with that topic should be more then enough to cover the entire area of it.
PvP: Suggestions
General PvP
- Why isn't there a Priest of Balthazar in the PvP areas? Acheus Lokine
- Attrib refunds in PvP Thanas
- About 1 on 1 arena. Paine
Arena Suggestions
- What's your take if we added a random grouping button in HOH? Azreal911
- Fame in GvG ApOcAlYpSe
Auction House: Suggestions
- Detailed Proposal for an Auction House System Galatea
Guild Cape: Suggestions
Toggling On/Off
- Guild capes Rhombus
- Guild Cape toggle chowdah
- toggle guild cape DrSLUGFly
Skill: Suggestions
- GUI for Skillsets! Zraak
Cross Class Skills
- Twin-Class skills and items Winterclaw
Party: Suggestions
- Sorting allies in the party window Hibou
Friends List: Suggestions
- Adding Categories in the Friends Window? headachebr
Guild: Suggestions
- Suggestion for GW: Create way for small guilds to unite under an umbrella guild John TrickKnee
Classes And Me: Suggestions
- Some suggestions for Rangers blackbird71
- Some Yes, more Pet Suggestions... BigTru
- It is becoming very frustrating... Amnon
Character Model Suggestions
Full Character Model
- Character models that evolve slightly with level. Xue Yi Liang
Armor Model
- Fitting Room at the Armorer? (also, fun with dye previews) ducktape
Control The System: Suggestions
- Fitting Small Control Request (Mouse Button Blues) Charrbane
We Love 'Em... Henchmen: Suggestions
- Henchmen controls (consolidated)
Map / Area: Suggestions
- Explorability for new areas Chronos the Defiler
- Catacombs, dungeons, indoor areas. (Index.) Acan Vishnu
Control The HUD Suggestions
- Energy status bar. Thanas
- Guildwars In-Game Notepad Function Suggestion Sir Maddox
What About Me? Suggestions
- Walk Command Kaldor Meshekal
- What would make guild wars better willevans30345
- Use my printer! Utilize it even . . . :-) stingite
- Player Incentives [detailed post] Galatea
- Argued reason to why i need more character slots BrotherReins
Originally Posted by EnDinG
Thanks ending. Hope i'm not stepping out of bounds here but on the rangers suggestion forum I've had a rather indepth discussion reguarding their balancing here: Suggestions for rangers
Could it be possible to add this to your list? If not just delete my post please.
Could it be possible to add this to your list? If not just delete my post please.
CaptainGuru: I just was picking random topics, I read the OP, then decide if its a topic that could have a positive effect. I'm sure there is probley more posts out there like this, just haven't had the time to search for all of them since I'm normally at work from 8-5 everyday. =) There will be a LOT more posts added to that thread, expect it to be rather big by the end of the week.
Thomasuwoo: I was actually about to add it to the list.
(The sudden number of PM's received caught my attention, had to see what was going on. I don't mind fan mail. LoL.)
Thomasuwoo: I was actually about to add it to the list.

Ending, you sir, are crazy

Thanks for this sticky pinboard!
Now all are easy able to keep track of the
different ideas and suggestion. This is
definitely an improvment on the forums.
Now all are easy able to keep track of the
different ideas and suggestion. This is
definitely an improvment on the forums.
Nothing in here about a kick system? or about any sort of trusting system?
Haven't gotten around to finding those yet. They will be added as I locate them. =)
I will be updating this index Friday. (The following two weeks I will be updating it constantly. It does pay to have your boss gone for a long time, lets you catch up on important things.)
I've read the requests people have sent me, I will review their threads and will decide what to do with the topic presented.
I've read the requests people have sent me, I will review their threads and will decide what to do with the topic presented.
Updating the thread. Expect to see some new links about ideas. I am going to start with the huge amount of PM's first, and read what they sent me. Some I will put up, others I'm afraid not. If people wish to have certain things listed up there, let me know and I'll search the forums for links about those typs of ideas.
I will try to continue updating it until about 3PM EST. (Or at least until I leave work.)
I will try to continue updating it until about 3PM EST. (Or at least until I leave work.)
397 Views!??? Crikey. Ending you're going to have to get some sort of penalty/banning stick or something because It appears that alot of people are just ignoring this post!
Seems that way. =\ I find a lot of new stickies I make take a very, very, very long time to actually reach any decent number of views.
I am going to start deleting threads straight out after I fill up the quota for each section.
I am going to start deleting threads straight out after I fill up the quota for each section.
If possible could we add one of the following suggestions on the creation of skill sets (from the Sardelac Sanitarium forum solely) to the master list?
Guild Master
Why aren't there horses in the game? The necrid horsemen have them, so why can't we have them? There should be class specific mounts.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
397 Views!??? Crikey. Ending you're going to have to get some sort of penalty/banning stick or something because It appears that alot of people are just ignoring this post!

Hmmm so you choose a topic about a 1v1 arena, yet my idea for Guilds having their own arenas is nowhere to be seen.
No offence but iv seen many better ideas floating around these forums than these 'high hit count cos 12 year old WoW players want it ingame' topics you seem to have pulled off the front page of whatever section you were reading.
Not a great selection of good ideas, and if this is what Guru is highlighting, and what might read then im pretty worried indeed.
No offence but iv seen many better ideas floating around these forums than these 'high hit count cos 12 year old WoW players want it ingame' topics you seem to have pulled off the front page of whatever section you were reading.
Not a great selection of good ideas, and if this is what Guru is highlighting, and what might read then im pretty worried indeed.
Tellani Artini
Psst.. they're not supposed to all be good ideas. Many of them are, imo, horrible. It's just to cut down redundancy. Some of the worst ideas are the most popular and have a lot of threads suggesting them, hence this thread to index them and give the mods a license to destroy new redundant threads on sight.
I made a combine guild hall improvement thread. I figured it might be easier to post that.
Here are three other threads that have great listings of Guild hall improvements.
EDIT: LOL I forgot to give you mine.
Here are three other threads that have great listings of Guild hall improvements.
EDIT: LOL I forgot to give you mine.
When I mix two vials of dye, I wind up with one vial of the new color. Should I have two vials of the new color? Why does the overall amount of dye get cut in half? Considering the rareness that vials tend to drop, perhaps this could be fixed?
GW Insomniac
Originally Posted by Blind_Panic-SC-
Why does the overall amount of dye get cut in half?
How can you be certain of the amount of dye that a single vial contains?
Nice index! I just now noticed it and decided to give it a good ol' bump to promote more views! I would use this opportunity to revive a two month old thread of mine but I'll leave it up to you if it is deemed appropriate enough to be linked on the master list.
PS: Good work. Takes a lot of time to do an 8-5 job, police a forum, and put together a good list.
PS: Good work. Takes a lot of time to do an 8-5 job, police a forum, and put together a good list.
Originally Posted by GW Insomniac
But does it?
How can you be certain of the amount of dye that a single vial contains? |
Vials are hard to come by, in any color. Currently, the cost of mixing is sacrificing all it took for you to come across that second vial. I question whether that is correct.
@_@ This Dye conversation is making my head hurt.
Yes, by rights if you mix two things together, you end up with double the amount with a new result. I have got to say that maybe the Guild Wars guys didn't realize this when they coded the game. They could always add in empty vials that could be used to double the amount of product thats created.
Yes, by rights if you mix two things together, you end up with double the amount with a new result. I have got to say that maybe the Guild Wars guys didn't realize this when they coded the game. They could always add in empty vials that could be used to double the amount of product thats created.
Thanks for putting a link to my HUD suggestion on here. Much appreciated. Keep up the good work Ending.
I think we need a section here for ideas on improving the economy.
You could take this thread as a start:
Also, to go in the HUD section:
Oh, and the answer to the missing dye problem is that we're just very clumsy when it comes to mixing and we spill half of it on the ground. However, we're not so clumsy that we spill any of it on our clothes.
You could take this thread as a start:
Also, to go in the HUD section:
Oh, and the answer to the missing dye problem is that we're just very clumsy when it comes to mixing and we spill half of it on the ground. However, we're not so clumsy that we spill any of it on our clothes.
Nec Romantic
Can you change "Auction House: Suggestions" to "Suggestions to fix trading" and add my thread about the universal trading system. My idea for a trading system can be used as an auction system too if people don't want to have people just buy their stuff for the price they set for it. Here's the link:
It's my opinion that Anet *should* put a storage in the guild halls. it's ridiculous not too. It helps Guild members be able to trade with each other instead of meeting at so-and-so place in so-and-so district at so-and-so spot.
Anyone second this?
Anyone second this?
Mr Wolfmaster
I think we need something with energy in the party window. This would go under your party: suggestions I think. Here's a link to the post I made.
I bought the Special Edition of Guild Wars the other day and lo and behold there was a concept for the female 15k Gladiator's Armour including a Gladiator's Helm.
It would be really nice (and easy?) if they put that ingame as an alternative 15k Tactics hat, but maybe they had problems turning the character's hair off and it looking odd
My current preferred Tactics hat is the FoW one, but I can't afford it =) A hatless look would be great on a warrior too, using circlets instead of helms.
It would be really nice (and easy?) if they put that ingame as an alternative 15k Tactics hat, but maybe they had problems turning the character's hair off and it looking odd

My current preferred Tactics hat is the FoW one, but I can't afford it =) A hatless look would be great on a warrior too, using circlets instead of helms.
For PvE, the story must have its intensity and allow the players to make their choice when doing quests and their choices will lead different consequences (like fable). In short, the story should be competitive to any single player RPG 's story (like baldur's gate series or Planescape: Torment) and the gameplay allows the replayability. For example, it will be good if choices are implement in quest that what you decide when doing a quest will give different outcome, leading you towards good/evil not reward/no reward consequences. Moreover, the background music must improve such that when one enters into combat, the music should change into a face paced music to bring out the intensity of the combat.
As for extra job, i prefer an additional ninja/assassin where he/she can go into stealth and do backstab damage. I love the excitement when i able to finish a character in one hit kill..
However, there must be moderation made to the backstab damage as it would lead to imbalance of the game
It would be good too if there is PvP match like castle siege where a faction must play defend while the other is attacking..considering both sides (defending and attacking) providing equal amount of fun..moreover, the number of maps for PvP seems too little considerate this game lies more toward PvP..
For me, MMORPG players like large scale PvP match..the larger the scale of PvP match..the better it would be amazing if arenanet can design a large war map between two or more factions (i am assuming if there is additional factions added in the expansion), then, these factions will fight a war between each other in a race to capture strategic points and defend it for some amount of time in order to gain that strategic points (i am speaking of this referring to Warhammer 40k : Dawn of War), whoever with more amount of strategic points will be able to gain favour from gods (now i am speaking of this based on guild wars), for those who gain favour from gods, they can gain access to additional map areas (which is already done in original guild wars but the amount of additional map areas must be increased as well). Hence, the PvP match is no longer just between two factions every time, it is involving a large scale war, tactics and it is a race as well..
The rewarding system in the PvP match must be enhanced as well, not only ranking, factions, celestial sigil, etc, etc..i think the idea of unlocking a new map area as a reward for gaining god's favour is cool but after the players gain fissure armor, weapons, etc, etc..there is no point to continue the game anymore except monitoring their guild and making sure the guild is in high rank. The rewarding system must be enhanced in order to bring back the high level players to be always active in PvP match, increase the competitiveness of the PvP match, and most important of all is the sense of satisfaction when one wins the match..
Moreover, it would be good too if Anet includes other activities than just PvP matches and farming in the game. MMORPG is just not a game, for some ppl, it is their whole life.
I am speaking of this based on my idea. I hope that u guys will forgive me because my english is not good.
As for extra job, i prefer an additional ninja/assassin where he/she can go into stealth and do backstab damage. I love the excitement when i able to finish a character in one hit kill..

It would be good too if there is PvP match like castle siege where a faction must play defend while the other is attacking..considering both sides (defending and attacking) providing equal amount of fun..moreover, the number of maps for PvP seems too little considerate this game lies more toward PvP..
For me, MMORPG players like large scale PvP match..the larger the scale of PvP match..the better it would be amazing if arenanet can design a large war map between two or more factions (i am assuming if there is additional factions added in the expansion), then, these factions will fight a war between each other in a race to capture strategic points and defend it for some amount of time in order to gain that strategic points (i am speaking of this referring to Warhammer 40k : Dawn of War), whoever with more amount of strategic points will be able to gain favour from gods (now i am speaking of this based on guild wars), for those who gain favour from gods, they can gain access to additional map areas (which is already done in original guild wars but the amount of additional map areas must be increased as well). Hence, the PvP match is no longer just between two factions every time, it is involving a large scale war, tactics and it is a race as well..
The rewarding system in the PvP match must be enhanced as well, not only ranking, factions, celestial sigil, etc, etc..i think the idea of unlocking a new map area as a reward for gaining god's favour is cool but after the players gain fissure armor, weapons, etc, etc..there is no point to continue the game anymore except monitoring their guild and making sure the guild is in high rank. The rewarding system must be enhanced in order to bring back the high level players to be always active in PvP match, increase the competitiveness of the PvP match, and most important of all is the sense of satisfaction when one wins the match..
Moreover, it would be good too if Anet includes other activities than just PvP matches and farming in the game. MMORPG is just not a game, for some ppl, it is their whole life.
I am speaking of this based on my idea. I hope that u guys will forgive me because my english is not good.

nicky nightmare
i think this post has some merit..... if im wrong by all means delete it but just my thoughts....
I would like to add another thing. It is better increase the amount of item rewards or others and decrease the amount of exp rewards in game. By this, players will reach the max level at a slower rate. Hence, this allows a greater expand in the game without worrying that players who might reach max level early and get bored with the latter part of PvE portion.
I know some people might think that they're not such great ideas but I had a lot to say on my thread about filling in some big gaps on the map with new areas...
(it's name is 'gaps in the map that would make good new areas')
i think that anet will fill in the gaps in the expansion
exactly, so get them to look at some of those ideas

The Acolyte
Sorry to comment on this thread, especially since it's been so long, but I think it needs to be updated slightly. It seems like it's missing a lot of the more recent ideas that have been mentioned, and needs to remove at least one (at first glance, the guild cape toggle option has already been implemented).
I saw recent compilation by King that "seems" to be more up-to-date than this...I might recommend a sticky on that thread in place of this one (or a combination).
I saw recent compilation by King that "seems" to be more up-to-date than this...I might recommend a sticky on that thread in place of this one (or a combination).
Originally Posted by The Acolyte
Sorry to comment on this thread, especially since it's been so long, but I think it needs to be updated slightly. It seems like it's missing a lot of the more recent ideas that have been mentioned, and needs to remove at least one (at first glance, the guild cape toggle option has already been implemented).
I saw recent compilation by King that "seems" to be more up-to-date than this...I might recommend a sticky on that thread in place of this one (or a combination). |

Originally Posted by The Acolyte
Sorry to comment on this thread, especially since it's been so long, but I think it needs to be updated slightly. It seems like it's missing a lot of the more recent ideas that have been mentioned, and needs to remove at least one (at first glance, the guild cape toggle option has already been implemented).
I saw recent compilation by King that "seems" to be more up-to-date than this...I might recommend a sticky on that thread in place of this one (or a combination). |

Savio, as just pointed out, look at my one! 'Tis full of ideas, links etc. and I'm keeping it updated. Thread name is Chapter 2 Summary of Ideas and it's just down there