Make /age viewable to all



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
When I first saw the tittle of this thread I thought it was about showing your real life ages. I then thought...hmmmm, this has some possiblilities. It would be helpful sometimes to know what the real age of people that I am dealing with so I can better understand where they are coming from.
That was my first thought too when I read the threed

I share my account with another person (we each only use 2 slots) but here's my stats minus the lost hours after the one patch. The total hours is useless in my case.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Personally the biggest problem I can see with this is:

"LFM for mission, must have +100 hour age!"



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Huntsville, TX

Wyld Styllions Reunion Tour


yeah if people were allowed to brag about their age it would immediately start some sort of competition in game. when i want to know my age i type it in and would wrather not have anyone else see it.
i guess the public "/age" idea just follows how people want to seperate themselves from others. but this just causes the neverending battle of who is better.

Old Dood

Old Dood


Join Date: May 2005

Lansing, Mi


Now if Arena-Net would make it so it shows who is a real Male or real a Female in the game then I would be for that. Sometimes it is easy to figure out.

Call me Old Fashion, I just don't get it why anyone would like to play a character of the opposit sex. Nothing wrong with it. I would just like to know who is who.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Mar 2005

Ottawa, Canada

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
Now if Arena-Net would make it so it shows who is a real Male or real a Female in the game then I would be for that. Sometimes it is easy to figure out.

Call me Old Fashion, I just don't get it why anyone would like to play a character of the opposit sex. Nothing wrong with it. I would just like to know who is who.
Why does it matter one whit whether a player is male or female?

I enjoy the fact that I have no idea if a player is male or female - it throws all preconceptions, sterotypes and biases out the window.

When playing a game I don't give a rodent's posterior whether I am playing with a child or adult, whether they are short or tall, fat or thin, male or female, gay or hetero, human or alien. I'm in to play and have fun, and if I have fun/enjoy the game, great. If not, I'll find someone else - but it is based on how I interact with that being - not some silly biological bits or their preference in partners or what their jean size is. It's nice to get to know the people you become friends with, but the beauty of the anonymity is that you aren't sure who you are meeting, and that it really is a very pure friendship, uncluttered by whether you would ever have met in life.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Ivory and Steel


Originally Posted by Epinephrine
You are old fashioned. (you asked me to call you that...) Why does it matter one whit whether a player is male or female unless you are planning on chatting them up. I enjoy the fact that I have no idea if a player is male or female - it throws all preconceptions, sterotypes and biases out the window.

When playing a game I don't give a rodent's posterior whther I am playing with a child or adult, whether they are short or tall, fat or thin, male or female, gay or hetero, human or alien. I'm in to play and have fun, and if I have fun/enjoy the game, great. If not, I'll find someone else - but it is based on how I interact with that being - not some silly biological bits or their preference in partners or what their jean size is. If you are in the game to flirt and pick up, the internet is a bad place to cultivate relationships. If you care about gaming and having fun, why would you care one bit about who you play with. It's nice to get to know the people you become friends with, but the beaty of the anonymity is that you aren't sure who you r are meeting, and that it really is a very pure friendship, uncluttered by whether you would ever have met in life.
Agreed. Unless Old Warrior Dood is planning on dating the people he meets in GW, there is no reason to even consider the actual sex of the player behind the character. This is fantasy based role-playing, not the local bar around the corner. Next you're going to want the actual ages to go with the M/F.

So if we were to go with his idea, combined with the inevitable extras, we'd see something like this above someone's head in a mission:

20 W/Me F/19/Uk

This is a game. There is no need for an automatic a/s/l above people's head in game.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


American Border Patrol


Its all about skill buddy, not time played, what if i wen't AFK for like 2 hours that would rack up real fast ya know



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Indigo
Agreed. Unless Old Warrior Dood is planning on dating the people he meets in GW, there is no reason to even consider the actual sex of the player behind the character. This is fantasy based role-playing, not the local bar around the corner. Next you're going to want the actual ages to go with the M/F.

So if we were to go with his idea, combined with the inevitable extras, we'd see something like this above someone's head in a mission:

20 W/Me F/19/Uk

This is a game. There is no need for an automatic a/s/l above people's head in game.
Same here, for me it's all role playing and I treat character in game there gender they are. If there a playing a guy I treat them as a guy, if there a girl, I treat them as a girl. If there a guy and really a girl and chatting talking like a girl I treat them as a girl, etc.

Ragnork Online is a game you want to consider, when you create a account your real life gender limits you to that gender in game and breaking of the rules can get your account killed.

Antonio Cappello

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005

Shimmering Blade


I suppose that being to show /age wouldn't be that bad of an idea, but Guild Powder, you want it for all the wrong reasons. Guild Wars is a game that has been trumped as rewarding skill and not time played. So why do you think you should get any reward for playing a long time? Heck, Guild Wars is built specifically so that playing for 30 hours means crap (hint hint lvl cap). You will n e v e r be rewarded in game for more time played, so just give it up.

Again, the /age viewable idea isnt such a bad idea, but i think you should only be able to show it in private chat so nobody can use it for the wrong reason or spam it.