Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
Now if Arena-Net would make it so it shows who is a real Male or real a Female in the game then I would be for that. Sometimes it is easy to figure out.
Call me Old Fashion, I just don't get it why anyone would like to play a character of the opposit sex. Nothing wrong with it. I would just like to know who is who.
Why does it matter one whit whether a player is male or female?
I enjoy the fact that I have no idea if a player is male or female - it throws all preconceptions, sterotypes and biases out the window.
When playing a game I don't give a rodent's posterior whether I am playing with a child or adult, whether they are short or tall, fat or thin, male or female, gay or hetero, human or alien. I'm in to play and have fun, and if I have fun/enjoy the game, great. If not, I'll find someone else - but it is based on how I interact with that being - not some silly biological bits or their preference in partners or what their jean size is. It's nice to get to know the people you become friends with, but the beauty of the anonymity is that you aren't sure who you are meeting, and that it really is a very pure friendship, uncluttered by whether you would ever have met in life.