No temple unless your ascended?
Faith the Insane
Who disaggres with that?
I dont know why they started that now.
I did fine when I was in temple with my 16...
I dont know why they started that now.
I did fine when I was in temple with my 16...
Originally Posted by Faith the Insane
Who disaggres with that?
I dont know why they started that now. I did fine when I was in temple with my 16... |
Faith the Insane
Ive had a lvl 20 before , so I know the game , so..
I like it, it means that the "noobs" weeded out at ascention don't ruin your experience in the UW/FoW. Also, sometimes (note the word "sometimes") lower levelled people are a bit of a liability. That is my take on it.
Originally Posted by Faith the Insane
Ive had a lvl 20 before , so I know the game , so..
You and everyone else. Like I said, its a personal opinion. You should have to complete the game before you are allowed into the Temple. Not that it will weed out any horrible players, but it may help reduce the amount that claim they have exp and then get in there and totally blow.
Just because you did well or are experienced on one character does not mean you would be any good on another. I've seen many times where someone will say I have exp with my so and so but that is not the character they are on. Guess what, they are usually the ones that cause the wipes.
Furthermore, anyone under level 20 would never even get my consideration regardless if they have finished or not. Again, another personal preference. I just don't enjoy wasting my time with people who can't listen to anything. I usually pay for my groups because I don't really have a use for more money, and that is why I am quite picky on who i take.
i think its a good thing. besides, most PUGs wont take anyone below lvl 20 anyways.
Personally, I like this change. It'll help those people new to the Temple of Ages who donate a plat to the avatars, not knowing it'll transport them somewhere where they'll be killed in about a second, from wasting their plat. (personal experience)
The Sensei
I feel that this is an excellent update, even though I have gone to FoW with my monk when she was 19th lvl. You can see huge difference in that one last lvl and the 30 att. point quests. Just my two cents.
I think it's a good call because it prevents characters from power-leveling lower level characters. Those quests dish out quite a bit of experience.
and its probaly to stop the lvl 16's from going in there with guildies to do the 10k+ xp quests so they would be lvl 20 by the time they hit DC. kinda ruins the game. They are trying to make you level over course of time and not go mass xp from UW or FoW
I think this is just a way to push people into actually playing the actual storyline, which is good for the game as a whole.
Yeah, but it sure makes Villainy of Galrath a REAL pain.
Adnams Bitter
Had to laugh at that comment. Slowly worked up to level 20 and then Ascended - finally feel ready to tackle Villainy again -- hopeless in my "tweens".
Originally Posted by EverBlue
Yeah, but it sure makes Villainy of Galrath a REAL pain.
Originally Posted by Faith the Insane
Who disaggres with that?
I dont know why they started that now. I did fine when I was in temple with my 16... |
This will eliminate the 'omg lets make a monk, rush him to 20, and 'smite' mass-farm uw before we even get ascended' movement that was becoming a problem. Get ascended, then go there.

Tetris L
I think it is stupid to have the Temple in Kryta, but block entrance. If they don't want low-level characters in the Temple, they should move it to the Southern Shiverpeaks or on the Ring of Fire islands.

It's never been possible to take henchmen into UW and FoW, Ingram, so stop pretending you know things.
I agree that non-ascended characters should be kept out of FoW and UW, but I think they should still be allowed into the temple.
Maybe we need a special Ascended district, which has access to FoW and UW, and normal districts for non-Ascended characters, who don't get that access.
I agree that non-ascended characters should be kept out of FoW and UW, but I think they should still be allowed into the temple.
Maybe we need a special Ascended district, which has access to FoW and UW, and normal districts for non-Ascended characters, who don't get that access.
the entrance in ToA isnt blocked to not ascended players, the entrance to UW and FoW is blocked to em.
Good to hear that.
Are you trying to pose as Aria, one of the mods of this forum?
Are you trying to pose as Aria, one of the mods of this forum?
Artemis Bladewing
First of all dont lie and prentend you have a clue about stuff if you dont. Who evers says they played UW or Fissure with henchies is just plain stupid and actully has no idea of how to play because YOU CANT TAKE HENCHES TO UW OR FISSURE, never could and never will.
2nd of all all players can enter ToA it is just that ppl who havn't ascended cant enter UW and Fissure.
3rd Its to make sure stupid ppl not get into Fissure and UW to mess it up for the rest. If u ascend u have actully gained a lot more expirience. It is pratically impossible to be lower then lvl 19 after ascending, those 50k xp really make a difference. its a good change and those ppl complaining are those that complain about everything.
2nd of all all players can enter ToA it is just that ppl who havn't ascended cant enter UW and Fissure.
3rd Its to make sure stupid ppl not get into Fissure and UW to mess it up for the rest. If u ascend u have actully gained a lot more expirience. It is pratically impossible to be lower then lvl 19 after ascending, those 50k xp really make a difference. its a good change and those ppl complaining are those that complain about everything.
Andy of Glacieria
I dant read many of the upper posts cause sum are just rants... I say waht they did was right. I think this was meant to stop the lvl 16s goin about there and smacking taht they own UW. Ascension was the intended way to gain lvl 20 and access to the Forge, NOT running through Lornar's Pass.
No ToA without ascension is pointless but good.
Its pointless because you can still lack in 30 atribute points and enter the zones there.
Its pointless because i was in a good team many times that even invites lowlevel chars, as long as they listen to the chat and they are level 20 really quick getting 5-15 atribute points.
Its pointless because every idiot can get ascended by 5 other good players.
Is good because it stops fast leveling of super-low level chars by some teammates, but why is that bad unless its sold by ebay, and thats the bad thing there, not the fast leveling of lowlevels.
Its good because you have to prove working teamwork before going down there.
i love level 10 players in the deserts and on fire islands but i hate them in the southetrn shiverpeaks, guess the difference.
Its pointless because you can still lack in 30 atribute points and enter the zones there.
Its pointless because i was in a good team many times that even invites lowlevel chars, as long as they listen to the chat and they are level 20 really quick getting 5-15 atribute points.
Its pointless because every idiot can get ascended by 5 other good players.
Is good because it stops fast leveling of super-low level chars by some teammates, but why is that bad unless its sold by ebay, and thats the bad thing there, not the fast leveling of lowlevels.
Its good because you have to prove working teamwork before going down there.
i love level 10 players in the deserts and on fire islands but i hate them in the southetrn shiverpeaks, guess the difference.
In my opinion, the requirements they implemented for accesing to UW or FoW, are not meant to keep "stupid" ppl out of it, as i read in some posts. Cos being lvl 20, or lvl 100 doesnt have a thing to do with the person sitting behind the keyboard.
I think this action is more oriented to encourage u to play the storyline, and also to send a message to all those ppl, that get runned to all towns at low levels. It doesnt matter if u have been taken to droknars and u have the best armor, if u have the best gold equip. If u wanna get into the "bonus" zones, u are gonna have to beat the desert.
I think this is a good road, still needs more work, but its a start.
I think this action is more oriented to encourage u to play the storyline, and also to send a message to all those ppl, that get runned to all towns at low levels. It doesnt matter if u have been taken to droknars and u have the best armor, if u have the best gold equip. If u wanna get into the "bonus" zones, u are gonna have to beat the desert.
I think this is a good road, still needs more work, but its a start.
Ah. Well glad to hear it's not locked out to players who haven't been Ascended. There's a quest in it which sort of screws things up.. Where you have to get those scriptures of the Unseen. Well if you've been to the desert, the good Vizier has already told you that the mainland is no longer safe for you, and obviously the Mursaat would be on the hunt. So getting those scriptures...
So, you can't even enter the Temple of Ages when you didn't ascend, or is it just that you can't enter Underworld or Fissure of Woe when you didn't ascend. Since my lvl 10 Warrior that didn't ascend (still in the Crystal Desserts) could enter Temple of Ages..
From what I gather, non-ascended characters can't enter FoW or UW. They can still enter ToA.
Algren Cole
I don't want anyone that hasn't ascended (and can prove it by BEING ascended on their character) on my UW FoW team....even if you could get into the UW/FoW without you really think anyone would take you?
How do you tell if one has ascended or not?!
and even then... I could have a lv 20 not-ascended monk and another ascended character... who cares about ascension? it's the player's skill that counts.
My opinion.
and even then... I could have a lv 20 not-ascended monk and another ascended character... who cares about ascension? it's the player's skill that counts.
My opinion.
true. i can think of at least 4 non ascended chars that would be a great addition to our team.
i dont see why there are so many changes to make the new guys happy and the old guys sad.
the new guys already paid for their account! let them learn or leave
damnit... james brown comes to mind:
you gotta hit me hit me hit me
hit me with your nerfing stick
i dont see why there are so many changes to make the new guys happy and the old guys sad.
the new guys already paid for their account! let them learn or leave

damnit... james brown comes to mind:
you gotta hit me hit me hit me
hit me with your nerfing stick
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Calimar
How do you tell if one has ascended or not?!
and even then... I could have a lv 20 not-ascended monk and another ascended character... who cares about ascension? it's the player's skill that counts. My opinion. |
you can tell by the fact that they can get into UW/FoW.....I don't care what you did on your last character...the only true test of skill in this game comes after the desert....and even then a monkey could complete those missions. UW/FoW is HARD and ONE bad player CAN and WILL ruin a group....there has to be some set of standards for entrance. Most of the people that play this game think they are good at it.....and they're not.
Well, if they don't enter FoW/UW, you know they're not ascended..
Warrior 1: "Alright, guys. Everyone here?"
Warrior 3: "Yep, believe so."
Warrior 2: "Wait, where's our second monk?"
Elementalist 1: "He left! That bastard!"
Warrior 2: "Hold on, I just got a PM from him. It wouldn't let him in."
Monk 1: "That son of a b*tch hasn't Ascended!"
Prince Rurik: "Let us dive into a pool of Charr!"
Warrior 1: "Alright, guys. Everyone here?"
Warrior 3: "Yep, believe so."
Warrior 2: "Wait, where's our second monk?"
Elementalist 1: "He left! That bastard!"
Warrior 2: "Hold on, I just got a PM from him. It wouldn't let him in."
Monk 1: "That son of a b*tch hasn't Ascended!"
Prince Rurik: "Let us dive into a pool of Charr!"
narrowminded, algren.
what if my guild wants to take challenges WE pick ourselves?
like going uw with some lvl 11 chars?
if we want to, why shouldnt we be allowed?
because others are too stupid to plan their teams properly?
and are leaving the game because of those griefers (aatxes)?
damnit force em to be smart, not ascended!
what if my guild wants to take challenges WE pick ourselves?
like going uw with some lvl 11 chars?
if we want to, why shouldnt we be allowed?
because others are too stupid to plan their teams properly?
and are leaving the game because of those griefers (aatxes)?
damnit force em to be smart, not ascended!
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Gedscho
what if my guild wants to take challenges WE pick ourselves? like going uw with some lvl 11 chars? if we want to, why shouldnt we be allowed? because others are too stupid to plan their teams properly? damnit force em to be smart, not ascended! |
why does everyone have a problem with playing a game the way it was designed??? I simply don't get it. UW and FoW are for AFTER you complete the game...something to keep you occupied...something to waste time one. I can't believe the number of people that think this game takes too long to finish. I'm sorry you can't go UW/FoW....get your guild to rush you through ascension. At LvL11 you have very little chance of being of any help in the UW/FoW anyway.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
why does everyone have a problem with playing a game the way it was designed??? I simply don't get it. UW and FoW are for AFTER you complete the game...something to keep you occupied...something to waste time one. I can't believe the number of people that think this game takes too long to finish. I'm sorry you can't go UW/FoW....get your guild to rush you through ascension. At LvL11 you have very little chance of being of any help in the UW/FoW anyway.
damnit you can tank the aatxes with a LEVEL ONE WARRIOR MY FRIEND.
and if you dont know how, play a monk.(only class i know something about)
If you dont know how to perform a "cornerblock" dont waste my time.
If you take 3 warriors down there, dont waste my time.
OH AND FINALLY: i sometimes have a problem playing a game "the way it was meant to be played"
i want to be creative and to have fun.
AND I DONT FOOKING HURT ANYBODY if i take MY guildies at lvl 11 down there.
i know, they could help, so i would take them. i wouldnt take any strangers for this fun.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Gedscho
could someone of the more respected and members of the community please tell him, that he is bs'ing?
damnit you can tank the aatxes with a LEVEL ONE WARRIOR MY FRIEND. and if you dont know how, play a monk.(only class i know something about) If you dont know how to perform a "cornerblock" dont waste my time. If you take 3 warriors down there, dont waste my time. |
I don't take anything but rangers down there...
and no. a lvl 1 can't tank down there without bleeding the monk dry of energy.
don't make cheapshot personal attacks simply because I believe you should play the makes you look like a child
damnit think about it again. lol
IT IS possible. if there wasnt this patch, we could have made a bet.
10p, i can let 2 level one w's tank the aatxes. (one works too, but two to shwo you, im fine with energy.)
10p, you cannot do it until you learn some monk skills.
oh yea, trapper run is fun, but not very creative, in my opinion.
IT IS possible. if there wasnt this patch, we could have made a bet.
10p, i can let 2 level one w's tank the aatxes. (one works too, but two to shwo you, im fine with energy.)
10p, you cannot do it until you learn some monk skills.
oh yea, trapper run is fun, but not very creative, in my opinion.
Actually. It makes sense. Why would the Gods pay special attention to some fool just coming up in the world? After you've Ascended, you have the attention of the Gods, it would make sense of them testing your abilities further.
And I agree with Algren on this. It's a game. Sit back and enjoy it. Why bother getting rushed through everything? And then you complain when there's nothing to do? Pah. At least this way it forces people to actually get ascended, instead of rushing to Forge for the armour, and then heading to FoW/UW.
And I agree with Algren on this. It's a game. Sit back and enjoy it. Why bother getting rushed through everything? And then you complain when there's nothing to do? Pah. At least this way it forces people to actually get ascended, instead of rushing to Forge for the armour, and then heading to FoW/UW.
you dont get it, that i wouldnt take a friend down there to rush him, but to give the whole team a stronger feeling of accomplishment.
please tell me, where i attacked you personally?
sorry guy, you are talking BS and thats all i say. i never said youre stupid or something. if you feel offended, thats your problem.
don't make cheapshot personal attacks simply because I believe you should play the makes you look like a child |
sorry guy, you are talking BS and thats all i say. i never said youre stupid or something. if you feel offended, thats your problem.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Gedscho
damnit think about it again. lol
IT IS possible. if there wasnt this patch, we could have made a bet. 10p, i can let 2 level one w's tank the aatxes. (one works too, but two to shwo you, im fine with energy.) 10p, you cannot do it until you learn some monk skills. oh yea, trapper run is fun, but not very creative, in my opinion. |
unlike many players I don't have any gold...there is no use for it and I see no reason to stock pile it. if I get a good drop I find a noob than can make use of it and I give it to him. I don't need 100plat to make myself feel special...I have nothing to spend it on....and if you think a lvl1 warrior can do UW I applaud you for your ability to make an attempt to think for bothers me none if they can or can't
then dont walk around telling everybody you NEED to be ascended to be any help down there.
that is simply wrong.
oh btw, i dont have 10plat either, but just to show you, i am serious, you know.
oh and YET another thing: if they planned it this way in the first place, maybe the entrance to fow and uw would be in dragons lair.
they had to change it because people where not able to do it at lowlevels and others are narrowminded.
you know, i might say, maybe FOW i would want any level 11 or lower.
but UW, any day.
that is simply wrong.
oh btw, i dont have 10plat either, but just to show you, i am serious, you know.
oh and YET another thing: if they planned it this way in the first place, maybe the entrance to fow and uw would be in dragons lair.
they had to change it because people where not able to do it at lowlevels and others are narrowminded.
you know, i might say, maybe FOW i would want any level 11 or lower.
but UW, any day.