Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
This during battle, not post battle cause obviously a mesmer only drains when he needs more energy.
Warriors are incredibly underpowered in PvE!
Originally Posted by Hello Thar
Almost every class (save Necroe, I believe) has a skill that lowers melee hit rate by 75%.
Originally Posted by speedtouch
Whats the rangers one other than dodge? because dodge once lasts 8 seconds at max and takes about 20-30 seconds to recharge.
Lightning Reflexes
Drider's Defense
Throw Dirt
Dust Trap
Originally Posted by Kishin
I hope that's sarcasm.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
Somebody isn't familiar with spirt ranges. They are collosal my friend. Funny that I've been tombsing for months now and never come across a good spike team. Damn I'm lucky.
And I've at least ran into a spike team in both tombs, arena and team arean at several times for the past 3 months this game has been out.
And in all your glory I'm sure you understand the difference between OR and AND.
All the spells he noted are commonly used by a warriors and warriors can't make spells like Spellbreaker effective. And again, he was answering for you.
So now they're not even spiking players but sprits!
If you are going to attempt at sarcasm, you might want to try harder. Obviously they are going to hit the spirit with rod attack.
EVERYTHING in this game can be counted guru.
No one said they couldn't be, but from your posting, you are doing nothing more than Theory Fighting. As you said, you never went up against a spike group so this argue you made was completely laughable. Again, much like Spike from the last topic, you don't know what you are talking about and you're just arguing out of pride.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
Say what you will, but every class has thier use in PvP. Warriors are no exception.
Until you've come with arguement that counter's all that has been mention, you can't say what don't know what you are talking about. Again, boy, you need to stop arguing out of pride and something with substance and stop wasting my and this boards time with how you beaten Tombs and spent so much time in tombs. We can CARELESS how much time you spent (And freaking egotistic to mention it might I add), unless you have counter for has been said you to SHUT UP, SIT DOWN AND DRINK YOUR GODDAMN TEA!!!
I love when people who think warriors suck see my W/N coming. Casters think they can shut me down and keep me from em but that just not the case because the first think I do is cast shadow of fear which slows the enemy down 50% then i tap my sprint speeding me up to get to you, by the time the first enchantment is hitting me I'm spaming plague touch to drop your own enchantment on you, then its a slash gash final thrust and guess what your dead! I have yet to see a caster spell fast enough to stop me before i stop them, for that matter I haven't seen many warriors counter fast enough either. Oh and if by some reason I haven't drained all your life I will then drink whats left of your blood. Yummy!
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
Do you even know what sarcasm is? And why would be sarcastic if a Mesmer drained the near warrior for energy.
Originally Posted by MasterQu
I love when people who think warriors suck see my W/N coming. Casters think they can shut me down and keep me from em but that just not the case because the first think I do is cast shadow of fear which slows the enemy down 50% then i tap my sprint speeding me up to get to you, by the time the first enchantment is hitting me I'm spaming plague touch to drop your own enchantment on you, then its a slash gash final thrust and guess what your dead! I have yet to see a caster spell fast enough to stop me before i stop them, for that matter I haven't seen many warriors counter fast enough either. Oh and if by some reason I haven't drained all your life I will then drink whats left of your blood. Yummy!
To theory fight, you must compare apples with apples.
so, let's start this --
group A = 6 air elementalists, 2 monks
group B = 4 air elementalists, 2 monks, 2 warrior
let's say that both teams are equally coordinated
- all the elementalist damages happens at the same time, with perfect accuracy.
- all elementalist damages are 100, or 80 after hvy armor and dmg reduction
- all monk healings are 180
- all the equipments are near optimal
- everyone has 600 hp
- no buffs and secondary skills
rnd 1 - group A's ele zaps B's war1 -- he's down to 120hp
group B's ele zaps A's ele1 -- he's down to 200hp
group A heals their ele1 -- he's at 560hp
group B heals their war1 -- he's at 520hp
group B's warriors close to group A
rnd 2 - group B's warriors disrupt group A's ele's
group A's ele zaps group B's war1 - he's down to 200hp
group B's ele zaps group A's ele1 - he down to 160hp
group A heals ele1 -- he's at 520hp
group B heals war1 -- he's at 580hp
At this point, things will start to degenerate for group B. The warriors have closed in and the elementalists in group A will either have to stand their ground or run and decrease their damage output.
What does this mean? That warriors are more "uber-" than elementalists? NO. What it does mean is that warriors are integral to the balancing equation.
Before you respond, understand that:
Yes, i know there are ways to boost both sides, but instead of allowing things to degenerate into an argument of "Hey I can do X to beat it!" followed by "I can do Y to beat your X!" where X, Y are specific skills, I decided to put out a plain vanilla scenario.
The point of this is to illustrate what many have said already: that GW is a fairly well balanced game and that there are no super powerful or weak professions. For every build, there seems to be a counter.
You'll also notice that the reason that team B's slightly better off is that their warrior's armors to enable the warrior to survive until they can close in to melee due to armor, then he reduces the enemy casters' firepower by disrupting them. This is, of course, one of the classical role that warriors play.
Finally, you'll notice that this scenario is blantantly unrealistic. That is the result of theory fights. In actual combats, you'll find that the elementalists may miss, the warriors may find themselves out of position, and both side would usually try to go for the other side's monks (rather than the war or ele).
so, let's start this --
group A = 6 air elementalists, 2 monks
group B = 4 air elementalists, 2 monks, 2 warrior
let's say that both teams are equally coordinated
- all the elementalist damages happens at the same time, with perfect accuracy.
- all elementalist damages are 100, or 80 after hvy armor and dmg reduction
- all monk healings are 180
- all the equipments are near optimal
- everyone has 600 hp
- no buffs and secondary skills
rnd 1 - group A's ele zaps B's war1 -- he's down to 120hp
group B's ele zaps A's ele1 -- he's down to 200hp
group A heals their ele1 -- he's at 560hp
group B heals their war1 -- he's at 520hp
group B's warriors close to group A
rnd 2 - group B's warriors disrupt group A's ele's
group A's ele zaps group B's war1 - he's down to 200hp
group B's ele zaps group A's ele1 - he down to 160hp
group A heals ele1 -- he's at 520hp
group B heals war1 -- he's at 580hp
At this point, things will start to degenerate for group B. The warriors have closed in and the elementalists in group A will either have to stand their ground or run and decrease their damage output.
What does this mean? That warriors are more "uber-" than elementalists? NO. What it does mean is that warriors are integral to the balancing equation.
Before you respond, understand that:
Yes, i know there are ways to boost both sides, but instead of allowing things to degenerate into an argument of "Hey I can do X to beat it!" followed by "I can do Y to beat your X!" where X, Y are specific skills, I decided to put out a plain vanilla scenario.
The point of this is to illustrate what many have said already: that GW is a fairly well balanced game and that there are no super powerful or weak professions. For every build, there seems to be a counter.
You'll also notice that the reason that team B's slightly better off is that their warrior's armors to enable the warrior to survive until they can close in to melee due to armor, then he reduces the enemy casters' firepower by disrupting them. This is, of course, one of the classical role that warriors play.
Finally, you'll notice that this scenario is blantantly unrealistic. That is the result of theory fights. In actual combats, you'll find that the elementalists may miss, the warriors may find themselves out of position, and both side would usually try to go for the other side's monks (rather than the war or ele).
Originally Posted by Kishin
I'm pretty sure I do, given that I, oh, passed the 2nd grade about 15 years ago..
Originally Posted by Kishin
I'd also like to think that most people know that drains aren't only used when the Mesmer needs energy, considering the prevalence of Energy Deprivation Mesmers.
Originally Posted by hidden agenda
To theory fight, you must compare apples with apples.
Perfect example that was show earlier, was when it was noted that the monk would remove the condition from the warrior if he got poison. Even though the monk wasn't present in the arguement earlier nor does the topic have to do with the monk, the monk was thrown to make the counter author's post legit.
It proves nothing and the person, whom the author is countering, can do the exact same thing at which point the argue goes off topic.
Originally Posted by hidden agenda
The point of this is to illustrate what many have said already: that GW is a fairly well balanced game and that there are no super powerful or weak professions. For every build, there seems to be a counter.
Similar tactics are currently being use to prevent the warrior from being effective in PvP. Cripples, Spike Damage, DoTs of all kinds, blind, weaken, chain heals and deflecting conditons use in combo are such tactics that leave the warrior a sitting duck or dead.
Right now the warrior has no way of prevent such attack unless takes up a secondary like Monk to shield himself from attacks. But then the warrior gain a new weakness because he has to depend on energy/heals/protection to stay alive.
Unless the developers give the warrior more abilities to deflect attacks, magic, deal more damage or resist hexes and condition, the warrior is underpower and the game will continue to be imbalanced.
Forboding Angel
Originally Posted by mvpberto
how can you say there outmatched by any class seriously in tombs no other class would 1vs1 against a warrior without having a monk there healing them a hammer unless maybe your a ranger i dont see any mesmer, necro, ele,monk being able to kill a decent W/E Knockdown/aftershock there armors are to weak and with hammer your doing around 60-70 points of dmg each hit
A necro can and a smite monk can. I have both and I love warriors the go out of their heal range,
Necro's steal life and smite monks deal insane amounts of damage while running protective spirit.
Mercury Angel
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
They are better better spells to use to take away energy without using energy drains. Inspired Hex, Spirit Shackles, Power Spike to just name a few. Most non-noob mesmer know not to use energy drains unless they real need them. Most energy drains have a 20 to 45 recharge time so it's not you can spam energy attacks all day.
Inspired hex doesn't cause energy loss.
Spirit Shackles is often dropped for anti-caster focused mesmers because forcing them not to attack doesn't really matter to them (It's like Blinding a monk.) and warriors are primarily unaffected by it. Spirit Shackles is most useful as an anti-ranger skill- disrupts most of the gain they get from Expertise, since they have no adrenal skills to fall back on.
Power Spike deals damage, so you probably mean Power Leak.
heh warriors really suck..... in random arenas, me and a fellow warrior (sword) took on two enemies warriors, a monk, and a ranger. one teamate quit, we used our res sig on the monk on our team. me and my warrior friend ended up winning the 2 on 4. a warrior can kick some SERIOUS ass if u use him right
Wow, Captain. I've never seen someone pack so much misinformation into one thread as you have. Your complete lack of familiarity with skills is amusing, and totally discreddits you.
You're running Ineptitude on a Tombsing Mesmer? Yeah, you're a real Mesmer expert alright.
Actually, Orb costs 15 and casts in 2. As do Chain Lightning and Lightning surge, which cost 10.
Uh huh. Actually, all the direct Energy drains (Drain, Tap, Burn) all recharge
in 20 seconds. And I guess all those mesmers I met who Arcane Echo Energy Drain and in about 5 seconds, chain 3-4 skills together to completely drain someone of some 60+ energy are all noobs.
Damn, someone, tell me where I can find a good mesmer? All I've ever partied with are noobs!
Secondly, Inspired Hex does NOT steal energy. You merely GAIN energy from casting it. Read the skill description.
Spirit Shackles is only going to work on a character stupid enough to attack with it on. (IE No caster). A Monk or an Ele can just stop attacking and keep hurling spells and be fine.
And as already pointed out, Power Leak drains Energy.
In short: Learn your own profession's skills, 'Mesmer Expert'.
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
They suck dude. You're talking to a Mesmer expert who blind warriors for a living with Ineptitude.
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
Again, you’ve obviously never been up against a spike damage group. Most Lightning spells are 10 energy and lightning spell can be cast within a 1 second. A Me/E with Fast Casting with a rank 5 to 10 can cast those spells almost instantly and they can get up to 49 to 52 energy without enchantments. This means if they are coordinated enough, they can take out 4 to 5 people within 5 to 10 seconds. You speak of Res Signets…by the time you’re ressed by a signet, at least 2 to 3 people are dead in your group cause it takes 4 seconds to res you with a signet.
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
They are better better spells to use to take away energy without using energy drains. Inspired Hex, Spirit Shackles, Power Spike to just name a few. Most non-noob mesmer know not to use energy drains unless they real need them. Most energy drains have a 20 to 45 recharge time so it's not you can spam energy attacks all day.
in 20 seconds. And I guess all those mesmers I met who Arcane Echo Energy Drain and in about 5 seconds, chain 3-4 skills together to completely drain someone of some 60+ energy are all noobs.
Damn, someone, tell me where I can find a good mesmer? All I've ever partied with are noobs!
Secondly, Inspired Hex does NOT steal energy. You merely GAIN energy from casting it. Read the skill description.
Spirit Shackles is only going to work on a character stupid enough to attack with it on. (IE No caster). A Monk or an Ele can just stop attacking and keep hurling spells and be fine.
And as already pointed out, Power Leak drains Energy.
In short: Learn your own profession's skills, 'Mesmer Expert'.
Actually, Orb costs 15 and casts in 2. As do Chain Lightning and Lightning surge, which cost 10.
Quote, “Most Lightning spells are 10 energy and lightning spell can be cast within a 1 second.”
Quote, “A Me/E with Fast Casting with a rank 5 to 10 can cast those spells almost instantly”
I don’t think I need to speak any further.
You're running Ineptitude on a Tombsing Mesmer? Yeah, you're a real Mesmer expert alright.
And with that build we’ve had winning streaks… I played mesmer/monk with healing and hex. No one knew I was the one ressing the monk from the dead and protect him from warriors. Empathy, Backfire and Ineptitude were my best skills at the time.
Uh huh. Actually, all the direct Energy drains (Drain, Tap, Burn) all recharge
in 20 seconds.
Okay, 20 second is a LOOONG time in GW time and by the way Leech Signet take 45 seconds and Drain Enchantment and Power Drain 25 seconds to recharge. Like I said, Energies are not spam able.
Secondly, Inspired Hex does NOT steal energy. You merely GAIN energy from casting it. Read the skill description.
Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 3-13 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced by the Hex that was removed.
This means you have to have a hex cast on you in order for it to work and it works sort of like a energy drain in a way. Other than that, you are wasting Energy without having a hex cast on you. The spell cost 5 to cast, but you gain back 8 more points.
Spirit Shackles is only going to work on a character stupid enough to attack with it on.
24 Second is a long time and is effective against both rangers and warriors, especially rangers.
(IE No caster). A Monk or an Ele can just stop attacking and keep hurling spells and be fine.
This goes back to the energy interrupting spells I mention.
And as already pointed out, Power Leak drains Energy.
It’s interrupting spells that deduces extra energy when you successful interrupt a spell. Power Drain is an energy drain because you gain the energy from your opponent. Power leak isn't a drain, in fact, the Leak part should give you a big clue on what it does.
Wow, Captain. I've never seen someone pack so much misinformation into one thread as you have.Your complete lack of familiarity with skills is amusing, and totally discreddits you.
*Looks back up at the replies of Kishin in this post and begin to stare out the window as usual thinking about what needs to be done around the house.*
Quote, “Most Lightning spells are 10 energy and lightning spell can be cast within a 1 second.”
Quote, “A Me/E with Fast Casting with a rank 5 to 10 can cast those spells almost instantly”
I don’t think I need to speak any further.
You're running Ineptitude on a Tombsing Mesmer? Yeah, you're a real Mesmer expert alright.
And with that build we’ve had winning streaks… I played mesmer/monk with healing and hex. No one knew I was the one ressing the monk from the dead and protect him from warriors. Empathy, Backfire and Ineptitude were my best skills at the time.
Uh huh. Actually, all the direct Energy drains (Drain, Tap, Burn) all recharge
in 20 seconds.
Okay, 20 second is a LOOONG time in GW time and by the way Leech Signet take 45 seconds and Drain Enchantment and Power Drain 25 seconds to recharge. Like I said, Energies are not spam able.
Secondly, Inspired Hex does NOT steal energy. You merely GAIN energy from casting it. Read the skill description.
Remove a Hex from target ally and gain 3-13 Energy. For 20 seconds, Inspired Hex is replaced by the Hex that was removed.
This means you have to have a hex cast on you in order for it to work and it works sort of like a energy drain in a way. Other than that, you are wasting Energy without having a hex cast on you. The spell cost 5 to cast, but you gain back 8 more points.
Spirit Shackles is only going to work on a character stupid enough to attack with it on.
24 Second is a long time and is effective against both rangers and warriors, especially rangers.
(IE No caster). A Monk or an Ele can just stop attacking and keep hurling spells and be fine.
This goes back to the energy interrupting spells I mention.
And as already pointed out, Power Leak drains Energy.
It’s interrupting spells that deduces extra energy when you successful interrupt a spell. Power Drain is an energy drain because you gain the energy from your opponent. Power leak isn't a drain, in fact, the Leak part should give you a big clue on what it does.
Wow, Captain. I've never seen someone pack so much misinformation into one thread as you have.Your complete lack of familiarity with skills is amusing, and totally discreddits you.
*Looks back up at the replies of Kishin in this post and begin to stare out the window as usual thinking about what needs to be done around the house.*
Mercury Angel
Ok, now it's obvious to me where communications have broken down- The usage of the word drain:
Ergo, a drain = a loss. Gaining something in the process is an optional side-effect, not a must. The must = draining.
To drain someone's happiness doesn't mean you gain it. It merely means you were the source of their loss of happiness. Draining someone's finances through purchases, on the other hand, results in you gaining something out of it. Obviously, for all tangibles, because of conservation laws, things lost do go somewhere else, although not necessarily in the same form.
Drain Enchantment is a form of draining- Enchantment draining; It causes the loss of an enchantment. Not energy draining. Since we're talking about energy deprivation, that means Drain Enchantment is irrelavant.
Inspired Hex is also a form of draining- Hex draining; It causes the loss of a hex. Not energy draining. Since we're talking about energy deprivation, that means Inspired Hex is irrelavant.
The same goes for Leech Signet and Power Drain.
Channeling, Chaos Storm, Energy Burn, Energy Drain, Energy Surge, Energy Tap, Ether Feast, Ether Lord, Guilt, Panic, Power Leak, Shame, Signet of Weariness, Spirit Shackles, and Sympathetic Visage are the only skills from the mesmer profession that cause a loss of energy or energy regeneration, and are therefore, by definition, the only "energy draining" skills to use on an opponent.
Of course, by a technicality, every skill is a drain- it drains your energy, your time, and so on and so forth.
I hope this clears up a bit.
As for ineptitude's usefulness, it's a 10 second blind with a 20 second recharge, that cause a little extra damage and costs 10 energy.
Compared to Blinding Flash, which is 10 seconds of blindness at maxxed air, recharges in 4, and costs 15. Also a slightly faster cast.
While Blinding Flash may be an ele skill, the point is that there're better ways to achieve that (and being able to keep blind on constantly falls under better for me) without using your elite slot.
Mesmers have skills that they can do far better than other professions, and don't have to settle for a mediocre blindness condition.
Dictionary.com Drain v. drained, drain·ing, drains v. tr. 1. To draw off (a liquid) by a gradual process: drained water from the sink. 2. 1. To cause liquid to go out from; empty: drained the bathtub; drain the pond. 2. To draw off the surface water of: The Mississippi River drains a vast area. 3. To drink all the contents of: drained the cup. 4. 1. To deplete gradually, especially to the point of complete exhaustion. See Synonyms at deplete. 2. To fatigue or spend emotionally or physically: The day's events completely drained me of all strength. |
To drain someone's happiness doesn't mean you gain it. It merely means you were the source of their loss of happiness. Draining someone's finances through purchases, on the other hand, results in you gaining something out of it. Obviously, for all tangibles, because of conservation laws, things lost do go somewhere else, although not necessarily in the same form.
Drain Enchantment is a form of draining- Enchantment draining; It causes the loss of an enchantment. Not energy draining. Since we're talking about energy deprivation, that means Drain Enchantment is irrelavant.
Inspired Hex is also a form of draining- Hex draining; It causes the loss of a hex. Not energy draining. Since we're talking about energy deprivation, that means Inspired Hex is irrelavant.
The same goes for Leech Signet and Power Drain.
Channeling, Chaos Storm, Energy Burn, Energy Drain, Energy Surge, Energy Tap, Ether Feast, Ether Lord, Guilt, Panic, Power Leak, Shame, Signet of Weariness, Spirit Shackles, and Sympathetic Visage are the only skills from the mesmer profession that cause a loss of energy or energy regeneration, and are therefore, by definition, the only "energy draining" skills to use on an opponent.
Of course, by a technicality, every skill is a drain- it drains your energy, your time, and so on and so forth.
I hope this clears up a bit.
As for ineptitude's usefulness, it's a 10 second blind with a 20 second recharge, that cause a little extra damage and costs 10 energy.
Compared to Blinding Flash, which is 10 seconds of blindness at maxxed air, recharges in 4, and costs 15. Also a slightly faster cast.
While Blinding Flash may be an ele skill, the point is that there're better ways to achieve that (and being able to keep blind on constantly falls under better for me) without using your elite slot.
Mesmers have skills that they can do far better than other professions, and don't have to settle for a mediocre blindness condition.
Originally Posted by Mercury Angel
Ok, now it's obvious to me where communications have broken down- The usage of the word drain:
We aren't fighting over meanings, but it simply Kishin being a ego troll and not posting on the topic. He's TRYING to be smartass and isn't doing a too good job of it and posting that definition to paraphrase me isn't helping you any either.
This post is about how warrior the warrior underpower and have yet to see a post were a warrior using own abilities was able to be one bit useful. I've seen nothing but [insert class here] posts will help the warrior out or how the warrior can counter these so and so people.
Originally Posted by Mercury Angel
As for ineptitude's usefulness, it's a 10 second blind with a 20 second recharge, that cause a little extra damage and costs 10 energy.
Compared to Blinding Flash, which is 10 seconds of blindness at maxxed air, recharges in 4, and costs 15. Also a slightly faster cast. While Blinding Flash may be an ele skill, the point is that there're better ways to achieve that (and being able to keep blind on constantly falls under better for me) without using your elite slot. Mesmers have skills that they can do far better than other professions, and don't have to settle for a mediocre blindness condition. |
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
What you posted after this has nothing to do with the topic and there is a thing called "therefore pertain to," meaning you can't paraphrase someone's words. The only thing you've done with the definition and is created more confusion.
We aren't fighting over meanings, but it simply Kishin being a ego troll and not posting on the topic. He's TRYING to be smartass and isn't doing a too good job of it and posting that definition to paraphrase me isn't helping you any either. This post is about how warrior the warrior underpower and have yet to see a post were a warrior using own abilities was able to be one bit useful. I've seen nothing but [insert class here] posts will help the warrior out or how the warrior can counter these so and so people. Blinding Flash requires your opponent to get close I believe and Ineptitude doesn't. Ineptitude does damage, Blinding Flash doesn't. Lightning Glyph is the only Elementalist spell that blinds from a distance, but requires another lightning spell to set it off, which cost more Energy. |
Blinding Flash is ranged, not an elite, and recasts far quicker than Ineptitude, thereby making it far better for the purpose of fending off Warriors.
We are most certainly arguing over meanings, because I don't consider something that just gives you energy (Ie Inspired Hex) an energy drain, because the drains take energy away from your target and give it to you. Furthermore, most people tend to use their drains to deny opponents their energy, rather than refuel their own energy. A mesmer draining a target down to 0 energy effectively spends no energy doing so, because of the stolen energy he picks up as a result.
I'm being an ego troll? You're the one calling members of iQ 'noobs' and calling yourself 'a Mesmer expert' when half the time you can't get your skill names, costs or recharge rates right, and you don't understand the standard usagfe of drains.
I think its your own ego that needs checking.
Originally Posted by Kishin
Blinding Flash is ranged, not an elite, and recasts far quicker than Ineptitude, thereby making it far better for the purpose of fending off Warriors.
Originally Posted by Kishin
Furthermore, most people tend to use their drains to deny opponents their energy, rather than refuel their own energy.
Originally Posted by Kishin
A mesmer draining a target down to 0 energy effectively spends no energy doing so, because of the stolen energy he picks up as a result.
I'm being an ego troll?
You've been trying to pass your misinformation off as legit and most of your information was either incorrect or an oversight. (See last post)
You're the one calling members of iQ 'noobs' and calling yourself 'a Mesmer expert'
And that's suppose make him special? I'm sorry, I didn't see any where in the rules were it say VIP have legit information only. Hell, my old guild was in the 25th rank, doesn't me the only me any more special than the noob who use a Fire Elementalist. Mentioning you've been to tombs a lot time doesn't make you any special. I've had winning streaks in tombs too, but I don't see tombs as place of skill. In TPK, you can easily win by sack two teams that already fighting each other, which any noob can do. That's what a lot teams do these days.
when half the time you can't get your skill names, costs or recharge rates right, and you don't understand the standard usagfe of drains.
I'm sorry, but I was the one correct you in the last post and again, I'm asking you to get back on topic. This is a topic warrior, not mesmers.
I usually run a W/E and I have a good deal of fun with him.
Theory is usually different than reality as I find most people don't really pay that much attention to warriors. All of you are assuming ideal situations where the enemy knows exactly what will happen and thus do the exact right thing to counter you.
So what if a ranger throw dirts me? I was planning on immolating him first anyway.
Or you have other options.
In any case, the chaos of actual PvP never comes to perfect performance, and warriors run better without perfect performance than any other class.
On the other hand, warriors can benefit their team the most by depriving the other side of skill slots. BUT the problem with this is that not only can other classes also do this, and be seen as more of a threat, most of the warriors counters are cast and forget--Mesmers need to stay on an elementalist or a monk to negate them while warriors merely need something like shadow of fear or a stance that dodges to significantly drop their effectiveness.
Both sides have their merits and I would talk about it more except both of you are horribly off-topic and my continuing to join you in doing so would be counter to the point of the threat--which is not PvP but PvE.
Warriors in PvE have the benefit of being able to take massive damage (or negate that massive damage to increase their "effective health") through not only their armor but the tactics line. Also, they are probably the easiest class to use henchmen with.
The fact that so many monsters use enchantment stripping and other such devastating counters to casters makes warriors seem far more appealing in PvE. Usually, blindness or various hexes such as faintheartedness that monsters use aren't just as devastating, as they only reduce your damage output for a comparatively short time. In PvE, you aren't looking for rapid damage--though I personally like using "spike" damage against single monsters (especially healing ones) to quickly take them out, my damage can be sustained and easy recharges/readies in about 5-8 seconds (a long time in PvP, but this is my PvE setup) all while still swinging a sword.
To put a long story short, I don't think warriors are weak in PvE at all.
Theory is usually different than reality as I find most people don't really pay that much attention to warriors. All of you are assuming ideal situations where the enemy knows exactly what will happen and thus do the exact right thing to counter you.
So what if a ranger throw dirts me? I was planning on immolating him first anyway.
Or you have other options.
In any case, the chaos of actual PvP never comes to perfect performance, and warriors run better without perfect performance than any other class.
On the other hand, warriors can benefit their team the most by depriving the other side of skill slots. BUT the problem with this is that not only can other classes also do this, and be seen as more of a threat, most of the warriors counters are cast and forget--Mesmers need to stay on an elementalist or a monk to negate them while warriors merely need something like shadow of fear or a stance that dodges to significantly drop their effectiveness.
Both sides have their merits and I would talk about it more except both of you are horribly off-topic and my continuing to join you in doing so would be counter to the point of the threat--which is not PvP but PvE.
Warriors in PvE have the benefit of being able to take massive damage (or negate that massive damage to increase their "effective health") through not only their armor but the tactics line. Also, they are probably the easiest class to use henchmen with.
The fact that so many monsters use enchantment stripping and other such devastating counters to casters makes warriors seem far more appealing in PvE. Usually, blindness or various hexes such as faintheartedness that monsters use aren't just as devastating, as they only reduce your damage output for a comparatively short time. In PvE, you aren't looking for rapid damage--though I personally like using "spike" damage against single monsters (especially healing ones) to quickly take them out, my damage can be sustained and easy recharges/readies in about 5-8 seconds (a long time in PvP, but this is my PvE setup) all while still swinging a sword.
To put a long story short, I don't think warriors are weak in PvE at all.
Speaking from experience, warriors are good in the beginning, but as you get to later levels as you start to fight monsters with +500 life, the fight become boring and tedious and the warrior is only useful in keeping enemies back. Monsters at your level or higher can kill you if they are spiked based. I have no trouble with monsters who use Hex or condition (unless combined) because I have so much life, I'm a hard kill, but spike based monsters or monsters that can deal a lot weapon damage can kill my warrior in matter of seconds.
I'll say it once and I'll say it again, instead of MORE MONSTERS, increasing their HP and durability, why not just increase their A.I. and have them be more coordinated. Because more monsters with more HP and durability doesn't make the game hard if they aren't smart.
I'll say it once and I'll say it again, instead of MORE MONSTERS, increasing their HP and durability, why not just increase their A.I. and have them be more coordinated. Because more monsters with more HP and durability doesn't make the game hard if they aren't smart.
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
Speaking from experience, warriors are good in the beginning, but as you get to later levels as you start to fight monsters with +500 life, the fight become boring and tedious and the warrior is only useful in keeping enemies back. Monsters at your level or higher can kill you if they are spiked based. I have no trouble with monsters who use Hex or condition (unless combined) because I have so much life, I'm a hard kill, but spike based monsters or monsters that can deal a lot weapon damage can kill my warrior in matter of seconds.
I'll say it once and I'll say it again, instead of MORE MONSTERS, increasing their HP and durability, why not just increase their A.I. and have them be more coordinated. Because more monsters with more HP and durability doesn't make the game hard if they aren't smart. |
I think that PvE works the best when mobs are fairly predictable, but very strong and durable. PvP is the place for intelligent foes and unpredictable behavior.
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
I'll say it once and I'll say it again, instead of MORE MONSTERS, increasing their HP and durability, why not just increase their A.I. and have them be more coordinated. Because more monsters with more HP and durability doesn't make the game hard if they aren't smart.
The answer to that one is easy for most people who's ever written programs for living.

a) Coding intelligent behavior that is flexible and adaptive = VERY HARD
b) Jacking a number that spawns any object (such as monsters) up = VERY EASY
The software is shipping tomorrow and you get paid the same either way -- guess which route you decided to take?

BTW, this is by no means an attempt to belittle the efforts of the GW programmers. I have very high respect for them for having developed a highly polished product. This is just to mention that sophisticated AI is a VERY HARD PROBLEM.
Originally Posted by MasterQu
I love when people who think warriors suck see my W/N coming. Casters think they can shut me down and keep me from em but that just not the case because the first think I do is cast shadow of fear which slows the enemy down 50% then i tap my sprint speeding me up to get to you, by the time the first enchantment is hitting me I'm spaming plague touch to drop your own enchantment on you, then its a slash gash final thrust and guess what your dead! I have yet to see a caster spell fast enough to stop me before i stop them, for that matter I haven't seen many warriors counter fast enough either. Oh and if by some reason I haven't drained all your life I will then drink whats left of your blood. Yummy!
Originally Posted by CaptainGuru
Again, you’ve obviously never been up against a spike damage group. Most Lightning spells are 10 energy and lightning spell can be cast within a 1 second. A Me/E with Fast Casting with a rank 5 to 10 can cast those spells almost instantly and they can get up to 49 to 52 energy without enchantments. This means if they are coordinated enough, they can take out 4 to 5 people within 5 to 10 seconds.
Originally Posted by Sniper22
10 secs!? if that happens then your groups sucks. Both the main lightning attacks I get are chain lightning and lightning orb, both have a casting time of 2, not 1. And 5 fast cast does nothing, to have a good fast cast put it at 12, and that 2 sec casting time becomes about 1.2 seconds. Obviously you have never been IN a spike group either, sure you can bring someone down fast, 15 energy would be too much cost for a me/e to cast it repititively and then you have to wait 20 seconds to cast chain lightning again unless you have echo, but not every ele will have it. I think warriors are powerful, if you don't thing so try being a different profession.
And I quote, “Most Lightning spells are 10 energy and lightning spell can be cast within a 1 second.”
“A Me/E with Fast Casting with a rank 5 to 10 can cast those spells almost instantly.”
Also I wanted to included that I never said that I've been in a spike group, but I've been up against them several times. And charge times different if you have the right equipment.
BTW, this is by no means an attempt to belittle the efforts of the GW programmers. I have very high respect for them for having developed a highly polished product. This is just to mention that sophisticated AI is a VERY HARD PROBLEM.
Any anybody play NWN? If anyone is familiar with Hak Paks, you'll know that Hak Paks add extra programming or elements to a server if installed. The famous Hak Pak was the Jasper Pak. It increased the A.I of NPC enemies. Guess who created this script...some kid who was skilled in scripting. And they were others like him. I met a couple of those scriptors when trying to make my own server. They turn some of the monsters I made into some real fighting machines.
You mean that Warriors work best at high levels in concert with a group, so that you can be the tank, while they heal, do damage, and act as support?
Pretty much. Warriors tank while everyone else does the real damage. They have a use, a boring one, but a use overall.
a warriors job isn't damage ... it to be able to RECEIVE damage and endure damage ... thats like saying its a rangers job to interrupt ...
Originally Posted by stumpy
a warriors job isn't damage ... it to be able to RECEIVE damage and endure damage ... thats like saying its a rangers job to interrupt ...
Do I smell sarcasm in there?
Guru, Spirtis can be set up mid battle, And using oath shot they can be recast if the ele team trys to outrun the radius. There are also plenty of places in the tombs where trying to outrun a spirts radius is not a very viable option.
As for destroying them with wands, sure it will work on a lvl 1-3 spirt but not a lvl 8 spirt.
there are plenty of ways to counter spikers. Alot of people on this thread have outlined several ways on how to do this. However you seem to just discount what has been listed, make comments on the poster and go completly off topic.
I've stated why Wars are a part of the team as have many other posters in this thread. You're hardly convincing anyone otherwise with you "spike pwns all theory."
Seeing as this thread seems to be turning into a flame contest and I've covered most of the points I wanted to I doubt I'll be posting here again.
As for destroying them with wands, sure it will work on a lvl 1-3 spirt but not a lvl 8 spirt.
there are plenty of ways to counter spikers. Alot of people on this thread have outlined several ways on how to do this. However you seem to just discount what has been listed, make comments on the poster and go completly off topic.
I've stated why Wars are a part of the team as have many other posters in this thread. You're hardly convincing anyone otherwise with you "spike pwns all theory."
Seeing as this thread seems to be turning into a flame contest and I've covered most of the points I wanted to I doubt I'll be posting here again.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
Guru, Spirtis can be set up mid battle, And using oath shot they can be recast if the ele team trys to outrun the radius. There are also plenty of places in the tombs where trying to outrun a spirts radius is not a very viable option.
As for destroying them with wands, sure it will work on a lvl 1-3 spirt but not a lvl 8 spirt. there are plenty of ways to counter spikers. Alot of people on this thread have outlined several ways on how to do this. However you seem to just discount what has been listed, make comments on the poster and go completly off topic. I've stated why Wars are a part of the team as have many other posters in this thread. You're hardly convincing anyone otherwise with you "spike pwns all theory." Seeing as this thread seems to be turning into a flame contest and I've covered most of the points I wanted to I doubt I'll be posting here again. |
i have a warrior and im not sure if you have gotten 2 this place but maybe its your secondary profesion and attributes
i would nvr 4 xample use a sword warrior/earth elementalist using water and hammer skills
im not saying your that dumb but there are many way 2 screw up a good char no flame here but it could b your build i love my w/mo
i would nvr 4 xample use a sword warrior/earth elementalist using water and hammer skills
im not saying your that dumb but there are many way 2 screw up a good char no flame here but it could b your build i love my w/mo