Can you beat this salvage? (You must post a screenshot)
Xue Yi Liang
My record was 10 steel from salvaging a highly salvagable sword - since then the closest I've come was 6 steel.
Originally Posted by Zelc
Mmmm... granite slabs....
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers!
omg! I saw someone asking for 30 million granite slabs to fix the northern wall in post ascalon 4 months ago! It was hillarious!
And btw I think my best salvage must've been 5 steel ingots or so
Also it used to be possible to expert salvage parchment out of almost any scroll, no matter how crappy.
That no longer happenes since around 3 weeks or so
Edit:Lol, that post about the rebuilding of the northern wall was 4 months old. Didn't notice someone had ressed this fossil
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers!
omg! I saw someone asking for 30 million granite slabs to fix the northern wall in post ascalon 4 months ago! It was hillarious!
And btw I think my best salvage must've been 5 steel ingots or so
Also it used to be possible to expert salvage parchment out of almost any scroll, no matter how crappy.
That no longer happenes since around 3 weeks or so
Edit:Lol, that post about the rebuilding of the northern wall was 4 months old. Didn't notice someone had ressed this fossil
/thread res!
Beat this :
Beat this :
Vermilion Okeanos
Oh... my... god... This is one old ass thread...
and, that's alot of plant fibers.
and, that's alot of plant fibers.
Hand of Ruin
I've salved 49 iron ignots, doesn't beat yours in volume but I think its a better salvage.
Count Feanor
Yes, this IS one really fricken old thread. I got 48 wood planks for a highly salvage able bow and 8 steel ingots from another weapon at one time.
Originally Posted by G.S.
/thread res!
Beat this :
Holy crap, what will your next trick be? Resurrecting Duke Nukem Forever?
Beat this :
Holy crap, what will your next trick be? Resurrecting Duke Nukem Forever?
i think my best was like 9 steel from some shield. Awkwardly, i also got some steel from a wooden buckler :S
I don't remember the highest in terms of common materials though.
I don't remember the highest in terms of common materials though.
Count to Potato
Best ive gotten is 61 Plant Fibers
I have got 50+ wood from a number of bows. I think the best was 70 odd.
Former Ruling
I find plant fibers always salvage in 20+ quantities usually. Even drop in 10+ quantities when they drop (which was WEIRD in Chapter 1, but in Chapter 2 seeing 10+ mats drop is day to day routine)
Hi all.
This thread has been moved here, but please don't use this as a thread for flaming, spamming or +1 post counting.
If I find this is taking place I'll close it.
So play nice now
This thread has been moved here, but please don't use this as a thread for flaming, spamming or +1 post counting.
If I find this is taking place I'll close it.
So play nice now
some guy
the healing ankan (spelling) probaly said "Highly Salvageble"
Riken Chrono
I got 9 steel once from a gladius
My best must be 68 piles of glittering dust from a jade wand.
jakesays ffs
i got 78 or 79 wood from a raven staff and best rare was i think 14 steel from a gold sword *cries* i was trying to get the hp +30 mod when it was worth like 50k XD
Sereng Amaranth
Would the number of materials be set at the time of the drop? Or does it depend on when you salvage it?
And my best was 74 wood from a bow in Grenth's.
And my best was 74 wood from a bow in Grenth's.
Ulivious The Reaper
heres my best rare
i'll post my best normal eventually
i'll post my best normal eventually
11 Steel from a Hihgly Salvegable Flamberge/Aegis
Don't exactly remember.
Don't exactly remember.
too bad i dont have a screen of it
But 16 Steel Ingots from a Highly Salvagable Shadow Sheild.
But 16 Steel Ingots from a Highly Salvagable Shadow Sheild.
i once got 7 steel from a sword =). most i've gotten since is 3 steel =(
Highest one I could find in my screenies folder. I was upset that I couldn't find one of 7 steel from a shadow shield, considering i tend to screenshot even the most unamazing of things.
Think the most i've gotten in a salvage is like, 3 wood planks.. or something.
Can't remember what from, though
P.S: I don't salvage alot.
Can't remember what from, though
P.S: I don't salvage alot.
best I got was about 16 steel ingots.
Xunlai Master
anyone ever got any ectos or shards from fow armor? i salvaged two full sets but didnt get any so i sold the 3rd fow in high end.
Time to craft some Parchment me thinks.
Guinevere Ac
Originally Posted by Xunlai Master
anyone ever got any ectos or shards from fow armor? i salvaged two full sets but didnt get any so i sold the 3rd fow in high end.
if there are runes in your fow then u have way higher chances to salvage runes then materials.
when u salvage materials is usualy ectos. 15 ectos seems to be reported the max u can salvage of chest piece
when u salvage materials is usualy ectos. 15 ectos seems to be reported the max u can salvage of chest piece
moo moo
I got 15 ectos from my monk chest and also got 10 ectos from mesmer legs. Wanted to move my stuff to a CE account lol and start over. Got both Sup vigs though which was nice. It was well worth it my new mesmer is even nicer
Oh my god, NICE SALVAGE 0.0 !!!
Insuscient Ranger
13 Steel. Troll farming came from a shield :P
69 wood, most i ever had...
rare material was 7 steel i think... :P
got 71 wood from a shadow staff
Here's a pretty good one...
Originally Posted by Alberic
Here's a pretty good one...
Man, I've NEVER been able to salvage amber or jade.
Man, I've NEVER been able to salvage amber or jade.
I think the most unusual Slavage i've gotten was a Monstorous eye from a sword lol.
Don't ask me why u'd get a monstrous eye from a sword. Maybe it reduced blind or somet? :P
Don't ask me why u'd get a monstrous eye from a sword. Maybe it reduced blind or somet? :P
Mister O
I got 57 Iron ingots from a wand last night! Useful for the nightfall storage lol
Ok I have to ask that people please post SCREENSHOTS.
This is a screenshot forum, and posted "I got XX from YY" isn't a screenshot.
So please post one.
This is a screenshot forum, and posted "I got XX from YY" isn't a screenshot.
So please post one.