(slight disclaimer. Dont pay too much attention to any example numbers for skill costs and stuff. I'm just making them up off the top of my head. Also, I wont bother deciding which skills will be elite or not. Those things can be worked out by testing.)
Class: Strategist. (or if you prefer, General, Commander, etc. But I like Strategist.)
Appearance/Armour: varies from formal-ish medieval military clothing, to light metal armor (eg, breastplate over heavy clothing, etc.) Armor values range from ranger's to slightly better than rangers. Lighter armours provide some energy bonuses. Strong against ranged damage. (piercing, elemental, etc.)
Role:As primary, provides a variety of "shout" style buffs and debuffs that affect the enemy and the party. Many defensive melee skills to protect against close combatants. As secondary, can be used for some buff support, or mostly to enhance melee abilities.
Purpose: I wanted a melee character that blended better with a caster secondary than the existing warrior. The 2 energy regen and small mana pool really limits the casting secondary. I also wanted a more energy-skill oriented melee class. As for a style reason, I like the "swordsman in normal clothing" look over the heavily-armoured look, being an anime fan and all that.
Special Skill types: depends on whether we are having new skill types for new classes, or whether new classes just reuse existing skill types.
*Battle Plan. (or Shout)
(Note: The effect of any battle plan ends if the Strategist is killed)
*Enhancement (or monk-style Enchantment)
This class has 3 pips of energy regen & an energy pool similar to a ranger.
** Primary Attribute: Influence.
This attribute increases the radius of effect of the Strategist's Battle Plans. At 0, they will be slightly larger than "adjacent", at 16, the radius will be 1.5 times the aggro circle.
Also, at 10 Influence, a fourth pip of energy regen is obtained. No further regen can be obtained from higher levels of Influence.
Skills in this line are powerful skills that will allow the player's teammates to turn the tide of the battle. They are probably mostly elite.
Example skills:
Spell Storm: 20E, 5s casting, 90s recast. Causes exhaustion.
Within 10s, the next offensive spell cast by target other ally will also be cast on 1..5 extra randomly chosen enemies within area of influence.
Overrun: 20E, 1s cast, 90s recast.
For 5..20s, affected allies gain 10% run speed boost and 33% attack speed boost. They do double damage in melee to enemies running away from them. The effect ends, for all allies, if any enemy "evades" or "blocks" an attack.
Assault at Range: 20E, 1s cast, 90s recast.
For 5..20s, affected allies have 10..50% increased range on their ranged attacks. Their ranged attacks also cause enemies to be Crippled for 10s. The effect ends if an affected ally moves.
Covert Mission: 10E, 1s cast, 90s recast.
Target ally and 0..2 allies adjacent to target become invisible and unable to be seen, listed with holding ctrl, or targeted for 5..15s. They move with 10% speed penalty. Effect ends for all if any affected ally becomes adjacent to an enemy, performs any action, or takes damage (eg, from AOE skills).
Preparing The Battlefield: 20E, 3s cast, 90s recast
All "traps" and "wards" performed by affected allies become instant cast, last twice as long, and recharge instantly. This effect lasts for 1..4 traps/wards, for each affected ally, before wearing off.
** Attribute: Duelist
This attribute substitutes for Sword and Axe mastery in terms of weapon requirements and damage. The skills in this line can be used with both sword and axe. (or alternatively, if we want to give this class a new weapon type of its own, then I'm thinking of light, single handed swords. Like rapiers, sabres, etc.)
Skills in this line are various defensive/counterattack style melee skills, and some conditional attacks. Emphasis is not on spamming attacks but on using them at the right times for powerful effect.
Example skills:
Brilliant Riposte: 10 Energy, Instant Cast, 45 sec recharge.
For 8 seconds, if target performs an attack, "block" the attack and Riposte ends. If the attack was melee, target takes 5..30 damage. If the attack was a skill, Riposte recharges instantly.
Guarding Parry: 15 E, 3/4 Cast, 30s recharge.
For 3..20secs, if your target is "attacking" an ally adjacent to you, you have a 75% chance to "block" the attacks. Does not work on spells.
Weakpoint Thrust: 15E, 3/4s Cast, 5s recharge.
If target is moving, or performing an action (attack, spell, etc) against someone other than yourself, you will perform a single normal melee attack with 50% armour penetration, and knock them down.
Eye Slash: 10E, 1/2s cast, 5s recharge.
If this attack hits, target is Blinded for 10..30s.
** Attribute: Defensive Planning
No inherent effect. Skills in this line are similar to "shouts" and create various beneficial effects for allies. However, these effects, unlike most buffs, usually require the allies to do certain things or behave in certain ways to get the full effects. All Battle Plans are instant cast. They affect all allies in the radius determined by Influence.
Phalanx: 15E, 5s recharge.
For 5..10s, all allies will receive the shield bonus from all other adjacent allies carrying shields. Allies carrying shields will have their movement slowed 50%.
Strategic Withdrawal: 10E, 45s recharge.
For 30..60s, all allies have a 75% chance to "evade" attacks from enemies in front of them, when they are walking backwards.
Take Cover: 10E, 30s recharge
For 10s, allies standing next to a landscape feature (rock, pillar, cliff, etc.) have a 30..60% chance to "Evade" any kind of ranged damage, from arrows and spells.
Harassment: 10E, 30s recast
For 5..15s, all non-spell attacks by affected allies will interrupt actions. Effect ends prematurely if any affected ally has an action interrupted.
** Attribute: Offensive Planning
No inherent effect. Skills in this line are similar to "shouts" and create various beneficial effects for allies. However, these effects, unlike most buffs, usually require the allies to do certain things or behave in certain ways to get the full effects. Most Battle Plans are instant cast, unless stated otherwise. They affect all allies in the radius determined by Influence.
Ambush: 20E, 5s cast, 90s recharge. 4 pips regen to maintain.
While maintaining this "enhancement" all allies become invisible, unable to be targeted, unable to be seen by holding ctrl, etc. The entire skill is interrupted during casting if any affected member is attacked. The entire skill ends prematurely if any affected member moves or performs any action. The entire skill ends if an enemy moves adjacent to any affected character. The entire skill ends if player runs out of energy.
"Hold!" : 5E, 2s recharge
For 3..8s, all allies do 20% extra damage and gain a 5% increase in running speed. This skill will stack with itself up to 3 times. However, the benefit does not apply until the skill "Now!" is performed. The build-up effect is canceled if any ally moves or performs any kind of attack or offensive spell.
"Now!": 5E, 10s recharge.
Activates the bonuses provided by "Hold!".
"One on One!": 20E, 5s cast, 90s recast. 1 pip to maintain
While maintaining this enhancement, all affected allies do 10..50% more damage to their target, if no other allies are targeting that enemy. An affected enemy will do half damage with attacks and spells to an affected ally, if that ally is not targeting that specific enemy. This effect shows up on the condition bars of affected enemies too.
Etc. Etc.
Constructive comments, further ideas, etc welcome.