Originally Posted by John Bloodstone
Sorry quixotes, but you have to admit, your first post in this thread doesn't hold much credibility - though the third was better
![]() OK then, please explain how someone with a huge group of angry monsters behind him can afford to sit still for 3 seconds (or perhaps longer, it's only a number) and expect to use this signet without taking any damage at all? I do see your point, but running abuse was the first thing I had in mind to eliminate when I suggested it. I don't mind if someone has a really valid reason why this wont work, but personally, I don't think running is one of them. edit: I suppose something like whirling defence might help with runners using this sig, but it's still a big risk, and how many times are you going to do it before you get caught unlucky and are struck? |
It's the ones who announce it after we've already hit the "enter mission" button and don't bother to check with the rest of the party if its ok. Those runs compared to other runs in the game are cakewalks, however the people running off without permission are often inexperieced runners so die anyway. Something like this would help inexperianced runners immensely with those cakewalk mission runs and make the "random guy who breaks ranks to sprint to seer" problem more severe.
Also, you have the problem that happens when you pick up additionals. Often if your group doesn't panic, and you keep it together, you can fight through them and still win. However sometimes halfway through, even though everyone's on thier feet, they see the additonals and scream "RUN!" then every panics, people run, and the majority of people die building up DP. With a skill like this on your bar, it'll be encouraging the "ABANDON SHIP!" mentality, people will punch it early and get more people killed than was neccesary, you know becuase we're now fighting without thier help.
That said... I DO have a suggestion as to how to make this idea better. Make this a Monk skill tied to "Divine Favor" call it a "Sanctuary Signet" or something. Make it only effective with a signifigant amount invested in DF. I'd say cap it at 15 seconds and keep the 25% movement, one-use still. Now the skill is restricted to primary monks. Since monks have more demands placed upon by the group than your average warrior or ranger (your most common "random runners"), he's probaly gonna get abused fairly heavily if he attempts to run off into the sunset. Plus if he fails it's gonna be hard for the rest of the group to attempt pickup, without thier monk. So you solve the runner problem somewhat if you make it monk only.
The point I'm trying to make is, this type of skill is much less open to abuse if you turn it from a skill that allows your random group member to survive when surrounded by 5 million mobs, to a skill that allows your Monk to survive when surrounded by 5 million mobs, and thus come back to res everyone else.