Originally Posted by BezoomnyDroog
I've been to underworld 10+ times and not once have had an ecto drop for me.
Ebay or not Ebay, that is the question.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Were they successful trips? Cause I'm talking to my friend on Xfire, and he just got 3 ecto drops in a row on a single trip (he's a ranger, in a group of three people. I think it's a ranger, monk, and elementalist or something). Probably killing Smites.
Kinda knew I would get flamed. Its a hot topic but am I the only one who has done this, would not seem so with the amount of services offered on Ebay. Supply demand and so on.
But hey we all have our views.
Anyway right of reply...
From Ultimate...
Edit/PS: would people stop comparing buying in game gold to buying the game as a whole from retail.. because they have nothing to do with eachother what so ever...
My Reply: Um actually I disagree, they are invariably the same thing, money spent on entertainment. But I welcome your views and appreciate not being flamed by you. We just differ here.
From Weezer...
Rather than taking the bitch-who-ruins-game's way out, why don't you go farm the underworld? a single ectoplasm sells for over 10k, at the moment. Why don't you use it to your advantage? Otherwise, don't compensate for your ingame inadequacies using real world cash. EbayingItems:RPG::Hacking:FPS
My Reply: Weezer you have added a lot of good stuff to the boards. This is not one of them. You do not need to flame or name call to make a good point. Can uderstand the issue polarises ppl though. I am not in underworld because I am on european server for a start...enuf said there and I PvE only. And its only a game, I feel no inadeqacies rofl, and I think I stated I was playing for my enjoyment of the game, we obviously get different things from the game.
But hey we all have our views.
Anyway right of reply...
From Ultimate...
Edit/PS: would people stop comparing buying in game gold to buying the game as a whole from retail.. because they have nothing to do with eachother what so ever...
My Reply: Um actually I disagree, they are invariably the same thing, money spent on entertainment. But I welcome your views and appreciate not being flamed by you. We just differ here.
From Weezer...
Rather than taking the bitch-who-ruins-game's way out, why don't you go farm the underworld? a single ectoplasm sells for over 10k, at the moment. Why don't you use it to your advantage? Otherwise, don't compensate for your ingame inadequacies using real world cash. EbayingItems:RPG::Hacking:FPS
My Reply: Weezer you have added a lot of good stuff to the boards. This is not one of them. You do not need to flame or name call to make a good point. Can uderstand the issue polarises ppl though. I am not in underworld because I am on european server for a start...enuf said there and I PvE only. And its only a game, I feel no inadeqacies rofl, and I think I stated I was playing for my enjoyment of the game, we obviously get different things from the game.
I wasn't aware of any useful information I have posted.
I never said you were a bitch who ruins games, but you are on the verge of becoming one. Please reconsider. Buying money is like hacking, only expensive. What I mean by that? Well, you didn't actually get that money yourself, just like a hacker isn't that good.
As for the european server... well... that sucks. I can understand how hard it is to make money with the only good farming spots remaining in the game being tied to the horrible WaW concept (knew it would suck from the start). If you don't have any reason to stay un the Euro servers (ie: friends, guild), switch to the American servers. Watch out though, you can only switch 5 times. A lot of people that speak english well switch to the US servers, you wouldn't be alone.
whatever, though. It's your decision. You wouldn't be alone in doing it. It's all a result of the excessive grind clamp A.net put on us.
I never said you were a bitch who ruins games, but you are on the verge of becoming one. Please reconsider. Buying money is like hacking, only expensive. What I mean by that? Well, you didn't actually get that money yourself, just like a hacker isn't that good.
As for the european server... well... that sucks. I can understand how hard it is to make money with the only good farming spots remaining in the game being tied to the horrible WaW concept (knew it would suck from the start). If you don't have any reason to stay un the Euro servers (ie: friends, guild), switch to the American servers. Watch out though, you can only switch 5 times. A lot of people that speak english well switch to the US servers, you wouldn't be alone.
whatever, though. It's your decision. You wouldn't be alone in doing it. It's all a result of the excessive grind clamp A.net put on us.
I don't have fun farming for 20 hours to buy a single weapon, but i won't buy items from ebay. why? because then what have i done? just spent 4 or 5 dollars, and suddenly i'm godly. if there's a sword i want, and the asking price is super high, then i just say forget it. the sword has 15% more damage instead of my 14%. wow, yippie.
just my opinion. people think gold is so important, just because they see people selling things for 50K in lion's arch.
just my opinion. people think gold is so important, just because they see people selling things for 50K in lion's arch.
Motive is very important here. And I should have explained a little more in original post.
Im not interested in being godly, just wanting to explore the possibilities and combinations of the game without farming so much and for so long.
I get enjoyment from those elements and also from being able to help ppl with quests, item, and advice etc.
I do not ever buy items like for instance godly axe blah blah for 50k ...no way, just not me, not what im wanting to do so I do not feed that side of the economy period. In fact I sell items dead cheap, becasue I hate the trading process..WTS WTS WTS...so on.
It takes away from practical gaming.
I think we have to look at what has caused the situation in the first place. With my first lvl 20 character I had no problems getting gold and items to do what I wanted and to be able to tinker. But with other characters I cannot say the same is true and even having a lvl 20 to help with items seem to be of little use to me now with nerfing etc.
My first char started just before a lot of nerfing. And I notice the difference now with other characters. And using my lvl 20 to help other characters lvl and get materials for armour and so on is a grinding experience for me. What is worse is the draining of rsources from first character and not being able to replenish.
I have gone down the road of playing how it was intended, missions quest etc, followed storyline and so on and still have been seriously short of in game money to experiment properly.
This is how Anet have taken the game direction, they did it to stop botters etc, but in the process have made them a bigger market base with ppl who normally would not need their service.
Im not interested in being godly, just wanting to explore the possibilities and combinations of the game without farming so much and for so long.
I get enjoyment from those elements and also from being able to help ppl with quests, item, and advice etc.
I do not ever buy items like for instance godly axe blah blah for 50k ...no way, just not me, not what im wanting to do so I do not feed that side of the economy period. In fact I sell items dead cheap, becasue I hate the trading process..WTS WTS WTS...so on.
It takes away from practical gaming.
I think we have to look at what has caused the situation in the first place. With my first lvl 20 character I had no problems getting gold and items to do what I wanted and to be able to tinker. But with other characters I cannot say the same is true and even having a lvl 20 to help with items seem to be of little use to me now with nerfing etc.
My first char started just before a lot of nerfing. And I notice the difference now with other characters. And using my lvl 20 to help other characters lvl and get materials for armour and so on is a grinding experience for me. What is worse is the draining of rsources from first character and not being able to replenish.
I have gone down the road of playing how it was intended, missions quest etc, followed storyline and so on and still have been seriously short of in game money to experiment properly.
This is how Anet have taken the game direction, they did it to stop botters etc, but in the process have made them a bigger market base with ppl who normally would not need their service.
ShinJin Kahn
Underworld you say?.
I'm on euro server, so we only get favour once a week for about and hour and half.
Last time we got I didn't get online till there were only 3 more matches needed before it was lost, took me about 20 mins to find a team that wasen't trapper or smite runs, and had 2 monks.
loads of people didn't wanna pay me the 150g to get in so i had to pay the 1 plat off my own back, rather then finding a new team and not getting in at all i just paid and went it, after we cleared the first room the game bugged up and the doors didn't open up to the later rooms so we all had to port back to TOA and find new teams, at which point all the monks had been taken up and no one wanted/needed warriors.
With all that said, you tell me what I should do to get money, and dont say "go to american servers" cos thats as bad as saying "go to ebay".
I'm on euro server, so we only get favour once a week for about and hour and half.
Last time we got I didn't get online till there were only 3 more matches needed before it was lost, took me about 20 mins to find a team that wasen't trapper or smite runs, and had 2 monks.
loads of people didn't wanna pay me the 150g to get in so i had to pay the 1 plat off my own back, rather then finding a new team and not getting in at all i just paid and went it, after we cleared the first room the game bugged up and the doors didn't open up to the later rooms so we all had to port back to TOA and find new teams, at which point all the monks had been taken up and no one wanted/needed warriors.
With all that said, you tell me what I should do to get money, and dont say "go to american servers" cos thats as bad as saying "go to ebay".
I've also considered the buying off ebay thing, the grind to get the kind of money you need for the people on this forum even selling their "godly" fellblades for 300-500k is a total joke.
Thats alot of time to grind for someone who has a life, I used to be able to play the trader market but thats screwed all to hell now, tonight for example I wanted to sell some steel...without the WTS WTS spamming crap in Lions Arch or Droknars, so I go to the merchant and whats the merch. buying steel for, a whopping 30g each. Thats when I had just given up and logged out for the night.
That $3 on ebay can save someone who has a life alot of wasted time grinding for that kind of cash. Even farming it took me almost a month to accumulate 500k, is it worth $30 on ebay to save me a ton of time, sure...why not. "Playing the game normally" will not net you that kind of gold in this game.
Thats alot of time to grind for someone who has a life, I used to be able to play the trader market but thats screwed all to hell now, tonight for example I wanted to sell some steel...without the WTS WTS spamming crap in Lions Arch or Droknars, so I go to the merchant and whats the merch. buying steel for, a whopping 30g each. Thats when I had just given up and logged out for the night.
That $3 on ebay can save someone who has a life alot of wasted time grinding for that kind of cash. Even farming it took me almost a month to accumulate 500k, is it worth $30 on ebay to save me a ton of time, sure...why not. "Playing the game normally" will not net you that kind of gold in this game.
Sagius Truthbarron
I think it's pretty funny in Guild Wars money is utterly worthless and in real life money is considerably worthless in quantity, but yet in both instances everyone wants a mountain of it.
Where do people get to thinking they need all this junk?
Where do people get to thinking they need all this junk?
Memnon's Mentor
Game experience/fun is in the eye of the beholder. If you have a life and do not want to do stupid farming for several hours or standing like 6h+ on the Lion's Arch markets just to sell your darn purple bow, why not go to ebay (if it wouldn't be illegal)? Either way, how would Arena.NET know if someone buys money?
For me no need for superior runes, I am fine with my major ones and I am mostly the last man standing in the UW/Fissure/Missions/Quests be it as my monk or my warrior/ele, E/Mö. It's about using tactics and strategies, any shiny golden "godly" fellblade/cristalline sword, uber-uber-golden-shield with XX health does not help.
The need for prestige and "nobility" in this game draws many too deep into it, which I consider dangerous.
For me no need for superior runes, I am fine with my major ones and I am mostly the last man standing in the UW/Fissure/Missions/Quests be it as my monk or my warrior/ele, E/Mö. It's about using tactics and strategies, any shiny golden "godly" fellblade/cristalline sword, uber-uber-golden-shield with XX health does not help.
The need for prestige and "nobility" in this game draws many too deep into it, which I consider dangerous.
Oh how amusing from the part of non-Europeans to suggest the Europeans to go farm UW. We get favor like once a week - there's just too little european players in comparison with koreans and americans for us to be able to have enough strong pvp guilds to take HoH more often.
AND since the last update we get so horrible lag that it's not even funny (I was getting lag spikes every 2 mins yesterday, and so was all my UW team).
Shows how important european customers are to ANet ...
P.S. cheers to Esotheric Warriors for getting us favor yesterday night.
AND since the last update we get so horrible lag that it's not even funny (I was getting lag spikes every 2 mins yesterday, and so was all my UW team).
Shows how important european customers are to ANet ...
P.S. cheers to Esotheric Warriors for getting us favor yesterday night.
It's not just a choice of preference. Let's say you purchase 500k gold from eBay just to afford that Fissure armour and the required materials. Surely that isn't hurting anyone?
But it is. You can suddenly afford the outrageous ectoplasm prices, will buy them in bulk, their price will rise. Those who don't farm extensively or those who don't buy money online stand less of a chance of ever completing their armour.
The gold that you're buying is 'unnatural' gold. It comes from bots who just keep grinding out gold all day. They only exist because you are there to buy it from them. The only way other players can compete with that sort of buying power is to buy from bots as well. Every gold coin you bought from them and spent in-game increases inflation in the game, and decreases enjoyment for every player who doesn't buy gold.
But hey, if you only care about your own enjoyment, what's the problem, right? And you play with henchmen anyway, so in a few months, when there's only bots running out of towns and no other players because they've come to hate the game for the rampant botting ruining their gaming experience, that won't affect you one bit.
But it is. You can suddenly afford the outrageous ectoplasm prices, will buy them in bulk, their price will rise. Those who don't farm extensively or those who don't buy money online stand less of a chance of ever completing their armour.
The gold that you're buying is 'unnatural' gold. It comes from bots who just keep grinding out gold all day. They only exist because you are there to buy it from them. The only way other players can compete with that sort of buying power is to buy from bots as well. Every gold coin you bought from them and spent in-game increases inflation in the game, and decreases enjoyment for every player who doesn't buy gold.
But hey, if you only care about your own enjoyment, what's the problem, right? And you play with henchmen anyway, so in a few months, when there's only bots running out of towns and no other players because they've come to hate the game for the rampant botting ruining their gaming experience, that won't affect you one bit.
Originally Posted by Silmor
It comes from bots who just keep grinding out gold all day. They only exist because you are there to buy it from them.
If people could get money by just playing, verrrry few lazy ones would even consider ebaying the gold.
Ba Ne
I was in this predicament over the weekend. I had gold in my shopping cart even. Then I thought it through a little more.
Why am I buying gold? To be able to afford the items I want. After a month or so of farming I'm nowhere near the amount I need.
Once you have the items what do you plan to do with them? Well, the only reason I'm still playing is because I've been trying to make the gold to buy them. If I buy gold with real money and then buy the items in-game I pretty much eliminate any reason to continue playing. So why don't I save myself the money and just log out... perhaps for the last time. The end result is the same either way.
So that's what I did.
Why am I buying gold? To be able to afford the items I want. After a month or so of farming I'm nowhere near the amount I need.
Once you have the items what do you plan to do with them? Well, the only reason I'm still playing is because I've been trying to make the gold to buy them. If I buy gold with real money and then buy the items in-game I pretty much eliminate any reason to continue playing. So why don't I save myself the money and just log out... perhaps for the last time. The end result is the same either way.
So that's what I did.
What's the difference between a farmer and a botter?
Not much.
Prices will go up anyways, bought by a botter or not. It's a rare thing. A lot of people want it. What's the difference between someone who farms for the gold to get all the ecto and a guy who bought his gold?
Not much.
Prices will go up anyways, bought by a botter or not. It's a rare thing. A lot of people want it. What's the difference between someone who farms for the gold to get all the ecto and a guy who bought his gold?
Originally Posted by Gwenhywar
Haven't you missed the fact that bots exist and profit because ANet has nerfed normal, honest player's money gaining possibilities that are only affecting your average player that just wants to play the game and have fun, and has 0 effect on your average botter who will get his gold anyway, even if the drops are 100x smaller?
The only way to really stop this is if players stop being selfish and stop buying gold from eBay, and if ArenaNet manages to hunt down and stop bots more efficiently.
Originally Posted by ShinJin Kahn
I've seen some auctions got for as little as £2($4) for 100,000G.
100,000g isin't even that much money but is definatly worth it for the 30 hours plus it takes to get now that everythings been nerfed. I never wanted to go to ebay to spend real life money on in game items, but it seems like i'll never be able to get the items i want cos everything so expensive and it's so hard to get money. You've got to think about the time you have and the ratio of time spent to money earned, esp now that it's so hard to get decent stuff for normal prices. It's better to spend £2 and 5 mins on ebay then it is to spend 15 or so hours in FoW, well, i dunno if it's "better", but it's more economical. I'm not gonna ebay it but i'm seriously considering it, whats your views? (p.s it's 6am over here and i been up all night so excuse the grammar and poor spelling.) |
A quote taken from Sony's site, justifying Sony's support of trading ingame items for real cash.
Why are you offering this service?
EverQuest II is a massive game, with much to see and do. Some players want to experience as many different aspects of the game as possible, but may not have enough time to play multiple character types. Other players with the time and skills to devote to the game will find new avenues of reward opening to them within the game.
The secondary market for online games has grown tremendously over the past few years, fueled by games like EverQuest II. More and more of our players take part in non-sanctioned activities, which have lead to a host of problems for our customers, including fraud.
By establishing a legitimate outlet for these activities, SOE will be a leader in determining the future direction and growth for this emerging market. Once again, we at Sony Online Entertainment are blazing a trail for the online gaming genre, just as we did six years ago with EverQuest.
Station Exchange provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Since all the Exchange activities take place within SOE’s servers and game worlds, each party is comfortable knowing that he or she will systematically receive his or her side of the transaction.
Station Exchange will be rolled out to new EverQuest II servers, after which we will gauge the success of the program and determine whether (and how) to bring these features to other current and future titles. This will also allow us to determine the demand for these activities within our games.
Lets see the GW scenario. There are 2 players, A and B. None of them are stupid or noobs.
Player A, is a 20 year old student enjoying his summer hols and after finishing the game is farming for 6 hours each day, and his ultimate aim is to get the fissure armor, a 15>50 crystalline sword , and an eternal/magmas shield with 45/-2 enchanted.
Player B, is a lawyer, who earns $50 an hour. He was a passionate and dedicated gamer earlier, but doesnt have that much time now. He too wants a fissure armor and a 15>50 stormbow. He plays only 2 hours a day. He finds it a much better option to buy stuff on ebay that he would have to use a lot of time to farm.
So, say A gets 100K in a day farming 6 hours. B buys 100K for $5 in ebay, because his 6 hours is worth $300 to him.
Think about both of them. Are what they doing so very different. We are awed at A's farming skills and despise B and say *you must not have a life if you spend real money on pixels*.
As someone pointed out, Time IS Money.
Now come to the point that getting expensive gold items makes no difference.
1)There are people who play games casually for some timepass.
2)There are dedicated gamers who get an adrenaline rush when they perfecly time a power leak, power spike and power drain in succession.
3)And there are gamers who like some nice ol' monster bashing, whose eyes brighten up on seeing a gold sword drop, people who like to have better looking armor and weapons than the other guy around.
All 3 types play this game. And the Type 3 likes hunting for these "expensive gold items". Some do it by spending 6 hours farming. Some do it by spending more time on RL an spending a tiny fraction to buy in-game stuff for real cash.
Theres no need for the rest of us to abuse those types of guys.
Why are you offering this service?
EverQuest II is a massive game, with much to see and do. Some players want to experience as many different aspects of the game as possible, but may not have enough time to play multiple character types. Other players with the time and skills to devote to the game will find new avenues of reward opening to them within the game.
The secondary market for online games has grown tremendously over the past few years, fueled by games like EverQuest II. More and more of our players take part in non-sanctioned activities, which have lead to a host of problems for our customers, including fraud.
By establishing a legitimate outlet for these activities, SOE will be a leader in determining the future direction and growth for this emerging market. Once again, we at Sony Online Entertainment are blazing a trail for the online gaming genre, just as we did six years ago with EverQuest.
Station Exchange provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Since all the Exchange activities take place within SOE’s servers and game worlds, each party is comfortable knowing that he or she will systematically receive his or her side of the transaction.
Station Exchange will be rolled out to new EverQuest II servers, after which we will gauge the success of the program and determine whether (and how) to bring these features to other current and future titles. This will also allow us to determine the demand for these activities within our games.
Lets see the GW scenario. There are 2 players, A and B. None of them are stupid or noobs.
Player A, is a 20 year old student enjoying his summer hols and after finishing the game is farming for 6 hours each day, and his ultimate aim is to get the fissure armor, a 15>50 crystalline sword , and an eternal/magmas shield with 45/-2 enchanted.
Player B, is a lawyer, who earns $50 an hour. He was a passionate and dedicated gamer earlier, but doesnt have that much time now. He too wants a fissure armor and a 15>50 stormbow. He plays only 2 hours a day. He finds it a much better option to buy stuff on ebay that he would have to use a lot of time to farm.
So, say A gets 100K in a day farming 6 hours. B buys 100K for $5 in ebay, because his 6 hours is worth $300 to him.
Think about both of them. Are what they doing so very different. We are awed at A's farming skills and despise B and say *you must not have a life if you spend real money on pixels*.
As someone pointed out, Time IS Money.
Now come to the point that getting expensive gold items makes no difference.
1)There are people who play games casually for some timepass.
2)There are dedicated gamers who get an adrenaline rush when they perfecly time a power leak, power spike and power drain in succession.
3)And there are gamers who like some nice ol' monster bashing, whose eyes brighten up on seeing a gold sword drop, people who like to have better looking armor and weapons than the other guy around.
All 3 types play this game. And the Type 3 likes hunting for these "expensive gold items". Some do it by spending 6 hours farming. Some do it by spending more time on RL an spending a tiny fraction to buy in-game stuff for real cash.
Theres no need for the rest of us to abuse those types of guys.
Memnon's Mentor
Very well said. You have my respect.
Originally Posted by Memnon's Mentor
Very well said. You have my respect.
very good arguments Anarkii. totally agree.
ppl need to realize there are many different forms of game play styles and motives in GW.
to those who dictate how I should play or say my style of gaming hurts yours I say this...my $50 buying the game is the same as your $50 so dont preach to me, I dont dictate how you play!
very good arguments Anarkii. totally agree.
ppl need to realize there are many different forms of game play styles and motives in GW.
to those who dictate how I should play or say my style of gaming hurts yours I say this...my $50 buying the game is the same as your $50 so dont preach to me, I dont dictate how you play!
Remember that accoring to the EULA, they can ban you for everything except being black or voting for the republicans. I think they can even ban you for drinking warm beer. While it is not "illegal" to sell / buy stuff on ebay (atm), they can still ban you. Or they can lobby enough to pass laws that make it illegal.
Its just very unlikely, because the second market is very strong, stronger then Sony ... so its just a standoff atm - the sellers can sell in a grey area, and the MMORPG companies are affraid to sue because they would probably loose.
Its just very unlikely, because the second market is very strong, stronger then Sony ... so its just a standoff atm - the sellers can sell in a grey area, and the MMORPG companies are affraid to sue because they would probably loose.
Ebaying in GW makes zero sense to me. When people ebay in mmorpgs they do it get items that makes their character better. In GW you make yourself a better player, items don't. So if you suck in pvp/pve before you got your fissure armor. You will still suck after you buy fissure armor.
Snuk the Great
In other words people are not the same, everyone has its own motivations and or opinions. This does not change the facts. A fact is that selling gameworld stuff is against the rules and should not be done.
And my opinion simpely is that selling stuff for real money is not fair for people who work hard for their ingame stuff (go farming, sell stuff, the whole act). These people work realy hard to eventualy show the world what they have achieved.
Now this guy above is realy proud and tells one of his friends/guildmates of his achievements. The next day that friend shows up and shows he has even better stuff then the guy and he did not have to do any stuff for it but his father (!) just bought this stuff for him for $100
Believe me, for a gamer this is realy demoralizing. Especialy because it once again means that poeple with more money always win.
I hope you get my point
And my opinion simpely is that selling stuff for real money is not fair for people who work hard for their ingame stuff (go farming, sell stuff, the whole act). These people work realy hard to eventualy show the world what they have achieved.
Now this guy above is realy proud and tells one of his friends/guildmates of his achievements. The next day that friend shows up and shows he has even better stuff then the guy and he did not have to do any stuff for it but his father (!) just bought this stuff for him for $100
Believe me, for a gamer this is realy demoralizing. Especialy because it once again means that poeple with more money always win.
I hope you get my point
Originally Posted by Saerden
.... and the MMORPG companies are affraid to sue because they would probably loose.
You and your roommate (say) are doing a 2-man smite. He gets a gold storm bow. You tell him "hey mate, I'd owe ya a treat at smokin joe's if ye gimme that storm =D ". He gives it to you and the next day, you two hang out at the pizza place. Can ANet sue you for that?
Selling it for RL money isnt much different.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Saerden
Remember that accoring to the EULA, they can ban you for everything except being black or voting for the republicans. I think they can even ban you for drinking warm beer. While it is not "illegal" to sell / buy stuff on ebay (atm), they can still ban you. Or they can lobby enough to pass laws that make it illegal.
Its just very unlikely, because the second market is very strong, stronger then Sony ... so its just a standoff atm - the sellers can sell in a grey area, and the MMORPG companies are affraid to sue because they would probably loose. |
purchasing video game items for real money will NEVER be illegal.
Originally Posted by Snuk the Great
In other words people are not the same, everyone has its own motivations and or opinions. This does not change the facts. A fact is that selling gameworld stuff is against the rules and should not be done.
And my opinion simpely is that selling stuff for real money is not fair for people who work hard for their ingame stuff (go farming, sell stuff, the whole act). These people work realy hard to eventualy show the world what they have achieved. Now this guy above is realy proud and tells one of his friends/guildmates of his achievements. The next day that friend shows up and shows he has even better stuff then the guy and he did not have to do any stuff for it but his father (!) just bought this stuff for him for $100 Believe me, for a gamer this is realy demoralizing. Especialy because it once again means that poeple with more money always win. I hope you get my point |
Its unfair if a guy has better stuff, just because he has more money, and its not unfair if a guy has better stuff, just because he has more time , yes?
Please read through all the posts, before posting.
Time IS Money.
Can anyone tell me the benefit of ebaying in gw? What? Just to "look" better?
I come from Lineage II, which probably has the most ebayers/ige customers. In l2 it made sense why people ebayed even though I wasn't for it. You see in l2 it literally took months and months to get something decent.
Here are some examples:
A. I finally save 35mil adena to get a Damascus sword(35mil is alot btw, seeing you get a average of 500a per mob). While fighting I die and drop the weapon and some farmer(who farms to sell adena on ebay/ige) comes and picks up the sword and doesn't give it back. So I have a few choices. Quit the game, ebay or hope clan members help replace my weapon.
B. I'm a lvl 40 character but still in lvl 20 gear. In the world of l2 it means you basically can't go on. Mobs kill you in a few hits and no one puts you in party. So I have a few choices. Quit the game, ebay, ask clannies for help or reroll to a different character and use the funds from my previous to by gear for my lvl.
Those are a couple reasons why people ebay in l2. Which makes a whole lot more sense than ebaying in gw. L2 is the type of game that if you have some sort of finanical disaster you would have to literally quit the game or ebay. You spent 6+ months saving for new gear only to drop it by a mob. You become broke and don't have any adena for new gear.
In gw NONE of these things can happen. Items don't play a huge roll in gw like most rpgs. You can live without items like godly storm bow, fissure armor etc. It basically has no effect on gameplay what so ever. Only reason one ebays in gw is for stature.
I come from Lineage II, which probably has the most ebayers/ige customers. In l2 it made sense why people ebayed even though I wasn't for it. You see in l2 it literally took months and months to get something decent.
Here are some examples:
A. I finally save 35mil adena to get a Damascus sword(35mil is alot btw, seeing you get a average of 500a per mob). While fighting I die and drop the weapon and some farmer(who farms to sell adena on ebay/ige) comes and picks up the sword and doesn't give it back. So I have a few choices. Quit the game, ebay or hope clan members help replace my weapon.
B. I'm a lvl 40 character but still in lvl 20 gear. In the world of l2 it means you basically can't go on. Mobs kill you in a few hits and no one puts you in party. So I have a few choices. Quit the game, ebay, ask clannies for help or reroll to a different character and use the funds from my previous to by gear for my lvl.
Those are a couple reasons why people ebay in l2. Which makes a whole lot more sense than ebaying in gw. L2 is the type of game that if you have some sort of finanical disaster you would have to literally quit the game or ebay. You spent 6+ months saving for new gear only to drop it by a mob. You become broke and don't have any adena for new gear.
In gw NONE of these things can happen. Items don't play a huge roll in gw like most rpgs. You can live without items like godly storm bow, fissure armor etc. It basically has no effect on gameplay what so ever. Only reason one ebays in gw is for stature.
Originally Posted by Azadaleou
Can anyone tell me the benefit of ebaying in gw? What? Just to "look" better?

Memnon's Mentor
Originally Posted by Disciple
Your respect is easily gained.

Originally Posted by Anarkii
A quote taken from Sony's site, justifying Sony's support of trading ingame items for real cash.
Lets see the GW scenario. There are 2 players, A and B. None of them are stupid or noobs. Player A, is a 20 year old student enjoying his summer hols and after finishing the game is farming for 6 hours each day, and his ultimate aim is to get the fissure armor, a 15>50 crystalline sword , and an eternal/magmas shield with 45/-2 enchanted. Player B, is a lawyer, who earns $50 an hour. He was a passionate and dedicated gamer earlier, but doesnt have that much time now. He too wants a fissure armor and a 15>50 stormbow. He plays only 2 hours a day. He finds it a much better option to buy stuff on ebay that he would have to use a lot of time to farm. |
Why can't Mr. Lawyer man just go without?
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
Why can't Mr. Lawyer man just go without?
why can't Mr. Farmer Man just go without?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
why can't Mr. Farmer Man just go without?
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by QuixotesGhost
He can. But chooses to invest the effort not to.
as can the lawyer...but he chooses to invest the money not to.
Teh Azman
Alright, so Sony okay'd it for their game. ARENA.NET DID NOT. It is against the Guild Wars Terms of Service to partake in the buying and selling of gold for real life money, and as such I'm not gonna pay as much as I did for the game just for some amror that's no better than what I have. Even if they do, i still doubt I will. Do what you wish I guess, but if you're willing to take a chance for that account you've been working on for 2 months to be banned, that's your beef.
Buying gold on ebay is actually very clever.
Gold = unIDed runes, paying rushers (to rush your pve chars to Droknars / Skill outposts and through missions while your afk for skillpoints)
Ironically, due to the Grind (tm), buying maxed accounts on ebay makes EVEN MORE sense then in most MMORPGS. WoW is much more fun 1-60 if your looking to have fun. If you play to win, why are you playing WoW?
In GW, playing to win IS the game. Player skills (are supposed to) matter, but noone can be good if he lacks the tools.
And the funny part: the people who talk about ebay are PvE'lers who want to buy "worthless" (as in: no numerical advantage) status items - and the sellers sell worthless status items instead of the "real" stuff ...
Gold = unIDed runes, paying rushers (to rush your pve chars to Droknars / Skill outposts and through missions while your afk for skillpoints)
Ironically, due to the Grind (tm), buying maxed accounts on ebay makes EVEN MORE sense then in most MMORPGS. WoW is much more fun 1-60 if your looking to have fun. If you play to win, why are you playing WoW?
In GW, playing to win IS the game. Player skills (are supposed to) matter, but noone can be good if he lacks the tools.
And the funny part: the people who talk about ebay are PvE'lers who want to buy "worthless" (as in: no numerical advantage) status items - and the sellers sell worthless status items instead of the "real" stuff ...
Ebaying in GW makes zero sense to me. When people ebay in mmorpgs they do it get items that makes their character better. In GW you make yourself a better player, items don't. So if you suck in pvp/pve before you got your fissure armor. You will still suck after you buy fissure armor. |
Also you dont hack the game and earn money. Buying money from ebaying and hacking the game to earn money are 2 completely different things. When you buy something on ebay, you reward someone for his/her effort to get that item/money and then give it to you. This is fundemental capitalism ppl. The think that most of you believe in.
Believe me, for a gamer this is realy demoralizing. Especialy because it once again means that poeple with more money always win |
To me, when I look at a piece of armor and know I earned it, I feel satisfied.
I'll feel stupid and empty if I eBay'ed it.
I'll feel stupid and empty if I eBay'ed it.
I find the A-net representatives silence on this topic amusing, the two we know best for posting here have been very active in other threads but seem not to have much to say on this. It seems that if A-net was so strongly against this sort of behavior they would be the loudest ones saying that punishment will be swift. I an only assume by the silence that A) they are unsure what they can and can not say, B) they have been told not to take an official stand on the issue, or C) they just don’t want to deal with this very touchy issue?
Gaile, are people being banned for buying? selling? are you actively pursuing the people making the money? Inquiring minds want to know.
Gaile, are people being banned for buying? selling? are you actively pursuing the people making the money? Inquiring minds want to know.
Im thinking if I took my character through the game from pre to completion, didnt get armour, skills, weapons, didnt pick up drops at all during missions and quests and absoulutely didnt go into an instanced area to get anything at all then and maybe then I could preach (yes to all game nazis..preach) to all how the game has noting at ll to do with items blah blah blah blah and so on and it must be played like this.
All things are items, even skills.
But I havent..and er eveyone else probably hasnt either, where I differ though is if you want to do that then its ok with me, are we getting the idea now folks.
Play how you enjoy it!! and let others do the same.
If you think what one person does is silly or makes no sense fine, get over it ITS A GAME
All things are items, even skills.
But I havent..and er eveyone else probably hasnt either, where I differ though is if you want to do that then its ok with me, are we getting the idea now folks.
Play how you enjoy it!! and let others do the same.
If you think what one person does is silly or makes no sense fine, get over it ITS A GAME