Is anyone else tired of netspeak?
It is really wearing thin for me. It seems like each and every little hip term is more and more idiotic. Newbie, newb, noob, n00b, nub, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Owned and pwned are pretty much the most uncool sayings to grace god's green earth. Anything with the intended mispellings, numbers for letters, and all kinds of jazz like that is pretty much a sure fire way to make yourself look like a fagnuts. That being said, why does everyone do it? What kind of simple minded retard seems to think that OMG STFU n00b is some sort of acceptable reply to anything. I am sick of seeing this crap tossed around the arenas and tossed around my whispers when I try to confront someone about something stupid they may be doing or may have done. Does anyone here do this? If you do can you explain why crap like this is said? Does anyone agree with me or is everyone looking to make gamers like some sort of crew hell bent on crapping on the english language?
I agree. But whenever you say anything in game people always respond with "0M6 $7uFFU n00b"
Funny how I see people complaining about this more often than I actually see it happening. At any given time, you can find someone ranting in a major city about netspeak or improper english.
The only times I've ever seen this type of talk used is in a tongue in cheek manner, except noob, which I have seen used seriously from time to time, but still very rarely (though people who use it tend to use it alot).
The only times I've ever seen this type of talk used is in a tongue in cheek manner, except noob, which I have seen used seriously from time to time, but still very rarely (though people who use it tend to use it alot).
Just like the British, Americans, and Austrailians have their own different dialects of the English language, so do gamers. We may have some idiots that overuse certain terms and acronyms, but I wouldn't call it "crapping on the English language."

I would if someone uses it seriously. There's a difference between the spoken word and written word. English is supposed to be spelled properly, you don't type in dialect, that's just silly.
Personally I only use that crap if I'm just messing around. When I start typing in caps, that's when you should stop taking me seriously. If someone starts typing in caps, that's when I stop taking them seriously (unless their spelling and grammer is atrocious in the first place).
Personally I only use that crap if I'm just messing around. When I start typing in caps, that's when you should stop taking me seriously. If someone starts typing in caps, that's when I stop taking them seriously (unless their spelling and grammer is atrocious in the first place).
Moltov joss
So what if I thought the same way of your useage of "fagnuts"
Unless the person is blatantly saying those thing repeatedly I just dont care.
Anyone who sees fit to label another newb noob ect ect just in my pov shows how much of a retard they are. Don't bother with those people. Leave a fool to his own misguidings.
Unless the person is blatantly saying those thing repeatedly I just dont care.
Anyone who sees fit to label another newb noob ect ect just in my pov shows how much of a retard they are. Don't bother with those people. Leave a fool to his own misguidings.
I kinda like pwned though. Just a funny word to use.

Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Morganas
Funny how I see people complaining about this more often than I actually see it happening.
I don't claim to speak perfect english, it's not my native tongue, but it annoys even me to see such butchering.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
If someone starts typing in caps, that's when I stop taking them seriously (unless their spelling and grammer is atrocious in the first place).
ok back on point, sonrry hehe

Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
That's weird. I see a ton of people typing "u" instead of "you", "ur" instead of "your" etc etc in game a LOT. And don't get me started on "OMFG" or "WTF" Then there are typos, mispellings and just plain wrong use of grammar.
I don't claim to speak perfect english, it's not my native tongue, but it annoys even me to see such butchering. |

Oh come on, as if john Q gamer is not a bit of a fast typer, I got typing fast simply thanks to msn and the learning of the home row. Most gamers who toss around stupid netspeak have probably played enough games and have posted on enough boards and used enough messaging services to learn how to type fast. That is how I got going, learning the home row and MSN messenger is pretty much my typing tutor. Look, it is really easy to type a single U, but it is also pretty damn easy to type two more letters to surround that U. It is also kind of a necessity to type fast in this day and age, especially with every written school assignment done on a word processor this day and age.
netspeak can be horrible
but its okay to say PWNED to the AI.
but its okay to say PWNED to the AI.
The words I like using:
-All abbreviations such as ty np etc etc... (for ease)
-omgwtfbbq (when I want to say something completely stupid and random)
-nads (don't ask)
-zomg (same reason as before, just to sound stupid)
I'd never use them in a serious context.. lol.
-All abbreviations such as ty np etc etc... (for ease)
-omgwtfbbq (when I want to say something completely stupid and random)
-nads (don't ask)
-zomg (same reason as before, just to sound stupid)
I'd never use them in a serious context.. lol.
Language isn't some kind of immovable, set-in-stone, holy set of rules. The nice thing about language is that it's constantly changing. We now also say "you" instead of "thou". Who is to say that this won't evolve further into a generally-accepted "u" ?
As many people said here, netspeak can be funny, or practical to use. It only gets annoying when people use it to show how "kewl" they are.
As many people said here, netspeak can be funny, or practical to use. It only gets annoying when people use it to show how "kewl" they are.
Puddin Tame
Most conversations I see in Lions Arch arena are 2 dumbasses tossing back and forth comments on how the other is a homosexual and has smaller genitalia than him.
I abhor netspeak, l337speak, what-have-you, and I never use it in game. I capitalize and punctuate my sentences, and do my best to spell things correctly.
And, really, I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one.
And, really, I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one.
I have the prejudice against those people. When I see someone writing ub3r-l337 and those often use Caps Lock too, I automatically refuse to party with him. Its the same with WTB or WTS. I wouldn´t buy anything from a man spamming wts in local channel even if it is the best price.
Creature of Legend
Originally Posted by Maagus
I have the prejudice against those people. When I see someone writing ub3r-l337 and those often use Caps Lock too, I automatically refuse to party with him. Its the same with WTB or WTS. I wouldn´t buy anything from a man spamming wts in local channel even if it is the best price.
The only porblem with this is space. It's kinda hard to post alot for sale using "Want to sell." Of course this all depends on the items, a full list of runes is a pain to fit on one line much less adding commas or spaces. WTS and WTB can help clearing the chat channel instead of cramming it up. Grant it not every one has a list of things but a standard for buying and selling is so much easier.
As far as all this other L33T ect... I cant read it, understand it, nor even care to learn. If it dont look like words I dismiss it as banter. "pwned" makes no sense to me unless it means the exact same as owned. I know what "WOOT" means but find it is never used correctly. Noob is a tearm used many diffrent ways, some insulting, some just gererlized observation, and some as discription. Basically if they are a "Real" noob, they already know, if you want it to be insulting just call them a moron, or idiot. Someone calling me a noob does not do anything but make me laugh at their immaturity.
As far as all this other lingo goes, we all knows what "U" means, or even "UR". But for Gods sake, leave the numbers out. "M8" is not sutible, nor is "n00b". If your going to shortnen it make it readable at least. Oh well enought of the ranting. How was your day?.........
Buzz Hunter
"There's a difference between the spoken word and written word. English is supposed to be spelled properly, you don't type in dialect, that's just silly."
Tell that to Mark Twain.....
But otherwise, I agree...
Perhaps I am just getting cynical in my old age, but I can't stand it either.....grates my nerves. If we just crushed a group in a pvp battle, and someone says we pwned them, that doesn't bother me nearly as much as when I ask a question, and rather than answer, I get the omg stfu n00b crap. First day the game was out, someone asked if we all new how to call targets. Having just bought the game of course I didn't, and he stormed out of the group shouting NOOB to the rest of can you not be a noob the day the game comes out, unless you were in beta. It never ceases to amaze me how brazen people are when anonymous behind a computer screen with no concequences. I would so pwn their sorry a$$ with my 733t skillz if they were to do it in person....
8th grade NC spelling be champion....circa 1983
Tell that to Mark Twain.....
But otherwise, I agree...
Perhaps I am just getting cynical in my old age, but I can't stand it either.....grates my nerves. If we just crushed a group in a pvp battle, and someone says we pwned them, that doesn't bother me nearly as much as when I ask a question, and rather than answer, I get the omg stfu n00b crap. First day the game was out, someone asked if we all new how to call targets. Having just bought the game of course I didn't, and he stormed out of the group shouting NOOB to the rest of can you not be a noob the day the game comes out, unless you were in beta. It never ceases to amaze me how brazen people are when anonymous behind a computer screen with no concequences. I would so pwn their sorry a$$ with my 733t skillz if they were to do it in person....
8th grade NC spelling be champion....circa 1983
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
That's weird. I see a ton of people typing "u" instead of "you", "ur" instead of "your" etc etc in game a LOT. And don't get me started on "OMFG" or "WTF"
But yeah, it annoys me too. I find myself instantly getting a low opinion of the intelligence of a person who writes something like "u invite me 2 plz". That probably says more about my prejudices than the people who use SMS/leet-speek, but that's the way it is. Not in my party, buster!
Otherwise I personally find the misuse of 'raped' worse than noob, n00b, nubb etc.
PS: On the subject of pet peeves: 'ignots'.
Look at the state your in, I say you've been pwned by t3h 1337 sp34k. ( tbh )
Originally Posted by BrokenSymmetry
Who is to say that this won't evolve further into a generally-accepted "u" ?
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
I thought that was MMS-speak not leet-speek? Leet-speek in the old days was more "l1K3 d1$".
I don't mind SOME netspeak... "brb" and "afk" and others are fine with me...but wholesale butchery of the language with the "u" and "ur" is what irritates me. And for some reason, to me, it takes out the soul and personality of what's being said. Yeah...I'm nuts.
But yeah, I do admit to saying "noob" and "uber" just for laughs because sometimes it's just fun to say stupid words.
GW Insomniac
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
PS: On the subject of pet peeves: 'ignots'.
I can't fully understand some people's need to abbreviate every word into it's (near) phonetic equivalent - doesn't the chatbox contain the full gamut of languages already without having to resort to 'killing' the english language too?
Originally Posted by Creature of Legend
The only porblem with this is space. It's kinda hard to post alot for sale using "Want to sell." Of course this all depends on the items, a full list of runes is a pain to fit on one line much less adding commas or spaces. WTS and WTB can help clearing the chat channel instead of cramming it up. Grant it not every one has a list of things but a standard for buying and selling is so much easier.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
I'll just say, if that day comes within my lifetime, who is going to join me in eradicating the human race?
I'm a bit of a heckler when it comes to speech, honestly. To expand on my earlier post, I only use stupid talk with people I feel comfortable with or when I want to lighten a situation.
Really, though, the worst thing that I see isn't a u ur or n00b (although all equally irritate me). It'd have to be the glaring romance the citizens of the internet have with the misuse of the two forms of "your." I don't see how hard it is to understand... your book, not you are book. You're a forum sycophant. It doesn't belong to you (unless under rare conditions in which it does, but that's another matter entirely).
Point is, everyone has their(not there or they're!) pet peeves, and others are going to continue with it, either deliberately or ignorantly. While I -do- think that people who communicate in indecipherable grammatical chaos deserve a swift lick in the shins, I tend to accept abbreviations or the simplest of leetspeek/aimspeek/etc. As long as I can understand it and it's not an outright assault on all that I know and love of the English language, it's fine with me.
To each his or her own. Can't complain because not everyone's gonna agree with you.
p33s 0ut y0.
[edited for late-nite mistakes.

Misspelling and netspeak occurs because it is economical. It is wearisome to type miles of text all the time... and sometimes it is simply not practial to spellcheck every passage you utter. Not all of us can type at 100 WPM, and to put on high airs because you can is bothersome to me.
I dislike it myself. Really, it isn't so hard to learn how to spell your first language (to those who know English as a second or third language, they speak / write it better than most of those who have it as their first language). I know, those big words like 'you' really take a long time to type and are hard to remember, but a few minutes of continued use should plant it firmly into most minds. I can understand abbreviating things that would take too long to type for their desired effect (most people could have probably done whatever they needed to do by the time they manage to type 'Be right back'), but butchering short words in order to cut off 1-3 letters and save yourself maybe a tenth of a second only makes people think less of you (namely me). I can understand typos, but please, be kind to your language. There's a reason 'you' is spelled 'you' and not 'u'. One of my favourite quotes on this topic goes something like "Spelling and grammar are to the internet what personal hygiene is to real life." When I see things like 'u suk' or 'your a noob', I only picture the person as some dirty (as in covered in dirt or whatever, not sexually perverted) 12 year-old, then try to figure out where i got my 'noob' from. But the whole your / you're is beyond most and is best saved for another rant.
On occasion I'll (mockingly) type something in all caps and misspell every word, but I save that for when I'm mocking someone.
Secondly, I'd like to know the definition for 'fagnuts'. Also, if you have more than one 'fagnuts', is the plural form 'fagnutses', or does it stay as 'fagnuts'? Just curious
You can count me in!

Secondly, I'd like to know the definition for 'fagnuts'. Also, if you have more than one 'fagnuts', is the plural form 'fagnutses', or does it stay as 'fagnuts'? Just curious

Originally Posted by Sekkira
I'll just say, if that day comes within my lifetime, who is going to join me in eradicating the human race?
Actually, I'd like to know where these people get this from. Surely schools teach you how to write with proper grammer, spelling and punctuation. What happens to these people when they log on? Does their entire education that has been engraved into the minds just disappear? How? What causes this? Why would someone throw away years of learning that is second nature on how to spell and such for this?
It frustrates me, it pisses me off. I hate stupid, idiotic people and sometimes they're lucky I'm not around them with something that can be used as a weapon.
It frustrates me, it pisses me off. I hate stupid, idiotic people and sometimes they're lucky I'm not around them with something that can be used as a weapon.
Dr Morbius
Remember, those who excessively use terms such as noob are actually just prenoobescent... so cut 'em some slack!

Celes Tial
Netspeak is banned in my guild, I turn local chat off, and I dont group with randoms anymore.
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
I use abbreviations like "u,ur,wtf" a lot, while chatting . I do not use them in formal writing. Regarding the source of these...these were imbibed into me though the use of smses. I had been using proper, correct english while chatting before that(6-7 years back). But as I started smsing more and more, the need of shortcuts arose.
Even with the T9 composer, "I'll see you later" takes a lot more time than "cu l8r". And when I am confident that the recipient understands my intent, I go ahead.
I reiterate that using these in informal chats is ok for me, but not in formal written texts.
Oh btw, I do despise terms like nub/n00b,pwned,owned,l33t,ub3r..
Even with the T9 composer, "I'll see you later" takes a lot more time than "cu l8r". And when I am confident that the recipient understands my intent, I go ahead.
I reiterate that using these in informal chats is ok for me, but not in formal written texts.
Oh btw, I do despise terms like nub/n00b,pwned,owned,l33t,ub3r..
Bragg Madaxe
I have to have proper grammer and spelling even when smsing people @_@
Bragg Madaxe
Actually, I'd love to see a whole language develop from the acronyms and abbrevs we use in netspeak.
Is there any way to block certain words from appearing in chat? For me, curses and the like wouldn't be in the filter, but words like "omg; nub; noob; n00b; omfg; wtf; stfu; lol; lmao; lmfao; pwnt; owned; pawned; ownt; etc."
Yeah it really does piss me off a bit, I use "lol" once in a while, but that's practically a word in it's own. And "haha" doesn't always fit the mood like I need it to. Other than that...yeah, I know what you mean. I get pretty pissed honestly when I'm talking to someone who makes every sort of typing error you can make, whether intentionally to "save time" or because of simple lack of...decent typing/writing skills at all. I hate it when I'm talking to someone and they can't even talk out, "Hold on a minute." They have to type "brb" or "c u l8r"...
Lets put it this way, if I'm talking to you, I'm taking my time to carry on the conversation with you, but when you feel the need to blow me off and you don't even think I'm worth a little "Be right back" instead of "brb", well you just don't message me, lets put it that way. It's an insult really, when I talk to someone it's for a reason, and I sure as hell don't want to have to read people's time saving short cuts, that are often times harder to read than anything.
And you know, maybe if they'd take the time to type, or even spell correctly (or to the best of their ability), maybe they wouldn't HAVE to "save time" shortening every other word. I'd bet money I can type faster typing normal (like...I always do) than most anyone I speak to using "netspeak" in some form or another, because...lets see, I've practiced, and have been doing it since I started using computers enthusiastically, and now just look at me! It's second nature.
Silly...netspeak using...tards. If my time isn't worth complete words to you then don't message me, that's how I work when talking to people.
Lets put it this way, if I'm talking to you, I'm taking my time to carry on the conversation with you, but when you feel the need to blow me off and you don't even think I'm worth a little "Be right back" instead of "brb", well you just don't message me, lets put it that way. It's an insult really, when I talk to someone it's for a reason, and I sure as hell don't want to have to read people's time saving short cuts, that are often times harder to read than anything.
And you know, maybe if they'd take the time to type, or even spell correctly (or to the best of their ability), maybe they wouldn't HAVE to "save time" shortening every other word. I'd bet money I can type faster typing normal (like...I always do) than most anyone I speak to using "netspeak" in some form or another, because...lets see, I've practiced, and have been doing it since I started using computers enthusiastically, and now just look at me! It's second nature.
Silly...netspeak using...tards. If my time isn't worth complete words to you then don't message me, that's how I work when talking to people.

Numa Pompilius
On the other hand netspeek is good for one thing: as a grief-filter. I'd never accept someone who spammed "lfg m+ bnous NO N00BS!!!1!" into my team. Again it's my prejudices, but I can't imagine someone like that being a good team player up for a fun mission.
Every time I see "pwned" I think of pAwned and I wonder why they're selling themselves for cash.

The Pain Killa
My clan runs, amongst other things, several Counterstrike servers and we use a leetspeek filter on these. Using the word noob or similar will generally get you summarily slapped around a map for a couple of minutes and/or booted.
I find it tends to keep the 1337 kiddies from coming back too fast
I find it tends to keep the 1337 kiddies from coming back too fast