Two weeks. No update. Pissed off
The lag makes the game unplayable but that there are other things that are not as critical but very serious.
In the last patch they completly ruined the economy, it was already becaming bad with the drops nerfing but when the traders became insane it destroyed the economy.
That is a issue that needs to be solved, this game economy is complete rubish.
Other issues are "shiverpeeks stangglers" were the NPCs have a bad behavior (they attack the dwarf patrol and end up killed most of the time), also there are odd levels for NPCs (such as Devona and company that for some odd reason are NOT lv20 in the desert and can very well get wiped by the Hydras that have a patrol path that puts then into their walking path) and mob placement that simply forces players to rush to the NPC location before he is killed (F-U-N ...NOT).
The PvE area needs work, unfortunatly the game developers so far appear to only see the PVP section issues ...
In the last patch they completly ruined the economy, it was already becaming bad with the drops nerfing but when the traders became insane it destroyed the economy.
That is a issue that needs to be solved, this game economy is complete rubish.
Other issues are "shiverpeeks stangglers" were the NPCs have a bad behavior (they attack the dwarf patrol and end up killed most of the time), also there are odd levels for NPCs (such as Devona and company that for some odd reason are NOT lv20 in the desert and can very well get wiped by the Hydras that have a patrol path that puts then into their walking path) and mob placement that simply forces players to rush to the NPC location before he is killed (F-U-N ...NOT).
The PvE area needs work, unfortunatly the game developers so far appear to only see the PVP section issues ...
If you think about why there haven't been updates, at least any improvements other than exploit fixes, next week should viably be the grand streaming of the Sorrow's Furnace and other area update. Next week the winners of the Brand the Bosses contest will be announced and hopefully we are safe to assume that the Sorrows Furnace update will be next week as well.
That may be exactly what they are working on, note why no updates for two weeks, but by no means is it required they do it every week. At least they update things regularly unlike most games that I know of...
That may be exactly what they are working on, note why no updates for two weeks, but by no means is it required they do it every week. At least they update things regularly unlike most games that I know of...
Izzy Izumi
I like Guild Wars, I play it every day, because it's fun. Updates are free!?
Wow. Thanks Anet!
\end feigned innocence
Truthfully, I'm happy they even update at all. It's nice to see them have a vested interest in our playing. However, issues that are issues, will take time to solve. Don't expect a fast response *with* fast recovery. Recovery will come. Just be happy they're doing something. As far as you Euro people, switch over for a while. I'll be happy to PUG with a few of you. Even though I suck. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Wow. Thanks Anet!
\end feigned innocence
Truthfully, I'm happy they even update at all. It's nice to see them have a vested interest in our playing. However, issues that are issues, will take time to solve. Don't expect a fast response *with* fast recovery. Recovery will come. Just be happy they're doing something. As far as you Euro people, switch over for a while. I'll be happy to PUG with a few of you. Even though I suck. BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I don't think you can get too used to frequent updates cuz since there is no monthly cost, they have no obligation to keep udating it. Once cash from ppl buying the game itself stops rolling in, they'll prob slow down on updates A LOT.
Originally Posted by Adaria
... next week should viably be the grand streaming of the Sorrow's Furnace and other area update. Next week the winners of the Brand the Bosses contest will be announced and hopefully we are safe to assume that the Sorrows Furnace update will be next week as well.
... |
If I could actually play then without having "The Lag of Instant Stopping" showing up at random times ...
Serious I cannot help but laugh when people go around with "ANet is the BEST!" when the european situation is such critical and guess what?
How nice to be noticed and no, having a post saying there is a problem in some message board is not the same thing.
Once again Europe gets the shaft ... good thing I am used to it by now (owning a PS2 I am VERY used to it).
The European lag may be due to a problem with the servers, NOT the game, or rather it could be a problem with servers between ANet and European PC users. It may not be such an easy thing to fix, its got to be difficult to find out WHERE exactly the lag is coming from, there could be thousands of reasons for it, it will take time to fix, be patient.
Its a issue ... I bet if it hitted American severs we would have a anoucement in GW site but it hit europe and who cares about europe right?
Intead what we had posted here was joke about servers in Africa ... I happen to use the /bug command and type a problem but heck I doubt anyone reads then so I am not going to even bother anymore.
And no, I am not going to be patient about it ... I had enough of "patience" with Xenosaga and the PS2 hard drive.
Intead what we had posted here was joke about servers in Africa ... I happen to use the /bug command and type a problem but heck I doubt anyone reads then so I am not going to even bother anymore.
And no, I am not going to be patient about it ... I had enough of "patience" with Xenosaga and the PS2 hard drive.
Drakon, I don't think -anyone- would be so callous as to say that no one cares about the European servers. I think a lot of people do care and I think that ANet cares as well. That they haven't 'solved' the problem indicates that maybe they can't pin down the problem(s), at least to me anyhow. It is NOT in their best interest to let down their European gamers.
I do think, however, that more specific information could be released from ANet about what it is they're looking at as far as the lag situation goes. I think that a little PR and some idea of what is going on (beyond what they've said on the main page of this site) would go a LONG way.
I do think, however, that more specific information could be released from ANet about what it is they're looking at as far as the lag situation goes. I think that a little PR and some idea of what is going on (beyond what they've said on the main page of this site) would go a LONG way.
Europe had the favor of the gods today (tonight?). Wouldn't that be a discrepancy?
The lag spikes are random, I was doing the Frost Gate mission when I started to get lagged for a time and it returned to nomal.
They are not 24/7 but there is no way to be sure when one will hit.
And its been over 2 weeks and not even a WORD in their site over issues so excuse me as I see THAT as a complete lack of acknoledge of the issue, there is not even a warning to european players that the issue is NOT in their end but in the server.
Perhaps I am a bit anoyed to hell with this little comment as well, I know its from another forum (and quite frankly one I will not be visiting again) but I am only human and I am tired of this whole situation and bored to hell with the game.
They are not 24/7 but there is no way to be sure when one will hit.
And its been over 2 weeks and not even a WORD in their site over issues so excuse me as I see THAT as a complete lack of acknoledge of the issue, there is not even a warning to european players that the issue is NOT in their end but in the server.
Perhaps I am a bit anoyed to hell with this little comment as well, I know its from another forum (and quite frankly one I will not be visiting again) but I am only human and I am tired of this whole situation and bored to hell with the game.
GW Insomniac
To all the players on the euro server - myself included - relax...take a chill pill.
If the lag problem is fixable...ANet will fix it,if they can't...they'll no doubt suggest an alternative.
All it takes is a little patience...
If the lag problem is fixable...ANet will fix it,if they can't...they'll no doubt suggest an alternative.
All it takes is a little patience...
Originally Posted by Drakron
Perhaps I am a bit anoyed to hell with this little comment as well, I know its from another forum (and quite frankly one I will not be visiting again) but I am only human and I am tired of this whole situation and bored to hell with the game. |
Originally Posted by Drakron
You really think that TWO BLOODY MAPS that likely are just full of mobs with nothing else will keep me playing this until the expansion?
noboby BLOODY cares if you leave. get a grip.
as for the updates: they made updates weekly, and set an expectationpattern. they are not obligated to follow it. But they did set this expectationpattern, and if they decide to take it in lower gear, it would be wise to infor m the community. information sharing (just a little) is key.
they could at least fill us in as to when we couild expect a new update
Originally Posted by Makkert
noboby BLOODY cares if you leave. get a grip. |
It's free. Stop playing whenever the hell you feel like. I doubt I'll be playing all the way up till expansion pack - but guess what? As soon as the expansion pack drops, I can piick this game up again because it does not have a reactivation fee nor does it have a monthly fee.
In conclusion, stop playing. I don't care.
omfgo red engine! I've been playing this red engine go game for 3 red engine months already and they've only given me 16 patches!!! lazy red engine go red engine go's!
Some people react like Anet has no clue that the Euro server is suffering under critical lag (no exaggeration). They have to deal with this lag AND prepare to launch the new zones lest they receive more massive firestorms for not releasing the new zones on time.
Sure, 16 patches may seem like a lot to the untrained eye... but any who has played ANY other game, online or otherwise would realize that in 3 months, an average of 4.5 patches per month is chump change... why, the worst of dev teams update an average 5 times per week! Who the go red engine do the dev team think they are with this shoddy and nearly non-existant support?
additional thought: It might be worthwhile to read the OP without reading the thread title... in the post itself there seems to be no real complaint but merely speculation and optimism.
Some people react like Anet has no clue that the Euro server is suffering under critical lag (no exaggeration). They have to deal with this lag AND prepare to launch the new zones lest they receive more massive firestorms for not releasing the new zones on time.
Sure, 16 patches may seem like a lot to the untrained eye... but any who has played ANY other game, online or otherwise would realize that in 3 months, an average of 4.5 patches per month is chump change... why, the worst of dev teams update an average 5 times per week! Who the go red engine do the dev team think they are with this shoddy and nearly non-existant support?
additional thought: It might be worthwhile to read the OP without reading the thread title... in the post itself there seems to be no real complaint but merely speculation and optimism.
thanks slug, i love u
Originally Posted by Nizzim
they could at least fill us in as to when we couild expect a new update
Gaile Gray
Originally Posted by Drakron
Its a issue ... I bet if it hitted American severs we would have a anoucement in GW site but it hit europe and who cares about europe right?
WE care about Europe. Guild Wars is localized in four European languages. If you want to get angry, consider other studios that have no option for Italian and Spanish speaking players. Guild Wars offers localized versions in Italian and Spanish, and we do it with pride.
WE care about Europe. I've posted about the subject on multiple forums with European visitors; my European CC has done the same. Every single fansite operator received a letter telling him/her of the problem and assuring that we are working on the problem and will continue to do so until it's fixed. We will be sure to keep the community informed, you can bet on that.
Guild Wars is a global game, with a worldwide player base. And we think about that, and care for that, every single day.
WE care about Europe.
Don't ever think otherwise.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
WE care about Europe.
Don't ever think otherwise. |
The lag thing will be gone one day, no doubt about that. The favor problem will remain since it's a result of a very major flaw in the game - the Worlds at War concept, that completely neglected the fact that the three regions are by far not fighting on even terms here.
In another post, you told us not the leave EU servers. To be completly honest, currently there is NO reason at all to stay there (unless you have no command of the English language, that is). My mouse finger is hovering above the "change territory" button almost on a daily basis and the only reason I haven't yet clicked it is the small hope that A-Net might abandon the Worlds at War flaw (I am not daring to call it a "feature") from the game and possibly unite US and EU territories LIKE IT SHOULD BE. There are tons of reasons for that which are even beyond the favor problem - like the fact that English speaking Europeans tend to have friends/guildmates in America. You indicated in another post that you are aware of them problem. This is good and I am willing to wait until you implemented whatever you came up with as a solution. The only thing I am humbly asking for is a small hint about the nature of the solution. That's all. It would make remaining on EU servers a lot easier for the time being.
Alot of players prolly already left to U.S servers.
And the longer the lag stays the more wil go .
Thus most likely unbalancing who holds the favor even more.
And no i havent left yet , but most likely wil in a week orzo....
And the longer the lag stays the more wil go .
Thus most likely unbalancing who holds the favor even more.
And no i havent left yet , but most likely wil in a week orzo....
Ashley Twig
Well, this "leaving the server" somehow reminds me of me standing in line in a wall-mart. 10 people in front of me. A new cash-register opens, 8 people in front of me change to the new line. I'm in 3rd position. Why should I change too? 
So basically, if the lag that's been experienced is due to load-balancing problems: Go ahead, leave. The less users there are on the european server, the less load-balancing problems we get.
My idea about lag is, that too many people start their own instance, but then don't do the quest/mission, but just hang around in their instance. Instance-Overload.

So basically, if the lag that's been experienced is due to load-balancing problems: Go ahead, leave. The less users there are on the european server, the less load-balancing problems we get.
My idea about lag is, that too many people start their own instance, but then don't do the quest/mission, but just hang around in their instance. Instance-Overload.
The way I see if World at War is a unbalanced design, I play on the US servers for the better number of English speaking people.
Originally Posted by Drakron
Perhaps I am a bit anoyed to hell with this little comment as well, I know its from another forum (and quite frankly one I will not be visiting again) but I am only human and I am tired of this whole situation and bored to hell with the game.
Not that I'm saying they updated without saying, but at least it was strange... (for the ones who didn't read the linked note, there Gaile says Anet doesnt make any update apart from the official ones).
Of course I'm not saying that Gaile lies, please do not drive this thread to more flaming than it is, but would like to know what explanation has that I got a download and decompress after battling in an arena almost 5 times without logging out...
And for the WaW unbalance problem, another way of getting the favor will be welcome and "easy" to implement. Something that has nothing to do with server population like more % of something that encourages PvE gaming: most ascended char per hour by successfully beating the doppleganger with bonus, or something like that.
Originally Posted by momo2oo2
Last night I was doing some PvP in the team arenas. I played almost 5 times in the Ring of Fire arena. The 6th or so, the game downloaded *something* about 65k.
Not that I'm saying they updated without saying, but at least it was strange... (for the ones who didn't read the linked note, there Gaile says Anet doesnt make any update apart from the official ones). |
Over a month ago, i left Europe servers for US servers. partly for UW, partly because the guild i joined was active there. My overall game experience has improved. mostly because there are more people online.
i can buy/sell things faster. i can access the uw/fow regurlar.
and the lag isn't bad. i'm a happy camper at US.
i can buy/sell things faster. i can access the uw/fow regurlar.
and the lag isn't bad. i'm a happy camper at US.
What play hours do you keep? I'd consider moving to the U.S servers if the latency was ok (altho until the euro lag is fixed i can't see how it would be worse
) and they were busy during the hours of 18:00-00:00 GMT.

Originally Posted by BrokenSymmetry
Guild Wars downloads information incrementally on a fine-grained level. So it happens that you may download data from an update a month ago only now, when you need it for the first time. In PvP it may even be the armor designs of your oppenents, in PvE the data for a boss that only spawns now and then, etc. All these things are only downloaded when you need them in the game, not immediately after a update.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
So basically, if the lag that's been experienced is due to load-balancing problems: Go ahead, leave. The less users there are on the european server, the less load-balancing problems we get.
I am based in the UK and play at all hours of the day or night. This freezing on the spot can happen at any time. I have experienced it when the servers are empty and most of Europe is tucked up in bed.
You freeze from 5-30 or more seconds which can happen frequently with short spaces of time in between. You can still turn your character on the spot and see your life draining away if you're under attack. You can hear the sounds of battle and the timer still ticks away. The skills you hit just as the freeze happens keep flashing away in the bar. At the end of the freeze you may find yourself or your target dead.
Alex Weekes
Hi all. The European lag is not an issue that will be solved by a patch. It's not being caused by a problem with the game (witness the fact that America is not experiencing the problem). Rest assured that we are all working very hard to try to find out what is causing this issue and as soon as it is tracked down, it will be fixed.
It's frustrating, I know. I play on Europe. I've seen and experienced the lag myself. NCsoft Europe, ArenaNet and the server provider are all working together to try to track this down.
It's very disheartening to see some people making posts such as several that I've seen in this thread claiming that we are ignoring the issue, or not officially recognising the issue or any other of dozens of uninformed claims about our supposed lack of work in addressing the issue. Come on, guys: Gaile and I have both been responding directly to your posts about the issue here. The problem emerged and I personally posted responses to concerned threads (both here and on other forums) as soon as it became clear it was a wide spread, persistent issue (within a couple of days) and not just users on a single ISP. Since then Gaile and myself have taken efforts to keep the community as informed as possible, with the letter to all fansites.
The simple fact is: This is a priority for us right now. I check back with our support team daily. I check the threads here daily. We're working hard to solve this.
It's frustrating, I know. I play on Europe. I've seen and experienced the lag myself. NCsoft Europe, ArenaNet and the server provider are all working together to try to track this down.
It's very disheartening to see some people making posts such as several that I've seen in this thread claiming that we are ignoring the issue, or not officially recognising the issue or any other of dozens of uninformed claims about our supposed lack of work in addressing the issue. Come on, guys: Gaile and I have both been responding directly to your posts about the issue here. The problem emerged and I personally posted responses to concerned threads (both here and on other forums) as soon as it became clear it was a wide spread, persistent issue (within a couple of days) and not just users on a single ISP. Since then Gaile and myself have taken efforts to keep the community as informed as possible, with the letter to all fansites.
The simple fact is: This is a priority for us right now. I check back with our support team daily. I check the threads here daily. We're working hard to solve this.
I think the devs need to do what I do when I read a senseless post about how awesome I'm (apparently to them) not. I just laugh a little bit at the horrible grammar, stand up for a minute, stretch my legs, get some food and drink. Sit back down, laugh for a minute. Give the monitor (the post) the finger, and continue going through all the other threads telling me how great I am. And then I'd, you know, get back to work and what not.
I mean, c'mon though, you've got to expect some people to complain about how you *haven't* said *anything* about the lag issues, I mean afterall, they didn't recieve a personal PM about it did they?
God people are so...what's the word...*wacky*...I guess...will work.
I mean, c'mon though, you've got to expect some people to complain about how you *haven't* said *anything* about the lag issues, I mean afterall, they didn't recieve a personal PM about it did they?

God people are so...what's the word...*wacky*...I guess...will work.
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Alex Weekes
It's frustrating, I know. I play on Europe. I've seen and experienced the lag myself.
Should we switch to american servers to avoid the lag?
Will the american server be able to handle the additional load, if we all were to switch?
Should we stay in europe, grind our teeth and soldier on?
Originally Posted by TheStonedOne
Alot of players prolly already left to U.S servers.
And the longer the lag stays the more wil go . Thus most likely unbalancing who holds the favor even more. |

Hi all,
I just want to address a message to Alex Weekes and Gaile Gray, saying that despite the fact that the lag problem is really annoying, there's lots of peolple here who trust in your work, lots of peolple knowing that you will do the best to resolve the problem, and lots of people staying on the european server...
Just try to make as fast as possible
I just want to address a message to Alex Weekes and Gaile Gray, saying that despite the fact that the lag problem is really annoying, there's lots of peolple here who trust in your work, lots of peolple knowing that you will do the best to resolve the problem, and lots of people staying on the european server...
Just try to make as fast as possible

How can it get any more unbalanced? Can the number of favor minutes EU has actually go below zero? |
Originally Posted by DrSLUGFly
Sure, 16 patches may seem like a lot to the untrained eye... but any who has played ANY other game, online or otherwise would realize that in 3 months, an average of 4.5 patches per month is chump change... why, the worst of dev teams update an average 5 times per week!
are you being serious? ive played games with about 1 patch a month if i we were lucky, this is a free game, its nice enough of anet to even put patches and add new stuff, i honestly dont care if they never even did any patches because all i payed was $50. |
P.S. I love NCSoft support. I can't believe how quickly they respond to all of my e-mails
[QUOTE=Drakron]I happen to use the /bug command and type a problem but heck I doubt anyone reads then so I am not going to even bother anymore.

Really angry over no updates o.O Perhaps from now on they should just release updates like this:
Added an extra comma.
This way no one would complain :P
Added an extra comma.
This way no one would complain :P
Threads like this are an incredible waste of space and bandwith.
And they come from the same people. What a surprise.
And they come from the same people. What a surprise.