/end silliness
I really don't mean anything by this so no one get your knickers in a knot.
One thought though: When you see who has favor, is it spelled "favor" or "favour"? Just one of those random questions that popped into my head.

Originally Posted by Feli
Here, dear Guildwars Guru Community, you see the reason why europe commonly sucks when it comes to Favor.
Let's wait it! Yeah, let's wait for others to do our work. This is just unbearable. Imagine the following situation, an european person is drowning in a small pool which is about 1 metre deep. Instead of just calming down, standing up and simply walking out of the water the european person keeps on screaming for help. |
Originally Posted by Lyger
Europe is NOT a single nation, or a single country. I am in England myself. Part of the grand idea of Europe, but my first allegiance is to my country - England. The same can *usually* be said of the French, Germans, Italians...pick one.
Kaldor Meshekal
Originally Posted by Fantus
Nonsense. You can't win a war when you have like 200,000 soldiers and the enemy has like 6 million or so.
Catalin Dracul
Originally Posted by Feli
Yes. But when you are fighting in Guildwars, the maximum number of opponents you are fighting is 40 and those not even all at the same time. Most of the time you are fighting 8 on 8 or maybe 8 on 16. But not 200.000 against 6 million.
Snuk the Great
Snuk the Great
Originally Posted by BurningPants
I'm surprised they haven't just changed the name of the three main servers (or split 1 server to make a total of four) and give them non-real world names. When a player creates a new character have them select one of the new servers instead of just placing them on the basis of geographical location.
Originally Posted by Feli
So useless to try and convince scared europeans. No matter which argument they prefer being a sitting duck and chickening out. What the hell do i care if there are 200 other teams fighting at the same moment in DIFFERENT Instances? Do they bother me? No, not at all. I'll just fight the better ones of those in the Hall of Heroes.
And if everyone is evenly skilled... yes what? |
Originally Posted by Fantus
...that's a very dumb assumption to make. |
Originally Posted by Feli
Your argument is very dumb. Fact.
Originally Posted by Feli
Your argument is very dumb. Fact. Don't like your arguments getting called dumb? Don't do it then.
Do the Koreans have to put up teams which are destroying the other teams? No. Do the Americans have to put up teams which are destroying the other teams? No. So why oh bloody hell, should europe have to? That is just nonsense. Take a random team of 8 players(friends). Force them to play Tombs one week long, two hours each day. Everyday in the same team with the same people. By the end of the week they have seen all trendwh_ore builds in Tombs and the Hall of Heroes. It will take about one day of combined brainpower to work out a counter to it and start fighting for real. Watch them get the favor a few days or more. Then watch the counters to THEIR Strategy flowing in. Watch them adapt... et voila we have a team that can put up a fight and get europe the favor. All it takes is a bit of dedication. You don't need to be ubergood to pull of something. By YOUR argument you're assuming the other teams are perfect. Nothing is perfect and especially in guildwars there is a counter to everything. But once again this is what i am saying all the time. Europeans chicken out. And your post my friend is yet another proof. You can stop with those now though, i know europe is "teh suxx0r" when it comes to morale and initiative. /edit: To make it clear, i don't want the PVErs to make PVP. Hell, let them do what they want. I do both and can really understand them. I am speaking about the PVPers in Europe who are so fricking affraid of other teams they probably lose due to real bad morale. |
Mayar third Keeper
Originally Posted by Fantus
Fact??? So go ahead and prove me wrong! Produce a team that can win HoH every time it enters (or even 75% of the time). As long as you can't do that (AND YOU CAN'T, RIGHT?), I will stick to what I said. Period.
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe even takes PRIDE in whining how useless everything is, thats just weird.
Originally Posted by Fantus
It's not called "whining", it's called "math".
But since you are obviously not able or willing to understand anything I am saying, I will end this discussion now. |
Originally Posted by Feli
It's called whining the second you hurry over to boards and beg Arena.net to change it. And math is nice and whatever, but math doesn't apply to all parts of life.
Snuk the Great
Originally Posted by Antagonist
A little off-topic: That's not true. Most of our reality (probably all of it) can be described with math.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Feli
math doesn't apply to all parts of life.
Originally Posted by Feli
Go on, live in fear of the koreans and americans then. Thank you, they'll say. It's cowards and people with a zero morale attitude like you who help them win.
Originally Posted by Feli
So which discussion exactly do you want to end again?
Originally Posted by Antagonist
A little off-topic: That's not true. Most of our reality (probably all of it) can be described with math.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Snuk the Great
Europeans are no cowards, where did you ever get that idea? Never asume that Europeans are afraid. They rather dont give a crap then be afraid. And why in hell would they be afraid!? Its a game for crying out loud!
Originally Posted by Fantus
As a matter of fact it does. |
Thanks for attacking me personally. Read my posts carefully again and you will see that I ALWAYS attacked only your arguments, not your person. Grow up, kid! Get some manners! |
Above I was announcing my intent to leave to American servers and you attacked me for it. THAT discussion I am going to end. |
Mugon M. Musashi
Originally Posted by Feli
Describe Love
Originally Posted by Feli
Describe Love
Describe Friendship Describe Passion Describe Dedication [...] Describe Logic Describe Luck Describe Skill |
Snuk the Great
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe wants the favor (good)
Europe is really happy when it has the favor (good) 9/10 European Teams have people who quit a PVP Battle right away when the opponent is korea or america (bad) |
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe is convinced they are inferior for some made up reasons (bad)
Europe thinks they stand no chance against mediocre Korean or American Teams (very bad) |
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe is emigrating to other realms because they are afraid they actually would have to do something for their favor (very bad)
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe is constantly whining in the forums and ask Arena.net to fix the mess they caused themselves (poor)
Originally Posted by Feli
Now let us all face it, and try to be honest at least ONCE.
Originally Posted by Feli
Europe wants the favor really bad, but instead of going and actually fighting for it, they put their heads into some sand dunes and hope for it to be over soon.
True or not? I say true and i have put quite a LOT of arguments. You say not true, but failed to give a single argument (all of you who try to bash me and fail so miserably) |
Originally Posted by Feli
And about numbers. You are simply not outnumbered in Guildwars. Prove me wrong, no one of you did. When exactly are you and your team outnumbered again? In that 1 on 1 scenario? In that 1on1on1 scenario? Only in the last of those two there is a very small chance of being outnumbered if you don't attack straight away and of give them time to make up pacts.
Why do you even care about what the other teams do at the same time? Let it be 5000 teams against 1 European team. As long as those don't fight on the same map (and they simply don't do so) you are far from being outnumbered. |
Originally Posted by Feli
You don't have to be the uber professional to have a chance of winning in the hall of heroes. You know... there are other bad teams too. I don't believe Europe is really that narrow minded in the head to understand that.
Originally Posted by Feli
And yes, it is cowardess to leave a pvp battle right away when the other team is a korean team. They might own you miserably or you actually might own them real bad. Yet europe allways chickens out and runs home. What is this? It is neither pride nor bravery and it is no common sense.
Which losses are you collecting again? What exactly do you lose when they own you real bad? Maybe 3-4 Minutes of your life, boohoo... what a loss, let's all give up and cry arena.net a river so you can get over it while the two other realms are laughing at how europe behaves every time. |
Originally Posted by art_
what is it with people and resurrecting *really* old threads?
Kool Pajamas
The Mighty Toe