Solution to Nature's Renewal
I am proposing that Nature's Renewal be made an elite skill. This way, it is not usable with Oath Shot, and spirits are not as spammable if the player uses Nature's Renewal. However, I also propose that the cast time for Nature's be decreased to 3 seconds, so while it is interruptable, it is not as easy to interrupt, in order to compensate for not being able to use Oath Shot. This allows Nature's Renewal to still play a role in PvP, but it is not as dominant. Please let me know what you think of this idea.
Red Sonya
Nerf It!

I've always sort of wondered why it wasn't elite already. Seems to me that is has a far more powerful effect than say... Greater Conflagration, and that one IS elite. I think this is a very reasonable solution.
How about you develop the skills to beat it instead of having the means handed to you on a platter?
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
How about you develop the skills to beat it instead of having the means handed to you on a platter?
Como Fort
Yet another nerf aimed at ranger teams. You don't hear anyone ever complaining about ele spike teams or smiting teams, its always about the rangers. This has to be the 4th post now where I've been seeing a topic about nerfing Natures Renewal. Instead of continually making new posts about this, just post in the other hundreds of 'lets nerf these ranger faggots' threads. kthxbyeculater
Its a good possible counter. However, it is true that people are going to have to learn to build around, not just complain and wait for the nerfbat. Yes, i know lots of skills are 'useless', but its a strat game, and when someone comes up with something more powerful than you have, isnt half the game working out how to beat it? And natures renewal can be beat. If it point blank couldnt be beaten id 100% agree with you. For now, ill leave it at 50%, and stay on my fence.
Seems to me the key to beating this is to switch from using enchantments and hexes to using other skills and attacks.
I note that Nature's Renewal requires a 60 second warm-up time. That's a full minute in which it cannot be cast again. If the team is composed of nothing but rangers, they could probably spam it, but between interrupting them, and using elementist spike damaging attacks, you could probably give a ranger team relying upon this something of a run for their money.
I note that Nature's Renewal requires a 60 second warm-up time. That's a full minute in which it cannot be cast again. If the team is composed of nothing but rangers, they could probably spam it, but between interrupting them, and using elementist spike damaging attacks, you could probably give a ranger team relying upon this something of a run for their money.
your forgot about Oath shot, if it hits all our spells recharge instantly

Originally Posted by Kaospryx
I am proposing that Nature's Renewal be made an elite skill. This way, it is not usable with Oath Shot, and spirits are not as spammable if the player uses Nature's Renewal. However, I also propose that the cast time for Nature's be decreased to 3 seconds, so while it is interruptable, it is not as easy to interrupt, in order to compensate for not being able to use Oath Shot. This allows Nature's Renewal to still play a role in PvP, but it is not as dominant. Please let me know what you think of this idea.
WILL EVERYONE STOP MAKING THREADS ABOUT TRYING TO NERF GOD DAMN NATURES RENEWAL FOR GODS SAKE! If your gonna do it, do it in the same thread or just don't do it at all. Don't continuously make threads about it, people do get the point.
Another thing to say...
STOP MOANING ABOUT RANGER TEAMS, smiting teams are used more than ranger teams now, they're the latest flavour of the month, moan about them for once and how using balthazzars aura is stupid as warriors dont even have to attack anymore they just run around in circles next to people in battles to do damage.
Oh no wait, your a monk your gonna moan about rangers instead of keeping on about other strategies which work for you, yeh, everyone knows they may need nerfing or changing but they don't need to be told every 5 minutes

Honestly... as a necromancer, it really is an annoyingly powerful skill. Any skill that literally doubles all my casting times is just way too much. Unless I use the puny blood spells, it makes it nearly impossible to do anything. My entire curses line is nearly worthless... I think Mesmers have a similar problem but a lot of their PvP potential isnt as bound within hexes since some of it can be in interrupts and certain energy denial spells like energy tap or energy drain etc. This spell also really hurts monks...
Any ranger team with Nature's Renewal will basically not bring hex based necros nor will they probably bring hex based mesmers... I mean, being able to prepare around such a powerful ability is way too much. It can literally make 1-2 players nearly worthless on an enemy team...
Any ranger team with Nature's Renewal will basically not bring hex based necros nor will they probably bring hex based mesmers... I mean, being able to prepare around such a powerful ability is way too much. It can literally make 1-2 players nearly worthless on an enemy team...
Calnaion Blackhawk
jesus christ, why pester the rangers? they are the only class that have nothing that they can call their own, mesmers - spellbreakers | warriors - tanks | monks - Healers |
RANGERS?? what do the do, they have no main elite to use like "word of healing" or "energy surge" why not stop complaining and figure out a way to counter it?!? stop being such a whining wimp and use your brains instead of trying to just get it lowered in power, remember, RAnger teams have monks aswell, and you dont see them complaining do you? NO, if they can keep the whole ranger team alive, why cant the rest of you do it instead of trying to get your easy to cast enchantments where u cast it then forget about it, use some skills and use spells instead of enchantments and stop being such a whining lil bitch
RANGERS?? what do the do, they have no main elite to use like "word of healing" or "energy surge" why not stop complaining and figure out a way to counter it?!? stop being such a whining wimp and use your brains instead of trying to just get it lowered in power, remember, RAnger teams have monks aswell, and you dont see them complaining do you? NO, if they can keep the whole ranger team alive, why cant the rest of you do it instead of trying to get your easy to cast enchantments where u cast it then forget about it, use some skills and use spells instead of enchantments and stop being such a whining lil bitch
Making NR elite doesn't make it less spammable.
Originally Posted by Timoz
A few things to say...
WILL EVERYONE STOP MAKING THREADS ABOUT TRYING TO NERF GOD DAMN NATURES RENEWAL FOR GODS SAKE! If your gonna do it, do it in the same thread or just don't do it at all. Don't continuously make threads about it, people do get the point. Another thing to say... STOP MOANING ABOUT RANGER TEAMS, smiting teams are used more than ranger teams now, they're the latest flavour of the month, moan about them for once and how using balthazzars aura is stupid as warriors dont even have to attack anymore they just run around in circles next to people in battles to do damage. Oh no wait, your a monk your gonna moan about rangers instead of keeping on about other strategies which work for you, yeh, everyone knows they may need nerfing or changing but they don't need to be told every 5 minutes ![]() |
I have multiple characters, not just a monk. In fact, my main character and first character IS a ranger. If you guys don't want to see or read about NR, don't open this topic. If you want to read about "nerfing" other things, go open another topic. Yes, there are lots of topics that want to nerf NR, this is a different and POSSIBLE solution. If you don't like it, that's great, but if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it and go away, it's that simple, didn't your mommy ever teach you manners? The reason why I said NR should be elite is so that it cannot be spamed WITH oath shot. If you actually took the time to read my original post instead of assuming I wanted NR nerfed because I persoannly could not handle it, then you'd realize that this is a tradeoff...the cast time for NR is reduced, making it LESS easy to be interrupted, but so that it is not able to cast immediately thereafter with oath shot recharge.
The Human Torch
Making it elite doesnt really help. It's very possibly to have more than 1 elite on a skillbar at a time.
Hows about YOU read through the forum and don't start ANOTHER thread of which there are ALREADY about 10 of, i repeatadly reply on a lot of these threads as people continuously say the same things over and over again, this is NO different, not only would the solution not work but its the same as the rest..
Why another thread on this? why why why. Look through the forums, search for something on this please everyone stop repeatadly starting threads on the same thing... and for gods sake will everyone stop trying to get everything nerfed which they cannot counter. It's soon gonna turn into the kind of game people try to get everything nerfed they cant deal with, what a strategy game! what a good strategy game! Let's hope anet don't take into account half the nerfing people want done.
Not having a moan at you inparticular Kaospryx.
Why another thread on this? why why why. Look through the forums, search for something on this please everyone stop repeatadly starting threads on the same thing... and for gods sake will everyone stop trying to get everything nerfed which they cannot counter. It's soon gonna turn into the kind of game people try to get everything nerfed they cant deal with, what a strategy game! what a good strategy game! Let's hope anet don't take into account half the nerfing people want done.
Not having a moan at you inparticular Kaospryx.

If you people who are whining saying "stop nerfing rangers!!" or whatever would possibly READ the other threads, and not just come in with intention to pick a fight, you would learn that some of the top guilds in the game, who regularly use and abuse spirit spamming, that THEY think its over powerful as well, and no, there is NO EFFECTIVE COUNTER TO SPIRIT SPAMMING. If you dont get in there before those spirits start going up, you just lost, period. I dont care how good you think you are, you cannot "spike" someone with over 1000HP, you just cant do it. And dont even think about energy regen enchantments, or elite ele hexes, not happening under NR spam.
As far as making it elite... they cant at this point, its a good idea, but it would be easier to say oath shot only recharges your ATTACK skills or something, then NR spamming would stop, really quick, with serpents and quickening, that will drop you down in the 25-30 second range, so its STILL semi-spammable, but not every 5 seconds (or less) like how it is ATM.
The thing thats soo annoying about NR/SS builds: In order to beat one, you have to do it first, you have to get to the altar first. Smite teams may be the "flavor of the month" but smite vs an entrenched spirit group? guess who wins.
There is NO strategy to your team build in pvp anymore, there are group archetypes, and basically anything that isnt spirit group, gets pwned by entrenched spirit groups.
As far as making it elite... they cant at this point, its a good idea, but it would be easier to say oath shot only recharges your ATTACK skills or something, then NR spamming would stop, really quick, with serpents and quickening, that will drop you down in the 25-30 second range, so its STILL semi-spammable, but not every 5 seconds (or less) like how it is ATM.
The thing thats soo annoying about NR/SS builds: In order to beat one, you have to do it first, you have to get to the altar first. Smite teams may be the "flavor of the month" but smite vs an entrenched spirit group? guess who wins.
There is NO strategy to your team build in pvp anymore, there are group archetypes, and basically anything that isnt spirit group, gets pwned by entrenched spirit groups.
Damon Windwalker
Just an observation - if you are going to propose a "solution," you really need to state the problem that you are trying to "solve."
Ffs he already said he has ways to counter it.
It's about having an effect so great that it should be considered an Elite. I don't recall seein' a skill that has so many effects that isn't Elite.
It's about having an effect so great that it should be considered an Elite. I don't recall seein' a skill that has so many effects that isn't Elite.
The OP is hoping continuing the "Nerf NR" cry will finally fall into the dev's ears, and I dont blame him. Making it an elite is not a solution at all. Think of an 8-ranger team with Quickening Zephyr and Serpents Quickness. They can spam NR all day 
Leave the "how" of balancing to the devs. They sure do know about the problem.

Leave the "how" of balancing to the devs. They sure do know about the problem.
Dan Mega
If you think there is no effective counter to spirit spamming, it means that you are just not good enough to counter it.
The difference being Anarkii that it would take the entire team to spam it instead of just one person. Not to mention that having Quickening Zephyr up will affect both teams casters in a whole new diretion. The current combination of OS and NR puts a lot of anti-hex+enchantment power in the hands of one player.
That one ranger can effectivly shut down all enchantments and hexes for both teams for the entire match. Leaving the rest of his team free to do whatever they need to instead of using up skill slots (and time) to maintain spirits. Not to mention that there's extended coordination required to keep the spirits popping up correctly (if a couple folks drop NR at the same time... then you've missed out on one or more removals).
That one ranger can effectivly shut down all enchantments and hexes for both teams for the entire match. Leaving the rest of his team free to do whatever they need to instead of using up skill slots (and time) to maintain spirits. Not to mention that there's extended coordination required to keep the spirits popping up correctly (if a couple folks drop NR at the same time... then you've missed out on one or more removals).
I agree Kao, making Nature's Renewal an elite would help. Not sure why greater conflag is an elite and NR isn't... could just swap them and make greater conflag a non-elite.
Tellani Artini
Greater conflagaration eliminates physical damage from the game, making a fair number of skills (notably necro enchants/hexes) useless. Sound familiar? Yeah, I think it needs to stay elite.
Winter does the same thing though, just cold damage and it's non-elite. So does elementalists conjure flame/frost/lightning.
Winter does NOT do the same thing. Conflag makes all PHYSICAL damage into fire damage. Winter only changes other ELEMENTAL damage into cold damage. Definately a difference as Tellani mentioned because many hexes are triggered by physical damage. At the same time however, making NR elite would at least reduce it's abusability with Oath Shot.
Ahh you're right, I always thought it was all damage, not just elemental damage lol. No wonder people think I'm crazy when I suggest it in builds. Back to the OP though, NR is probably the most powerful non-elite skill in the game. There are counters to it, it's just tough to counter. When you combine it with oath shot, you really only need 1 ranger on your team to spam it.
Tellani Artini
Originally Posted by kyeo138
Winter does the same thing though, just cold damage and it's non-elite. So does elementalists conjure flame/frost/lightning.
The only skills winter really shuts down are 2 conjures, iron mist, glimmering mark, thunderclap, mark of rodgort, and elemental mantras other than frost. It buffs mantra of frost against elemental teams. There are +15 armor vs. cold damage armor sets for rangers and elementalists. It nullifies all non-hydromancer/fur-lined elemental sets for rangers and elementalists. That's pretty mild for a ritual.
Then there's greater conflagaration. Skills shut down by conflag: Winnowing, physical resistance, dark bond, order of pain, order of the vampire (GWG skill descriptions are inaccurate), barbs, mark of pain, weaken armor, essence bond, and shields up. By itself, it buffs elemental resistance (want a +40 armor stance in constant effect for 10 energy every 45 seconds?) and grasping earth, nullifies warrior and necro bonelace armor bonuses, and buffs all ranger armor and monk wanderer armor. When used along with winter, it buffs mantra of frost (want ~40% damage reduction and free energy?) and makes the +15 armor vs. cold sets for rangers and elementalists look pretty good.
Neither ritual is useful without skills and equipment to back it up. Elemental resistance is a pretty obvious use for greater conflag, and the winter+mantra of frost addition is an extremely powerful defense if you can keep the spirits alive. Toss in fertile season and symbiosis and you've got double-health spirits with extra armor. Now laugh as the other team feebly attempts to kill your ghostly hero/guild lord while your mantra of frosted monks are stacking enchants and getting free energy. This is the whole point of "spirit spam" in tombs, and it's nice for griefing in GvG. You don't see greater conflag used much these days because oath shot is a better elite for spirit maintenance. Would we still see NR abuse if it were elite?
Winter doesn't eliminate Physical damage from the field; it only changes elemental damage to Cold.
Coming from a Ranger myself, I think making it an elite is a good idea. I don't think it NR is very overpowered at all, but I think it would balance things out.
Many Ranger spirit spammers forget the whole reason behind the build. It wasn't made soley for killing off hexes/enchantments, it was created to be able to take Spike Teams "Spike" and shrug it off. When I try to get a spirit spam team PUG, nobody has Frostbound, Matra of Frost, Winter, or Greater Conflagration but me. Making NR an elite will NOT kill off TRUE Spirit teams.
Also, I play as a Necromancer, so I understand where others are coming from and why they are frustrated. You say "Your either running it or you getting hurt by it" or "Just don't use enchantments/hexes". When you say this, you are telling me to either play a Death Necro and wait over corpse like a vulture or to quit the profession all together. Same thing goes for Protection Monks.
Yes, there are counters for NR. However, I prefer that I actually contribute to the counter in some way. I cannot contribute as a Necro who's hexes are constantly being stripped away by one skill and making my cast time twice as long.
Making NR an Elite would most deinitaly help the spammability. To be blunt, if everyone in your spirit spam team is a spirit spammers, your team is doomed to fail. If NR is an Elite, that means that some of your team members have to choose between NR, Greater Conflag., or Oath Shot for the other spirits. The end result would be that you would see less NR spam. The skill itself is not overpowered, but when combined with Oath Shot, the balance is questionable.
Keep in mind that this is all coming from a Spirit Ranger. To be honest, I really don't enjoy the fact that when people think of "Spirit Spam", they automaticaly think of Nature's Renewal and not their spectacular defence towards Elemental attacks.
Again, I don't see making NR as an elite would be much of a nerf, simply a differance in the playing style of current Spirit Spam teams.
Coming from a Ranger myself, I think making it an elite is a good idea. I don't think it NR is very overpowered at all, but I think it would balance things out.
Many Ranger spirit spammers forget the whole reason behind the build. It wasn't made soley for killing off hexes/enchantments, it was created to be able to take Spike Teams "Spike" and shrug it off. When I try to get a spirit spam team PUG, nobody has Frostbound, Matra of Frost, Winter, or Greater Conflagration but me. Making NR an elite will NOT kill off TRUE Spirit teams.
Also, I play as a Necromancer, so I understand where others are coming from and why they are frustrated. You say "Your either running it or you getting hurt by it" or "Just don't use enchantments/hexes". When you say this, you are telling me to either play a Death Necro and wait over corpse like a vulture or to quit the profession all together. Same thing goes for Protection Monks.
Yes, there are counters for NR. However, I prefer that I actually contribute to the counter in some way. I cannot contribute as a Necro who's hexes are constantly being stripped away by one skill and making my cast time twice as long.
Making NR an Elite would most deinitaly help the spammability. To be blunt, if everyone in your spirit spam team is a spirit spammers, your team is doomed to fail. If NR is an Elite, that means that some of your team members have to choose between NR, Greater Conflag., or Oath Shot for the other spirits. The end result would be that you would see less NR spam. The skill itself is not overpowered, but when combined with Oath Shot, the balance is questionable.
Keep in mind that this is all coming from a Spirit Ranger. To be honest, I really don't enjoy the fact that when people think of "Spirit Spam", they automaticaly think of Nature's Renewal and not their spectacular defence towards Elemental attacks.
Again, I don't see making NR as an elite would be much of a nerf, simply a differance in the playing style of current Spirit Spam teams.
Originally Posted by Damon Windwalker
Just an observation - if you are going to propose a "solution," you really need to state the problem that you are trying to "solve."
Before all you yell at me for "not being able to find a counter," and how this will make rangers "suck again," listen up. I KNOW you can counter almost every build. I KNOW you can counter NR. If you think this will make rangers shunned, why don't you have some food for thought: Rangers can be deadly in pvp and pve without spirits, maybe YOU should use some strategy and come up with one.
I know it is possible to have 8 rangers and spam spirits still, but how easy would it be for you to heal and deal damage? The point is not to make NR ineffective, the point is to BALANCE it. Hey, I like rangers too. Disallowing the use of other elites with NR would make it not as effective to spam spirits with only 1 or 2 rangers, so you have to sacrifice some healing and firepower if you still want to use it.
Another thing is, I don't see why not they can't make NR elite. Just let everyone that already has it keep it, but turn it elite. They are coming up with bosses in Sorrow's and Grenth's Footprint, one for each class, why not just make the ranger one carry NR as elite? I know I may sound harsh, but I want to get my point across.
emil knight
You know there is one thing you guys are all forgetting... NR makes it so EVERYONE'S spells recharge slower... it affects the ranger/casters as well. This is why NR is NOT an elite and we get Oath Shot... so we can get OUR skills recharged despie being under NR.
Hell if they nerf this... I want to see them nerf Backfire for Mesmers too... everytime someone casts a spell they get damaged for huge amounts? Yeah, ok, that's just as fair... or how about Empathy?
The same arguments that you have against NR can be made about skills for every other profession...
Leave the rangers alone, we already get very little respect.
Hell if they nerf this... I want to see them nerf Backfire for Mesmers too... everytime someone casts a spell they get damaged for huge amounts? Yeah, ok, that's just as fair... or how about Empathy?
The same arguments that you have against NR can be made about skills for every other profession...
Leave the rangers alone, we already get very little respect.
Originally Posted by emil knight
You know there is one thing you guys are all forgetting... NR makes it so EVERYONE'S spells recharge slower... it affects the ranger/casters as well. This is why NR is NOT an elite and we get Oath Shot... so we can get OUR skills recharged despie being under NR.
Hell if they nerf this... I want to see them nerf Backfire for Mesmers too... everytime someone casts a spell they get damaged for huge amounts? Yeah, ok, that's just as fair... or how about Empathy? The same arguments that you have against NR can be made about skills for every other profession... Leave the rangers alone, we already get very little respect. |
emil knight
Originally Posted by Kaospryx
Wrong. It does not make ALL SPELLS recharge slower. It makes ENCHANTMENTS and HEXES take longer to cast. A marks ranger uses ATTACK SKILLS and STANCES and SPELLS, not ENCHANTMENTS and HEXES. There's many hex remover skills for backfire and empathy, and they only affect ONE person, not the whole map. Remove hex, shatter hex, hex breaker, smite hex...etc. Like many others have previously said, if you had taken the time to actually read, NR is not as EASILY countered as many other skills.
A Ranger shouldn't have to go into PvP relying on it's secondary class for taking enemies down. Taking the only edge they have against spell casters away would take them OUT of PvP all together.
Como Fort
What people are missing here seems to be the fact that spirits are NOT invincible. Jesus get a Warrior with Balthazaars Aura to stand next to it and it will be dead in about 3 seconds. Stop trying to get it turned into an elite, because you KNOW its NOT gonna happen. How about next time you either target the Ranger who is laying it or the spirit itself? Stop crying about how it removes all your spells and start using some skill. These kind of topics are really beginning to annoy me now. Can we just please leave the already underated and eventually useless Rangers alone?
Originally Posted by Como Fort
What people are missing here seems to be the fact that spirits are NOT invincible. Jesus get a Warrior with Balthazaars Aura to stand next to it and it will be dead in about 3 seconds.
When it is summoned all enchantments and hexes on all players within it's area of effect (read: all the players) are removed.
While it's active, they take longer to cast.
Now then, killing the spirit does not reinstate our enchantments and hexes. We need to cast them all again. With the spirit dead, that is faster than when it's alive, but still, using Oath Shot, rangers can summon another one soon. No more enchantments/hexes.
This reduces Necros to using death magic or some useless blood magic. No more curses, many of which are very good.
Protection monks lose all point.
Mesmers can't use any of their numerous useful hexes anymore.
Teams built to spam this don't lose anything, as they don't bring hexes or enchantments.
The only counter is to increase the recharge on oath shot, or interrupt the ritual. Which isn't so effective if there are 8 people doing this. You'd need 8 people who are capable of knockdown and increaseing skill recharge times, as it isn't a spell so skills that disrupt spells don't work on it.
EDIT: "Target the ranger that's summoning it." Now, you try that when it's 6 rangers with NR spam, and 2 healer monks.
Wow that NR penalize all my hex and enchancement
wow what should say the warrior?
Ward against melee , aegis, blind spell,dust trap , wirling defence , gladiator stance ,bonetti defence , guardian , distortion ,ecc ecc ecc ...
wow what should say the warrior?
Ward against melee , aegis, blind spell,dust trap , wirling defence , gladiator stance ,bonetti defence , guardian , distortion ,ecc ecc ecc ...
yeah no kidding ... think outside the box then. It seems to be the current flavour of the month ... "omfg thats so cheap azz NR, FS, SB, Oath shot ... wtf u n00b suXX0rs ... your dead"
holy crap ... for the amount of SS teams their are ... a team should have no trouble running up and taking the hall with the counter ... read the skills and build a counter yourself... they cant use hexes and enchants either ... so beat em at their game ... just read the skills ...
holy crap ... for the amount of SS teams their are ... a team should have no trouble running up and taking the hall with the counter ... read the skills and build a counter yourself... they cant use hexes and enchants either ... so beat em at their game ... just read the skills ...
Red Sonya
Originally Posted by emil knight
You know there is one thing you guys are all forgetting... NR makes it so EVERYONE'S spells recharge slower... it affects the ranger/casters as well. This is why NR is NOT an elite and we get Oath Shot... so we can get OUR skills recharged despie being under NR.
Hell if they nerf this... I want to see them nerf Backfire for Mesmers too... everytime someone casts a spell they get damaged for huge amounts? Yeah, ok, that's just as fair... or how about Empathy? The same arguments that you have against NR can be made about skills for every other profession... Leave the rangers alone, we already get very little respect. |

Originally Posted by lishi
Wow that NR penalize all my hex and enchancement
wow what should say the warrior? Ward against melee , aegis, blind spell,dust trap , wirling defence , gladiator stance ,bonetti defence , guardian , distortion ,ecc ecc ecc ... |
Originally Posted by stumpy
yeah no kidding ... think outside the box then. It seems to be the current flavour of the month ... "omfg thats so cheap azz NR, FS, SB, Oath shot ... wtf u n00b suXX0rs ... your dead"
holy crap ... for the amount of SS teams their are ... a team should have no trouble running up and taking the hall with the counter ... read the skills and build a counter yourself... they cant use hexes and enchants either ... so beat em at their game ... just read the skills ... |