Guild Hall NPC Additions / Improvements
Here is my idea:
Guilds need more stuff to work for and to kinda have as a goal. I'd like to see some high difficulty PvE rewards for guilds, the rewards include things like NPC characters.
Sometimes the NPCs will be easy and be purchasable, sometimes they will require specific items maybe (but be aware these items will go way up in value...). With quest unlocks, try to diversify it like have say some quests require maybe to be completed by a guild in a certain timeframe. Have it such that Quest A and Quest B and Quest C need to be completed within 10 minutes of each other. Thus, three groups must each adventure at the same time and be successful to unlock NPC A. This makes it where a guild with just say 8 great people would work and leave the others out.
They can also have certain requirements like a certain percentage of the map needs to be explored by the guild as a whole.
One concern: Have certain things require a character to have specific regions explored before they can say buy droknar's level armor from the guild crafter. That way it doesnt make an level 5 character easily able to use droknar's armor. Same might go for skills etc.
NPCs I would like to see and suggest benefits/rewards for them would include:
1) Guild Lord: Can have information such as guild messages, a calendar of events, etc. Have different features that cost either gold, items, or preferably quests to unlock.
2) Xunlai Agent: Simple quest to unlock possibly...
3) Guild Treasurer: Requires a quest to hire him (say rescue his daughter from a huge boss, some glint sized boss that isnt as easy as just interruption) and requires gold and granite (give these more of a purpose!) to construct the vault.
4) Skill Trainers (one for each class): Each requires a series of quests to hire and then more quests to allow each specific one to teach more and more skills (a necromancer skill trainer will only gain skills if a necromancer skill trainer quest is completed). At a certain point, it will be able to teach every skill that can be taught be a necromancer trainer in every city. If there would be arena problems due to this (that running somehow doesnt allow already...)
5) Guild Flag Bearer. A patrolling NPC that carries the flag around a certain patrol route. The purpose here is more to have a bit more activity going on. The flag bearer can also be paid certain gold and maybe rare dropped or quest dropped items to make it where the GVG flag looks the same as your guild's cape.
6) Guards. These are present in GvG but not in the hall all the time? I suggest have them either de-facto in the hall or have certain regions where a guard NPC will randomly spawn. You can pay them certain items or money to be hired at your guild hall and hold "post." If they randomly spawn, you can find some sort of remote locations...maybe underworld quests where you actually bring them back to the living...
7) Guild Armor Crafter. Maybe a FoW quest. Also maybe requires a certain percent of your guild to have FoW or Citadel armor. This would once again add more PvE goals for a guild. Can pay money to upgrade his forge to design different armors.
8) Merchants and other traders. I say for these have different random dropped item quests. Have these drops be completely random and maybe even have the item requirements change randomly every few days so taht there isnt inflation on a specific item.
9) Guild Historian. Keeps a detailed easy to view log of GvG combat. Might be nice to even include records like which guild members participated, how long it lasted, and if possible what classes were used by both teams. Maybe as you complete more quests, he offers more stuff. Can also contain ladder information etc. that is on the Anet website.
10) Guild Harbormaster. Have an NPC with a boat that you can, once unlocked, merely travel to visit the other guildhalls to get an idea what they look like. This will also be helpful to know the terrain so that once you do GvG against those halls you will have an idea what they look like.
11) Fisherman. I liked the suggestion of a fishing minigame that keeps track of the biggest catch. Can look very cheesy and still be fun and cute... wouldnt be hard to program in.
12) Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.
13) Gambler. Simple games can be unlocked, have the odds always against the player so its more of a gold sink than a gold earning tactic. Once again, easy to impliment and would be enjoyed.
14) Guild Messenger. Officers can send letters to other guilds (such as "we challenge you at this time etc to an unrated GvG") and letters can be designated as readable by "officers only" or "general membership." All letters are posted and readable for a certain period of days. Possibly a defacto guild NPC.
15) Jester. Tells random weekly/daily jokes that Anet makes. Could even use community message boards to suggest weekly jokes and give credit to posters. People would love something like this. Keep it appropriate, of course.
I'll try to think of more, along with decorative ideas. Have for example some guild quests to slay a massive dragon that spawns only a certain percent of the time. If it spawns and they can kill it, then a large dragon skull drops a certain percent of the time. That skull, if dropped, can be displayed in the guild hall.
Some of these things have been suggested before so I do not claim to have complete authorship of all these ideas.
Guilds need more stuff to work for and to kinda have as a goal. I'd like to see some high difficulty PvE rewards for guilds, the rewards include things like NPC characters.
Sometimes the NPCs will be easy and be purchasable, sometimes they will require specific items maybe (but be aware these items will go way up in value...). With quest unlocks, try to diversify it like have say some quests require maybe to be completed by a guild in a certain timeframe. Have it such that Quest A and Quest B and Quest C need to be completed within 10 minutes of each other. Thus, three groups must each adventure at the same time and be successful to unlock NPC A. This makes it where a guild with just say 8 great people would work and leave the others out.
They can also have certain requirements like a certain percentage of the map needs to be explored by the guild as a whole.
One concern: Have certain things require a character to have specific regions explored before they can say buy droknar's level armor from the guild crafter. That way it doesnt make an level 5 character easily able to use droknar's armor. Same might go for skills etc.
NPCs I would like to see and suggest benefits/rewards for them would include:
1) Guild Lord: Can have information such as guild messages, a calendar of events, etc. Have different features that cost either gold, items, or preferably quests to unlock.
2) Xunlai Agent: Simple quest to unlock possibly...
3) Guild Treasurer: Requires a quest to hire him (say rescue his daughter from a huge boss, some glint sized boss that isnt as easy as just interruption) and requires gold and granite (give these more of a purpose!) to construct the vault.
4) Skill Trainers (one for each class): Each requires a series of quests to hire and then more quests to allow each specific one to teach more and more skills (a necromancer skill trainer will only gain skills if a necromancer skill trainer quest is completed). At a certain point, it will be able to teach every skill that can be taught be a necromancer trainer in every city. If there would be arena problems due to this (that running somehow doesnt allow already...)
5) Guild Flag Bearer. A patrolling NPC that carries the flag around a certain patrol route. The purpose here is more to have a bit more activity going on. The flag bearer can also be paid certain gold and maybe rare dropped or quest dropped items to make it where the GVG flag looks the same as your guild's cape.
6) Guards. These are present in GvG but not in the hall all the time? I suggest have them either de-facto in the hall or have certain regions where a guard NPC will randomly spawn. You can pay them certain items or money to be hired at your guild hall and hold "post." If they randomly spawn, you can find some sort of remote locations...maybe underworld quests where you actually bring them back to the living...
7) Guild Armor Crafter. Maybe a FoW quest. Also maybe requires a certain percent of your guild to have FoW or Citadel armor. This would once again add more PvE goals for a guild. Can pay money to upgrade his forge to design different armors.
8) Merchants and other traders. I say for these have different random dropped item quests. Have these drops be completely random and maybe even have the item requirements change randomly every few days so taht there isnt inflation on a specific item.
9) Guild Historian. Keeps a detailed easy to view log of GvG combat. Might be nice to even include records like which guild members participated, how long it lasted, and if possible what classes were used by both teams. Maybe as you complete more quests, he offers more stuff. Can also contain ladder information etc. that is on the Anet website.
10) Guild Harbormaster. Have an NPC with a boat that you can, once unlocked, merely travel to visit the other guildhalls to get an idea what they look like. This will also be helpful to know the terrain so that once you do GvG against those halls you will have an idea what they look like.
11) Fisherman. I liked the suggestion of a fishing minigame that keeps track of the biggest catch. Can look very cheesy and still be fun and cute... wouldnt be hard to program in.
12) Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.
13) Gambler. Simple games can be unlocked, have the odds always against the player so its more of a gold sink than a gold earning tactic. Once again, easy to impliment and would be enjoyed.
14) Guild Messenger. Officers can send letters to other guilds (such as "we challenge you at this time etc to an unrated GvG") and letters can be designated as readable by "officers only" or "general membership." All letters are posted and readable for a certain period of days. Possibly a defacto guild NPC.
15) Jester. Tells random weekly/daily jokes that Anet makes. Could even use community message boards to suggest weekly jokes and give credit to posters. People would love something like this. Keep it appropriate, of course.
I'll try to think of more, along with decorative ideas. Have for example some guild quests to slay a massive dragon that spawns only a certain percent of the time. If it spawns and they can kill it, then a large dragon skull drops a certain percent of the time. That skull, if dropped, can be displayed in the guild hall.
Some of these things have been suggested before so I do not claim to have complete authorship of all these ideas.
Daemon Dremora
These are all really good ideas, i especially like the fisherman, and gambling parts. I mean could you imagine a relaxing afternoon, just fishing with your guild mates, then go to a black jack table lay down some gold and hope your hand is better then you buddies. Great ideas. Anet definitely needs to do something with the guild halls because they are kinda boring.

One and Two
I think we need a priest of balthazar and a xunlai lady. I dont care too much bout the rest...
Yeah man, good suggestions. Guild halls do need more stuff. I especially like the npc ideas. I also read another post about pets. I'd be cool to be able to drop off a pet so you can get a new one without getting rid of your laboriously trained one. But make it so you don't have to re-charm it. Decorations are definitly needed. Trophies (like the dragon skull) could be displayed, and definitely something with guild cape/emblem. For that matter, there should be a guild emblemer available to put your guild emblem onto an item(s) of your choosing. Maybe some special armor model/textures for in-guild similarities? Maybe some options available to individual members/officers to maintain/decorate specific areas? Or even better, private quarters in buildings where members can have extra storage space (like a closet/armor case for holding armors, wall displays for weapons/trophies, a journal keeping records of PvP stats, GvG stats, and PvE stats, and so on)? The possibilities are endless!

Daemon Dremora
Yeah i like the idea where each member could have like their own closet or maybe even their own room inside of the hall. Like a member could maybe pay some gold to a certain NPC and get their own room inside of the hall. As long as the guild leader agreed. That way it can get put in a convienent place. Guild halls really do need decoration options. there are so many things people could do that anything would be great, really.
I like most ideas, they're pretty good.
The idea of a skill trainer teaching all possible skills is a bad one. It would allow players to get any skills at any part of the game, which isn't good if you ask me.
The NPC's shouldn't be unlockable, they should always be present. Some of the ideas are a bit unnecessary or completely useless and not fun. I listed below what I would like to see.
1) Guild Lord: Guild message. Quests for different professions.
2) Xunlai Agent
3) Guild Treasurer: Guild Storage. Size can be increased with a huge amount of gold.
4) Guards: Patrolling and standing around the guild hall.
5) Merchant: The basic merchant.
6) Guild Historian: Detailed log of GvG.
7) Guild Harbormaster: Takes you with a ship to watch other guild halls.
8) Gambler: Simple games with odds against the player, but some large wins.
9) Guild Messenger: If the global mail system is implemented, this would be really usefull.
9) Jester: Tells daily/weekly jokes. Community joke competitions?
The NPC's shouldn't be unlockable, they should always be present. Some of the ideas are a bit unnecessary or completely useless and not fun. I listed below what I would like to see.
1) Guild Lord: Guild message. Quests for different professions.
2) Xunlai Agent
3) Guild Treasurer: Guild Storage. Size can be increased with a huge amount of gold.
4) Guards: Patrolling and standing around the guild hall.
5) Merchant: The basic merchant.
6) Guild Historian: Detailed log of GvG.
7) Guild Harbormaster: Takes you with a ship to watch other guild halls.
8) Gambler: Simple games with odds against the player, but some large wins.
9) Guild Messenger: If the global mail system is implemented, this would be really usefull.
9) Jester: Tells daily/weekly jokes. Community joke competitions?
I really like these ideas.
I think it is pretty definite that the devs need to add more to guild halls. Guild storage, various NPCs, different options such as a previously mentioned 'defend the castle' at the guild hall, and just generally stuff that makes your Guild Hall a place where you can actually go do things other than GvG. Devs: take in, modify, implement.
I think it is pretty definite that the devs need to add more to guild halls. Guild storage, various NPCs, different options such as a previously mentioned 'defend the castle' at the guild hall, and just generally stuff that makes your Guild Hall a place where you can actually go do things other than GvG. Devs: take in, modify, implement.
I like the Jester, Fisherman, guild historian, standard guards and guild treasurer.
But what I like most is that you have to unlock these things. Very good idea to give guilds some more purpose in PvE.
Those quest however, would need to be very hard.
But what I like most is that you have to unlock these things. Very good idea to give guilds some more purpose in PvE.
Those quest however, would need to be very hard.
I like the idea of unlockable Guild Hall things/ quests.
I don't want Skills/Armor included.
I don't want Skills/Armor included.
Daemon Dremora
Originally Posted by Gem
The idea of a skill trainer teaching all possible skills is a bad one. It would allow players to get any skills at any part of the game, which isn't good if you ask me.
The NPC's shouldn't be unlockable, they should always be present. Some of the ideas are a bit unnecessary or completely useless and not fun. I listed below what I would like to see. 1) Guild Lord: Guild message. Quests for different professions. 2) Xunlai Agent 3) Guild Treasurer: Guild Storage. Size can be increased with a huge amount of gold. 4) Guards: Patrolling and standing around the guild hall. 5) Merchant: The basic merchant. 6) Guild Historian: Detailed log of GvG. 7) Guild Harbormaster: Takes you with a ship to watch other guild halls. 8) Gambler: Simple games with odds against the player, but some large wins. 9) Guild Messenger: If the global mail system is implemented, this would be really usefull. 9) Jester: Tells daily/weekly jokes. Community joke competitions? |
All of these are great but i would like to see a fisherman NPC as well. I think it would be cool. That way a guild could hold competitions to see which member could catch the biggest fish.
I would make it so the skill trainer keeps track of where your character has been, and refuses to teach skills from beyond. Maybe 1 area ahead. A measure of balance.
Otherwise, I like the idea. A lot. /signed ^ n
Otherwise, I like the idea. A lot. /signed ^ n
i agree with everything. i think there does need to be an armor smith and skill trainer, but they keep track of were u r. I also think the town needs to be populated with citizens, its so deserted as is. They could be called "Guild Name" Civilian. That would add alot more life. /signed
i think the skill trainer NPC needs to be updated with all the skills you unlock that way its like the other trainers in towns once you unlock u can purchase. this would also be nice because right now town ones only do one continent which is severly anoying.
i also think that it needs a xulani agent like those in cantha to unlock material storage but only for chars that have access to cantha and by that i mean have a joint cd acct not have access to the cantha island and mainland.
the armor thing seems to be a bit more complicated i believe it should be there but limiting to where you are is too much to keep tack of. they should somehow make this lvl related.
could use an NPC for crafting items again same as armor deal-ly needs to put some sort of lvl requirement or something easier to keep track of.
some dancers would be nice also maybe purchaseable again for that party mentality
1) Guild Lord: Guild message. Calender.
-----to this i would like to add a party purchase option maybe different back rounds like how they update towns during holidays. (undoable or expireable)
3) Guild Treasurer: Guild Storage. Size can be increased with a huge amount of gold.
-----love this maybe increase gold it holds 2
4) Guards: Patrolling and standing around the guild hall.
-----i like this wish they would do this in towns more too!
6) Guild Historian: Detailed log of GvG.
-----very nice
8) Gambler: Simple games with odds against the player, but some large wins.
-----eh not too keen on this but would like to see it nehow
9) Jester: Tells daily/weekly jokes. Community joke competitions?
-----nice idea maybe come up with 100 or so and cycle through them randomly.
12) Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.
-----this would be cool easier to have parties
i also think that it needs a xulani agent like those in cantha to unlock material storage but only for chars that have access to cantha and by that i mean have a joint cd acct not have access to the cantha island and mainland.
the armor thing seems to be a bit more complicated i believe it should be there but limiting to where you are is too much to keep tack of. they should somehow make this lvl related.
could use an NPC for crafting items again same as armor deal-ly needs to put some sort of lvl requirement or something easier to keep track of.
some dancers would be nice also maybe purchaseable again for that party mentality
1) Guild Lord: Guild message. Calender.
-----to this i would like to add a party purchase option maybe different back rounds like how they update towns during holidays. (undoable or expireable)
3) Guild Treasurer: Guild Storage. Size can be increased with a huge amount of gold.
-----love this maybe increase gold it holds 2
4) Guards: Patrolling and standing around the guild hall.
-----i like this wish they would do this in towns more too!
6) Guild Historian: Detailed log of GvG.
-----very nice
8) Gambler: Simple games with odds against the player, but some large wins.
-----eh not too keen on this but would like to see it nehow
9) Jester: Tells daily/weekly jokes. Community joke competitions?
-----nice idea maybe come up with 100 or so and cycle through them randomly.
12) Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.
-----this would be cool easier to have parties
Naga The Apocalypse
wat would also be cool is if u could change the NPC's skins like to stone summet dwarves, regular dwarves, mursaat, forgotten, charr, shiverpeak protectors, or avicera. but with all the same skils as the regular NPC's. i think it would add uniqness to the guilds and further increase pve play.
wat would also be cool is if u could change the NPC's skins like to stone summet dwarves, regular dwarves, mursaat, forgotten, charr, shiverpeak protectors, or avicera. but with all the same skils as the regular NPC's. i think it would add uniqness to the guilds and further increase pve play.
profession changer anyone... that can only change u to professions previously unlocked... simple but would speed up gvg with pve char... also i do like to use say merchants in guild hall since its only a button away an u can sell most of ur stuff there + u return to point where u left with jst the button... alot easyer than jumping to senjis or desert..
i do like the idea of more npcs an more goals as a guild... currently pve activity with guildmembers is quite limited...
i do like the idea of more npcs an more goals as a guild... currently pve activity with guildmembers is quite limited...
Minus Sign
Originally Posted by killer_sss
Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.

Most of these seem to be pretty good. I don't know if they'll go for the quest idea though...
Like the idea of the jester and civilians and guardians that live there and wander around. Also, if you have a room for your characters, it should be big, really big, and in a different loaded screen, so that when you walk in you can see the other characters you created doing something. Like if I walk in with my warrior I see my Ranger sitting in a chair petting her Stalker etc.
Like the idea of the jester and civilians and guardians that live there and wander around. Also, if you have a room for your characters, it should be big, really big, and in a different loaded screen, so that when you walk in you can see the other characters you created doing something. Like if I walk in with my warrior I see my Ranger sitting in a chair petting her Stalker etc.
Franco Power
I agree , 100k is way too much for a hall upgrade.
I suggest to add one more NPC for GH:
The Festival Hats Holder
The Festival Hats Holder
I like the messenger, historian, jester, and flag bearer ideas.
I like the messenger, historian, jester, and flag bearer ideas.
Idea Give the option to place a Festival Hat NPC in the Guild Hall.
Thats it.
Theres no reason not to have it ^_^
Thats it.
Theres no reason not to have it ^_^
I think we should have more control and customization overall with our Guild Halls anyway.
It's not too far out of the way for a character to go to LA or Kamadan.
Add a Festive Hat NPC to Kaineng. It's unnecessary anywhere else.
It's not too far out of the way for a character to go to LA or Kamadan.
Add a Festive Hat NPC to Kaineng. It's unnecessary anywhere else.
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It's not too far out of the way for a character to go to LA or Kamadan. Add a Festive Hat NPC to Kaineng. It's unnecessary anywhere else. |
Not A Fifty Five
Originally Posted by Blackhawk
Agreed, completely pointless in a Guild Hall unless he could clone hats for everyone in the Guild who may have missed out due to other commitments, and dont have a hat to clone one from.
It would also be completely pointless to have a storage, merchant, skills trader.. oh wait guild hall has that too? *snicker*
Kool Pajamas
Then we could put hats on our pvp characters
Then we could put hats on our pvp characters

/signed hat holder guy in gh!
How about a New service for the guild hall to add Customizable heralds in the halls to say anything you want randomly...
Its just a funny touch to the halls to have NPCs walking around saying things you tell them to say day in and day out.
I also would like to see a festive hat NPC added as a service at the guild lord.
Its just a funny touch to the halls to have NPCs walking around saying things you tell them to say day in and day out.
I also would like to see a festive hat NPC added as a service at the guild lord.
Lucien Beaumont
I think halls need to have more options available for the skirmish matches. My guild and I spend a lot of time fighting and messing around at our hall and the vanilla skirmish match does not have much to offer.
1. You should have the option to host a duel against another player in the hall. Other players would be able to watch the match in real time and even talk to the players dueling, but they would be unable to interfere otherwise. There would be no flag, and no death penalty. Spawn time should be set to every 5 seconds.
2. The option should exist for multi-team matches, three teams or more. Having a flag should be an option given to the players, same with the option to allow spectators. The spawn time and the death penalty should both be configurable by the players.
3. Deathmatch. Every man for themselves. Optional respawn times, death penalty, and flags.
4. When hosting a scrimmage match you should not be limited to your own guild hall as the map for it to take place on. You should be able to select from a drop down menu any guild hall that belongs to a guild in your alliance. This could potentially give you a choice of 10 guild halls for matches. It might also encourage guilds to pick some of the less popular halls for diversity and to provide a larger list of selectable battlegrounds.
1. You should have the option to host a duel against another player in the hall. Other players would be able to watch the match in real time and even talk to the players dueling, but they would be unable to interfere otherwise. There would be no flag, and no death penalty. Spawn time should be set to every 5 seconds.
2. The option should exist for multi-team matches, three teams or more. Having a flag should be an option given to the players, same with the option to allow spectators. The spawn time and the death penalty should both be configurable by the players.
3. Deathmatch. Every man for themselves. Optional respawn times, death penalty, and flags.
4. When hosting a scrimmage match you should not be limited to your own guild hall as the map for it to take place on. You should be able to select from a drop down menu any guild hall that belongs to a guild in your alliance. This could potentially give you a choice of 10 guild halls for matches. It might also encourage guilds to pick some of the less popular halls for diversity and to provide a larger list of selectable battlegrounds.
Originally Posted by taranwandering
Guilds need more stuff to work for and to kinda have as a goal. I'd like to see some high difficulty PvE rewards for guilds, the rewards include things like NPC characters.
Il like those very much:
1) Guild Lord:

3) Guild Treasurer:
7) Guild Armor Crafter.
9) Guild Historian.

10) Guild Harbormaster.
12) Guild tavern/barkeep/bar workers.
13) Gambler.
14) Guild Messenger.

I'd like to have a profession based uniform for the guild, one that you design
like the cape. It would work something like a disguise like you use in certain
Elonian quests.
like the cape. It would work something like a disguise like you use in certain
Elonian quests.
Sniper Corps
Now we jsut need somebody to badmouth these ideas so we can belittle and make them feel bad. FEEL BAD!
Stupid Shizno
i love the ideas but you have a flaw. you say your guild needs a percentiage of something inorder to unlock a npc, what if your guild is a 1-2man, and you both have fow, thats 100% compared to a guild of 100 members and 22 got fow. i think all quests should be open to all, and no requirments on how to obtain.
Flukie Lukie
Yeah we need a random bar ANYWHERE in the game I dont care sometimes i play the game just to socialise i just want a bar to get drunk and chat
Originally Posted by Zinger314
It's not too far out of the way for a character to go to LA or Kamadan. Add a Festive Hat NPC to Kaineng. It's unnecessary anywhere else. |
They've put the hat NPCs (which, by the way, thanks for them, ANet! great idea

What's wrong with another gold sink, one which makes life more convenient for everyone? I for one would be more than willing to shell out 100k for that guy.
Oh, and it would solve the problem of Factions-only players having access to the hatman; everyone can visit GH.

Colonel Norns
Alright, I've looked through these ideas, and I've come up with my own of course:
1.Festival Hat Guy, I like it, and approve.
2.The guards and civilians walking around in the hall, I have a few modifications to that:
-You should be able to buy random NPCs from your lord for 10k a piece with a maximum of 10 per hall, in which you can choose from which area of prophecies they come from, dwarves, krytans, ascalonians, sunspears, vabbians etc...
-If your guild has a faction, you should be able to unlock luxon or kurzick guards and NPCs (depending on which faction you are) by paying in luxon/kurzick faction, this gives more meaning toward faction, and not just owning towns...some people can't FF that much or don't have many members.
3.This kinda goes with #2, but I think if your guild doesn't have a faction your henchmen should stay the same, but if you're luxon or kurzick the henchmen in your hall should be called Luxon[Mage Henchmen] or Kurzick[Healer Henchmen].
4. Guild Historian would be a nice touch, keeping track of GvG status is important.
5. Xunlai Upgrades guy, I know that they are in other places like LA, Kamadan and stuff, but it would be nice for my new characters in Shing Jae to access materials for armor instead of changing chars, getting out the right amount and changing back.
6.I also wouldn't mind having an NPC that shows the amount of hours each member has played the past week (starting from when the NPC is bought and every 7 days updating on that day and time) to help know who's loyal and plays 5 hours or who just shows up for 2 minutes a day.
7. I also mentioned that we should be able to choose which guild lord we have in our hall, I prefer the Ghostly Hero instead of the Guild Lord she said she didn't know how it would be able to happen.
8. I also wouldn't mind having a guild acolyte, he would somehow be able to store HoH videos and replay them, but only if a member of your guild's team won, or your guild won.
9.This may have nothing to do with NPCs, but it's my biggest idea for guild halls, I think there should be an Alliance Chamber, filled with all the NPC possibilities, but this is where anyone from the alliance could go to meet instead of meeting in someone's hall, also this area would the flags from each guild in the alliance, there would also be zone portals to each guild hall, I know it seems pointless, but the game is Guild Wars, I just figured there should be more to do with guilds...since the only true guild thing is GvG.
10.My last idea, although again it has nothing to do with NPCs, I think the guild leader's tag should be different than anyone in the alliance. Instead of seeing gold for alliance members you see black or red or something.
This post has been submitted and awaits approval or disapproval.
1.Festival Hat Guy, I like it, and approve.
2.The guards and civilians walking around in the hall, I have a few modifications to that:
-You should be able to buy random NPCs from your lord for 10k a piece with a maximum of 10 per hall, in which you can choose from which area of prophecies they come from, dwarves, krytans, ascalonians, sunspears, vabbians etc...
-If your guild has a faction, you should be able to unlock luxon or kurzick guards and NPCs (depending on which faction you are) by paying in luxon/kurzick faction, this gives more meaning toward faction, and not just owning towns...some people can't FF that much or don't have many members.
3.This kinda goes with #2, but I think if your guild doesn't have a faction your henchmen should stay the same, but if you're luxon or kurzick the henchmen in your hall should be called Luxon[Mage Henchmen] or Kurzick[Healer Henchmen].
4. Guild Historian would be a nice touch, keeping track of GvG status is important.
5. Xunlai Upgrades guy, I know that they are in other places like LA, Kamadan and stuff, but it would be nice for my new characters in Shing Jae to access materials for armor instead of changing chars, getting out the right amount and changing back.
6.I also wouldn't mind having an NPC that shows the amount of hours each member has played the past week (starting from when the NPC is bought and every 7 days updating on that day and time) to help know who's loyal and plays 5 hours or who just shows up for 2 minutes a day.
7. I also mentioned that we should be able to choose which guild lord we have in our hall, I prefer the Ghostly Hero instead of the Guild Lord she said she didn't know how it would be able to happen.
8. I also wouldn't mind having a guild acolyte, he would somehow be able to store HoH videos and replay them, but only if a member of your guild's team won, or your guild won.
9.This may have nothing to do with NPCs, but it's my biggest idea for guild halls, I think there should be an Alliance Chamber, filled with all the NPC possibilities, but this is where anyone from the alliance could go to meet instead of meeting in someone's hall, also this area would the flags from each guild in the alliance, there would also be zone portals to each guild hall, I know it seems pointless, but the game is Guild Wars, I just figured there should be more to do with guilds...since the only true guild thing is GvG.
10.My last idea, although again it has nothing to do with NPCs, I think the guild leader's tag should be different than anyone in the alliance. Instead of seeing gold for alliance members you see black or red or something.
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The only thing I want to change in the Guild Hall is the Skill Trainer:
Make him teach any unlocked skill in your account, not only the Core ones.
Make him teach any unlocked skill in your account, not only the Core ones.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
The only thing I want to change in the Guild Hall is the Skill Trainer:
Make him teach any unlocked skill in your account, not only the Core ones. |
Oh, and a viable GVG team

All good Ideas i think as the Guild Halls have been neglected
I mean we are playing Guild Wars we are encouraged to firm Guilds so there should be more emphasis on the Guild
I do agree with the suggestion made about roving people in the guild although i feel the price should be 100k per person and as the guild hall is quite large there should be a minimum of 15 roving people
also the Guards idea you should be able to quest for some or buy but if you are questing then quests should be doable even for small guilds however i would prefer the purchase idea where each guard/guard type should cost 100k
On top of all this i would like to add a suggestion of my own
and that is the inroduction of the Guild Merchants Association cost 100k
the Guild Merchants Association should be able to offer Rewards ie Guild Enhancements such a Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum busts of types of monsters killed which are placed thoughout the main hall for visitors to see
to aquire these busts one must submit to the Guild Merchants Association
Various Body parts dropped by these monsters
ie 100 Termite legs will get your guild a Bronze Statue of a Termite on a Marble Plynth and an Inscription which reads something like "From The Guild Merchants Association in Appreciation for Services Rendered"
the Guild Mechants Association should be accessable by all in the guild and should show the number of items still required to get the next Item. this is very easy to update with new monsters.
The Guild Merchants Association can also [For a resonable Price] setup the Guild for the festival seasons changing its apprearence for say two weeks with the Guild Leader Being able to give a title to the Guilds Festival and once a year on the Guilds Birthday a Free festival should be available for a week period
The Guild Merchants Association should Only be available after the Guild Has purchased All other Merchants
Perhaps, Because the Merchants are linked to outside prices it may also be possible for the Separate Guild Merchants Associations to offer other rewards for Sales and Purchases made within the guild ie sales of goods has reached 500,000 gold the Guild Association throws a Free Festival to its Members
anyway there are my thought on this matter hope you enjoy
I mean we are playing Guild Wars we are encouraged to firm Guilds so there should be more emphasis on the Guild
I do agree with the suggestion made about roving people in the guild although i feel the price should be 100k per person and as the guild hall is quite large there should be a minimum of 15 roving people
also the Guards idea you should be able to quest for some or buy but if you are questing then quests should be doable even for small guilds however i would prefer the purchase idea where each guard/guard type should cost 100k
On top of all this i would like to add a suggestion of my own
and that is the inroduction of the Guild Merchants Association cost 100k
the Guild Merchants Association should be able to offer Rewards ie Guild Enhancements such a Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum busts of types of monsters killed which are placed thoughout the main hall for visitors to see
to aquire these busts one must submit to the Guild Merchants Association
Various Body parts dropped by these monsters
ie 100 Termite legs will get your guild a Bronze Statue of a Termite on a Marble Plynth and an Inscription which reads something like "From The Guild Merchants Association in Appreciation for Services Rendered"
the Guild Mechants Association should be accessable by all in the guild and should show the number of items still required to get the next Item. this is very easy to update with new monsters.
The Guild Merchants Association can also [For a resonable Price] setup the Guild for the festival seasons changing its apprearence for say two weeks with the Guild Leader Being able to give a title to the Guilds Festival and once a year on the Guilds Birthday a Free festival should be available for a week period
The Guild Merchants Association should Only be available after the Guild Has purchased All other Merchants
Perhaps, Because the Merchants are linked to outside prices it may also be possible for the Separate Guild Merchants Associations to offer other rewards for Sales and Purchases made within the guild ie sales of goods has reached 500,000 gold the Guild Association throws a Free Festival to its Members
anyway there are my thought on this matter hope you enjoy