I dont know if questions will be picked due to popularity, so I'll ask my questions even if other have already.
How often do devs look at ideas from forums such as the Sardelac Sanitarium here in GWGuru?
Will new pve areas be more random, variable and replayable? (and also provide better skill = progress, as opposed to merely being incredibly hard from the beginning.) It would be bad if they were structured in the same linear fashion as the current pve content.
Will you improve spell/skill graphic effects and combat graphics and animations for the existing player skills/models in the game, before the expansion?
Will more pvp maps with significantly different design, strategy, and environmental conditions be added? Soon?
Are we going to see new skills available before the expansion?
Why cant you allow all classes to use all faces and all hairstyles? It'd be a cheap, easy way to increase the customisability of our characters.
Currently most of the armours are so similar in both looks and bonuses as to have no real difference in choosing between them. Are you going to introduce armors with better tradeoffs and choices?
Are you going to make weapons crafters useful in some way?
What's the policy on changing/balancing skills? Are you going to do it extremely rarely, or more often after the "big patch" comes?
What's your intended vision for pvp vs. pve? How many unlocks do you think most people should play pvp with? How much time do you think is the intended amount before people can enjoy pvp to the fullest?
How many development staff do you actually HAVE over there? What rate of additional patches and content can we reasonably expect from you?
What ideas will you be looking at in the near future to aid in the organisation and formation of parties, guilds, friends, etc?