Originally Posted by aB-
Let me further your example making player B a "smart" person.
Player A decides to sell his items for 20K
Player B decides to wait and look for a better price
Player B finds next to no one with what he is looking for because Player A has hoarded the item he is looking for
Player B can hope for the drop, search for many hours and hours to find one person that has the item he needs, or buy from player A who has the item he needs at a higher price
Waiting isn't always going to work. If someone is TRULY hoarding one item, very few other people are going to have that item. You could search for hours trying to find a person with the item or buy it at a more expensive rate. If you have the money to throw around, chances are you will buy from the hoarder (player A).
If you tell me it won't be that hard to find the item that player A has hoarded from another person, then it isn't a true hoarding situation.
You still haven't gotten it have you?
The point i'm trying to make is that no one has an infinite amount of wealth. No one person could just continueily buy out every single item. Not unless he cheated.
The only way this works is that people are so impatient.
In this case Black dyes were hoarded or something.
Week 1: All Black dyes hoarded buy Player A who buys them for 10K
Week 2: Black dyes drop. Player A buys them again
Week 3: Player A decides to sell them for 20K. No one buys it for 20K
Week 4: Player A still selling, and buying for 15K. No one buys it for 20K.
Week 5: Player A cannot continue to buyout black dyes since he hasn't got 'infinite' wealth to do so.
Week 6: Black dyes come back to market from creature drops.
In this situation the hoarder doesn't win since the players are smart and decide to be patient.
OF course this doesnt happen in the game, because they are impatient.
HENCE you DESERVE to be hoarded.
IF you've done economics study, which i have, you'll know that Hoarding only works on the short run - say weeks.
In the long run (months) the hoarder will run out of money since there is still supply of the item into the market.
Runes and Dyes always have supply into the market, even if its 1 dye per hour.