Originally Posted by ManaCraft
What really disappoints me is that so far A.Net has shown no intention of being fast on the trigger to nip this thing in the bud. It's been a while now since the monk UW solo build made it into the public awareness. And the longer A.Net delays, the more the economy will suffer.
Personally I'm rather hoping for a skill fix instead of a quick enchantment removal bandaid. Otherwise said bandaid would, by necessity, have to be added to all other high level areas, lest they succomb to the same fate as UW. ManaCraft |
My main thing when I'm down there farming is skill point gains. So i can buy and unlock skills. Really it is only for that.
Just because you cant do something.....you want to punish those that can. Well thats pretty selfish. These builds are not whats got the economy all screwed up. Botters and uber powerful guilds are the problem. They have turned from bot runs to commodites traders. Who do you think has all the gold? If they are selling 1,000,000 gold on ebay....and thats not moving....where do you think that money is going? They begin to speculate on items ingame. The monk build goes boradband....2 days later all the Sup monk runes go thru the roof. Do you think that players bought all those runes? or did a botter company buy up the supply at the trader and now sells them in trade spam? Have you ever talked to one of these traders in the trade channel or whisper? You can 90% of the time tell that they are cutting and pasting into a translator and reply in semi gobblyguck back to you. AND...once you buy or not...they keep comming back to you trying to sell.....over and over....and over.
Ever notice that even if an item is out of stock or priced thru the roof that there are always many of those items for trade in the spam channel?
If I get a decent rune, the 1st thing I do is offer it to guildies......if they dont need it, I check the trader. If the trader is giving a decent buyback....I seel it to the trader. If not....I hang on to it for later.
If they nerf the build or add enchant strippers....then they will prove without a doubt that they are Anti-Legit-Farming and we can all move on to another game.....because the botters/well funded large guilds will own this game and everyone else is just fluff.