Originally Posted by Crimson_1190
....spend 9 hrs a day farming.lower and middle class.....huh? I know this is going to go against the grain of what passes for cool in forums....much like smoking in the bathrooms at school, but what the hell is this class crap i always hear about. It is like people are attempting to interject some greater philosophy about economics....its a friggin' game. What next a movement of the prolateriate? maybe tweak the traders a little in their price formula, but a major overhaul is not needed...people who play more will have more PERIOD. If they did not there would be no incentive to do so. You can complain about nerfing all you want....but my point is a) it is just a game b) a comment about the length of time people spend playing is immaterial, they will always have more, bemoaning that point is not worth it.
Actually, the only one "interjecting" a greater philosophy to this argument is you. When I mentioned lower and middle classes, I wasn't referring to them literally. I was using a metaphor to explain that there are newer players in Guild Wars who can't enjoy the luxuries that more experienced players have already bought-out from them.
And why should I have to "accept the fact" that because I purchased Guild Wars a few months late, I have lost EVERY chance to become its richest player? I thought this was a balanced game? I paid $50 for this game, and I'm pretty sure that these richer GW players didn't pay a dime more. So, with that said, where's my discount?
I'm not going to sit back and allow an unbalanced system take place without posting my complaint. Quite frankly, I refuse to do so because it just isn't right. It isn't right that I was sold on a game by a front, and back, cover, that made me gush in excitement about how balanced and fair this game was to every player that purchased it. Did A-Net lie to me when they told me my skills were going to determine the outcome of my play? Or, are they just implying that the only "Skill" worth developing in this game is buying the game before everyone else?
That's a skill I'm afraid I won't be able to capture with a signet. Too bad.