Space Action key Attack selected enemy, approach selected ally or pick selected item
F1 Select Preset 1 Switches to Weapon Preset #1
F2 Select Preset 2 Switches to Weapon Preset #2
F3 Select Preset 3 Switches to Weapon Preset #3
F4 Select Preset 4 Switches to Weapon Preset #4
F12 Log out Exit to title screen
Enter Chat Opens the chat window
Slash [/]Emote Type a command after the / to emote
H Character Opens the character/attributes window
I Inventory Opens the inventory window
F9 Toggle bags Opens up all four inventory bags
M Map Opens the map window
N Message Center Opens the message center window
L Quest Log Opens the quest window
K Skills Opens the skills window
P Minimap Opens the minimap with your current location
W Walk Forward Tap twice to auto-run. Tap again to stop (enable in options first)
R Auto-Run Run untill you press another movement key
S Walk Backwards Tap twice to turn around (enable in options first)
A Walk Left
D Walk Right
Q Strafe Left Move left while facing in the same direction
E Strafe Right Move right while facing in the same direction
X Turn Arround Tap to turn arround
C Target Closest Foe Selects the closes enemy
Semicolon [;]Cycle through items Cycles through items on the ground
F or TAB Target self Target your character
R Target previous Target the last target
T Target called target Use after a player called (CTRL+LClick) a target
Z Look behind Place the camera behind you
1 Skill #1 Use 1st first skill
2 Skill #2 Use 2nd first skill
3 Skill #3 Use 3rd first skill
4 Skill #4 Use 4th first skill
5 Skill #5 Use 5th first skill
6 Skill #6 Use 6th first skill
7 Skill #7 Use 7th first skill
8 Skill #8 Use 8th first skill
Print Scrn Take a screenshot Press Shift+Print Scrn to make a screenshot without the interface
CTRL+Shift+H Hide interface Press CTRL+Shift+H again to display the interface again
Escape Cancel
CTRL (hold)
In Towns: Displays the names of Player Characters
Outside: Displays the names of hostiles
CTRL+double LClick Call Target (attack)
CTRL+Shift+LClick Call Target (select)
Shift+Click Target and hold position
CTRL+LClick on Health Displays the health of your character to your party
CTRL+LClick on Mana Displays the mana of your character to your party
CTRL+LClick on Skill Casts the skill and notifies your party
CTRL+LClick on condition Displays your condition to the party
CTRL+Space Call selected target
ALT (hold)
In Towns: Displays the names of Non-Player Characters and signs
Outside: Displays the names of neutral characters
/age /beckon /beg /boo /bored /bow /bug /cheer /cheer /excited /scratch /flexes /scares /school /clap /congrats /deaths /doh /drums /fistshake /flute /guitar /health /help /jump /kneel /laugh /moan /no /pickme /point /ponder /pout /roar /roll [number] /salute /sigh /sit /sorry /violin /wave /yawn /yes |
! = /a = All @ = /g = Guild # = /p = Party $ = ?? = Trade " = ?? = Whisper |