Originally Posted by Mr. Matt
It always interests me how being satisfied with something is automatically associated with 'fanboyism'. I'd absolutely love to know how you think people can possibly 'love' the game when they blurt out things like "GIVE US UAS OR DIE!", or "ANET LIED TO ME THROUGH THEIR BACK TEETH! I HATE THEM! I PUT A HEX ON YE, I TELL YA!", or "This game sucks completely unless you will give me these things that me and a couple of friends really want..."
I use the term fanboyism to describe any GW enthusiast who refuses to acknowledge any flaw with the game, denouncing complaints without trying to comprehend them, usually without actual clue about the issue. My problem isn't with people who are satisfied, it's with people who apparently feel
so satisfied that they can't tolerate others to be unsatisfied.
Have you ever considered that someone who is shouting for UAS might have
actually already unlocked all skills in the game, found it an entirely cumbersome and repetitive process resembling exactly that which GW said it would prevent - grind, in other words, has the actual experience to base a complaint on, as opposed to baseless whining? My problem is with people who just reached Lion's Arch on their first character, still have the entire world open to them, then read a 'whine' like that, get upset and exclaim that Guild Wars is GREAT and doesn't need UAS.
There's a difference between criticism and childish whining. Just as there's a difference between blind praise and satisfaction. 75% of the 'criticism' I see around here falls under the 'childish whining' category. There's even at least one regular member of this forum who seemingly specifically logs in just to post how much he hates the game in a few threads and then logs off again, mentioning no names.
Moderation is key ofcourse, and I agree there is a lot of baseless whining going on (wah I want to be richer, wah there are not enough l33t weapons) - anyone with half a clue can filter that sort of thing. But a lot of the whining stems from a couple of problems that seem to trouble a large group of players, and as long as they're not addressed, the whining is just going to grow in volume. And ofcourse if people start whine threads about people whining like the OP did, that doesn't exactly help.
I think you'll find that ANet is better served by both criticism and praise. If all they ever get is criticism they'll just assume the whole game's flawed, and that every single player dislikes it. If they don't get any praise they won't know which parts are OK as they are.
I believe every thread where Gaile announced her presence got about 75% praise and 25% people trying to get her to acknowledge certain issues. I agree that praise and criticism both have their place, but a forum is typically a place where people discuss things. Discussions require difference of opinion usually, so there's not a whole lot to talk about in praise threads, which is why they usually get launched in the nature of 'because everyone else is whining, I hereby start a praise thread!' making them a complain thread by itself. A good critic starts a thread because he wants to see a change, and that alone shows care for Guild Wars already.
Ask anyone who praises the game and I'm sure they'll give you a couple of suggestions for how the game could be improved. The difference is, they don't come onto the forums and announce how much they hate the game, and how they think the game is going to collapse under the weight of its own junk. Which is much less helpful than either praise or criticism.
Ask any player, and they'll give a couple of suggestions for how the game could be improved, that's universal, and we can agree about that. A satisfied player will typically not have issues with the game that detract from his playing experience, instead suggesting things that would add to the game for him (new classes, new skills, you name it). A complainer
does have issues with the game that detract from his playing experience. Although some choose rather poor ways to express their issues, that doesn't mean those issues don't exist. And as long as issues aren't addressed or acknowledged, chances are people are going to continue whining about the same thing over and over (such as the traders, currently).
Finally, just because there is no monthly fee doesn't disqualify you from every right to want improvements. Every player paid for the game, and the game was advertised to be developed with updates and expansions - that's what people signed up for, what they paid for. And customers should always be allowed to complain about what they consider a broken product, ofcourse. ArenaNet is not a charitable organisation, they are a business, and we are its customers. There is no question of 'free'.