The game basically sucks now...
Joe Camelot
My whole thing is part of the game that i really enjoy is buying and selling of items. The update pretty much has taken that away. I mean why would someone buy a dye from me for 6k when they can buy it for 7k at trader..Same goes for matl's and runes. It seems now the only way I will ever be able to afford any of those extremly high priced weapons is to play for longer times to get what change I can get from drops. It seems to me that they could put a system in place that responds better to supply and demand. Almost like the way it was but with some minor changes.. like when trader is out of an item thats when the the trader should offer a price that is higher. If the trader has planty in stock well then the price offered should be less.... Making the window between buying and selling close together just discourages free trade.. Which in my opinion is a very fun part of the game..
I skimmed through the last couple pages of this. I would imagine the guys that LOVE the game are either guys who PvP solely, or were beta testers who got all their stuff cheap in the beginning and have items that aren't even available in the game now.
Once a game becomes boring and finished what good is it to play any more? That is why Anet has continue to update the game I am sure, and why they are looking to make new maps, and most assuredly new armors or weapons, to keep the game fresh, and to keep the guys that have finished seemingly every conceiveable build playing.
Once you have made 6-7 characters and do not PvP what else is there to do but go out hunting/farming? How boring is it to go through those missions and build charatcers? Most guys don't do it with the 4 they have let alone deleting a charatcer they've built and starting over. Most guys but unided runes, and unlock all the skills they want. Damn they even made it possible for the PvP guys to unlock skills for any preofession simply by aquiring faction points. Now all someone has to do is play PvP for endless hours and they can unlock every rune and skil in the game. WHere doe sthat fit into their "skills based RPG not based on hours of game play" discalimer?
People want to play for hours, that why they chose games that can be modified and updated. Like I say, my corner is full of gams I have beaten, and once beaten they are old news. Bbut to play for hours they have ot have somehting that appeals to them. Obviously you can't please everyone. But there has to be some common sense. You can't make something that was worth 100 plat a second ago worth 100 gold. How does that make any sense at all?
When you make a game that revolves around rare items, and obscenely awesome graphics capabilities where people can not only buy in game armors, but can customize the colors with various dye and dye combinations. You are going to build that capatilistic/money making player that want the coolest looking armor, the coolest looking weapons. Weapons are not based on price for rarity, or damage caused. But they are based on look and how they appear in the graphics of the game.
I am not saying the game sucks because it allowed people to get want they want. I say it sucks because maybe 1% of the people that needed something actually were on and got what hey needed before guys like me bought everything up. I am sitting on windows of rubies,saphires, superior runes, ecros and shard. I can basically outfit all 4 of my current toons and have some left over, AND I have a couple hundred plat left over. Not to mention all the pefect weapons I stil have.
I am sure they will still fetch a pretty penny despite this new economy, basically becasue that is still a "human" market buying them. I am not complaing becasue I missed out, I am complaining because it was so easy for me to get all that stuff even cheaper than I could yesterday morning. I am complaing because I felt like I needed to do it to keep up withthe other guys that would do it anyways. JUST IN CASE i needed those items in the future and didn't want to spend everything I had. PLus what if there are new updats with new armors, or new things that the developers let you get? Like guild storages, or guild buildings. THAT would be a lot better for the developers to intdouce than to constantly be resetting prices. If you remember corerectly they did it a few weeks ago, and we saw where that went. I am sure it wil be the same this time, maybe even worse. Then another update? If they keep doing that then gold/plats will be the only thing worth trading in the future. becasue you won't ever know what something is going to be worth from one day to the next. So those 5 ectos you traded for that 50K hammer are now worth 25K.
In an RPG game economy is important, and it is a part of the game. Like it or noty. And it is definately something that needs to be looked at seriously by the develpoers. Because it isn't fair for anyone to keep resetting everything.
I would have rather had them reset everything, including all hoarded items in people invemtories, giving them fair trade values in plast fro all materials in their stashes. THEN start over. Meaning that the 100 rubies I had be vauled at somewhere between 500-750K and then taken out of my stash and replaced with Plat. Obviously that creates problems with the ceiling that people are allowed to have. But I would have much rather lost them and gotten something in return, than to have them still sitting there with no value whatsoever. Same goes with ecto. Take them out of the game and replace them with plats.
That way NO BODY has any materials. So we all start fresh. Also at that point putting a quota on items. So that a person could buy only say 10 of one item an hour or a day. So even though they were loaded with plats/gold, they couldn't start right out hoarding al over again, which is EXACTLY what people have continued to do.
Now you xcan say make the itmes they hoard worhtless, but that isn't faiir either. It isn't the players faults that the game is the way it is. They are doing what makes the game fun for them. Since it is a loophole in the system then they will do it.
All I know is that in a week or so black dyes might be 50K and ectos might be 20-25. And if there is the new update including new armors rubies and spahires might be 20-25K as well.
Once a game becomes boring and finished what good is it to play any more? That is why Anet has continue to update the game I am sure, and why they are looking to make new maps, and most assuredly new armors or weapons, to keep the game fresh, and to keep the guys that have finished seemingly every conceiveable build playing.
Once you have made 6-7 characters and do not PvP what else is there to do but go out hunting/farming? How boring is it to go through those missions and build charatcers? Most guys don't do it with the 4 they have let alone deleting a charatcer they've built and starting over. Most guys but unided runes, and unlock all the skills they want. Damn they even made it possible for the PvP guys to unlock skills for any preofession simply by aquiring faction points. Now all someone has to do is play PvP for endless hours and they can unlock every rune and skil in the game. WHere doe sthat fit into their "skills based RPG not based on hours of game play" discalimer?
People want to play for hours, that why they chose games that can be modified and updated. Like I say, my corner is full of gams I have beaten, and once beaten they are old news. Bbut to play for hours they have ot have somehting that appeals to them. Obviously you can't please everyone. But there has to be some common sense. You can't make something that was worth 100 plat a second ago worth 100 gold. How does that make any sense at all?
When you make a game that revolves around rare items, and obscenely awesome graphics capabilities where people can not only buy in game armors, but can customize the colors with various dye and dye combinations. You are going to build that capatilistic/money making player that want the coolest looking armor, the coolest looking weapons. Weapons are not based on price for rarity, or damage caused. But they are based on look and how they appear in the graphics of the game.
I am not saying the game sucks because it allowed people to get want they want. I say it sucks because maybe 1% of the people that needed something actually were on and got what hey needed before guys like me bought everything up. I am sitting on windows of rubies,saphires, superior runes, ecros and shard. I can basically outfit all 4 of my current toons and have some left over, AND I have a couple hundred plat left over. Not to mention all the pefect weapons I stil have.
I am sure they will still fetch a pretty penny despite this new economy, basically becasue that is still a "human" market buying them. I am not complaing becasue I missed out, I am complaining because it was so easy for me to get all that stuff even cheaper than I could yesterday morning. I am complaing because I felt like I needed to do it to keep up withthe other guys that would do it anyways. JUST IN CASE i needed those items in the future and didn't want to spend everything I had. PLus what if there are new updats with new armors, or new things that the developers let you get? Like guild storages, or guild buildings. THAT would be a lot better for the developers to intdouce than to constantly be resetting prices. If you remember corerectly they did it a few weeks ago, and we saw where that went. I am sure it wil be the same this time, maybe even worse. Then another update? If they keep doing that then gold/plats will be the only thing worth trading in the future. becasue you won't ever know what something is going to be worth from one day to the next. So those 5 ectos you traded for that 50K hammer are now worth 25K.
In an RPG game economy is important, and it is a part of the game. Like it or noty. And it is definately something that needs to be looked at seriously by the develpoers. Because it isn't fair for anyone to keep resetting everything.
I would have rather had them reset everything, including all hoarded items in people invemtories, giving them fair trade values in plast fro all materials in their stashes. THEN start over. Meaning that the 100 rubies I had be vauled at somewhere between 500-750K and then taken out of my stash and replaced with Plat. Obviously that creates problems with the ceiling that people are allowed to have. But I would have much rather lost them and gotten something in return, than to have them still sitting there with no value whatsoever. Same goes with ecto. Take them out of the game and replace them with plats.
That way NO BODY has any materials. So we all start fresh. Also at that point putting a quota on items. So that a person could buy only say 10 of one item an hour or a day. So even though they were loaded with plats/gold, they couldn't start right out hoarding al over again, which is EXACTLY what people have continued to do.
Now you xcan say make the itmes they hoard worhtless, but that isn't faiir either. It isn't the players faults that the game is the way it is. They are doing what makes the game fun for them. Since it is a loophole in the system then they will do it.
All I know is that in a week or so black dyes might be 50K and ectos might be 20-25. And if there is the new update including new armors rubies and spahires might be 20-25K as well.
Antonio Cappello
Originally Posted by Angelina
For you it's not, for me it is.
What's the point continue playing after you beat the game ? (I'm talking about pve)
What's the point continue playing after you beat the game ? (I'm talking about pve)
Originally Posted by sidepocket13
prices high......... people complaine
prices low.......... people complaine |
Imagine you saved for years and years and years to get that new house! you paid a great deal for it! Tha land u bought was highy sought after and expensive...if only you could have afforded more land. Then you come home from work to discover all the land around you sold for 50 cents an acre and contractors were building new homes on it for pennies on the dollar. but u were four hours to late, now u cant get in on the deals and you have people who do not know what it is like to work for something have more than you.
I could only dream that arenanet checks the logs of mass purchases for say ecto and such. then refund the money and take back the mass ectos, it aint hard to find, he who has 100 plus ectos sitting around is the guilty one especially if the logs show he never had more than 20k in his game life.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
all I can say is I missed out. I had no idea prices were set back and so I missed out on building up my char.
I have almost completely stopped playing because all the things I want...(runes) are so expensive that I could not fathom playing long enough to gather the gold needed to BUY what I NEED for my char. To think I had a chance to NOT STOCK UP but grab the few things that have been out of my sucks. anyway...I'm not mad that they did what they did, just wish I could have benefited from it.
I have almost completely stopped playing because all the things I want...(runes) are so expensive that I could not fathom playing long enough to gather the gold needed to BUY what I NEED for my char. To think I had a chance to NOT STOCK UP but grab the few things that have been out of my sucks. anyway...I'm not mad that they did what they did, just wish I could have benefited from it.
As I've said to you since last night, Angelina, maybe it's time to lay the game aside for a month or two and play Dungeon Siege 2 or F.E.A.R. Both have great demos out and should keep anyone occupied for a few days. Heck, you can even pretend the baddies are the ANet devs that messed up your game.
F.E.A.R. line
Dungeon Siege II
F.E.A.R. line
Dungeon Siege II
Sagius Truthbarron
Oooooh my life is ruined! Not only can I not sell these 40 Superior Water runes I bought, but now black dye is almost at an affordable price! My career on E-bay is over! Over!
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Oooooh my life is ruined! Not only can I not sell these 40 Superior Water runes I bought, but now black dye is almost at an affordable price! My career on E-bay is over! Over!
roflmao. I hope that was sarcasm.
....yeah, didn't this also happen to Mexico when they changed the value of their real-world Peso? I remember visiting that country right about the time the money got changed. I'll tell you, almost no one wanted Pesos, they wanted the more stable Dollar. Think about this:
Exchange 6 Pesos for 1 Dollar (the exchange rate when I first arrived)
Wait one month
Exchange 1 Dollar for 100 Pesos.
Yeah, that's also like 6 years old, but you get the idea. Economies are a lot less flexible than you think. I predict that by the begining of November, if the good folks at Anet just walk away from the economy, it'll be EXACTLY like it was (more or less) about a month ago from now.
Some things are rare. That's reality. Who cares if you can't make your armor that exact shade of blueish-white? If you think you *need* ANY rune, you'd better re-think the way you play. You SHOULD pay well for a nice weapon, or, better yet, GO EARN THE THING YOURSELF. And who says you have to pay 100k for... anything? Don't forget the second half of "The Value of Stuff": It's worth what I am willing to sell it for, and what you are willing to pay for it.
I dunno, I guess I just concidered the Black Dye to be Guild War's Lucky Lotto Ticket.
[EDIT] Also, 2 posts up is the most hilarious thing ever XD
Exchange 6 Pesos for 1 Dollar (the exchange rate when I first arrived)
Wait one month
Exchange 1 Dollar for 100 Pesos.
Yeah, that's also like 6 years old, but you get the idea. Economies are a lot less flexible than you think. I predict that by the begining of November, if the good folks at Anet just walk away from the economy, it'll be EXACTLY like it was (more or less) about a month ago from now.
Some things are rare. That's reality. Who cares if you can't make your armor that exact shade of blueish-white? If you think you *need* ANY rune, you'd better re-think the way you play. You SHOULD pay well for a nice weapon, or, better yet, GO EARN THE THING YOURSELF. And who says you have to pay 100k for... anything? Don't forget the second half of "The Value of Stuff": It's worth what I am willing to sell it for, and what you are willing to pay for it.
I dunno, I guess I just concidered the Black Dye to be Guild War's Lucky Lotto Ticket.
[EDIT] Also, 2 posts up is the most hilarious thing ever XD
Oh wow, the DS2 demo is 1.5 gigs
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
Oooooh my life is ruined! Not only can I not sell these 40 Superior Water runes I bought, but now black dye is almost at an affordable price! My career on E-bay is over! Over!
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
Originally Posted by Aniewiel
As I've said to you since last night, Angelina, maybe it's time to lay the game aside for a month or two and play Dungeon Siege 2 or F.E.A.R. Both have great demos out and should keep anyone occupied for a few days. Heck, you can even pretend the baddies are the ANet devs that messed up your game.
F.E.A.R. line Dungeon Siege II |
100% agree with Akilles.
For my part, GW is over, I'll finish some buisness and remove it.
Because to get more than 1,000 ectos, it will take me years. And when I'll get them finally, they'll be useless. I don't think Anet want to fix that, afterall it's cool that the economy is controlled by this players. Look at Lion's Arch, there are spams "Paying 500 ectos for ultimate crystalline sword" , or more funny : "I show more than 1,000 ectos just open a trade".
A funny thing, Anet didn't said anything about that. But in old farm days, it was "OMG no the farmers are screwing the economy OMG we need to stop them otherwise they'll have more money than the others !"
At this times, money was counted in "1,000" (1k , 50k etc...)
Now it's in billions and ectos. They nerfed the farm for some gold, but allowed a fast turnover for some billions...
I still don't understand. Taking a break is the best thing to do. And for my part, if they don't do anything, they can take their extensions and put them in their (censored)...
For my part, GW is over, I'll finish some buisness and remove it.
Because to get more than 1,000 ectos, it will take me years. And when I'll get them finally, they'll be useless. I don't think Anet want to fix that, afterall it's cool that the economy is controlled by this players. Look at Lion's Arch, there are spams "Paying 500 ectos for ultimate crystalline sword" , or more funny : "I show more than 1,000 ectos just open a trade".
A funny thing, Anet didn't said anything about that. But in old farm days, it was "OMG no the farmers are screwing the economy OMG we need to stop them otherwise they'll have more money than the others !"
At this times, money was counted in "1,000" (1k , 50k etc...)
Now it's in billions and ectos. They nerfed the farm for some gold, but allowed a fast turnover for some billions...
I still don't understand. Taking a break is the best thing to do. And for my part, if they don't do anything, they can take their extensions and put them in their (censored)...
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
for the most part i really could care less about who has what and such. All i really want is to play the PvE aspect of the game and get rewarded. I want to get the things I need without having to farm. I have four chars. only one is not ascended. I have over 450 hours into this game. I should not have to put another 450 hours into it to afford the few things I need for my chars. I'm looking forward to a different game. actually i don't really play GW any longer...sad because I loved the game.
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Kaylynn Of Ascalon
last night black dye was listed at OVER 34k at the merchant. affordable? No. everyone bought out the merchants and rune sellers to grab all the good items and now those items are more expensive than ever.
Moltov joss
Originally Posted by wiz12268
Anet as intheir usual shortighted half assed manner have once again killed this game.
Sure the roll back in pricing was supposed to help people, but reducing prices to the very minimum was stupid. Not only that but they didn't put any kind of limit on what people could buy. Even if prices do not skyrocket comlpletely out of control the sheer profit from 300 to 6K is astronimical even if they sell to traders, especailly if the bought 200 ectos or more. Having monk runs go from 50K + to zero is also pretty assinine, people buting 10-12 or more, now the traders are completely sold out. Sure some guys got them cheap, but what about the guys that missed out? I bought RYL yesterday, and even though it is 9.99 a month to play it I am probably going to switch over. It is actually free if you keep taking surveys every month,. Until Anet stops making knee jerk reactions to every problem that come up this game is going to be completley unbalanced. PvP versu PvE, and now wealthy against Super wealthy against noob. How exactly did this update help ANYONE but the guys who hapened to be online at the moment it happened and had ehough gold to hoard and hoard and hoard? Admittedly I bought my fair share of cheap stuff, but who cares? I already had stuff saved up. So does it make it any better? Of course not, but if I didn't then I would be at a "disadvantage" against every other guy that was doing the same thing. So how does that help the game. Forcing guys with hundreds of thousands of gold into thinking that they HAVE to buy things just to keep up with the Jones? Because undoubtedly a week or 10 days from now whenthe traders are stil out of stock on items peeole can start charging what they want again, and eventually it wil be even worse than it was. Since the traders won't ever be in stock of an item then how canpeople get an idea of "value"? People always check the trader before buying materials, Bt if they are selling that option is gone, if player need 100 damask to make that Elemetal armor and the trader has none, but would only charge say 300 if he did, what is to say the guy that has 1000 units stored can't charge 100 k for it? Sure you can make Damask, but that takes time and a trip to some collectors not easilly obtained. When the economy of a game starts overrinding the PLAYING of the game then it is in serious trouble. I do not see how this helped anyone out in the long run. As a side note, if the gold drops have decreased as some have alluded to, then that compounds the problem for all the newer guys. A very shortsighted and extreme move that might eventually make MANY people stop playing this game, and probably make a lot not even start or continue, if they are new to it. While it is easy to criticize after the fact, and definalteyl hard to please everyone. This move by them was probably the worst option they could have made. A complete reset of item with absolutely no limit on quantities allowed to but. That would be like Bill Gates saying OK I am going to reset shares of Microsoft at one penny a share come and get them. A very few would soon own all the shares avaialable, and anyone looking to get them in the future would have to pay what the owners wanted. But this is a foolish analogy, since we all know that ecot is more covetted than shares of Microsoft. |
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
yes, complaining seems to be in our nature. There will always be people not happy. No getting around that I'm afraid.
Little Thom's Bro
Thank god for the update. Sadly i lost alot of gold after the update. (to much dye and runes) But hey now newbies can buy item.
Puddin Tame
Originally Posted by Damon Windwalker
*chuckles* I was thinking the exact same thing....
When I first started the game all I really wanted was one nice character with fisure armor dyed black-blue-silver (for dark blue shiny ). Back then it may have cost around 750k but I could adventure in the fissure and uw a bit to get some of the materials I needed. Now something like that could cost 4000k or more. The last time I checked ectos were gone and shards were 9k each! Before getting my fissure armor was just hard. Now it is impossible. I have totally given up on that and what really pisses me off about the reset is I know that if I was playing right then I could have had my armor... I have played lots for the armor I wanted and had to abandon it but someone who could be a total noob right at the start with a few plat can get what I really wanted and worked for with just a few minutes of buying ecto and shards and sup vigor/absorbation really cheap after the reset.
All you guys say is "oh you don't need it, its only for looks." and "it dosnt matter if he got rich... just be happy for him and keep playing" Its easy for you to say it but when I wanted that armor it was a goal to get to and when it becomes nearly impossible and then anyone who is lucky enough to be there are the right time can get it...
I almost never complain about games and guild wars is great and this wont stop me from playing it but when stuff like this happens it just isn't fair.
I don't want anyone to start saying "its only a game" because even so if you put time into something you expect to get something out of it and when some person just gets ahead so easilly without even working it really shakes you up.
"Who cares if you got fired and some person took your place because his dad was rich, it wont matter because when you die you don't get to keep anything" Ok its a little more serious but it can be applied the same way. No guild wars is not my life or anything but really you guys are saying the exact same thing and it makes no sense to me...
It is just not fair and if you play WoW and Starcraft and other games you don't expect other people to be able to instantly get 100000000 gold and then own you up just because some guy glitched something up.
I have been wanting to say that for a long time and people who defend guild wars good for you but if they make a mistake you can't cover up for it.
True there will always be someone who will complain but the trick is too please the MAJORITY not the 1% who got to buy ectos at 100g. This is ridiclous and I think it would be better to just make the traders have unlimited stock and "crash" the server and "lose" the backups. At least that way noobs will have a fair start and I can get my dark blue shiny fissure armor. I know that most people won't agree with me but thats ok and I doubt any game would ever do that.
All you guys say is "oh you don't need it, its only for looks." and "it dosnt matter if he got rich... just be happy for him and keep playing" Its easy for you to say it but when I wanted that armor it was a goal to get to and when it becomes nearly impossible and then anyone who is lucky enough to be there are the right time can get it...
I almost never complain about games and guild wars is great and this wont stop me from playing it but when stuff like this happens it just isn't fair.
I don't want anyone to start saying "its only a game" because even so if you put time into something you expect to get something out of it and when some person just gets ahead so easilly without even working it really shakes you up.
"Who cares if you got fired and some person took your place because his dad was rich, it wont matter because when you die you don't get to keep anything" Ok its a little more serious but it can be applied the same way. No guild wars is not my life or anything but really you guys are saying the exact same thing and it makes no sense to me...
It is just not fair and if you play WoW and Starcraft and other games you don't expect other people to be able to instantly get 100000000 gold and then own you up just because some guy glitched something up.
I have been wanting to say that for a long time and people who defend guild wars good for you but if they make a mistake you can't cover up for it.
True there will always be someone who will complain but the trick is too please the MAJORITY not the 1% who got to buy ectos at 100g. This is ridiclous and I think it would be better to just make the traders have unlimited stock and "crash" the server and "lose" the backups. At least that way noobs will have a fair start and I can get my dark blue shiny fissure armor. I know that most people won't agree with me but thats ok and I doubt any game would ever do that.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
I agree with 691175002.
i would suggest looking at this forum and read the comments on Jun 16th umber=2.
that is 1 month after the merchant updates and new system was added. i saw this after 1 month of the new system and many other's acted like this was some big surpise that the old prices where so high. there was a reason. i knew something like this was going to happen. read the comment left today also.
be glad that the ecto was at 300g and now there is a huge supply of them among players to sell and trade amongst each other. the prices are higher after reset, yes, but it will be short lived. merchants are giving good prices to buy items now. players are basicly capped by this. you wanted a cap on merchant's prices well here it is. they can't sell the item for more than what the merchant is going to give. if your like me i'll take what the merchant gives now over players (did before on common material because it was reasonable) because i don't have to sit and spam for an hour or 2 to clear my inventory. so everytime i sell the price is going down.
market is going to stablize. its is very close to real life. market is bad and going south prices rising. government gives tax cuts to put money in more pockets so they can in turn buy things boosting the economy. we have a really big boost after the update but it will balance out over time. umber=2.
that is 1 month after the merchant updates and new system was added. i saw this after 1 month of the new system and many other's acted like this was some big surpise that the old prices where so high. there was a reason. i knew something like this was going to happen. read the comment left today also.
be glad that the ecto was at 300g and now there is a huge supply of them among players to sell and trade amongst each other. the prices are higher after reset, yes, but it will be short lived. merchants are giving good prices to buy items now. players are basicly capped by this. you wanted a cap on merchant's prices well here it is. they can't sell the item for more than what the merchant is going to give. if your like me i'll take what the merchant gives now over players (did before on common material because it was reasonable) because i don't have to sit and spam for an hour or 2 to clear my inventory. so everytime i sell the price is going down.
market is going to stablize. its is very close to real life. market is bad and going south prices rising. government gives tax cuts to put money in more pockets so they can in turn buy things boosting the economy. we have a really big boost after the update but it will balance out over time.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
be glad that the ecto was at 300g and now there is a huge supply of them among players to sell and trade amongst each other. the prices are higher after reset, yes, but it will be short lived. merchants are giving good prices to buy items now. players are basicly capped by this. you wanted a cap on merchant's prices well here it is. they can't sell the item for more than what the merchant is going to give. if your like me i'll take what the merchant gives now over players (did before on common material because it was reasonable) because i don't have to sit and spam for an hour or 2 to clear my inventory. so everytime i sell the price is going down.
If i got a few billion off the reset, bought all the ectos in the game (aided by the nerfs which reduce the amount added into the game) and then started selling them for 30k each would you be pissed? Why aren't you pissed now? Even better idea, buy all the cloth in the game and sell it for 50g each! Not only did I just shaft every noob player but all armor requires some of the common materials and if someone needs 140 of them for forge armor I just shafted him and got rich in the process.
Wait... I see Shards at 9k and ecto gone... wait... Wts ecto 20k? has the economy gotten any better? The problem is that the people who made lots of money off the reset now control the economy. They can buy out all the stock on an item for like 200g each then sell it for 20k each if they want because they are the only ones who have them.
That is the reason I suggested to have the server "accidentally" crash the then have the backups "dissapear". Then update the traders so that there is unlimited stock. That is the only quick way I can see to fix the economy is to wipe everything but that would make most people mad. (and then they might burn me at the stake for suggesting it lol)
Red Sonya
Originally Posted by zemelett
gw updates...........poeple complain
gw doesnt update........people complain ... gw nerfs.............people complain gw doesnt nerf..........people complain ... im seeing a running theme here....people just like to complain.... |
Originally Posted by Red Sonya
It's more like whiners and complainers just like to whine and complain. Ever notice it's basically always the same people? People in general are enjoying the game, the moral majority are enjoying the game, the few minisule posts here mean nothing and are very insignificant. Therefore you whiners and complainers only recourse is to either get with it or get out of it. We the "people" don't really care and have spoken.
Either way what is done is done and a-net may have made a mistake but we can only hope it wont happen again (or if it does I benifit from it ) and that the current problems will get fixed.
As long as the people who complain (I guess that would include me ) remember that once you have made your point you don't need to bash guild wars or become a broken record player (or would a stupid bot be a better term?) and unless there is some conveinient way to undo everything what is done is done and can't be changed by a million posts saying everything sucks, I think complaining is one way to make the game better .
No one cares that the % of the sell price is increased: people are happy about that. People are angry that Anet had to go and give some people a 100x multiplier for their gold. Buying at the mats trader earned you 10 ectos for 1k. When i got there, steel was still selling for 30g a piece, as was deldrimor steel... and i got there late.
Sigils went down to 1k per, and runes were down to min. All i heard in local was
"rofl! i have 50 sup abs and 50 sup vigors now!!!"
Within a few minutes, he'd have 5 million dollars off an investment of 10k.
That's what's wrong. The fact that economically, the change may have been batshit awesome, but that some people gained HUGE amounts of money, while the others are now looking at mat and rune traders that are sold out is OBVIOUSLY going to bring complaints.
Fair? No. It isn't. People expect fairness. Even if ectos are now capped at 10k each, they're still far too expensive for someone playing casually to work towards. Botting the traders or being at the right place at the right time? Well, since that's obviously more important than 300+ hours of pure farming, you can get all your fissure armor and... oh, why don't we be nice and throw max money at you too.
Sigils went down to 1k per, and runes were down to min. All i heard in local was
"rofl! i have 50 sup abs and 50 sup vigors now!!!"
Within a few minutes, he'd have 5 million dollars off an investment of 10k.
That's what's wrong. The fact that economically, the change may have been batshit awesome, but that some people gained HUGE amounts of money, while the others are now looking at mat and rune traders that are sold out is OBVIOUSLY going to bring complaints.
Fair? No. It isn't. People expect fairness. Even if ectos are now capped at 10k each, they're still far too expensive for someone playing casually to work towards. Botting the traders or being at the right place at the right time? Well, since that's obviously more important than 300+ hours of pure farming, you can get all your fissure armor and... oh, why don't we be nice and throw max money at you too.
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
i'm crying....I want good deals too. frackers screwed me good. (smiley face) (winky face) (sour face)
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
the only reason i was happy about it was because i thought i would be safe from threads like these for at least a few days.. i was wrong..
Originally Posted by Kaylynn Of Ascalon
I'm not saying a few zeroes wouldn't be nice, but how much money does a player seriously actually need?
Originally Posted by trelloskilos
Hey! I didn't get any deals, I'm not rich, but because I don't really give a flying frcak at a rolling doughnut about trying to squeeze loads of zeroes into my platinum storage display, I avoided all the stress.
I'm not saying a few zeroes wouldn't be nice, but how much money does a player seriously actually need? |
a lot of zeroes for sets of fissure armor.
Fissue is useless now, every tom, dick, and harry has it, so i no longer see a point for getting it, everywhere i go i see FoW armors dyed black lined up... i don't know if im looking at 6 players or if that one guy just used "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
Fissue is useless now, every tom, dick, and harry has it, so i no longer see a point for getting it, everywhere i go i see FoW armors dyed black lined up... i don't know if im looking at 6 players or if that one guy just used "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"
I'm kinda surprised there's really any disagreement on this. I've only been playing GW for a couple of weeks, but it was obvious from the moment my character went post-Searing that the economy was terminally broken and I certainly haven't noticed it getting any better. In just the short time I've been on prices have jumped around like a hyper-active gerbil on a crystal meth bender, not what I'd call a good sign. The price on most things worth having, even at the 'noob' level, has rapidly approached and passed the point of the utterly insane whilst the value of 99.99% of drops is depressingly close to zero. Just keeping one's self in ident and scavenge kits can be a headache, which gets to be rather depressing. Any town I go into the chat channel isn't even worth looking at. I count myself lucky that I generally prefer to solo with henchies as between the endless cries of WTS, the runners, and others looking to make a gp, I can't imagine how anyone could put together a PUG. Every time I go into a town the words "Tragedy of the commons" float before my eyes, and what a tragedy it is. I'm wondering how long it'll be before the only way you can get into a PUG is to hand over some gold.
Anyone who thinks this isn't having real-world consequences for the game isn't thinking things through very thoroughly. I'm sure I'm not the only one who, when asked by her friends and family if GW is any good, has to say "Ummm... Yes and no...". Word-of-mouth counts for a lot of sales and while the screwy economy alone isn't enough to kill the game, some of the consequences of that screwy economy are pushing it that way.
Anyone who thinks this isn't having real-world consequences for the game isn't thinking things through very thoroughly. I'm sure I'm not the only one who, when asked by her friends and family if GW is any good, has to say "Ummm... Yes and no...". Word-of-mouth counts for a lot of sales and while the screwy economy alone isn't enough to kill the game, some of the consequences of that screwy economy are pushing it that way.
Originally Posted by Ultimate_Gaara
Fissue is useless now, every tom, dick, and harry has it, so i no longer see a point for getting it, everywhere i go i see FoW armors dyed black lined up... i don't know if im looking at 6 players or if that one guy just used "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"
well the market goes up it goes down, my one major complaint is WHEN THE HELL AM I GOING TO GET A GOLD DROP THAT ISN'T A DAM HEXED MODDED WEAPON!!!???
how about that for a complaint every weapon, that's right every dam single gold weapon dropped for me is a vs hexed or while hexed to me a hex dmg mod gold weapon is so dam comon and usually its something i can't use or seel and i either have to sell to the trader for 300gp or less or salvo it and hope to get something good from it, which is usually never the case.
I have acctually deleted several characters and created new ones in hopes of getting different drops, guess what..NOPE!!! every gold item is a while hexed or vs hexed...12 gold items in 4 days alone all Hexed...
ok i'm off to give a hydra a wedgie, heh prolly the only use for my hexed gold items.
:::End Transmission:::
how about that for a complaint every weapon, that's right every dam single gold weapon dropped for me is a vs hexed or while hexed to me a hex dmg mod gold weapon is so dam comon and usually its something i can't use or seel and i either have to sell to the trader for 300gp or less or salvo it and hope to get something good from it, which is usually never the case.
I have acctually deleted several characters and created new ones in hopes of getting different drops, guess what..NOPE!!! every gold item is a while hexed or vs hexed...12 gold items in 4 days alone all Hexed...
ok i'm off to give a hydra a wedgie, heh prolly the only use for my hexed gold items.
:::End Transmission:::
People complaining on a forum is no indication of what people thay play the game are thinking.I would say less than 1% of the people who play the game even know about this website. Check the chatter on the local chaneels, and see ho wmany distrcits there are for certain cities. On the weekend there are usually 25-30 for ascalon and 15-20 or linons, and when the US has favor generally 20-25 for ToA. See what people are saying, and see how many districts for the hotter venues there are. if there is a major drop in districts, thatis sruely a telltale sign fewer people are playing.
Myfriendslist hasabout20 mames, Iloged onlast night and one of them was playing. At any given timethere are 6-7 of them. That is why they are there, they are active, so at any given time we have a network of friends that can help each other out. Generally that is called a Guild, but it is easier to do it with friends sometimes, espcially if some of them belong to some more well established guilds already.
I have read far more negatives in this than positives. I DID get a lot and I DID get a ton of stuff hoarded, and I am still complaining, simply because it is bad for the game long term. I have no agenda, I have no attitude. I just know this game can be fixed, and can be something that can be played for awhile. But when one aspect of the game is as flawed as this, it takes away from the game as a whole.
You aren't creating a level field for players, you are ofeering things that nmow I would say 90% of the players cannot afford. Who is going to want to continue playing a gamewhere they can't get ANY of the cool stuff? That is when animousity and confusion get into the picture. People get jealous of theguys who have eveything, and continually trying to buy an item, and continually getting prices that they can't ever dream ofpaying beats people down over time. So they just stop playing, and when if it ever gets fixed they don't know about it because they have already gone on to something welse.
The thing that makes GW good is also the amount of people playingit. The more people the more chances of makinga team, getting a battle going. If fewer and fewer people play that will kill the game, and that has a snowball effect over time.
The other online games might not be as geat technically or graphically, but a lot of people still play them, and there are always enough people online so that you can usually get what you want.
Who wants to go into towns and see 4-5 blue dots and try to do a mission? It is hard eough finding monks to play healer now. If people leave the game it won't be possible to even finish it. Unless you go with all hences, and depending on your build, that might take a few tries.
Myfriendslist hasabout20 mames, Iloged onlast night and one of them was playing. At any given timethere are 6-7 of them. That is why they are there, they are active, so at any given time we have a network of friends that can help each other out. Generally that is called a Guild, but it is easier to do it with friends sometimes, espcially if some of them belong to some more well established guilds already.
I have read far more negatives in this than positives. I DID get a lot and I DID get a ton of stuff hoarded, and I am still complaining, simply because it is bad for the game long term. I have no agenda, I have no attitude. I just know this game can be fixed, and can be something that can be played for awhile. But when one aspect of the game is as flawed as this, it takes away from the game as a whole.
You aren't creating a level field for players, you are ofeering things that nmow I would say 90% of the players cannot afford. Who is going to want to continue playing a gamewhere they can't get ANY of the cool stuff? That is when animousity and confusion get into the picture. People get jealous of theguys who have eveything, and continually trying to buy an item, and continually getting prices that they can't ever dream ofpaying beats people down over time. So they just stop playing, and when if it ever gets fixed they don't know about it because they have already gone on to something welse.
The thing that makes GW good is also the amount of people playingit. The more people the more chances of makinga team, getting a battle going. If fewer and fewer people play that will kill the game, and that has a snowball effect over time.
The other online games might not be as geat technically or graphically, but a lot of people still play them, and there are always enough people online so that you can usually get what you want.
Who wants to go into towns and see 4-5 blue dots and try to do a mission? It is hard eough finding monks to play healer now. If people leave the game it won't be possible to even finish it. Unless you go with all hences, and depending on your build, that might take a few tries.
Originally Posted by wiz12268
You aren't creating a level field for players, you are ofeering things that nmow I would say 90% of the players cannot afford. Who is going to want to continue playing a gamewhere they can't get ANY of the cool stuff?
That is when animousity and confusion get into the picture. People get jealous of theguys who have eveything, and continually trying to buy an item, and continually getting prices that they can't ever dream ofpaying beats people down over time. |
I just don't think that people stomping off in a huff over small issues like cosmetic armor differences is a big deal. Good riddance, I say. And, as I've said to others: Go find another game to play for a time until you cool down and come back in awhile. GW will still be here, thinking players will still be here and things will be fun for you again. And if it isn't fun when you return, use the "start -->control panel-->add/remove programs-->uninstall" sequence and life is good again. I'd still venture that you got your money's worth.
Thinking players don't care |